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A Byzantine Church Discovered in the Village of Ağlasun Burdur : Some More Light on Dark Age Pisidia

Year 2017, Issue: 20, 371 - 404, 01.06.2017


Research1 for this article started with the identification of a number of limestone building blocks by members of the Sagalassos Archaeological Research Project in the staircase and east wall of a house in the village of Ağlasun in Burdur province belonging to Hasan Yasan, one of the workmen involved in the excavations and restorations at nearby Sagalassos. These stones were identified as elements of an altar platform bema and chancel barrier templon of a Byzantine church. According to the house owner, these blocks originated from one of his fields located on a gentle slope in the northeast part of Sakaraca Mahallesi, at a location known as Gavur Yıkığı or “Infidel’s Ruin” Fig. 1 . This is a locally known source of building material. During the construction of the house many stones were allegedly brought from there


  • Akyürek 2008 E. Akyürek, “Palamutdüzü: A Medieval Byzantine Village Settlement in the Bey Mountains”, Adalya 11, 2008, 295-316.
  • Anderson 2008 W. Anderson, “Settlement Change in Byzantine Galatia: An Assessment of Finds from the General Survey of Central Anatolia”, Anatolian Archaeological Studies 17, 2008, 233-239.
  • Antonaras 2010 A. C. Antonaras, “Early Christian and Byzantine Glass Vessels: Forms and Uses”, in: F. Daim – J. Drauschke (eds.), Byzanz- das Römerreich im Mittelalter, I. Welt der Ideen, Welt der Dinge (2010) 383-430.
  • Aspinall et al. 2008 A. Aspinall – C. Gaffney – A. Schmidt, Magnetometry for Archaeologists (2008).
  • Bakker et al. 2012 J. Bakker – E. Paulissen – D. Kaniewski – V. De Laet – G. Verstraeten – M. Waelkens, “Man, Vegetation and Climate during the Holocene in the Territory of Sagalassos, Western Taurus Mountains, SW Turkey”, Vegetation History & Archaeobotany 21.4-5, 2012, 249-266.
  • Banning 2002 E. B. Banning, Archaeological Survey. Manuals in Archaeological Method, Theory and Technique (2002).
  • Belke 2005 K. Belke, “Das byzantinische Dorf in Zentralanatolien”, in: J. Lefort – C. Morrison – J.-P. Sodini (eds.), Les villages dans l’Empire byzantin (IVe – XVe siècle). Réalités byzantines 11 (2005) 425-435.
  • Bintliff et al. 2007 J. L. Bintliff – P. Howard – A. M. Snodgrass, Testing the Hinterland: The Work of the Boeotia Survey (1989-1991) in the Southern Approaches to the City of Thespiai (2007).
  • Chatzidakis 1978 M. Chatzidakis, “Ikonostas”, in: M. Restle – K. Wessel (eds.), Reallexikon zur Byzantinischen Kunst III (1978) 326-353.
  • Clark 1996 A. J. Clark, Seeing beneath the Soil. Prospecting Methods in Archaeology (1996). Conyers 2013 L. B. Conyers, Ground-penetrating Radar for Archaeology (2013).
  • Decker 2016 M. J. Decker, The Byzantine Dark Ages. Debates in Archaeology (2016).
  • Degryse et al. 2003 P. Degryse – P. Muchez – L. Loots – L. Vandeput – M. Waelkens, “The Building Stones of Roman Sagalassos (SW Turkey): Facies Analysis and Provenance”, Facies 48, 2003, 9-22.
  • Degryse et al. 2007 P. Degryse – J. Schneider – N. Kellens – M. Waelkens – P. Muchez, “Tracing the Resources of Iron Working at Ancient Sagalassos (south-west Turkey): A Combined Lead and Strontium Isotope Study on Iron Artefacts and Ores”, Archaeometry 49, 2007, 75-86.
  • Dunn 2005 A. W. Dunn, “The Problem of the Early Byzantine Village in Eastern and Northern Macedonia”, in: J. Lefort – C. Morrison – J.-P. Sodini (eds.), Les villages dans l’Empire byzantin (IVe – XVe siècle). Réalités byzantines 11 (2005) 267-278.
  • Düring – Glatz 2015 B. S. Düring – C. Glatz, Kinetic Landscapes: The Cide Archaeological Project 2009- 2011. Surveying the Western Turkish Black Sea Region (2015).
