Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 7 - 17, 31.01.2020



  • Ács, A. and Kontschán, J. 2014. Contribution to the Macrochelidae Vitzthum, 1930 fauna of the Carpathian Basin and the Balkan Peninsula (Acari: Mesostigmata). Opuscula Zoologica Budapest, 45 (2): 109-118.
  • Ambros, M. 1984. Mite species (Acari: Mesostigmata) new to the Hungarian fauna. Miscellanea zoologica hungarica, 2: 43-44.
  • Ambros, M. 1987. Mites (Acari: Mesostigmata) from small mammals in Hungary. Parasitologia Hungarica, 20: 99-107.
  • Ambros, M. 1993. Mites (Acari: Mesostigmata) from small mammals (Insectivora and Rodentia) in the Bükk Mts (Hungary). In: Mahunka, S. (Ed.): The fauna of the Bükki Nemzeti Park I. The Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, 449-453 pp.
  • Berlese, A. 1887. Acari, Myriopoda et Scorpiones hucusque in Italia reperta, 38, 19 text pages + Plates 1-10. Reprint by Junk, The Hague, 1979.
  • Berlese, A. 1888. Acari Austro-Americani quos collegit Aloysius Balzan. Manipulus primus. Species novas circiter quinquaginta complectens. Bullettino della Società Entomologica Italiana, 20: 171-222, pls. V–XIII.
  • Berlese, A. 1889. Acari, Myriopoda et Scorpiones hucusque in Italia reperta, 54, 18 text pages + Plates 1-10. Reprint by Junk, The Hague, 1979.
  • Berlese, A. 1903. Acari nuovi. Manipulus Ius. Redia, 1: 235-252.
  • Berlese, A. 1904. Acari nuovi. Manipulus IIus. Redia, 1: 258-280.
  • Berlese, A. 1918. Centuria quarta di Acari nuovi. Redia, 13: 113-190.
  • Bregetova, N.G. and Koroleva, E.V. 1960. Mites of the family Macrochelidae Vitzthum, 1930 in the fauna of the USSR. Parazitologicheskii Sbornik Zoologicheskogo lnstituta Akademii Nauk SSSR, 19: 346-411.
  • Cuvier, G. 1829. Le Règne Animal Distribué d'après son Organisation, pour Servir de Base a l'Histoire Naturelle des Animaux et d'Introduction à l'Anatomie Comparée. In: Cuvier and Latreille, (Eds), Le règne animal distribué d'après son organisation, pour servir de base à l'histoire naturelle des animaux et d'introduction à l'anatomie comparée. Nouvelle édition rev. et aug. Déterville and Cochard, Paris. Vol. 4, Nouvelle Edition: i-xxviii, 584 pp. doi: 10.5962/bhl.title.49223
  • Erőss, J. and Mahunka, S. 1971a. Adatok Magyarország macrochelidáinak (Acari, Gamasina) ismeretéhez. (Data to the knowledge of Macrochelidae (Acari. Gamasina) in Hungary.) Parasitologia Hungarica, 4: 201-214.
  • Erőss, J. and Mahunka, S. 1971b. Investigations on co-prophilous and stercoricolous Macrochelids (Acari, Gamasina) in Hungary, as possible agents in the control of synanthropous flies. Parasitologia Hungarica, 4: 215-226.
  • Evans, G.O. and Browing, E. 1956. British mites of the subfamily Macrochelinae Trägårdh (Gamasina, Macrochelidae). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology, 4: 1-55.
  • Falconer, W. 1923. Two British mites new to science and a new subgenus of Macrocheles Latr. Naturalist, 1923, 151-153.
  • Filipponi, A. and Pegazzano, F. 1962. Specie italiane del gruppo-glaber (Acarina, Mesostigmata, Macrochelidae, Macrocheles). Redia, 47: 211-238.
  • Filipponi, A. and Pegazzano, F. 1960. Acari del genere Glyptholapsis nom. nov. pro Macrocheles (Macrocheles) Berlese 1918 (Mesostigmata, Macrochelidae). Redia, 45: 133-171.
