Year 2021,
Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 12 - 16, 11.06.2021
Hatice Pelin Aslım
Hasan Sercan Palancı
Irmak Dik
Varol Çivril
Çağrı Avci
Oya Bulut
- Al-Rubayie, K.M., & Hasso, S. (2014). Detection of border disease in ovine using ELISA in Iraq. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 3(3), 1051-5.
- Albayrak, H., Gumusova, S.O., Ozan, E., & Yazici, Z. (2012). Molecular detection of pestiviruses in aborted foetuses from provinces in northern Turkey. Tropical animal health and production production, 44 (4), 677-80.
- Ali, Y., Intisar, K., Taha, K., Ishag, O., Nada, E., Nouri, Y., Baraa, A., Salma, B., & Elghazali, F. (2015). Detection of Pestivirus in Pneumonic Sheep and Goats. Current Trends in Technology and Science, 4 (1), 436-40.
- Ataseven, V.S., Ataseven, L., Tan, T., Babur, C., & Oguzoglu, T.C. (2006). Seropositivity of agents causing abortion in local goat breeds in Eastern and South-eastern Anatolia, Turkey. Revue de médecine vétérinaire, 157 (11), 545.
- Avcı, O. (2010). Konya ve çevresinde abort problemli koyun sürülerinde border dısease virus enfeksiyonunun araştırılması, (Doktora Tezi, Selçuk Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü).
- Berber, E., & Sözdutmaz, İ. (2013). Elazığ, Malatya ve Tunceli İllerinde Koyunlarda Görülen Abort Vakalarında Pestivirusların Rolünün Araştırılması. Fırat Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Veteriner Dergisi, 27 (1), 39-41.
- Berriatua, E., Barandika, J., Aduriz, G., Hurtado, A., Estevez, L., Atxaerandio, R., & Garcia-Perez, A. (2006). Flock-prevalence of border disease virus infection in Basque dairy-sheep estimated by bulk-tank milk analysis. Veterinary Microbiology, 118 (1-2), 37-46.
- Braun, U., Bachofen, C., Schenk, B., Hässig, M., Peterhans, E. (2013) Investigation of border disease and bovine virus diarrhoea in sheep from 76 mixed cattle and sheep farms in eastern Switzerland. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 155 (5), 293-8.
- Braun, U., Reichle, S., Reichert, C., Hässig, M., Stalder, H., Bachofen, C., & Peterhans, E. (2014). Sheep persistently infected with Border disease readily transmit virus to calves seronegative to BVD virus. Veterinary microbiology, 168 (1), 98-104.
- Burgu, İ. (2003). Gebe koyunlar ve fötuslarinda pestİvİrus enfeksİyonu. Ankara Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri.
- Burgu, İ., Akça, Y., Alkan, F., Özkul, A., Karaoğlu, T., Dağalp, S.B., Oğuzoğlu, T.Ç., & Yeşilbağ, K. (2001). The serological and virological investigations and pathogenesis of BVDV infection in sheep during pre-and post-partum periods. Turkish Journal of Veterinary Animal Sciences, 25 (4), 551-7.
- Cabezón, O., Rosell, R., Velarde, R., Mentaberre, G., Casas-Díaz, E., Lavín, S., & Marco, I. (2010). Border disease virus shedding and detection in naturally infected Pyrenean chamois (Rupicapra pyrenaica). Journal of veterinary diagnostic investigation, 22(5), 744-7.
- Caruso, C., Peletto, S., Cerutti, F., Modesto, P., Robetto, S., Domenis, L., Masoero, L., & Acutis, P.L. (2017). Evidence of circulation of the novel border disease virus genotype 8 in chamois. Archives of virology, 162(2), 511-5.
- Cerutti, F., Caruso, C., Modesto, P., Orusa, R., Masoero, L., Acutis, P.L., & Peletto, S. (2019). The genome of Border disease virus genotype 8 from chamois by next generation sequencing. Veterinaria italiana, 55 (1), 103-5.
- Chand, P., & Sadana, J. (1999). Outbreak of Listeria ivanovii abortion in sheep in India. The Veterinary Record, 145 (3), 83-4.