  • Funke 2004 P. Funke, “Sparta und die peloponnesische Staatenwelt zu Beginn des 4.
  • Jahrhunderts und der Dioikismos von Mantineia”, in: C. Tuplin (ed.), Xenophon and his World. Papers from a Conference held in Liverpool in July 1999. Historia Einzelschriften 172 (2004) 427-435.
  • Gough 1975 M. Gough, “Dağ Pazarı: The Basilical Church extra muros”, in: G. Robertson – G. Henderson (eds.), Studies in Memory of David Talbot Rice (1975) 147-163.
  • Laiou 2005 A. E. Laiou, “The Byzantine Village (5th-14th century)”, in: J. Lefort – C. Morrison – J.-P. Sodini (eds.), Les villages dans l’Empire byzantin (IVe – XVe siècle). Réalités byzantines 11 (2005) 31-54.
  • Mårtensson et al. 2009 L. Mårtensson – M. L. Nosch – E. Andersson Stran, “Shape of Things: Understanding a Loom Weight”, Oxford Journal of Archaeology 28.4, 2009, 373-398.
  • Mattingly 2000 D. Mattingly, “Methods of Collection, Recording and Quantification”, in: R. Francovich – H. Patterson (eds.), Extracting Meaning from Ploughsoil Assemblages. The Archaeology of Mediterranean Landscapes (2000) 5-15.
  • Mušic et al. 2009 B. Mušic – V. De Laet – F. Martens – D. Similox-Tohon – G. Verstraeten – J. Poblome – P. Talloen – I. Uytterhoeven – M. Waelkens, “Geophysics, Satellite Imagery, Urban Survey and Archaeological Excavations - Complementary Contributions to Reconstruct an Ancient Urban Landscape - The Case of Sagalassos (SW-Turkey)”, in: W. Börner (ed.), Archäologie und Computer, 5.-7. November 2008, Workshop 13: Kulturelles Erbe und neue Technologien (2009) 1-23.
  • Niewöhner 2007 P. Niewöhner, Aizanoi, Dokimion und Anatolien. Stadt und Land, Siedlungs- und Steinmetzwesen vom späteren 4. bis ins 6. Jahrhundert n.Chr. Aizanoi 1 (2007). Niewöhner 2008 P. Niewöhner, “Mittelbyzantinische Templonanlagen aus Anatolien . Die
  • Sammlung des Archäologischen Museums Kütahya und ihr Kontext”, IstMitt 58, 2008, 285-345.
  • Niewöhner et al. 2013 P. Niewöhner – G. Dikilitaş – E. Erkul – S. Giese – J. Gorecki – W. Prochaska – D. Sarı – H. Stümpel – A. Vardar – A. Waldner – A. V. Walser – H. Woith, “Bronze Age Höyüks, Iron Age Hilltop Forts, Roman Poleis and Byzantine Pilgrimage in Germia and its Vicinity. ‘Connectivity’ and a Lack of ‘Definite Places’ on the Central Anatolian Plateau”, AnatSt 63, 2013, 97-136.
  • Ottoni et al. 2016 C. Ottoni – R. Rasteiro – R. Willet – J. Claeys – P. Talloen – K. Van de Vijver – L. Chikhi – J. Poblome – R. Decorte, “Comparing Maternal Genetic Variation across Two Millennia Reveals the Demographic History of an Ancient Human Population in Southwest Turkey”, Royal Society Open Science 3, 2016. Doi: 10.1098/rsos.150250).
  • Peschlow 2006 U. Peschlow, “Dividing Interior Space in Early Byzantine Churches: The Barriers between the Nave and Aisles”, in: S. E. J. Gerstel (ed.), Thresholds of the Sacred: Architectural, Art Historical, Liturgical, and Theological Perspectives on Religious Screens, East and West (2006) 53-71.
  • Poblome 2014 J. Poblome, “Shifting Societal Complexity in Byzantine Asia Minor and Dark Age Pottery”, in: N. Poulou-Papadimitrou – E. Nodarou – V. Kilikoglou (eds.), LRCW 4: Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amporae in the Mediterranean. Archaeology and Archaeometry. The Mediterranean: A Market without Frontiers. BAR International Series 2616 (2014) 623-642.
  • Poblome 2015 J. Poblome, “Life in the Late Antique Countryside of Sagalassos”, in: H. Metin – B. A. Polat Becks – R. Becks – M. Fırat (eds.), Pisidian Essays in Honour of Hacı Ali Ekinci (2015) 99-109.