  • Filipponi, A. and Pegazzano, F. 1967. Contributo alla conoscenza del genere Holoytaspella Berlese, 1903 (Acari: Mesostigmata: Macrochelidae). Redia, 50: 219-259.
  • Foà, A. 1900. Esistono il polimorfismo e la partenogenesi nei Gamasidi? Bolletino della Società Entomologica Italiana, 32: 121-149.
  • Halliday, R.B. 1986. Mites of Macrocheles glaber group in Australia (Acarina: Macrochelidae). Australian Journal of Zoology, 34: 733-752. doi: 10.1071/ZO9860733
  • Hull, J.E. 1918. Terrestrial Acari of the Tyne Province. Natural History Transactions of Northumberland and Durham, 5: 13-88.
  • Hull, J.E. 1925. Acari of the family Gamasidae; new and rare British species. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (series 9), 15: 201-209. doi: 10.1080/00222932508633202
  • Hyatt, K.H. and Emberson, R.M. 1988. A review of the Macrochelidae (Acari : Mesostigmata) of the British Isles. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology, 54: 63-125. doi: 10.5962/bhl.part.17598
  • Johnston, D. 1970. Notes on a collection of Austrian Macrochelidae with the description of Macrocheles beieri, n. sp. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, 74: 145-150.
  • Kandil, M.M. 1983. The Mesostigmata fauna of the Hortobágy National Park (Acari). In: Mahunka, S. (Ed.) The fauna of the Hortobágy National Park. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 365-373 pp.
  • Karg, W. 1993. Acari (Acarina), Milben Parasitiformes (Anactinochaeta) Cohors Gamasina Leach. Raubmilben. Jena, Stuttgart, New York Gustav Fischer Verlag, 96-114 pp.
  • Koch, C.L. 1839. Deutschlands Crustaceen, Myriapoden und Arachniden. Ein Beitrag zur Deutschen Fauna. Regensberg, Herrich-Schäffer. Volume 23-30.
  • Koch, C.L. 1841. Deutschlands Crustaceen, Myriapoden und Arachniden. Ein Beitrag zur Deutschen Fauna. Regensberg, Herrich-Schäffer. Volume 31-34.
  • Kontschán, J. 2005. Contribution of the Macrochelidae fauna of Hungary (Acari: Mesostigmata). Folia Historico Naturalia Musei Matraensis, 29: 77-80.
  • Kontschán, J. 2006. Check list of the Hungarian Mesostigmatid mites. I.–II. Zerconidae and Macrochelidae. Folia Historico Naturalia Musei Matraensis, 30: 129-136.
  • Kontschán, J. 2015. Atkák mikroskálán: Akarológiai vizsgálat egy kis kertben. (Mites on microscales: acarological studies in a small garden.) Integrált termesztés a kertészeti és szántóföldi kultúrákban. 32: 63-69.
  • Kontschán, J. 2018. Macrocheles kekensis sp. n., a new macrochelid mite associated with a centoniin beetle from Hungary (Acari, Mesostigmata). Zookeys, 768: 97-104. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.768.24460
  • Kontschán, J., Ács A. and Neményi, A. 2014. Adatok a magyarországi bambuszok atkáihoz. (Data to the mites of the Hungarian bamboo brushes). Növényvédelem, 50 (7): 339-343.
  • Kontschán, J., Ács, A., Wang, GQ. and Neményi, A. 2015a. New data to the mite fauna of Hungarian bamboo plantations. Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica, 50 (1): 77-83. doi: 10.1556/038.50.2015.1.7
  • Kontschán, J., Ács, A., Suták, A. and Kiss, B. 2015b. A hazai autópályák pihenőinek atkái. Akarologiai tanulmányok 4. (Mites of the rest stops of the Hungarian motorways. Acarological studies 4.). StormingBrain Kiadó, Budapest, 124 pp.
