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The Impact of Substance Use Disorders on Families: An Examination from a Social Work Perspective

Year 2024, Volume: 5 Issue: 4, 223 - 233, 31.12.2024


Substance use disorders not only deeply affect individuals but also families and communities. This paper aims to examine the impact of substance use disorders on family members from a social work perspective. In this study, a literature review based on national and international academic sources was used as the data collection method. Families are affected in various ways by a substance-using individual, with children being especially at risk, as they have a higher likelihood of developing substance use disorders themselves. Social work professionals, by assessing the individual within the context of their environment, develop strategies to actively involve the family in the treatment process. Evidence-based family therapies can significantly assist both the individual and the family during treatment. Additionally, incorporating environmental factors such as school systems, workplaces, and communities into the treatment process can help individuals not only stop substance use but also reintegrate into society. In conclusion, a multidisciplinary approach to substance use disorders and family involvement plays a crucial role in the success of the treatment process.


  • Aazami, A., Valek, R., Ponce, A. N., & Zare, H. (2023). Risk and protective factors and interventions for reducing juvenile delinquency: A systematic review. Social Sciences, 12(9), 474.
  • Baldwin, S., Christian, S., Berkeljon, A., & Shadish, W. (2012). The effects of family therapy for adolescent delinquency and substance abuse: A meta-analysis. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 38(1), 281–304.
  • Bowlby, J. (1988). A secure base: Clinical applications of attachment theory. Routledge.
  • Bredehoft, D. J. (2021, August 5). How parental substance abuse affects children. Psychology Today.
  • Brown, J., & Christensen, D. (1986). Family therapy theory and practice. Brooks/Cole.
  • Carter, E., & McGoldrick, M. (Eds.). (1989). The changing family life cycle: A framework for family therapy (2nd ed.). Gardner Press.
  • Coles, C. D., Platzman, K. A., Raskind-Hood, C. L., Brown, R. T., Falek, A., & Smith, I. E. (1997). A comparison of children affected by parental alcohol exposure and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Alcoholism:
  • Clinical & Experimental Research, 21(1), 150–161.
  • Denomme, W. J., & Benhanoh, O. (2017). Helping concerned family members of individuals with substance use and concurrent disorders: An evaluation of a family member-oriented treatment program. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 79, 34–45.
  • Diamond, R. (2024, March 6). The importance of positive adult-child relationships. Psychology Today.
  • Easton, C. J., Crane, C. A., & Mandel, D. (2018). A randomized controlled trial assessing the efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy for substance-dependent domestic violence offenders: An integrated substance abuse-domestic violence treatment approach (SADV). Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 44(3), 483–498.
  • Friedman, B. D., & Allen, K. M. (2014). Systems theory. In J. R. Brandell (Ed.), Essentials of clinical social work (pp. 123–138). Sage.
  • Gençer, Ç., Er, F., Barut, B., & Kara, Y. (2021). Koruyucu sağlık hizmetlerinin sunumunda sosyal hizmet mesleğinin önemi. Toplum ve Sosyal Hizmet, 32(3), 1125–1142.
  • Haber, J., Bucholz, K. K., Jacob, T., Grant, J. D., Scherrer, J. F., Sartor, C. E., Heath, A. C. (2010). Effect of paternal alcohol and drug dependence on offspring conduct disorder: Gene-environment interplay. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 71(5), 652–663.
  • Haverfield, M. C., Ilgen, M., Schmidt, E., Shelley, A., & Timko, C. (2019). Social support networks and symptom severity among patients with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders. Community Mental
  • Health Journal, 55(5), 768–776. Hawkins, D., Catalano, R., & Miller, J. (1992). Risk and protective factors for alcohol and other drug problems in adolescence and early childhood: Implications for substance abuse prevention. Psychological Bulletin, 112(1), 64–105.