  • Rabbel et al. 2014 W. Rabbel – E. Erkul – H. Stümpel – T. Wunderlich – R. Pašteka – J. Papco – P. Niewöhner – Ş. Barış – O. Çakın – E. Pekşen, “Discovery of a Byzantine Church in Iznik/Nicaea, Turkey: An Educational Case History of Geophysical Prospecting with Combined Methods in Urban Areas”, Archaeological Prospection 2014 (DOI: 10.1002/arp.1491).
  • Poblome et al. 2017 J. Poblome – P. Talloen – E. Kaptijn, “Byzantine Sagalassos”, in: P. Niewohner (ed.), The Archaeology of Byzantine Anatolia. From Late Antiquity to the Coming of the Turks (2017) 302-311.
  • Scollar 1990 I. Scollar, Archaeological Prospecting and Remote Sensing. Topics in Remote Sensing 2 (1990).
  • Sintubin et al. 2003 M. Sintubin – P. Muchez – D. Similox-Tohon – G. Verhaert – E. Paulissen – M. Waelkens, “Seismic Catastrophes at the Ancient City of Sagalassos (SW Turkey) and their Implication for Seismotectonics in the Burdur-Isparta Area”, Geological Journal 38.3-4, 2003, 359-374.
  • Sodini 2008 J. P. Sodini, “La sculpture byzantine (viie-xiie siècles): Acquis, problèmes et perspectives”, in: C. Pennas – C. Vanderheyde (eds.), La sculpture byzantine, viie – xiie siècles. Actes du colloque international organisé par l’Ephorie des antiquités byzantines et l’Ecole française d’Athènes, 6-8 septembre 2000. BCH Supplement 49 (2008) 5-35.
  • Talloen 2015 P. Talloen, Cult in Pisidia. Religious Practice in Southwestern Asia Minor from Alexander the Great to the Rise of Christianity. Studies in Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology 10 (2015).
  • Talloen forthcoming P. Talloen, The Churches of Sagalassos (forthcoming). Vandam – Poblome 2017 R. Vandam – J. Poblome, “Up in the Hills: The 2016 Sagalassos Archaeological Survey Results”, Anmed 15, 2017 (in press).
  • Vandam et al. 2017 R. Vandam – P. T. Willett – J. Poblome, “Chapter 15: Living on the Margins. First Results from the Dereköy Archaeological Survey of the Sagalassos Project in the Western Taurus Mountains”, in: S. R. Steadman – G. McMahon (eds.), The Archaeology of Anatolia: Recent Discoveries (2015-2016) Vol. II (2017) 321-346.
  • Vanderheyde 2007 C. Vanderheyde, “The Carved Decoration of the Middle and Late Byzantine Templa”, Mitteilungen zur spätantiken Archäologie und byzantinischen Kunstgeschichte 5, 2007, 77-98.
  • Vanhaverbeke et al. 2005 H. Vanhaverbeke – Ö. Başağaç – K. Paul – M. Waelkens, “A Selçuk Hamam at Ağlasun, Burdur Province, Turkey”, Turcica 37, 2005, 309-336. Vanhaverbeke et al. 2009
  • H. Vanhaverbeke – A. K. Vionis – J. Poblome – M. Waelkens, “What Happened after the 7th century AD? A Different Perspective on Post-Roman Rural Anatolia”, in: T. Vorderstrasse – J. Roodenberg (eds.), Archaeology of the Countryside in Medieval Anatolia (2009) 177-190.
  • Vanhaverbeke – Waelkens 2003 H. Vanhaverbeke – M. Waelkens, The Chora of Sagalassos: The Evolution of the Settlement Pattern from Prehistoric until Recent Times. Studies in Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology 5 (2003).
  • Vermoere 2004 M. Vermoere, Holocene Vegetation History in the Territory of Sagalassos (Southwest Turkey). A Palynological Approach. Studies in Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology 6 (2004).
  • Vionis et al. 2009 A. Vionis – J. Poblome – M. Waelkens, “The Hidden Material Culture of the Dark Ages. Early Medieval Ceramics at Sagalassos (Turkey): New Evidence (ca AD 650-800)”, AnatSt 59, 2009, 147-165.
