İktisadi Oylama: Tespitler ve Türkiye Örneği
Year 2017,
Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 39 - 56, 28.07.2017
Sedef Şen
Murat Donduran
Bu çalışmada 1950’li
yıllarda teorik temelleri atılan ve günümüze kadar birçok araştırmaya konu olan
iktisadi oylama literatürüne yönelik yapılan tespitler gösterilmeye
çalışılmıştır. Çalışmanın amacı iktisadi oylama literatürü hakkında genel bir
çerçeveyi araştırmacılara sunmak ve bu konuda çalışmayı düşünen kişilere yol
göstermektir. Spesifik olarak, Türkiye
örneği çalışan araştırmacıların çalışmalarına da yer verilmiştir.
- Akarca, Ali (2009), "A Prediction for AKP’s Nationwide Vote Share in the 29 March 2009 Turkish Local Elections", İktisat İşletme ve Finans 24, 7-22.
- Akarca, Ali (2010), "Analysis of the 2009 Turkish Election Results from an Economic Voting Perspective", European Research Studies, 3.
- Akarca, Ali (2011), "Inter-Election Vote Swings for the Turkish Ruling Party: The Impact of Economic Performance and Other Factors", Equilibrium , 7.
- Akarca, Ali (2008), "Inter-Party Vote Movements in Turkey Between 1999 and 2002: A Statistical Analysis Using Cross-Provincial Election Data", MPRA Paper 927.
- Akarca, Ali- Aysit Tansel (2003). "Economic Performance and Political Outcomes: An Analysis of The 1995 Turkish Parliamentary Election Results", Economic Research Forum Working Papers. No. 0321.
- Akarca, Ali- Aysit Tansel (2006), "Economic Performance and Political Outcomes: An Analysis of The Turkish Parliamentary and Local Election Results Between 1950 And 2004", Public Choice, 77-105.
- Akarca, Ali- Aysit Tansel (2015), "Impact of Internal Migration on Political Participation in Turkey", IZA Journal of Migration, 1-14.
- Akarca, Ali- Aysit Tansel (2007), "Social and Economic Determinants of Turkish Voter Choice in The 1995 Parliamentary Election." Electoral Studies, 633-647.
- Akarca, Ali- Cem Başlevent (2010), "The Region-Of-Origin Effect on Voting Behavior: The Case of Turkey’s Internal Migrants." İktisat İşletme ve Finans , 9-36.
- Akarca, Ali- Cem Baslevent (2010), "Regional Vote Shares of Turkey’s Main Parties During The 1999-2009 Period." Available At SSRN 1732644.
- Anderson, J. Christopher (2000), “Economic Voting and Political Context: A Comparative Perspective”, Electoral Studies, 19, 151–170.
- Ansolabehere, Stephen- Marc Meredith- Erik Snowberg (2012), "Sociotropic Voting and the Media." 175-189, Çevirimiçi: http://authors.library.caltech.edu/31742/ (08.08.2016)
- Baslevent, Cem- Ali Akarca (2008), "Micro Evidence on Inter-Party Vote Movements in Turkey: Who Voted for AKP In 2002?”, Available At SSRN 1304982.
- Başlevent, Cem- Hasan Kirmanoğlu (2015), "Economic Voting in Turkey: Perceptions, Expectations, and the Party Choice." Research And Policy on Turkey, 1-14.
- Başlevent, Cem-Hasan Kirmanoğlu- Burhan Şenatalar (2005), "Empirical Investigation of Party Preferences and Economic Voting in Turkey." European Journal of Political Research , 547-562.
- Başlevent, Cem- Hasan Kirmanoğlu- Burhan Şenatalar (2009), "Party Preferences and Economic Voting in Turkey (Now That the Crisis is Over)." Party Politics , 377-391.
- Baslevent, Cem- Hasan Kirmanoglu- Burhan Senatalar (2004), "Voter Profiles and Fragmentation in the Turkish Party System." Party Politics, 307-324.
- Bellucci, Paolo (1991), "Italian Economic Voting: A Deviant Case or Making A Case for A Better Theory", Norpoth, Lewis-Beck And Lafay.