Dagleish, M., Benavides, J., & Chianini, F. (2010). Immunohistochemical diagnosis of infectious diseases of sheep. Small Ruminant Research, 92 (1-3), 19-35.
- Dahhir, H., Talb, O., & Asim, M. (2019). Preliminary study of seroprevalence of border disease virus (bdv) among sheep and goats in mosul city, iraq. Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 7 (7), 566-9.
- Dubey, J., & Lindsay, D.S. (1990). Neospora caninum induced abortion in sheep. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 2 (3), 230-3.
- Edmondson, M.A., Givens, M.D., Walz, P.H., Gard, J.A., Stringfellow, D.A., Carson, & R.L. (2007). Comparison of tests for detection of bovine viral diarrhea virus in diagnostic samples. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 19 (4), 376-81.
- Fauquet, C.M., Mayo, M.A., Maniloff, J., Desselberger, U., & Ball, L.A. (2005). Virus taxonomy: VIIIth report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses, San Diego, Academic Press, p.
- Giammarioli, M., Rossi, E., Casciari, C., Bazzucchi, M., Claudia, T., & De Mia, G.M. (2015). Genetic characterization of border disease virus (BDV) isolates from small ruminants in Italy. Virus Genes, 50 (2), 321-4.
- Giangaspero, M., Ibata, G., Savini, G., Osawa, T., Tatami, S., Takagi, E., Moriya, H., Okura, N., Kimura, A., & Harasawa, R. (2011). Epidemiological survey of Border disease virus among sheep from northern districts of Japan. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 73(12), 1629-33.
- Gülyaz, V. (2016). Contagious Ecthyma (ORF) enfeksiyonu görülen koyun ve kuzularda pestivirus varlığının araştırılması. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 27(1), 12-5.
- Gür, S. 2009. A investigation of border disease virus in sheep in Western Turkey. Tropical animal health and production, 41 (7), 1409.
- Hasırcıoğlu, S., Kale, M., & Acar, A. (2009). Investigation of pestivirus infections in aborted sheep and goats in Burdur region. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 15 (2), 163-7.
- Hughes, L., Kershaw, G., & Shaw, I. (1959). " B" or Border disease: an undescribed disease of sheep. Veterinary Record, 71, 313-7.
- Kaiser, V., Nebel, L., Schüpbach-Regula, G., Zanoni, RG, Schweizer M, 2016. Influence of border disease virus (BDV) on serological surveillance within the bovine virus diarrhea (BVD) eradication program in Switzerland. BMC veterinary research, 13, 1, 1-13.
- Kaleibar, M.T., Madadgar, O., Jalilvand, A., & Mohammadpour, H. (2014). A survey on the status of the border disease virus infection in sheep with reproductive failure using cell culture and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methods in Tabriz, Iran. Comparative Clinical Pathology, 23(5), 1429-34.
- Krametter-Froetscher, R., Schmitz, C., Benetka, V., Bago, Z., Moestl, K., Vanek, E., & Baumgartner, W. (2008). First descriptive study of an outbreak of Border disease in a sheep flock in Austria–a high risk factor for Bovine viral diarrhea virus free cattle herds: a case report. Veterinarni Medicina, 53(11), 625-8.
- Mokhtari, A., & Manshoori, M. (2018). Genomic identification of border disease virus in sheep aborted foetuses. Bulgarian Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 21(3), 358-63.
- Nettleton, P., & Entrican, G. (1995). Ruminant pestiviruses. British Veterinary Journal, 151(6), 615-42.
- Ocholi, R., Kwaga, J., Ajogi, I., & Bale, J. 2005. Abortion due to Brucella abortus in sheep in Nigeria. Revue scientifique et technique-Office international des épizooties, 24, 3, 973.
- Oguzoglu, T., Tan, M., Toplu, N., Demir, A., Bilge-Dagalp, S., Karaoglu, T., Ozkul, A., Alkan, F., Burgu, I., Haas, L. (2009). Border disease virus (BDV) infections of small ruminants in Turkey: a new BDV subgroup? Veterinary microbiology, 135, (3-4), 374-9.
