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Türk Boğazlar Sistemi’nde Mesozooplankton Biyokütlesinin İlkbahar ve Sonbahar Mevsimlerindeki Alansal ve Vertikal Dağılımı

Year 2020, Volume: 16 Issue: 2, 189 - 201, 01.06.2020


organizmalar pelajik besin ağının şekillenmesinde ve biyokimyasal döngülerin
gerçekleşmesinde anahtar rol oynamaktadır. Zooplankton biyokütlesi ve dağılımı
hakkında bilgi sahibi olmak, bu canlıların ekosistemdeki  organik madde ve enerji akışına katkılarını
tahmin etmek için önem arzetmektedir. Bu bağlamda, 2008 yılının Nisan ve Ekim
aylarında Türk Boğazlar Sistemi’nde tek hat boyunca belirlenen istasyonlardan WP-2
plankton kepçesi (ağ göz açıklığı 200µm) ile zooplankton örnekleri toplanmıştır.
Bu örneklerden ölçülen biyokütle değerlerinin epipelajik bölgedeki alansal ve
dikey dağılımı belirlenerek bölgedeki bu konuyla ilgili bilgi eksikliği
giderilmeye çalışılmıştır.

TBS’de ortalama
mesozooplankton mevcut stoğu alansal ve dikey olarak farklılık göstermiştir. Mesozooplankton
biyokütlesi genel itibariyle ilkbaharda yüzey karışım tabakasında yoğunlaşmış,
derinlik ile birlikte azalmıştır. Sonbahar periyodunda ise geçiş tabakası
ortalama mesozooplankton biyokütle değerleri bakımından daha yüksek bulunmuştur.
Genel olarak boğazlarda yüksek olan bu değerler, Marmara Denizi’nin iç
bölgelerinde özellikle kuzey batısında oldukça düşmüştür. Bölgedeki biyokütle
dağılımında istasyon derinliği, derinlik tabakaları ve oksijenin miktarı etkili
olmakla birlikte, örnekleme periyodu boyunca gerçekleştiği bildirilen musilaj
olayının sıcaklık ve tuzluluk gibi önemli parametrelerin etkisini büyük ölçüde
maskelediği düşünülmektedir. 

Supporting Institution

Avrupa Birliği 6. Çerçeve programı; Çukurova Üniversitesi

Project Number

kontrat no: 036949; SÜF2010D1


Örneklemeler esnasında yardımcı olan ODTÜ Deniz Bilimleri akademik ve teknik personeline teşekkür ederiz. Bu çalışma, SESAME projesi kapsamında (kontrat no: 036949) Avrupa Birliği 6. Çerçeve programı ve doktora tez projesi olarak Ç.Ü. Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri (SÜF2010D1) birimi tarafından desteklenmiştir.