  • Vionis et al. 2010 A. Vionis – J. Poblome – M. Waelkens, “A Middle-Late Byzantine Pottery Assemblage from Sagalassos. Typo-chronology and Sociocultural Interpretation”, Hesperia 79, 2010, 423-464.
  • Waelkens 2005 M. Waelkens, “Report on the 2003 Excavation and Restoration Campaign at Sagalassos”, in: 26. KST, 2005, 421-438.
  • Waelkens et al. 2006 M. Waelkens – H. Vanhaverbeke – M. Martens – P. Talloen – J. Poblome – T. Van Thuyne – T. Putzeys, “The Late Antique to Early Byzantine City in Southwest Anatolia. Sagalassos and its Territory: A Case Study”, in: J.-U. Krause – C. Witschel (eds.), Die spätantike Stadt- Niedergang oder Wandel? Akten des internationalen Kolloquiums in München am 30. und 31. Mai 2003. Historia Einzelschriften 190 (2006) 199-255.
  • Waelkens et al. 2015 M. Waelkens – J. Richard – J. Poblome – I. Jacobs – H. Uleners – I. Uytterhoeven – R. Van Beeumen – P. Talloen – J. Claeys – E. Torun – S. Ercan, “The 2013 excavations and restoration activities at Sagalassos”, in: 36. KST, 2015, 35-60.
  • Whittow 2009 M. Whittow, “Early Medieval Byzantium and the End of the Ancient World”, Journal of Agrarian Change 9.1, 2009, 134-153.
  • Wilkinson 1982 T. J. Wilkinson, “The Definition of Ancient Manured Zones by Means of Extensive Sherd-sampling Techniques”, Journal of Field Archaeology 9.3, 1982, 323-333.

Burdur-Ağlasun’da Keşfedilen Bizans Kilisesi: Pisidia’nın Karanlık Çağı’na Biraz Daha Işık

Year 2017, Issue: 20, 371 - 404, 01.06.2017


Burdur İli’ne bağlı Ağlasun İlçesi’nde bir evin duvarında devşirme olarak kullanılan kireçtaşı mimari blokların aslında 6.-7. yy.’a tarihlenebilecek bir Bizans kilisesine ait altarın alt platformu ve templon düzenlemesine ait olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Söz konusu unsurların Gavur Yıkığı Mevkii’nde bir tarlada ele geçtiği bildirilmiştir. Bugün yüzeyde hiçbir mimari elemanın görülmediği alanda sürekli tarımsal etkinlikten dolayı mimari pişmiş toprak, harç ve çanak-çömlek parçaları etrafa dağılmış durumdadır ve moloz taşlar, tuğla ve kiremit parçaları ile kesme taş bloklar tarlanın sınırı boyunca öbek halinde yığılmıştır. Bu keşif ile Ağlasun’da ilk kez bir kilisenin yerini saptamak mümkün olmuştur. Üstelik, yüzeydeki malzemenin geniş bir alana dağılımı tek başına bir kiliseden ziyade etrafında bir yerleşmenin varlığına işaret etmektedir. Bu tür bir örenin araştırılması, yörenin genelde ve özellikle Bizans Dönemi yerleşme tarihi hakkındaki bilgimize katkıda bulunacaktır.


  • Akyürek 2008 E. Akyürek, “Palamutdüzü: A Medieval Byzantine Village Settlement in the Bey Mountains”, Adalya 11, 2008, 295-316.
  • Anderson 2008 W. Anderson, “Settlement Change in Byzantine Galatia: An Assessment of Finds from the General Survey of Central Anatolia”, Anatolian Archaeological Studies 17, 2008, 233-239.
  • Antonaras 2010 A. C. Antonaras, “Early Christian and Byzantine Glass Vessels: Forms and Uses”, in: F. Daim – J. Drauschke (eds.), Byzanz- das Römerreich im Mittelalter, I. Welt der Ideen, Welt der Dinge (2010) 383-430.
  • Aspinall et al. 2008 A. Aspinall – C. Gaffney – A. Schmidt, Magnetometry for Archaeologists (2008).
  • Bakker et al. 2012 J. Bakker – E. Paulissen – D. Kaniewski – V. De Laet – G. Verstraeten – M. Waelkens, “Man, Vegetation and Climate during the Holocene in the Territory of Sagalassos, Western Taurus Mountains, SW Turkey”, Vegetation History & Archaeobotany 21.4-5, 2012, 249-266.