- Downs, Anthony (1957), "An Economic Theory of Political Action in A Democracy." The Journal of Political Economy, 135-150.
- Duch, M. Raymond- Randolph T. Stevenson (2008), The Economic Vote: How Political and Economic Institutions Condition Election Results, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Fiorina, Morris (1981), Retrospective Voting in American National Elections, Newhaven: Yale University Press.
- Goodhart Charles- Rajendra Bhansali (1970), “Political Economy”, Polit. Stud. 18:43–106.
- Hibbs, A. Douglas (1977), “Political Parties and Macroeconomic Policy”, American Political Science Review, 1467-1487.
- Kiewiet D. Roderick- Douglas Rivers (1985), “A Retrospective on Retrospective Voting”. In Economic Conditions and Electoral Outcomes: The United States and Western Europe, Ed. H Eulau, MS Lewis-Beck, 207–31.
- Kiewiet, D. Roderick (1983), Macroeconomics and Micropolitics: The Electoral Effects of Economic Issues, Chicago:University Of Chicago Press.
- Kinder, D. R., Kiewiet, D. R. (1981), “ Sociotropic Politics: The American Case”, British Journal of Political Science, 129–161.
- Kinder, Donald- Roderick D. Kiewiet (1979), “Economic Discontent and Political Behavior: The Role of Personal Grievances and Collective Economic Judgements in Congressional Voting”, American Journal of Political Science 23: 495-527.
- Kramer, H. Gerald (1971), "Short-Term Fluctuations in US Voting Behavior, 1896–1964."American Political Science Review, 131-143.
- Lafay,J.Dominique (1984), "Political Change and Stability of the Popularity Function: The French General Election of 1981." Political Behavior , 333-352.
- Lafay, J.Dominique (1991), "Political Dyarchy and Popularity Functions: Lessons from the 1986 French Experience", Economics And Politics: The Calculus Of Support, 123-39.
- Lewis-Beck, S. Michael (1986), “Comparative Economic Voting: Britain, France, Germany, Italy”., American Journal of Political Science, 315–346.
- Lewis-Beck, S. Michael- Richard Nadeau- Angelo Elias (2008), “Economics, Party and The Vote: Causality Issues and Panel Data”, American Journal of Political Science, 52, 84–95.
- Lewis-Beck, S. Michael- Martin Paldam (2000), "Economic Voting: An Introduction", Electoral Studies, 113-121.
- Lewis-Beck, S. Michael- Mary Stegmaier (2009), "American Voter to Economic Voter: Evolution of An Idea", Electoral Studies, 625-631.
- Lewis-Beck, S. Michael- Mary Stegmaier (2000), "Economic Determinants of Electoral Outcomes." Annual Review Of Political Science, 183-219.
- Lewis-Beck, S. Michael- Mary Stegmaier (2013), "The VP-Function Revisited: A Survey of the Literature on Vote and Popularity Functions After Over 40 Years." Public Choice, 367-385.
- Lockerbie, Brad (1992), “Prospective Voting in Presidential Elections, 1956–1988”, American Politics Quarterly, 308–325.
- Monroe R. Kristen (1984), Presidential Popularity and the Economy. New York: Praeger.
- Mueller, E. John (1970), "Presidential Popularity from Truman to Johnson." American Political Science Review, 18-34.
- Nadeau, Richard- Michael S. Lewis-Beck (2001), “National Economic Voting in U.S. Presidential Elections”, The Journal of Politics, 63, 159–181.
- Nadeau, Richard- Michael S. Lewis-Beck (2001). “National Economic Voting in U.S. Presidential Elections”, The Journal of Politics, 63, 159–181.
- Nadeau, Richard-Michael S. Lewis-Beck- Eric Belanger (2013), "Economics and Elections Revisited." Comparative Political Studies, 551-573.
- Nannestad, P., Paldam, M. (1997), “ From The Pocketbook of the Welfare Man: A Pooled Cross-Section Study of Economic Voting in Denmark, 1986–92”, British Journal of Political Science, 27, 119–136.
- Nannestad, Peter- Martin Paldam (2000), "Into Pandora's Box of Economic Evaluations: A Study of the Danish Macro VP-Function, 1986–1997." Electoral Studies, 123-140.