- Oguzoglu, T.C., Muz, D., Yılmaz, V., Alkan, F., Akça, Y., & Burgu, İ. (2010). Molecular characterization of Bovine virus diarrhea viruses species 2 (BVDV-2) from cattle in Turkey. Tropical animal health, 42(6), 1175-80.
- Oğuzoğlu, T. (2012). A review of border disease virus infection in ruminants: molecular characterization, pathogenesis, diagnosis and control. Animal Health Production and Hygiene, 1, 1-9.
- Office International des Epizootics (OIE) (2017). Terrestrial Manual, chapter 2.7.1-border disease.
- Okur-Gumusova, S., Yazici, Z., & Albayrak, H. (2006). Pestivirus seroprevalence in sheep populations from inland and coastal zones of Turkey. Revue de médecine vétérinaire, 157(12), 593-6.
- Paton, D. (1995). Pestivirus diversity. Journal of Comparative Pathology, 112(3), 215-36.
- Saeed IK, (2020). Border disease of sheep and goats in Saudi Arabia. Indian Journal of Microbiology Research, 7, 1, 95-8.
- Strong, R., La, Rocca, S., Ibata, G., & Sandvik, T. (2010). Antigenic and genetic characterisation of border disease viruses isolated from UK cattle. Veterinary microbiology, 141(3-4), 208-15.
- Tabash, A., Mukrish, A., & Al-Omer, A. (2009). Detection of bovine viral diarrhea virus in some Syrian cattle herds. Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 23, Suppl. 1.
- Thabti, F., Letellier, C., Hammami, S., Pepin, M., Ribiere, M., Mesplede, A., Kerkhofs, P., & Russo, P. (2005). Detection of a novel border disease virus subgroup in Tunisian sheep. Archives of virology, 150(2), 215-29.
- Ural, Z.E., & Nural, E. (2017). Aydın ve İzmir İllerindeki Koyun ve Keçilerde Pestivirus Enfeksiyonunun Serolojik ve Virolojik Olarak Araştırılması. Harran Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 6(1), 63-8.
- Valdazo-González, B., Alvarez-Martinez, M., Greiser-Wilke, I. (2006). Genetic typing and prevalence of Border disease virus (BDV) in small ruminant flocks in Spain. Veterinary microbiology, 117(2-4), 141-53.
- Vilček, Š., Herring, A., Herring, J., Nettleton, P., Lowings, J. & Paton, D. (1994). Pestiviruses isolated from pigs, cattle and sheep can be allocated into at least three genogroups using polymerase chain reaction and restriction endonuclease analysis. Archives of virology, 136(3-4), 309-23.
- Yilmaz, V., Yildirim, Y., & Coskun, N. (2014). Molecular and serological investigation of border disease virus infection in sheep in the Kars District of Turkey. Acta Veterinaria Brno, 83(3), 175-9.
Virological Investigation of Border Disease Infection in Sheeps with Abortion Problem
Year 2021,
Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 12 - 16, 11.06.2021
Hatice Pelin Aslım
Hasan Sercan Palancı
Irmak Dik
Varol Çivril
Çağrı Avci
Oya Bulut
Pestiviruses are important pathogens to economic losses in cattle, sheep, goat and pigs. Border disease virus (BDV) caused by pestiviruses is characterized by low birth weight and congenital disorders in lambs, while infection is subclinical in adult sheep. Transmission of border disease between animals is through direct contact. However, since persistently infected animals are natural sources of the disease, large outbreaks may occur if a persistent infected animal enters the susceptible herd. In this study, it was aimed to investigate the presence of BDV by PCR test used primers specific to the DNA fragment of the 5 'NC region by taking blood samples from 75 sheep with abortion problems coming to Selcuk University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Internal Medicine Clinic. As a result of the test, all animals were found to be negative. Testing of a variety of sample types collected from a larger number of animals is recommended in order to determine the epidemiological existence of border disease.
- Al-Rubayie, K.M., & Hasso, S. (2014). Detection of border disease in ovine using ELISA in Iraq. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 3(3), 1051-5.
- Albayrak, H., Gumusova, S.O., Ozan, E., & Yazici, Z. (2012). Molecular detection of pestiviruses in aborted foetuses from provinces in northern Turkey. Tropical animal health and production production, 44 (4), 677-80.