  • Banning 2002 E. B. Banning, Archaeological Survey. Manuals in Archaeological Method, Theory and Technique (2002).
  • Belke 2005 K. Belke, “Das byzantinische Dorf in Zentralanatolien”, in: J. Lefort – C. Morrison – J.-P. Sodini (eds.), Les villages dans l’Empire byzantin (IVe – XVe siècle). Réalités byzantines 11 (2005) 425-435.
  • Bintliff et al. 2007 J. L. Bintliff – P. Howard – A. M. Snodgrass, Testing the Hinterland: The Work of the Boeotia Survey (1989-1991) in the Southern Approaches to the City of Thespiai (2007).
  • Chatzidakis 1978 M. Chatzidakis, “Ikonostas”, in: M. Restle – K. Wessel (eds.), Reallexikon zur Byzantinischen Kunst III (1978) 326-353.
  • Clark 1996 A. J. Clark, Seeing beneath the Soil. Prospecting Methods in Archaeology (1996). Conyers 2013 L. B. Conyers, Ground-penetrating Radar for Archaeology (2013).
  • Decker 2016 M. J. Decker, The Byzantine Dark Ages. Debates in Archaeology (2016).
  • Degryse et al. 2003 P. Degryse – P. Muchez – L. Loots – L. Vandeput – M. Waelkens, “The Building Stones of Roman Sagalassos (SW Turkey): Facies Analysis and Provenance”, Facies 48, 2003, 9-22.
  • Degryse et al. 2007 P. Degryse – J. Schneider – N. Kellens – M. Waelkens – P. Muchez, “Tracing the Resources of Iron Working at Ancient Sagalassos (south-west Turkey): A Combined Lead and Strontium Isotope Study on Iron Artefacts and Ores”, Archaeometry 49, 2007, 75-86.
  • Dunn 2005 A. W. Dunn, “The Problem of the Early Byzantine Village in Eastern and Northern Macedonia”, in: J. Lefort – C. Morrison – J.-P. Sodini (eds.), Les villages dans l’Empire byzantin (IVe – XVe siècle). Réalités byzantines 11 (2005) 267-278.
  • Düring – Glatz 2015 B. S. Düring – C. Glatz, Kinetic Landscapes: The Cide Archaeological Project 2009- 2011. Surveying the Western Turkish Black Sea Region (2015).
  • Funke 2004 P. Funke, “Sparta und die peloponnesische Staatenwelt zu Beginn des 4.
  • Jahrhunderts und der Dioikismos von Mantineia”, in: C. Tuplin (ed.), Xenophon and his World. Papers from a Conference held in Liverpool in July 1999. Historia Einzelschriften 172 (2004) 427-435.
  • Gough 1975 M. Gough, “Dağ Pazarı: The Basilical Church extra muros”, in: G. Robertson – G. Henderson (eds.), Studies in Memory of David Talbot Rice (1975) 147-163.
  • Laiou 2005 A. E. Laiou, “The Byzantine Village (5th-14th century)”, in: J. Lefort – C. Morrison – J.-P. Sodini (eds.), Les villages dans l’Empire byzantin (IVe – XVe siècle). Réalités byzantines 11 (2005) 31-54.
  • Mårtensson et al. 2009 L. Mårtensson – M. L. Nosch – E. Andersson Stran, “Shape of Things: Understanding a Loom Weight”, Oxford Journal of Archaeology 28.4, 2009, 373-398.
  • Mattingly 2000 D. Mattingly, “Methods of Collection, Recording and Quantification”, in: R. Francovich – H. Patterson (eds.), Extracting Meaning from Ploughsoil Assemblages. The Archaeology of Mediterranean Landscapes (2000) 5-15.
  • Mušic et al. 2009 B. Mušic – V. De Laet – F. Martens – D. Similox-Tohon – G. Verstraeten – J. Poblome – P. Talloen – I. Uytterhoeven – M. Waelkens, “Geophysics, Satellite Imagery, Urban Survey and Archaeological Excavations - Complementary Contributions to Reconstruct an Ancient Urban Landscape - The Case of Sagalassos (SW-Turkey)”, in: W. Börner (ed.), Archäologie und Computer, 5.-7. November 2008, Workshop 13: Kulturelles Erbe und neue Technologien (2009) 1-23.