- Nannestad, Peter- Martin Paldam (1994), "The VP-Function: A Survey of the Literature on Vote and Popularity Functions After 25 Years." Public Choice, 213-245.
- Paldam, Martin (1991), “How Robust is the Vote Function? A Study of Seventeen Nations Over Four Decades” In H. Norpoth, M. S. Lewis-Beck, & J. D. Lafay (Eds.), Economics And Politics: The Calculus Of Support (Pp. 9–31). Ann Arbor: University Of Michigan Press.
- Paldam, Martin- Schneider, Friedrich (1980), “The Macroeconomic Aspects of Government and Opposition Popularity in Denmark, 1957-78”, Nationalokonomisk Tidsskrift 118: 149-170.
- Pissarides, A. Christopher (1980), "British Government Popularity and Economic Performance", The Economic Journal, 569-581.
- Price, Simon-David Sanders (1995), “Economic Expectations and Voting Intentions in The UK, 1979–1989: A Pooled Cross-Section Approach”, Political Studies, 43, 451–471.
- Rattinger, Hans (1981), “Unemployment and the 1976 Election In Germany: Some Findings at the Aggregate and the Individual Level of Analysis” . In Hibbs And Fassbender (1981).
- Sanders, David (2000), "The Real Economy and the Perceived Economy in Popularity Functions: How Much Do Voters Need to Know?: A Study of British Data, 1974–97", Electoral Studies , 275-294.
- Sarensen, Rune Jorgen (1987), “Macroeconomic Policy and Government Popularity in Norway 1963-86”, Scandinavian Political Studies, 301-321.
- Schneider Friedrich, Bruno S. Frey (1988), “Politico-Economic Models of Macroeconomic Policy: A Review of Empirical Evidence”. In Political Business Cycles, Ed. T Willett. Durham, NC: Duke Univ. Press.
- Tufte, R. Edward (1980), Political Control of the Economy. Princeton University Press.
- Whiteley, F. Paul (1986), "Macroeconomic Performance and Government Popularity in Britain: The Short Run Dynamics." European Journal Of Political Research, 45-61.
- Wlezien, Christopher-Mark Franklin-Daniel Twiggs (1997), “Economic Perceptions and Vote Choice: Disentangling the Endogeneity”, Political Behavior, 19, 7–17.
Year 2017,
Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 39 - 56, 28.07.2017
Sedef Şen
Murat Donduran
- Akarca, Ali (2009), "A Prediction for AKP’s Nationwide Vote Share in the 29 March 2009 Turkish Local Elections", İktisat İşletme ve Finans 24, 7-22.
- Akarca, Ali (2010), "Analysis of the 2009 Turkish Election Results from an Economic Voting Perspective", European Research Studies, 3.
- Akarca, Ali (2011), "Inter-Election Vote Swings for the Turkish Ruling Party: The Impact of Economic Performance and Other Factors", Equilibrium , 7.
- Akarca, Ali (2008), "Inter-Party Vote Movements in Turkey Between 1999 and 2002: A Statistical Analysis Using Cross-Provincial Election Data", MPRA Paper 927.
- Akarca, Ali- Aysit Tansel (2003). "Economic Performance and Political Outcomes: An Analysis of The 1995 Turkish Parliamentary Election Results", Economic Research Forum Working Papers. No. 0321.
- Akarca, Ali- Aysit Tansel (2006), "Economic Performance and Political Outcomes: An Analysis of The Turkish Parliamentary and Local Election Results Between 1950 And 2004", Public Choice, 77-105.
- Akarca, Ali- Aysit Tansel (2015), "Impact of Internal Migration on Political Participation in Turkey", IZA Journal of Migration, 1-14.
- Akarca, Ali- Aysit Tansel (2007), "Social and Economic Determinants of Turkish Voter Choice in The 1995 Parliamentary Election." Electoral Studies, 633-647.
- Akarca, Ali- Cem Başlevent (2010), "The Region-Of-Origin Effect on Voting Behavior: The Case of Turkey’s Internal Migrants." İktisat İşletme ve Finans , 9-36.