- Ali, Y., Intisar, K., Taha, K., Ishag, O., Nada, E., Nouri, Y., Baraa, A., Salma, B., & Elghazali, F. (2015). Detection of Pestivirus in Pneumonic Sheep and Goats. Current Trends in Technology and Science, 4 (1), 436-40.
- Ataseven, V.S., Ataseven, L., Tan, T., Babur, C., & Oguzoglu, T.C. (2006). Seropositivity of agents causing abortion in local goat breeds in Eastern and South-eastern Anatolia, Turkey. Revue de médecine vétérinaire, 157 (11), 545.
- Avcı, O. (2010). Konya ve çevresinde abort problemli koyun sürülerinde border dısease virus enfeksiyonunun araştırılması, (Doktora Tezi, Selçuk Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü).
- Berber, E., & Sözdutmaz, İ. (2013). Elazığ, Malatya ve Tunceli İllerinde Koyunlarda Görülen Abort Vakalarında Pestivirusların Rolünün Araştırılması. Fırat Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Veteriner Dergisi, 27 (1), 39-41.
- Berriatua, E., Barandika, J., Aduriz, G., Hurtado, A., Estevez, L., Atxaerandio, R., & Garcia-Perez, A. (2006). Flock-prevalence of border disease virus infection in Basque dairy-sheep estimated by bulk-tank milk analysis. Veterinary Microbiology, 118 (1-2), 37-46.
- Braun, U., Bachofen, C., Schenk, B., Hässig, M., Peterhans, E. (2013) Investigation of border disease and bovine virus diarrhoea in sheep from 76 mixed cattle and sheep farms in eastern Switzerland. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 155 (5), 293-8.
- Braun, U., Reichle, S., Reichert, C., Hässig, M., Stalder, H., Bachofen, C., & Peterhans, E. (2014). Sheep persistently infected with Border disease readily transmit virus to calves seronegative to BVD virus. Veterinary microbiology, 168 (1), 98-104.
- Burgu, İ. (2003). Gebe koyunlar ve fötuslarinda pestİvİrus enfeksİyonu. Ankara Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri.
- Burgu, İ., Akça, Y., Alkan, F., Özkul, A., Karaoğlu, T., Dağalp, S.B., Oğuzoğlu, T.Ç., & Yeşilbağ, K. (2001). The serological and virological investigations and pathogenesis of BVDV infection in sheep during pre-and post-partum periods. Turkish Journal of Veterinary Animal Sciences, 25 (4), 551-7.
- Cabezón, O., Rosell, R., Velarde, R., Mentaberre, G., Casas-Díaz, E., Lavín, S., & Marco, I. (2010). Border disease virus shedding and detection in naturally infected Pyrenean chamois (Rupicapra pyrenaica). Journal of veterinary diagnostic investigation, 22(5), 744-7.
- Caruso, C., Peletto, S., Cerutti, F., Modesto, P., Robetto, S., Domenis, L., Masoero, L., & Acutis, P.L. (2017). Evidence of circulation of the novel border disease virus genotype 8 in chamois. Archives of virology, 162(2), 511-5.
- Cerutti, F., Caruso, C., Modesto, P., Orusa, R., Masoero, L., Acutis, P.L., & Peletto, S. (2019). The genome of Border disease virus genotype 8 from chamois by next generation sequencing. Veterinaria italiana, 55 (1), 103-5.
- Chand, P., & Sadana, J. (1999). Outbreak of Listeria ivanovii abortion in sheep in India. The Veterinary Record, 145 (3), 83-4.
Dagleish, M., Benavides, J., & Chianini, F. (2010). Immunohistochemical diagnosis of infectious diseases of sheep. Small Ruminant Research, 92 (1-3), 19-35.
- Dahhir, H., Talb, O., & Asim, M. (2019). Preliminary study of seroprevalence of border disease virus (bdv) among sheep and goats in mosul city, iraq. Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 7 (7), 566-9.
- Dubey, J., & Lindsay, D.S. (1990). Neospora caninum induced abortion in sheep. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 2 (3), 230-3.