  • Beauchard, O., Berg, T., Bizsel, K.C., Bizsel, N., Borja, Á., Bucas, M., Carugati, L., Churilova, T., Cochrane, S., Danovaro, R., Franco, J., Fürhaupter, K., Kaboglu, G., Katsanevakis, S., Kryvenko, O., Little, S., Mazik, K., Moncheva, S., Pantazi, M., Papadopoulou, N., Patrício, J., Piroddi, C., Queirós, A.M., Ramsvatn, S., Smith, C., Solaun. O., Stefanova, K., Teixeira, H., Uusitalo, L., Uyarra, M. C., & Zaiko, A. (2014). Ecosystem overview of the european regional seas. A n n e x 3 wp 1 deliverable 1.4, p. 63.
  • Benli, H.A., Tarkan, A.N., & Sever, T.M. (2001). Comparison of mesozooplankton composition the southwestern Black Sea, Sea of Marmara and eastern Aegean Sea.Turkish Journal of Marine Sciences, 7, 163-179.
  • Beşi̇ktepe, Ş., Sur, H.I., Özsoy, E., Lati̇f M.A., Oğuz, T., & Ünlüata, Ü. (1994). The circulation and hydrography of the Marmara Sea, Progress in Oceanography, 34: 285-334.
  • Büyükateş ,Y., İnanmaz, Ö.E. (2010). The Annual Mesozooplankton Dynamics and Influence of Environmental Parameters in an Urbanized Harbor (Kepez Harbor-Dardanelles Strait, Turkey). Ekoloji Dergisi, 19(74), 60-68.
  • Cebeci, M., & Tarkan, A.N. (1990). Marmara Denizi’nde zooplankton organizmaların dağılımı. İstanbul Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Dergisi, 4(1), 59-72. Champalbert, G. (1996). Characteristics of zooplankton standing stock and communities in the Western Mediterranean Sea:Relations to hydrology. Scientia Marina, 60, 97-113. ÇŞB- TÜBİTAK MAM (2017). Denizlerde Bütünleşik Kirlilik İzleme İşi 2014-2016 Ege Denizi Özet Raporu. 978-605-5294-69-4, 71 sayfa.
  • Cushing, D.H., Blaxter, J.H.S., & Southward, A.J. (1990). Plankton Production and Year-class Strength in Fish Populations: an Update of the Match/Mismatch Hypothesis. Advances in Marine Biology, 26, 249-293.
  • Dorak, Z., & Albay, M. (2016). Effects of environmental factors on seasonal and spatial changes in surface zooplankton in Golden Horn Estuary (Istanbul, Turkey). Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Management, 21, 67–81.
  • Dorak, Z., & Temel, M. (2015). The zooplankton community and its relationship with environmental variables in a highly polluted system, Golden Horn, Turkey. Aquaculture Engineering and Fisheries Research, 1(2), 57-71.
  • Dvoretsky, V.G., & Dvoretsky, A.G. (2013). Epiplankton in the Barents Sea: summer variations of mesozooplankton biomass, community structure and diversity. Continental Shelf Research, 52,1–11.
  • Gajbhiye, S.N., (2002). Zooplankton - Study methods, importance and significant observations. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Creeks, Estuaries and Mangroves - Pollution and Conservation, 21-27.
  • Gerin, R., Poulain, P. M., Besiktepe, S.T., & Zanasca, P. (2013). On the surface circulation of the Marmara Sea as deduced from drifters. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 22(6), 919-930.
  • Gül, G., & Demirel, N. (2016). Status of small pelagic fishes in the Sea of Marmara. In Özsoy, E., Çağatay, M. Balkıs, N.N., Balkıs N., & Öztürk, B. (Eds.), The Sea of Marmara; Marine Biodiversity, Fisheries, Conservation and Governance. (pp. 612–629). İstanbul: TUDAV.
  • Hannides, C.C.S., Siokou, I., Zervoudaki, S., Frangoulis, C., & Lange, M. A. (2015). Mesozooplankton biomass and abundance in Cyprus coastal waters and comparison with the Aegean Sea (Eastern Mediterranean). Mediterranean Marine Science, 16(2), 373-384.
  • Isari, S., Ramfos, A., Somarakis, S., Koutsikopoulos, C., Kallianiotis, A., & Fragopoulou, N. (2006). Mesozooplankton distribution in relation to hydrology of the Northeastern Aegean Sea, Eastern Mediterranean. Journal of Plankton Research, 28, 241–255.