  • Kontschán, J., Ács, A. and Suták, A. 2016. Contribution to the soil-dwelling mite fauna of the Hungarian agroecosystems (Acari). Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica, 51 (1): 133-143. doi: 10.1556/038.51.2016.1.12
  • Kontschán, J. and Hornok, S. 2019. New records, a completed list and identification key of mites (Acari) associated with the stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans (L.) (Diptera: Muscidae). Acarologia, 59 (1): 3-11. doi: 10.24349/acarologia/20194306
  • Kramer, P. 1876. Zur Naturgeschichte einiger Gattungen aus der Familie der Gamasiden. Archiv für Naturgeschichte, 42: 46-105.
  • Latreille, P.A. 1829. Les Arachnides (Arachnides). In: Cuvier, G. (Ed.), Le Règne Animal. 2nd Edition. Vol. 4. Déterville, Paris, 206-291 pp.
  • Mašán, P. 2003. Macrochelid Mites of Slovakia (Acari, Mesostigmata, Macrochelidae). Bratislava, Institute of Zoology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, 149 pp.
  • Müller, J. 1860. Die Insektenepizoen mährischen Fauna. Jahresbericht der mährisch-schlesische Gesellschaft, Brünn, 1859, 157-184.
  • Oudemans, A.C. 1902. New list of Dutch Acari, second part. With remarks on known and description of a new subfamily, nem genera and species. Tijdshrift voor Entomologie, 45: 1-52.
  • Oudemans, A.C. 1931. Acarologische Aanteekeningen CIX. Entomologische Berichten, 8: 272-280.
  • Salmane, I. and Kontschán, J. 2005. Soil Gamasina Mites (Acari, Parasitiformes, Mesostigmata) from Hungary. I. Latvijas Entomologs, 42: 39-44.
  • Salmane, I. and Kontschán, J. 2006. Soil Mesostigmata Mites (Acari: Parasitiformes) from Hungary II. Latvijas Entomologs, 43: 14-17.
  • Schweitzer, J. 1961. Die Landmilben der Schweiz (Mittelland, Jura und Alpen). Parasitiformes Reuter. Neue Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, 84: 184-186.
  • Scopoli, J.A. 1772. Annus V. Historico Naturalis. Lipsiae, 8-128.
  • Sellnick, M. 1931. Zoologische Forschungsreise nach den Jonischen Inseln und dem Peloponnes. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematische-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, Sitzungsberichte (Abt. 1), 140: 693-776.
  • Sellnick, M. 1968. Neopodocinum mrciaki, sp. n., eine neue Milbenart aus Slowakei. Folia Parasitologica, 15: 253-262.
  • Valle, A. 1953. Revisione di generi e sottogeneri Berlesiani di Acari (Primo contributo). Redia, 38: 316-360.
  • Vitzthum, H.G. 1930. Acarologische Beobachtungen. 14. Reihe. Zoologischer Jahrbücher, Abteilung für Systematik, 59: 282-348.
  • Willmann, C. 1939. Terrestrische Acari der Nord-und Ostseeküste. Abhandlungen der Naturwissenschaftlichen Verein zu Bremen, 31: 521-550.
  • Willmann, C. 1951. Untersuchungen über die terrestrische Milbenfauna im pannonischen Klimagebiet Österreich. Sitzungsberichte Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Abt. 1.), 106: 91-176.

Checklist of the Hungarian species of family Macrochelidae (Acari: Mesostigmata)

Year 2020, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 7 - 17, 31.01.2020


All published Hungarian records of the macrochelid
mites are summarized. Occurrences of four species were deleted from list due to
misidentification. Currently 34 macrochelid species are known from the area of


  • Ács, A. and Kontschán, J. 2014. Contribution to the Macrochelidae Vitzthum, 1930 fauna of the Carpathian Basin and the Balkan Peninsula (Acari: Mesostigmata). Opuscula Zoologica Budapest, 45 (2): 109-118.
  • Ambros, M. 1984. Mite species (Acari: Mesostigmata) new to the Hungarian fauna. Miscellanea zoologica hungarica, 2: 43-44.
  • Ambros, M. 1987. Mites (Acari: Mesostigmata) from small mammals in Hungary. Parasitologia Hungarica, 20: 99-107.