  • Henn, M., Weinstein, M., & Foard, N. (2009). A short introduction to social research. SAGE Publications. Institute of Alcohol Studies. (2020, December). Domestic abuse, sexual assault, and child abuse.
  • Kara, Y. (2019). Makro sosyal hizmet çerçevesinde sivil toplum kuruluşlarının önemi. Aurum Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 4(2), 155-169.
  • Kelley, M. L., French, A., Bountress, K., Keefe, H. A., Schroeder, V., Steer, K., Fals-Stewart, W., & Gumienny, L. (2007). Parentification and family responsibility in the family of origin of adult children of alcoholics. Addictive Behaviors, 32(4), 675–685.
  • Kumar, N., Oles, W., Howell, B. A., Janmohamed, K., Lee, S. T., Funaro, M. C., O'Connor, P. G., & Alexander, M. (2021). The role of social network support in treatment outcomes for medication for opioid use disorder: A systematic review. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 127, 108367.
  • Kühn, J., & Slabbert, I. (2017). The effects of a father's alcohol misuse on the wellbeing of his family: Views of social workers. Social Work, 53(3), 409–422.
  • Lander, L., Howsare, J., & Byrne, M. (2013). The impact of substance use disorders on families and children: From theory to practice. Social Work in Public Health, 28(3–4), 194–205.
  • Lloyd, A., Broadbent, A., Brooks, E., Bulsara, K., Donoghue, K., Saijaf, R., Lawrence, P. J., Leung, G., Mitchell, M., & Stone, P. (2023). The impact of family interventions on communication in the context of anxiety and depression in those aged 14–24 years: Systematic review of randomized control trials. BJPsych Open, 9(5), e161.
  • Magill, M., Ray, L., Kiluk, B., Hoadley, A., Bernstein, M., Tonigan, J. S., & Carroll, K. (2019). A meta-analysis of cognitive-behavioral therapy for alcohol or other drug use disorders: Treatment efficacy by contrast condition. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 87(12), 1093–1105.
  • Mansharamani, H., Patil, P. S., Behere, P. B., Mansharamani, D., & Nagdive, A. (2018). Psychiatric morbidity in children of alcoholic parents. Industrial Psychiatry Journal, 27(2), 226–230.
  • Martens, M. (2019). A phenomenological examination of resilience in adult children of alcoholics (Doctoral dissertation, Walden University). Walden University ScholarWorks.
  • McGoldrick, M., & Gerson, R. (1985). Genograms in family assessment. W.W. Norton & Company.
  • McHugh, R. K., Hearon, B. A., & Otto, M. W. (2010). Cognitive behavioral therapy for substance use disorders. The Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 33(3), 511–525.
  • Mhaidat, I., Taherian, M. R., Hashemi Nazari, S. S., et al. (2023). Effect of cognitive–behavioural therapy on resilience and relapse in adult patients with substance use disorder: A systematic review protocol. BMJ Open, 13, e067115.
  • Miller, W. R., & Rollnick, S. (2002). Motivational interviewing. Guilford Press.
  • Miller, W. R., & Rose, G. S. (2010). Motivational interviewing in relational context. American Psychologist, 65(4), 298–299.
  • Monari, E. N., Booth, R., Forchuk, C., & Csiernik, R. (2024). Experience of family members of relatives with substance use disorders: An integrative literature review. Creative Nursing, 30(3), 232–244.
  • Morris, A. S., Criss, M. M., Silk, J. S., & Houltberg, B. J. (2017). The impact of parenting on emotion regulation during childhood and adolescence. Child Development Perspectives, 11(4), 233–238.
  • Murase, H., Simons, R. M., & Simons, J. S. (2021). Distinct paths to alcohol problems: Impacts of childhood maltreatment, attachment insecurity, and interpersonal problems. Addictive Behaviors, 115, 106780.
  • National Association of Social Workers. (2013). NASW standards for social work practice with clients with substance use disorders.
  • National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2023, January 6). Screening and assessment tools chart. National Institute on Drug Abuse.
  • Tolley, N. S. (1994). Oncology social work, family systems theory, and workplace consultations. Health & Social
  • Work, 19(3), 227–230. Peterson, J. (2024, November 14). Substance abuse effects on family: Unseen impacts. Safety First Blog.