  • İşinibilir-Okyar, M., Üstün, F., & Orun, D. (2015). Changes in abundance and community structure of the zooplankton population during the 2008 mucilage event in the northeastern Marmara Sea. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 39, 28-38.
  • İşinibilir, M. (2010). Spatial and temporal variation of zooplankton in two bays in the southern sea of Marmara. Crustaceana, 83(2), 233-244.
  • İşinibilir, M., & Tarkan, A.N. (2004). Zooplankton structure in the Marmara Sea in August 2000. Rapports Et procès‐verbaux Des Réunions Commission Internationale Pour L'exploration Scientifique De La Mer Méditerranée 37, 372.
  • İşinibilir, M., & Tarkan, A.N. (2007). İzmit Körfezi’nin sonbahar 2002’de zooplankton yapısı. Türk Sucul Yaşam Dergisi, 3-5, 251-256.
  • İsinibilir, M., Kideyş, A.E., Tarkan, A.N., & Yılmaz, I.N. (2008). Annual cycle of zooplankton abundance and species composition in Izmit Bay (the northeastern Marmara Sea). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 78(4), 739-747.
  • Kideyş, A. E., Yüksek, A., & Sur, H. I., (2013). Abrupt Changes in the Marmara Pelagic Ecosystem during the recent jellyfish Liriope tetraphylla invasion and mucilage events. Geophysical Research. 15, EGU-10084. (Özet)
  • Kurt, T., (2016). Kuzeydoğu Akdeni̇z, Türk Boğazlar Si̇stemi̇ Ve Karadeni̇z Mesozooplankton Topluluklarinin Bölgesel Deği̇şi̇mi̇. Doktora Tezi̇, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 230.
  • Lenz, J., (2000). Introduction. In Harris, R., Wiebe, P., Lenz, J., Skjoldal, H.R., Huntley M. (Eds.), ICES Zooplankton Methodology Manual (pp. 1-32). Oxford: Academic Press.
  • Mazzocchi, M.G., Siokou, I., Tirelli, V., Bandelj, V., De Puelles, M.L.F., Orek, Y.A., De Olazabal, A., Gubanova, A., Kress, N., Protopapa, M., Solidoro, C., Taglialatela, S., & Kurt Terbiyik, T. (2014). Regional and seasonal characteristics of epipelagic mesozooplankton in the Mediterranean Sea based on an artificial neural network analysis. Journal of Marine Systems, 135, 64-80.
  • Öğdül, R. G., & Ergüven, H. (1992). Beykoz Koyu (İstanbul Boğazı) Zooplankton Gruplarının Bolluk ve Kompozisyonunun Araştırılması. İstanbul Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Dergisi, 1, 105-120.
  • Oğuz, T., & Tuğrul, S. (1998). Denizlerimizin Genel Oşinografik Özelliklerine Toplu Bir Bakış In N. Görür, (Ed.) Türkiye Denizlerinin ve Çevre Alanlarının Jeolojisi (pp 1-21) İstanbul.
  • Omori, M. (1978). Some factors affecting on dry weight, organic weight and concentration on carbon and nitrogen in freshly prepared and preserved zooplankton. Internationale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie, 62, 261-269.
  • Postel, L., Fock, H., & Hagen, W. (2000). Biomass and Abundance In Harris, R., Wiebe, P., Lenz, J., Skjoldal, H.R., Huntley M. (Eds.), ICES Zooplankton Methodology Manual (pp. 83-192). Oxford: Academic Press.
  • Ramfos, A., Somarakis, S., Koutsikopoulos, C., & Fragopoulu, N. (2005). Summer mesozooplankton distribution in coastal waters of central Greece (eastern Mediterranean). I. Hydrology and group composition. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 85(4), 755-764.
  • Skjoldal, H.R., Wiebe, P.H. & Foote, K.G. (2000). Sampling and experimental design. In Harris, R., Wiebe, P., Lenz, J., Skjoldal, H.R., Huntley M. (Eds.), ICES Zooplankton Methodology Manual (pp. 33-49). Oxford: Academic Press.