  • Ambros, M. 1993. Mites (Acari: Mesostigmata) from small mammals (Insectivora and Rodentia) in the Bükk Mts (Hungary). In: Mahunka, S. (Ed.): The fauna of the Bükki Nemzeti Park I. The Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, 449-453 pp.
  • Berlese, A. 1887. Acari, Myriopoda et Scorpiones hucusque in Italia reperta, 38, 19 text pages + Plates 1-10. Reprint by Junk, The Hague, 1979.
  • Berlese, A. 1888. Acari Austro-Americani quos collegit Aloysius Balzan. Manipulus primus. Species novas circiter quinquaginta complectens. Bullettino della Società Entomologica Italiana, 20: 171-222, pls. V–XIII.
  • Berlese, A. 1889. Acari, Myriopoda et Scorpiones hucusque in Italia reperta, 54, 18 text pages + Plates 1-10. Reprint by Junk, The Hague, 1979.
  • Berlese, A. 1903. Acari nuovi. Manipulus Ius. Redia, 1: 235-252.
  • Berlese, A. 1904. Acari nuovi. Manipulus IIus. Redia, 1: 258-280.
  • Berlese, A. 1918. Centuria quarta di Acari nuovi. Redia, 13: 113-190.
  • Bregetova, N.G. and Koroleva, E.V. 1960. Mites of the family Macrochelidae Vitzthum, 1930 in the fauna of the USSR. Parazitologicheskii Sbornik Zoologicheskogo lnstituta Akademii Nauk SSSR, 19: 346-411.
  • Cuvier, G. 1829. Le Règne Animal Distribué d'après son Organisation, pour Servir de Base a l'Histoire Naturelle des Animaux et d'Introduction à l'Anatomie Comparée. In: Cuvier and Latreille, (Eds), Le règne animal distribué d'après son organisation, pour servir de base à l'histoire naturelle des animaux et d'introduction à l'anatomie comparée. Nouvelle édition rev. et aug. Déterville and Cochard, Paris. Vol. 4, Nouvelle Edition: i-xxviii, 584 pp. doi: 10.5962/bhl.title.49223
  • Erőss, J. and Mahunka, S. 1971a. Adatok Magyarország macrochelidáinak (Acari, Gamasina) ismeretéhez. (Data to the knowledge of Macrochelidae (Acari. Gamasina) in Hungary.) Parasitologia Hungarica, 4: 201-214.
  • Erőss, J. and Mahunka, S. 1971b. Investigations on co-prophilous and stercoricolous Macrochelids (Acari, Gamasina) in Hungary, as possible agents in the control of synanthropous flies. Parasitologia Hungarica, 4: 215-226.
  • Evans, G.O. and Browing, E. 1956. British mites of the subfamily Macrochelinae Trägårdh (Gamasina, Macrochelidae). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology, 4: 1-55.
  • Falconer, W. 1923. Two British mites new to science and a new subgenus of Macrocheles Latr. Naturalist, 1923, 151-153.
  • Filipponi, A. and Pegazzano, F. 1962. Specie italiane del gruppo-glaber (Acarina, Mesostigmata, Macrochelidae, Macrocheles). Redia, 47: 211-238.
  • Filipponi, A. and Pegazzano, F. 1960. Acari del genere Glyptholapsis nom. nov. pro Macrocheles (Macrocheles) Berlese 1918 (Mesostigmata, Macrochelidae). Redia, 45: 133-171.
  • Filipponi, A. and Pegazzano, F. 1967. Contributo alla conoscenza del genere Holoytaspella Berlese, 1903 (Acari: Mesostigmata: Macrochelidae). Redia, 50: 219-259.
  • Foà, A. 1900. Esistono il polimorfismo e la partenogenesi nei Gamasidi? Bolletino della Società Entomologica Italiana, 32: 121-149.
  • Halliday, R.B. 1986. Mites of Macrocheles glaber group in Australia (Acarina: Macrochelidae). Australian Journal of Zoology, 34: 733-752. doi: 10.1071/ZO9860733
  • Hull, J.E. 1918. Terrestrial Acari of the Tyne Province. Natural History Transactions of Northumberland and Durham, 5: 13-88.