  • Niewöhner 2007 P. Niewöhner, Aizanoi, Dokimion und Anatolien. Stadt und Land, Siedlungs- und Steinmetzwesen vom späteren 4. bis ins 6. Jahrhundert n.Chr. Aizanoi 1 (2007). Niewöhner 2008 P. Niewöhner, “Mittelbyzantinische Templonanlagen aus Anatolien . Die
  • Sammlung des Archäologischen Museums Kütahya und ihr Kontext”, IstMitt 58, 2008, 285-345.
  • Niewöhner et al. 2013 P. Niewöhner – G. Dikilitaş – E. Erkul – S. Giese – J. Gorecki – W. Prochaska – D. Sarı – H. Stümpel – A. Vardar – A. Waldner – A. V. Walser – H. Woith, “Bronze Age Höyüks, Iron Age Hilltop Forts, Roman Poleis and Byzantine Pilgrimage in Germia and its Vicinity. ‘Connectivity’ and a Lack of ‘Definite Places’ on the Central Anatolian Plateau”, AnatSt 63, 2013, 97-136.
  • Ottoni et al. 2016 C. Ottoni – R. Rasteiro – R. Willet – J. Claeys – P. Talloen – K. Van de Vijver – L. Chikhi – J. Poblome – R. Decorte, “Comparing Maternal Genetic Variation across Two Millennia Reveals the Demographic History of an Ancient Human Population in Southwest Turkey”, Royal Society Open Science 3, 2016. Doi: 10.1098/rsos.150250).
  • Peschlow 2006 U. Peschlow, “Dividing Interior Space in Early Byzantine Churches: The Barriers between the Nave and Aisles”, in: S. E. J. Gerstel (ed.), Thresholds of the Sacred: Architectural, Art Historical, Liturgical, and Theological Perspectives on Religious Screens, East and West (2006) 53-71.
  • Poblome 2014 J. Poblome, “Shifting Societal Complexity in Byzantine Asia Minor and Dark Age Pottery”, in: N. Poulou-Papadimitrou – E. Nodarou – V. Kilikoglou (eds.), LRCW 4: Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amporae in the Mediterranean. Archaeology and Archaeometry. The Mediterranean: A Market without Frontiers. BAR International Series 2616 (2014) 623-642.
  • Poblome 2015 J. Poblome, “Life in the Late Antique Countryside of Sagalassos”, in: H. Metin – B. A. Polat Becks – R. Becks – M. Fırat (eds.), Pisidian Essays in Honour of Hacı Ali Ekinci (2015) 99-109.
  • Rabbel et al. 2014 W. Rabbel – E. Erkul – H. Stümpel – T. Wunderlich – R. Pašteka – J. Papco – P. Niewöhner – Ş. Barış – O. Çakın – E. Pekşen, “Discovery of a Byzantine Church in Iznik/Nicaea, Turkey: An Educational Case History of Geophysical Prospecting with Combined Methods in Urban Areas”, Archaeological Prospection 2014 (DOI: 10.1002/arp.1491).
  • Poblome et al. 2017 J. Poblome – P. Talloen – E. Kaptijn, “Byzantine Sagalassos”, in: P. Niewohner (ed.), The Archaeology of Byzantine Anatolia. From Late Antiquity to the Coming of the Turks (2017) 302-311.
  • Scollar 1990 I. Scollar, Archaeological Prospecting and Remote Sensing. Topics in Remote Sensing 2 (1990).
  • Sintubin et al. 2003 M. Sintubin – P. Muchez – D. Similox-Tohon – G. Verhaert – E. Paulissen – M. Waelkens, “Seismic Catastrophes at the Ancient City of Sagalassos (SW Turkey) and their Implication for Seismotectonics in the Burdur-Isparta Area”, Geological Journal 38.3-4, 2003, 359-374.
  • Sodini 2008 J. P. Sodini, “La sculpture byzantine (viie-xiie siècles): Acquis, problèmes et perspectives”, in: C. Pennas – C. Vanderheyde (eds.), La sculpture byzantine, viie – xiie siècles. Actes du colloque international organisé par l’Ephorie des antiquités byzantines et l’Ecole française d’Athènes, 6-8 septembre 2000. BCH Supplement 49 (2008) 5-35.
  • Talloen 2015 P. Talloen, Cult in Pisidia. Religious Practice in Southwestern Asia Minor from Alexander the Great to the Rise of Christianity. Studies in Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology 10 (2015).