  • Svetlichny, L., Hubareva, E., Kideys, A., İsinibilir, M., & Shmeleva, A. (2006). Zooplankton community state in the Northeastern Marmara Sea during early autumn with comments on mass mortality of the Black Sea species due to the salinity gradient. Journal of Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment, 12, 213-231.
  • Tarkan, A.N., & Ergüven H 1988. Marmara Denizinde önemli kopepod türleri. Su Ürünleri Dergisi, 2(2), 71-84.
  • Tarkan, A.N., İşinibilir M, & Öğdül RG (2000)a. Kuzey Marmara Denizi Mesozooplankton Kompozisyonu. In Öztürk, B., Kadıoğlu, M. & Öztürk, H. (Edi.), Marmara Denizi 2000 Sempozyumu (s 493-499).Istanbul: TÜDAV.
  • Tarkan, A.N., İşinibilir M, & Tarkan AS (2005). Seasonal variations of zooplankton composition and abundance in the İstanbul Strait. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 8(9), 1327-1336.
  • Tarkan, A.N., Markoç, E., & Sever, T.M. (2000)b. İzmit Körfezi Baskın Zooplankton Türleri. In Öztürk, B., Kadıoğlu, M. & Öztürk, H. (Edi.), Marmara Denizi 2000 Sempozyumu (s 468-474).Istanbul: TÜDAV.
  • Terbiyik-Kurt, T., & Polat, S. (2013). Seasonal distribution of coastal mesozooplankton community in relation to the environmental factors in Iskenderun Bay (north-east Levantine, Mediterranean Sea). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 93, 1163-1174.
  • Terbiyik-Kurt, T., & Polat, S. (2015). Zooplankton abundance, biomass, and size structure in the coastal waters of the northeastern Mediterranean Sea. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 39, 378-387.
  • Toklu-Alıçlı, B., Balkıs, N., & Balcı, M. (2014). Seasonal distribution of zooplankton in the Gulf of Erdek (The Marmara Sea) and the impact of ecologial variables. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 23(12), 3013-3021.
  • Ünal, E., Shmeleva, A.A., Zagorodnyaya, J., & Kideyş, A.E. (2000). Marmara Denizi’nin ilkbahar 1998’de zooplankton yapısı ve kopepod türleri. In Öztürk, B., Kadıoğlu, M. & Öztürk, H. (Edi.), Marmara Denizi 2000 Sempozyumu (s 450-460).Istanbul: TÜDAV.
  • Uysal, Z., Tuğrul, S., Yücel, N., Sert, F., Gazi̇han, A., Ak Örek, Y., Terbiyik, T., Örek, H., & Özsoy, E. (2010). an Assessment of the State of Marine Ecosystems Around Turkey During Sesame (Black Sea, Turkish Straits System and the Levantine Basin) Rapports Et procès‐verbaux Des Réunions Commission Internationale Pour L'exploration Scientifique De La Mer Méditerranée, 39, 689.
  • Yılmaz, İ.N. (2008). Marmara Denizi Zooplankton Dinamiği. Doktora Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi, İstanbul, 106.
  • Yılmaz, İ.N. (2015). Collapse of zooplankton stocks during Liriope tetraphylla (Hydromedusa) blooms and dense mucilaginous aggregations in a thermohaline stratified basin. Marine Ecology, 36(3), 595-610.
  • Yüksek, A., Cebeci, M., & Yılmaz , N. (2001). İstanbul Boğazı Mesozooplankton grup kompozisyonunun zamana bağlı değişimi ve hidrografiyle ilişkisi (1996-1999). IV Ulusal Ekoloji ve Çevre Kongresi 5-8 Ekim 2001, Bodrum, 525-532.
  • Zengi̇ner, Y.A., & Beşi̇ktepe, S., (2010). Annual variations in biochemical composition of size fractionated particulate matter and zooplankton abundance and biomass in Mersin Bay, NE Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Marine Systems, 81, 260-271.
  • Zervoudaki, S., Christou, E.D., Assimakopoulou, G., Örek, H., Gücü, A.C., Giannakourou, A., Pitta, P., Terbıyık, T., Yücel, N., Moutsopoulos, T., Pagou, K., Psarra, S., Özsoy, E., & Papathanassiou , E. (2011). Copepod communities, production and grazing in the Turkish Straits System and the adjacent northern Aegean Sea during spring. Journal of Marine Systems, 86(3-4), 45-56.