  • Hull, J.E. 1925. Acari of the family Gamasidae; new and rare British species. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (series 9), 15: 201-209. doi: 10.1080/00222932508633202
  • Hyatt, K.H. and Emberson, R.M. 1988. A review of the Macrochelidae (Acari : Mesostigmata) of the British Isles. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology, 54: 63-125. doi: 10.5962/bhl.part.17598
  • Johnston, D. 1970. Notes on a collection of Austrian Macrochelidae with the description of Macrocheles beieri, n. sp. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, 74: 145-150.
  • Kandil, M.M. 1983. The Mesostigmata fauna of the Hortobágy National Park (Acari). In: Mahunka, S. (Ed.) The fauna of the Hortobágy National Park. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 365-373 pp.
  • Karg, W. 1993. Acari (Acarina), Milben Parasitiformes (Anactinochaeta) Cohors Gamasina Leach. Raubmilben. Jena, Stuttgart, New York Gustav Fischer Verlag, 96-114 pp.
  • Koch, C.L. 1839. Deutschlands Crustaceen, Myriapoden und Arachniden. Ein Beitrag zur Deutschen Fauna. Regensberg, Herrich-Schäffer. Volume 23-30.
  • Koch, C.L. 1841. Deutschlands Crustaceen, Myriapoden und Arachniden. Ein Beitrag zur Deutschen Fauna. Regensberg, Herrich-Schäffer. Volume 31-34.
  • Kontschán, J. 2005. Contribution of the Macrochelidae fauna of Hungary (Acari: Mesostigmata). Folia Historico Naturalia Musei Matraensis, 29: 77-80.
  • Kontschán, J. 2006. Check list of the Hungarian Mesostigmatid mites. I.–II. Zerconidae and Macrochelidae. Folia Historico Naturalia Musei Matraensis, 30: 129-136.
  • Kontschán, J. 2015. Atkák mikroskálán: Akarológiai vizsgálat egy kis kertben. (Mites on microscales: acarological studies in a small garden.) Integrált termesztés a kertészeti és szántóföldi kultúrákban. 32: 63-69.
  • Kontschán, J. 2018. Macrocheles kekensis sp. n., a new macrochelid mite associated with a centoniin beetle from Hungary (Acari, Mesostigmata). Zookeys, 768: 97-104. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.768.24460
  • Kontschán, J., Ács A. and Neményi, A. 2014. Adatok a magyarországi bambuszok atkáihoz. (Data to the mites of the Hungarian bamboo brushes). Növényvédelem, 50 (7): 339-343.
  • Kontschán, J., Ács, A., Wang, GQ. and Neményi, A. 2015a. New data to the mite fauna of Hungarian bamboo plantations. Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica, 50 (1): 77-83. doi: 10.1556/038.50.2015.1.7
  • Kontschán, J., Ács, A., Suták, A. and Kiss, B. 2015b. A hazai autópályák pihenőinek atkái. Akarologiai tanulmányok 4. (Mites of the rest stops of the Hungarian motorways. Acarological studies 4.). StormingBrain Kiadó, Budapest, 124 pp.
  • Kontschán, J., Ács, A. and Suták, A. 2016. Contribution to the soil-dwelling mite fauna of the Hungarian agroecosystems (Acari). Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica, 51 (1): 133-143. doi: 10.1556/038.51.2016.1.12
  • Kontschán, J. and Hornok, S. 2019. New records, a completed list and identification key of mites (Acari) associated with the stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans (L.) (Diptera: Muscidae). Acarologia, 59 (1): 3-11. doi: 10.24349/acarologia/20194306
  • Kramer, P. 1876. Zur Naturgeschichte einiger Gattungen aus der Familie der Gamasiden. Archiv für Naturgeschichte, 42: 46-105.
  • Latreille, P.A. 1829. Les Arachnides (Arachnides). In: Cuvier, G. (Ed.), Le Règne Animal. 2nd Edition. Vol. 4. Déterville, Paris, 206-291 pp.
  • Mašán, P. 2003. Macrochelid Mites of Slovakia (Acari, Mesostigmata, Macrochelidae). Bratislava, Institute of Zoology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, 149 pp.