  • Talloen forthcoming P. Talloen, The Churches of Sagalassos (forthcoming). Vandam – Poblome 2017 R. Vandam – J. Poblome, “Up in the Hills: The 2016 Sagalassos Archaeological Survey Results”, Anmed 15, 2017 (in press).
  • Vandam et al. 2017 R. Vandam – P. T. Willett – J. Poblome, “Chapter 15: Living on the Margins. First Results from the Dereköy Archaeological Survey of the Sagalassos Project in the Western Taurus Mountains”, in: S. R. Steadman – G. McMahon (eds.), The Archaeology of Anatolia: Recent Discoveries (2015-2016) Vol. II (2017) 321-346.
  • Vanderheyde 2007 C. Vanderheyde, “The Carved Decoration of the Middle and Late Byzantine Templa”, Mitteilungen zur spätantiken Archäologie und byzantinischen Kunstgeschichte 5, 2007, 77-98.
  • Vanhaverbeke et al. 2005 H. Vanhaverbeke – Ö. Başağaç – K. Paul – M. Waelkens, “A Selçuk Hamam at Ağlasun, Burdur Province, Turkey”, Turcica 37, 2005, 309-336. Vanhaverbeke et al. 2009
  • H. Vanhaverbeke – A. K. Vionis – J. Poblome – M. Waelkens, “What Happened after the 7th century AD? A Different Perspective on Post-Roman Rural Anatolia”, in: T. Vorderstrasse – J. Roodenberg (eds.), Archaeology of the Countryside in Medieval Anatolia (2009) 177-190.
  • Vanhaverbeke – Waelkens 2003 H. Vanhaverbeke – M. Waelkens, The Chora of Sagalassos: The Evolution of the Settlement Pattern from Prehistoric until Recent Times. Studies in Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology 5 (2003).
  • Vermoere 2004 M. Vermoere, Holocene Vegetation History in the Territory of Sagalassos (Southwest Turkey). A Palynological Approach. Studies in Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology 6 (2004).
  • Vionis et al. 2009 A. Vionis – J. Poblome – M. Waelkens, “The Hidden Material Culture of the Dark Ages. Early Medieval Ceramics at Sagalassos (Turkey): New Evidence (ca AD 650-800)”, AnatSt 59, 2009, 147-165.
  • Vionis et al. 2010 A. Vionis – J. Poblome – M. Waelkens, “A Middle-Late Byzantine Pottery Assemblage from Sagalassos. Typo-chronology and Sociocultural Interpretation”, Hesperia 79, 2010, 423-464.
  • Waelkens 2005 M. Waelkens, “Report on the 2003 Excavation and Restoration Campaign at Sagalassos”, in: 26. KST, 2005, 421-438.
  • Waelkens et al. 2006 M. Waelkens – H. Vanhaverbeke – M. Martens – P. Talloen – J. Poblome – T. Van Thuyne – T. Putzeys, “The Late Antique to Early Byzantine City in Southwest Anatolia. Sagalassos and its Territory: A Case Study”, in: J.-U. Krause – C. Witschel (eds.), Die spätantike Stadt- Niedergang oder Wandel? Akten des internationalen Kolloquiums in München am 30. und 31. Mai 2003. Historia Einzelschriften 190 (2006) 199-255.
  • Waelkens et al. 2015 M. Waelkens – J. Richard – J. Poblome – I. Jacobs – H. Uleners – I. Uytterhoeven – R. Van Beeumen – P. Talloen – J. Claeys – E. Torun – S. Ercan, “The 2013 excavations and restoration activities at Sagalassos”, in: 36. KST, 2015, 35-60.
  • Whittow 2009 M. Whittow, “Early Medieval Byzantium and the End of the Ancient World”, Journal of Agrarian Change 9.1, 2009, 134-153.
  • Wilkinson 1982 T. J. Wilkinson, “The Definition of Ancient Manured Zones by Means of Extensive Sherd-sampling Techniques”, Journal of Field Archaeology 9.3, 1982, 323-333.
There are 49 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Peter Talloen

Ralf Vandam This is me

Manuela Broısch This is me

Jeroen Poblome This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Issue: 20


Chicago Talloen, Peter, Ralf Vandam, Manuela Broısch, and Jeroen Poblome. “A Byzantine Church Discovered in the Village of Ağlasun Burdur : Some More Light on Dark Age Pisidia”. Adalya, no. 20 (June 2017): 371-404.

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