- Akarca, Ali- Cem Baslevent (2010), "Regional Vote Shares of Turkey’s Main Parties During The 1999-2009 Period." Available At SSRN 1732644.
- Anderson, J. Christopher (2000), “Economic Voting and Political Context: A Comparative Perspective”, Electoral Studies, 19, 151–170.
- Ansolabehere, Stephen- Marc Meredith- Erik Snowberg (2012), "Sociotropic Voting and the Media." 175-189, Çevirimiçi: http://authors.library.caltech.edu/31742/ (08.08.2016)
- Baslevent, Cem- Ali Akarca (2008), "Micro Evidence on Inter-Party Vote Movements in Turkey: Who Voted for AKP In 2002?”, Available At SSRN 1304982.
- Başlevent, Cem- Hasan Kirmanoğlu (2015), "Economic Voting in Turkey: Perceptions, Expectations, and the Party Choice." Research And Policy on Turkey, 1-14.
- Başlevent, Cem-Hasan Kirmanoğlu- Burhan Şenatalar (2005), "Empirical Investigation of Party Preferences and Economic Voting in Turkey." European Journal of Political Research , 547-562.
- Başlevent, Cem- Hasan Kirmanoğlu- Burhan Şenatalar (2009), "Party Preferences and Economic Voting in Turkey (Now That the Crisis is Over)." Party Politics , 377-391.
- Baslevent, Cem- Hasan Kirmanoglu- Burhan Senatalar (2004), "Voter Profiles and Fragmentation in the Turkish Party System." Party Politics, 307-324.
- Bellucci, Paolo (1991), "Italian Economic Voting: A Deviant Case or Making A Case for A Better Theory", Norpoth, Lewis-Beck And Lafay.
- Downs, Anthony (1957), "An Economic Theory of Political Action in A Democracy." The Journal of Political Economy, 135-150.
- Duch, M. Raymond- Randolph T. Stevenson (2008), The Economic Vote: How Political and Economic Institutions Condition Election Results, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Fiorina, Morris (1981), Retrospective Voting in American National Elections, Newhaven: Yale University Press.
- Goodhart Charles- Rajendra Bhansali (1970), “Political Economy”, Polit. Stud. 18:43–106.
- Hibbs, A. Douglas (1977), “Political Parties and Macroeconomic Policy”, American Political Science Review, 1467-1487.
- Kiewiet D. Roderick- Douglas Rivers (1985), “A Retrospective on Retrospective Voting”. In Economic Conditions and Electoral Outcomes: The United States and Western Europe, Ed. H Eulau, MS Lewis-Beck, 207–31.
- Kiewiet, D. Roderick (1983), Macroeconomics and Micropolitics: The Electoral Effects of Economic Issues, Chicago:University Of Chicago Press.
- Kinder, D. R., Kiewiet, D. R. (1981), “ Sociotropic Politics: The American Case”, British Journal of Political Science, 129–161.
- Kinder, Donald- Roderick D. Kiewiet (1979), “Economic Discontent and Political Behavior: The Role of Personal Grievances and Collective Economic Judgements in Congressional Voting”, American Journal of Political Science 23: 495-527.
- Kramer, H. Gerald (1971), "Short-Term Fluctuations in US Voting Behavior, 1896–1964."American Political Science Review, 131-143.
- Lafay,J.Dominique (1984), "Political Change and Stability of the Popularity Function: The French General Election of 1981." Political Behavior , 333-352.
- Lafay, J.Dominique (1991), "Political Dyarchy and Popularity Functions: Lessons from the 1986 French Experience", Economics And Politics: The Calculus Of Support, 123-39.
- Lewis-Beck, S. Michael (1986), “Comparative Economic Voting: Britain, France, Germany, Italy”., American Journal of Political Science, 315–346.
- Lewis-Beck, S. Michael- Richard Nadeau- Angelo Elias (2008), “Economics, Party and The Vote: Causality Issues and Panel Data”, American Journal of Political Science, 52, 84–95.
- Lewis-Beck, S. Michael- Martin Paldam (2000), "Economic Voting: An Introduction", Electoral Studies, 113-121.