Spatial and vertical distribution of mesozooplankton biomass in Turkish Strait System in spring and autumn

Year 2020, Volume: 16 Issue: 2, 189 - 201, 01.06.2020


organisms play a key role in shaping the pelagic food web and realizing of
biochemical cycles. It is important to have knowledge about zooplankton biomass
and its distribution  in predicting  their contributions to the organic matter and
energy flow in the ecosystem. In this context, zooplankton samples were
collected in April and October 2008  withWP-2
plankton net (200µm) at the stations identified along the single line in the
Turkish Straits System. The spatial and vertical distribution of the biomass
values from these samples was determined in the epipelagic region and the lack
of information about this issue in the region was tried to be eliminated

The mean standing
stock of mesozooplankton in TBS differed spatially and vertically.
Mesozooplankton biomass was generally concentrated in the surface mix layer in
spring and decreased with depth. In the autumn, the transition layer was found
to be higher in terms of mean mesozooplankton biomass values. These values,
which are generally high in the straits, decreased considerably in the inner
regions of the Marmara Sea, especially in the northwest. Although the station
depth, depth layers and the amount of dissolved oxygen affected the biomass
distribution in the region, it is thought that the musilage event reported
during the sampling period largely masked 
the important parameters such as temperature and salinity.

Project Number

kontrat no: 036949; SÜF2010D1


  • Beauchard, O., Berg, T., Bizsel, K.C., Bizsel, N., Borja, Á., Bucas, M., Carugati, L., Churilova, T., Cochrane, S., Danovaro, R., Franco, J., Fürhaupter, K., Kaboglu, G., Katsanevakis, S., Kryvenko, O., Little, S., Mazik, K., Moncheva, S., Pantazi, M., Papadopoulou, N., Patrício, J., Piroddi, C., Queirós, A.M., Ramsvatn, S., Smith, C., Solaun. O., Stefanova, K., Teixeira, H., Uusitalo, L., Uyarra, M. C., & Zaiko, A. (2014). Ecosystem overview of the european regional seas. A n n e x 3 wp 1 deliverable 1.4, p. 63.
  • Benli, H.A., Tarkan, A.N., & Sever, T.M. (2001). Comparison of mesozooplankton composition the southwestern Black Sea, Sea of Marmara and eastern Aegean Sea.Turkish Journal of Marine Sciences, 7, 163-179.
  • Beşi̇ktepe, Ş., Sur, H.I., Özsoy, E., Lati̇f M.A., Oğuz, T., & Ünlüata, Ü. (1994). The circulation and hydrography of the Marmara Sea, Progress in Oceanography, 34: 285-334.
  • Büyükateş ,Y., İnanmaz, Ö.E. (2010). The Annual Mesozooplankton Dynamics and Influence of Environmental Parameters in an Urbanized Harbor (Kepez Harbor-Dardanelles Strait, Turkey). Ekoloji Dergisi, 19(74), 60-68.
  • Cebeci, M., & Tarkan, A.N. (1990). Marmara Denizi’nde zooplankton organizmaların dağılımı. İstanbul Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Dergisi, 4(1), 59-72. Champalbert, G. (1996). Characteristics of zooplankton standing stock and communities in the Western Mediterranean Sea:Relations to hydrology. Scientia Marina, 60, 97-113. ÇŞB- TÜBİTAK MAM (2017). Denizlerde Bütünleşik Kirlilik İzleme İşi 2014-2016 Ege Denizi Özet Raporu. 978-605-5294-69-4, 71 sayfa.
  • Cushing, D.H., Blaxter, J.H.S., & Southward, A.J. (1990). Plankton Production and Year-class Strength in Fish Populations: an Update of the Match/Mismatch Hypothesis. Advances in Marine Biology, 26, 249-293.
  • Dorak, Z., & Albay, M. (2016). Effects of environmental factors on seasonal and spatial changes in surface zooplankton in Golden Horn Estuary (Istanbul, Turkey). Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Management, 21, 67–81.