Madde Kullanım Bozukluklarının Aileler Üzerindeki Etkisi: Sosyal Hizmet Perspektifinden Bir İnceleme

Year 2024, Volume: 5 Issue: 4, 223 - 233, 31.12.2024


Madde kullanım bozuklukları, yalnızca bireyleri değil, aynı zamanda aileleri ve toplumu da derinden etkileyen önemli bir sorundur. Bu makale, madde kullanım bozukluklarının aile üyeleri üzerindeki etkilerini sosyal hizmet perspektifinden incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu çalışma kapsamında veri toplama yöntemi olarak ulusal ve uluslararası literatürde yer alan akademik çalışmalar çerçevesinde kitaplık araştırması kullanılmıştır. Aileler, madde kullanan birey tarafından çeşitli biçimlerde etkilenirken, çocuklar özellikle risk altındadır ve madde kullanımı bozukluğu geliştirme olasılıkları artmaktadır. Sosyal hizmet uzmanları, bireyi çevresiyle birlikte değerlendirerek, tedavi sürecinde aileyi aktif bir katılımcı olarak dahil etmeye yönelik stratejiler geliştirmektedir. Kanıta dayalı aile terapileri, tedavi sürecinde bireye ve aileye etkili bir şekilde yardımcı olabilmektedir. Ayrıca, okul sistemleri, iş yerleri ve topluluklar gibi çevresel faktörlerin tedavi sürecine dahil edilmesi, bireylerin madde kullanımını bırakmalarına ve topluma yeniden entegre olmalarına katkı sağlayabilir. Sonuç olarak, madde kullanım bozukluklarıyla mücadelede multidisipliner bir yaklaşım ve aile katılımı, tedavi sürecinin başarısı için kritik bir öneme sahiptir.