- Lewis-Beck, S. Michael- Mary Stegmaier (2009), "American Voter to Economic Voter: Evolution of An Idea", Electoral Studies, 625-631.
- Lewis-Beck, S. Michael- Mary Stegmaier (2000), "Economic Determinants of Electoral Outcomes." Annual Review Of Political Science, 183-219.
- Lewis-Beck, S. Michael- Mary Stegmaier (2013), "The VP-Function Revisited: A Survey of the Literature on Vote and Popularity Functions After Over 40 Years." Public Choice, 367-385.
- Lockerbie, Brad (1992), “Prospective Voting in Presidential Elections, 1956–1988”, American Politics Quarterly, 308–325.
- Monroe R. Kristen (1984), Presidential Popularity and the Economy. New York: Praeger.
- Mueller, E. John (1970), "Presidential Popularity from Truman to Johnson." American Political Science Review, 18-34.
- Nadeau, Richard- Michael S. Lewis-Beck (2001), “National Economic Voting in U.S. Presidential Elections”, The Journal of Politics, 63, 159–181.
- Nadeau, Richard- Michael S. Lewis-Beck (2001). “National Economic Voting in U.S. Presidential Elections”, The Journal of Politics, 63, 159–181.
- Nadeau, Richard-Michael S. Lewis-Beck- Eric Belanger (2013), "Economics and Elections Revisited." Comparative Political Studies, 551-573.
- Nannestad, P., Paldam, M. (1997), “ From The Pocketbook of the Welfare Man: A Pooled Cross-Section Study of Economic Voting in Denmark, 1986–92”, British Journal of Political Science, 27, 119–136.
- Nannestad, Peter- Martin Paldam (2000), "Into Pandora's Box of Economic Evaluations: A Study of the Danish Macro VP-Function, 1986–1997." Electoral Studies, 123-140.
- Nannestad, Peter- Martin Paldam (1994), "The VP-Function: A Survey of the Literature on Vote and Popularity Functions After 25 Years." Public Choice, 213-245.
- Paldam, Martin (1991), “How Robust is the Vote Function? A Study of Seventeen Nations Over Four Decades” In H. Norpoth, M. S. Lewis-Beck, & J. D. Lafay (Eds.), Economics And Politics: The Calculus Of Support (Pp. 9–31). Ann Arbor: University Of Michigan Press.
- Paldam, Martin- Schneider, Friedrich (1980), “The Macroeconomic Aspects of Government and Opposition Popularity in Denmark, 1957-78”, Nationalokonomisk Tidsskrift 118: 149-170.
- Pissarides, A. Christopher (1980), "British Government Popularity and Economic Performance", The Economic Journal, 569-581.
- Price, Simon-David Sanders (1995), “Economic Expectations and Voting Intentions in The UK, 1979–1989: A Pooled Cross-Section Approach”, Political Studies, 43, 451–471.
- Rattinger, Hans (1981), “Unemployment and the 1976 Election In Germany: Some Findings at the Aggregate and the Individual Level of Analysis” . In Hibbs And Fassbender (1981).
- Sanders, David (2000), "The Real Economy and the Perceived Economy in Popularity Functions: How Much Do Voters Need to Know?: A Study of British Data, 1974–97", Electoral Studies , 275-294.
- Sarensen, Rune Jorgen (1987), “Macroeconomic Policy and Government Popularity in Norway 1963-86”, Scandinavian Political Studies, 301-321.
- Schneider Friedrich, Bruno S. Frey (1988), “Politico-Economic Models of Macroeconomic Policy: A Review of Empirical Evidence”. In Political Business Cycles, Ed. T Willett. Durham, NC: Duke Univ. Press.
- Tufte, R. Edward (1980), Political Control of the Economy. Princeton University Press.
- Whiteley, F. Paul (1986), "Macroeconomic Performance and Government Popularity in Britain: The Short Run Dynamics." European Journal Of Political Research, 45-61.
- Wlezien, Christopher-Mark Franklin-Daniel Twiggs (1997), “Economic Perceptions and Vote Choice: Disentangling the Endogeneity”, Political Behavior, 19, 7–17.