  • Dorak, Z., & Temel, M. (2015). The zooplankton community and its relationship with environmental variables in a highly polluted system, Golden Horn, Turkey. Aquaculture Engineering and Fisheries Research, 1(2), 57-71.
  • Dvoretsky, V.G., & Dvoretsky, A.G. (2013). Epiplankton in the Barents Sea: summer variations of mesozooplankton biomass, community structure and diversity. Continental Shelf Research, 52,1–11.
  • Gajbhiye, S.N., (2002). Zooplankton - Study methods, importance and significant observations. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Creeks, Estuaries and Mangroves - Pollution and Conservation, 21-27.
  • Gerin, R., Poulain, P. M., Besiktepe, S.T., & Zanasca, P. (2013). On the surface circulation of the Marmara Sea as deduced from drifters. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 22(6), 919-930.
  • Gül, G., & Demirel, N. (2016). Status of small pelagic fishes in the Sea of Marmara. In Özsoy, E., Çağatay, M. Balkıs, N.N., Balkıs N., & Öztürk, B. (Eds.), The Sea of Marmara; Marine Biodiversity, Fisheries, Conservation and Governance. (pp. 612–629). İstanbul: TUDAV.
  • Hannides, C.C.S., Siokou, I., Zervoudaki, S., Frangoulis, C., & Lange, M. A. (2015). Mesozooplankton biomass and abundance in Cyprus coastal waters and comparison with the Aegean Sea (Eastern Mediterranean). Mediterranean Marine Science, 16(2), 373-384.
  • Isari, S., Ramfos, A., Somarakis, S., Koutsikopoulos, C., Kallianiotis, A., & Fragopoulou, N. (2006). Mesozooplankton distribution in relation to hydrology of the Northeastern Aegean Sea, Eastern Mediterranean. Journal of Plankton Research, 28, 241–255.
  • İşinibilir-Okyar, M., Üstün, F., & Orun, D. (2015). Changes in abundance and community structure of the zooplankton population during the 2008 mucilage event in the northeastern Marmara Sea. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 39, 28-38.
  • İşinibilir, M. (2010). Spatial and temporal variation of zooplankton in two bays in the southern sea of Marmara. Crustaceana, 83(2), 233-244.
  • İşinibilir, M., & Tarkan, A.N. (2004). Zooplankton structure in the Marmara Sea in August 2000. Rapports Et procès‐verbaux Des Réunions Commission Internationale Pour L'exploration Scientifique De La Mer Méditerranée 37, 372.
  • İşinibilir, M., & Tarkan, A.N. (2007). İzmit Körfezi’nin sonbahar 2002’de zooplankton yapısı. Türk Sucul Yaşam Dergisi, 3-5, 251-256.
  • İsinibilir, M., Kideyş, A.E., Tarkan, A.N., & Yılmaz, I.N. (2008). Annual cycle of zooplankton abundance and species composition in Izmit Bay (the northeastern Marmara Sea). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 78(4), 739-747.
  • Kideyş, A. E., Yüksek, A., & Sur, H. I., (2013). Abrupt Changes in the Marmara Pelagic Ecosystem during the recent jellyfish Liriope tetraphylla invasion and mucilage events. Geophysical Research. 15, EGU-10084. (Özet)
  • Kurt, T., (2016). Kuzeydoğu Akdeni̇z, Türk Boğazlar Si̇stemi̇ Ve Karadeni̇z Mesozooplankton Topluluklarinin Bölgesel Deği̇şi̇mi̇. Doktora Tezi̇, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 230.
  • Lenz, J., (2000). Introduction. In Harris, R., Wiebe, P., Lenz, J., Skjoldal, H.R., Huntley M. (Eds.), ICES Zooplankton Methodology Manual (pp. 1-32). Oxford: Academic Press.
  • Mazzocchi, M.G., Siokou, I., Tirelli, V., Bandelj, V., De Puelles, M.L.F., Orek, Y.A., De Olazabal, A., Gubanova, A., Kress, N., Protopapa, M., Solidoro, C., Taglialatela, S., & Kurt Terbiyik, T. (2014). Regional and seasonal characteristics of epipelagic mesozooplankton in the Mediterranean Sea based on an artificial neural network analysis. Journal of Marine Systems, 135, 64-80.