  • Aazami, A., Valek, R., Ponce, A. N., & Zare, H. (2023). Risk and protective factors and interventions for reducing juvenile delinquency: A systematic review. Social Sciences, 12(9), 474.
  • Baldwin, S., Christian, S., Berkeljon, A., & Shadish, W. (2012). The effects of family therapy for adolescent delinquency and substance abuse: A meta-analysis. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 38(1), 281–304.
  • Bowlby, J. (1988). A secure base: Clinical applications of attachment theory. Routledge.
  • Bredehoft, D. J. (2021, August 5). How parental substance abuse affects children. Psychology Today.
  • Brown, J., & Christensen, D. (1986). Family therapy theory and practice. Brooks/Cole.
  • Carter, E., & McGoldrick, M. (Eds.). (1989). The changing family life cycle: A framework for family therapy (2nd ed.). Gardner Press.
  • Coles, C. D., Platzman, K. A., Raskind-Hood, C. L., Brown, R. T., Falek, A., & Smith, I. E. (1997). A comparison of children affected by parental alcohol exposure and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Alcoholism:
  • Clinical & Experimental Research, 21(1), 150–161.
  • Denomme, W. J., & Benhanoh, O. (2017). Helping concerned family members of individuals with substance use and concurrent disorders: An evaluation of a family member-oriented treatment program. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 79, 34–45.
  • Diamond, R. (2024, March 6). The importance of positive adult-child relationships. Psychology Today.
  • Easton, C. J., Crane, C. A., & Mandel, D. (2018). A randomized controlled trial assessing the efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy for substance-dependent domestic violence offenders: An integrated substance abuse-domestic violence treatment approach (SADV). Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 44(3), 483–498.
  • Friedman, B. D., & Allen, K. M. (2014). Systems theory. In J. R. Brandell (Ed.), Essentials of clinical social work (pp. 123–138). Sage.
  • Gençer, Ç., Er, F., Barut, B., & Kara, Y. (2021). Koruyucu sağlık hizmetlerinin sunumunda sosyal hizmet mesleğinin önemi. Toplum ve Sosyal Hizmet, 32(3), 1125–1142.
  • Haber, J., Bucholz, K. K., Jacob, T., Grant, J. D., Scherrer, J. F., Sartor, C. E., Heath, A. C. (2010). Effect of paternal alcohol and drug dependence on offspring conduct disorder: Gene-environment interplay. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 71(5), 652–663.
  • Haverfield, M. C., Ilgen, M., Schmidt, E., Shelley, A., & Timko, C. (2019). Social support networks and symptom severity among patients with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders. Community Mental
  • Health Journal, 55(5), 768–776. Hawkins, D., Catalano, R., & Miller, J. (1992). Risk and protective factors for alcohol and other drug problems in adolescence and early childhood: Implications for substance abuse prevention. Psychological Bulletin, 112(1), 64–105.
  • Henn, M., Weinstein, M., & Foard, N. (2009). A short introduction to social research. SAGE Publications. Institute of Alcohol Studies. (2020, December). Domestic abuse, sexual assault, and child abuse.
  • Kara, Y. (2019). Makro sosyal hizmet çerçevesinde sivil toplum kuruluşlarının önemi. Aurum Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 4(2), 155-169.
  • Kelley, M. L., French, A., Bountress, K., Keefe, H. A., Schroeder, V., Steer, K., Fals-Stewart, W., & Gumienny, L. (2007). Parentification and family responsibility in the family of origin of adult children of alcoholics. Addictive Behaviors, 32(4), 675–685.
  • Kumar, N., Oles, W., Howell, B. A., Janmohamed, K., Lee, S. T., Funaro, M. C., O'Connor, P. G., & Alexander, M. (2021). The role of social network support in treatment outcomes for medication for opioid use disorder: A systematic review. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 127, 108367.
  • Kühn, J., & Slabbert, I. (2017). The effects of a father's alcohol misuse on the wellbeing of his family: Views of social workers. Social Work, 53(3), 409–422.
  • Lander, L., Howsare, J., & Byrne, M. (2013). The impact of substance use disorders on families and children: From theory to practice. Social Work in Public Health, 28(3–4), 194–205.
  • Lloyd, A., Broadbent, A., Brooks, E., Bulsara, K., Donoghue, K., Saijaf, R., Lawrence, P. J., Leung, G., Mitchell, M., & Stone, P. (2023). The impact of family interventions on communication in the context of anxiety and depression in those aged 14–24 years: Systematic review of randomized control trials. BJPsych Open, 9(5), e161.
  • Magill, M., Ray, L., Kiluk, B., Hoadley, A., Bernstein, M., Tonigan, J. S., & Carroll, K. (2019). A meta-analysis of cognitive-behavioral therapy for alcohol or other drug use disorders: Treatment efficacy by contrast condition. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 87(12), 1093–1105.
  • Mansharamani, H., Patil, P. S., Behere, P. B., Mansharamani, D., & Nagdive, A. (2018). Psychiatric morbidity in children of alcoholic parents. Industrial Psychiatry Journal, 27(2), 226–230.
  • Martens, M. (2019). A phenomenological examination of resilience in adult children of alcoholics (Doctoral dissertation, Walden University). Walden University ScholarWorks.
  • McGoldrick, M., & Gerson, R. (1985). Genograms in family assessment. W.W. Norton & Company.
  • McHugh, R. K., Hearon, B. A., & Otto, M. W. (2010). Cognitive behavioral therapy for substance use disorders. The Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 33(3), 511–525.
  • Mhaidat, I., Taherian, M. R., Hashemi Nazari, S. S., et al. (2023). Effect of cognitive–behavioural therapy on resilience and relapse in adult patients with substance use disorder: A systematic review protocol. BMJ Open, 13, e067115.
  • Miller, W. R., & Rollnick, S. (2002). Motivational interviewing. Guilford Press.
  • Miller, W. R., & Rose, G. S. (2010). Motivational interviewing in relational context. American Psychologist, 65(4), 298–299.
  • Monari, E. N., Booth, R., Forchuk, C., & Csiernik, R. (2024). Experience of family members of relatives with substance use disorders: An integrative literature review. Creative Nursing, 30(3), 232–244.
  • Morris, A. S., Criss, M. M., Silk, J. S., & Houltberg, B. J. (2017). The impact of parenting on emotion regulation during childhood and adolescence. Child Development Perspectives, 11(4), 233–238.
  • Murase, H., Simons, R. M., & Simons, J. S. (2021). Distinct paths to alcohol problems: Impacts of childhood maltreatment, attachment insecurity, and interpersonal problems. Addictive Behaviors, 115, 106780.
  • National Association of Social Workers. (2013). NASW standards for social work practice with clients with substance use disorders.
  • National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2023, January 6). Screening and assessment tools chart. National Institute on Drug Abuse.
  • Tolley, N. S. (1994). Oncology social work, family systems theory, and workplace consultations. Health & Social
  • Work, 19(3), 227–230. Peterson, J. (2024, November 14). Substance abuse effects on family: Unseen impacts. Safety First Blog.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Sociology (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Yunus Kara 0000-0002-7812-5845

Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date December 13, 2024
Acceptance Date December 30, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 5 Issue: 4


APA Kara, Y. (2024). Madde Kullanım Bozukluklarının Aileler Üzerindeki Etkisi: Sosyal Hizmet Perspektifinden Bir İnceleme. 19 Mayıs Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 5(4), 223-233.