  • Müller, J. 1860. Die Insektenepizoen mährischen Fauna. Jahresbericht der mährisch-schlesische Gesellschaft, Brünn, 1859, 157-184.
  • Oudemans, A.C. 1902. New list of Dutch Acari, second part. With remarks on known and description of a new subfamily, nem genera and species. Tijdshrift voor Entomologie, 45: 1-52.
  • Oudemans, A.C. 1931. Acarologische Aanteekeningen CIX. Entomologische Berichten, 8: 272-280.
  • Salmane, I. and Kontschán, J. 2005. Soil Gamasina Mites (Acari, Parasitiformes, Mesostigmata) from Hungary. I. Latvijas Entomologs, 42: 39-44.
  • Salmane, I. and Kontschán, J. 2006. Soil Mesostigmata Mites (Acari: Parasitiformes) from Hungary II. Latvijas Entomologs, 43: 14-17.
  • Schweitzer, J. 1961. Die Landmilben der Schweiz (Mittelland, Jura und Alpen). Parasitiformes Reuter. Neue Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, 84: 184-186.
  • Scopoli, J.A. 1772. Annus V. Historico Naturalis. Lipsiae, 8-128.
  • Sellnick, M. 1931. Zoologische Forschungsreise nach den Jonischen Inseln und dem Peloponnes. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematische-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, Sitzungsberichte (Abt. 1), 140: 693-776.
  • Sellnick, M. 1968. Neopodocinum mrciaki, sp. n., eine neue Milbenart aus Slowakei. Folia Parasitologica, 15: 253-262.
  • Valle, A. 1953. Revisione di generi e sottogeneri Berlesiani di Acari (Primo contributo). Redia, 38: 316-360.
  • Vitzthum, H.G. 1930. Acarologische Beobachtungen. 14. Reihe. Zoologischer Jahrbücher, Abteilung für Systematik, 59: 282-348.
  • Willmann, C. 1939. Terrestrische Acari der Nord-und Ostseeküste. Abhandlungen der Naturwissenschaftlichen Verein zu Bremen, 31: 521-550.
  • Willmann, C. 1951. Untersuchungen über die terrestrische Milbenfauna im pannonischen Klimagebiet Österreich. Sitzungsberichte Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Abt. 1.), 106: 91-176.
There are 54 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Structural Biology
Journal Section Research Article

Jeno Kontschan

Publication Date January 31, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 2 Issue: 1


APA Kontschan, J. (2020). Checklist of the Hungarian species of family Macrochelidae (Acari: Mesostigmata). Acarological Studies, 2(1), 7-17.
AMA Kontschan J. Checklist of the Hungarian species of family Macrochelidae (Acari: Mesostigmata). Acarol. Stud. January 2020;2(1):7-17.
Chicago Kontschan, Jeno. “Checklist of the Hungarian Species of Family Macrochelidae (Acari: Mesostigmata)”. Acarological Studies 2, no. 1 (January 2020): 7-17.
EndNote Kontschan J (January 1, 2020) Checklist of the Hungarian species of family Macrochelidae (Acari: Mesostigmata). Acarological Studies 2 1 7–17.
IEEE J. Kontschan, “Checklist of the Hungarian species of family Macrochelidae (Acari: Mesostigmata)”, Acarol. Stud., vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 7–17, 2020.
ISNAD Kontschan, Jeno. “Checklist of the Hungarian Species of Family Macrochelidae (Acari: Mesostigmata)”. Acarological Studies 2/1 (January 2020), 7-17.
JAMA Kontschan J. Checklist of the Hungarian species of family Macrochelidae (Acari: Mesostigmata). Acarol. Stud. 2020;2:7–17.
MLA Kontschan, Jeno. “Checklist of the Hungarian Species of Family Macrochelidae (Acari: Mesostigmata)”. Acarological Studies, vol. 2, no. 1, 2020, pp. 7-17.
Vancouver Kontschan J. Checklist of the Hungarian species of family Macrochelidae (Acari: Mesostigmata). Acarol. Stud. 2020;2(1):7-17.


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