  • Öğdül, R. G., & Ergüven, H. (1992). Beykoz Koyu (İstanbul Boğazı) Zooplankton Gruplarının Bolluk ve Kompozisyonunun Araştırılması. İstanbul Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Dergisi, 1, 105-120.
  • Oğuz, T., & Tuğrul, S. (1998). Denizlerimizin Genel Oşinografik Özelliklerine Toplu Bir Bakış In N. Görür, (Ed.) Türkiye Denizlerinin ve Çevre Alanlarının Jeolojisi (pp 1-21) İstanbul.
  • Omori, M. (1978). Some factors affecting on dry weight, organic weight and concentration on carbon and nitrogen in freshly prepared and preserved zooplankton. Internationale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie, 62, 261-269.
  • Postel, L., Fock, H., & Hagen, W. (2000). Biomass and Abundance In Harris, R., Wiebe, P., Lenz, J., Skjoldal, H.R., Huntley M. (Eds.), ICES Zooplankton Methodology Manual (pp. 83-192). Oxford: Academic Press.
  • Ramfos, A., Somarakis, S., Koutsikopoulos, C., & Fragopoulu, N. (2005). Summer mesozooplankton distribution in coastal waters of central Greece (eastern Mediterranean). I. Hydrology and group composition. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 85(4), 755-764.
  • Skjoldal, H.R., Wiebe, P.H. & Foote, K.G. (2000). Sampling and experimental design. In Harris, R., Wiebe, P., Lenz, J., Skjoldal, H.R., Huntley M. (Eds.), ICES Zooplankton Methodology Manual (pp. 33-49). Oxford: Academic Press.
  • Svetlichny, L., Hubareva, E., Kideys, A., İsinibilir, M., & Shmeleva, A. (2006). Zooplankton community state in the Northeastern Marmara Sea during early autumn with comments on mass mortality of the Black Sea species due to the salinity gradient. Journal of Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment, 12, 213-231.
  • Tarkan, A.N., & Ergüven H 1988. Marmara Denizinde önemli kopepod türleri. Su Ürünleri Dergisi, 2(2), 71-84.
  • Tarkan, A.N., İşinibilir M, & Öğdül RG (2000)a. Kuzey Marmara Denizi Mesozooplankton Kompozisyonu. In Öztürk, B., Kadıoğlu, M. & Öztürk, H. (Edi.), Marmara Denizi 2000 Sempozyumu (s 493-499).Istanbul: TÜDAV.
  • Tarkan, A.N., İşinibilir M, & Tarkan AS (2005). Seasonal variations of zooplankton composition and abundance in the İstanbul Strait. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 8(9), 1327-1336.
  • Tarkan, A.N., Markoç, E., & Sever, T.M. (2000)b. İzmit Körfezi Baskın Zooplankton Türleri. In Öztürk, B., Kadıoğlu, M. & Öztürk, H. (Edi.), Marmara Denizi 2000 Sempozyumu (s 468-474).Istanbul: TÜDAV.
  • Terbiyik-Kurt, T., & Polat, S. (2013). Seasonal distribution of coastal mesozooplankton community in relation to the environmental factors in Iskenderun Bay (north-east Levantine, Mediterranean Sea). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 93, 1163-1174.
  • Terbiyik-Kurt, T., & Polat, S. (2015). Zooplankton abundance, biomass, and size structure in the coastal waters of the northeastern Mediterranean Sea. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 39, 378-387.
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There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Environmental Sciences
Journal Section Research Articles

Tuba Terbıyık Kurt 0000-0002-2937-6816

Sevim Polat 0000-0002-4756-1177

Zahit Uysal This is me 0000-0002-6279-9343

Yeşim Ak Örek This is me 0000-0003-0331-8033

Project Number kontrat no: 036949; SÜF2010D1
Publication Date June 1, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 16 Issue: 2


APA Terbıyık Kurt, T., Polat, S., Uysal, Z., Ak Örek, Y. (2020). Türk Boğazlar Sistemi’nde Mesozooplankton Biyokütlesinin İlkbahar ve Sonbahar Mevsimlerindeki Alansal ve Vertikal Dağılımı. Acta Aquatica Turcica, 16(2), 189-201.