- Edmondson, M.A., Givens, M.D., Walz, P.H., Gard, J.A., Stringfellow, D.A., Carson, & R.L. (2007). Comparison of tests for detection of bovine viral diarrhea virus in diagnostic samples. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 19 (4), 376-81.
- Fauquet, C.M., Mayo, M.A., Maniloff, J., Desselberger, U., & Ball, L.A. (2005). Virus taxonomy: VIIIth report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses, San Diego, Academic Press, p.
- Giammarioli, M., Rossi, E., Casciari, C., Bazzucchi, M., Claudia, T., & De Mia, G.M. (2015). Genetic characterization of border disease virus (BDV) isolates from small ruminants in Italy. Virus Genes, 50 (2), 321-4.
- Giangaspero, M., Ibata, G., Savini, G., Osawa, T., Tatami, S., Takagi, E., Moriya, H., Okura, N., Kimura, A., & Harasawa, R. (2011). Epidemiological survey of Border disease virus among sheep from northern districts of Japan. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 73(12), 1629-33.
- Gülyaz, V. (2016). Contagious Ecthyma (ORF) enfeksiyonu görülen koyun ve kuzularda pestivirus varlığının araştırılması. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 27(1), 12-5.
- Gür, S. 2009. A investigation of border disease virus in sheep in Western Turkey. Tropical animal health and production, 41 (7), 1409.
- Hasırcıoğlu, S., Kale, M., & Acar, A. (2009). Investigation of pestivirus infections in aborted sheep and goats in Burdur region. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 15 (2), 163-7.
- Hughes, L., Kershaw, G., & Shaw, I. (1959). " B" or Border disease: an undescribed disease of sheep. Veterinary Record, 71, 313-7.
- Kaiser, V., Nebel, L., Schüpbach-Regula, G., Zanoni, RG, Schweizer M, 2016. Influence of border disease virus (BDV) on serological surveillance within the bovine virus diarrhea (BVD) eradication program in Switzerland. BMC veterinary research, 13, 1, 1-13.
- Kaleibar, M.T., Madadgar, O., Jalilvand, A., & Mohammadpour, H. (2014). A survey on the status of the border disease virus infection in sheep with reproductive failure using cell culture and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methods in Tabriz, Iran. Comparative Clinical Pathology, 23(5), 1429-34.
- Krametter-Froetscher, R., Schmitz, C., Benetka, V., Bago, Z., Moestl, K., Vanek, E., & Baumgartner, W. (2008). First descriptive study of an outbreak of Border disease in a sheep flock in Austria–a high risk factor for Bovine viral diarrhea virus free cattle herds: a case report. Veterinarni Medicina, 53(11), 625-8.
- Mokhtari, A., & Manshoori, M. (2018). Genomic identification of border disease virus in sheep aborted foetuses. Bulgarian Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 21(3), 358-63.
- Nettleton, P., & Entrican, G. (1995). Ruminant pestiviruses. British Veterinary Journal, 151(6), 615-42.
- Ocholi, R., Kwaga, J., Ajogi, I., & Bale, J. 2005. Abortion due to Brucella abortus in sheep in Nigeria. Revue scientifique et technique-Office international des épizooties, 24, 3, 973.
- Oguzoglu, T., Tan, M., Toplu, N., Demir, A., Bilge-Dagalp, S., Karaoglu, T., Ozkul, A., Alkan, F., Burgu, I., Haas, L. (2009). Border disease virus (BDV) infections of small ruminants in Turkey: a new BDV subgroup? Veterinary microbiology, 135, (3-4), 374-9.
- Oguzoglu, T.C., Muz, D., Yılmaz, V., Alkan, F., Akça, Y., & Burgu, İ. (2010). Molecular characterization of Bovine virus diarrhea viruses species 2 (BVDV-2) from cattle in Turkey. Tropical animal health, 42(6), 1175-80.
- Oğuzoğlu, T. (2012). A review of border disease virus infection in ruminants: molecular characterization, pathogenesis, diagnosis and control. Animal Health Production and Hygiene, 1, 1-9.
- Office International des Epizootics (OIE) (2017). Terrestrial Manual, chapter 2.7.1-border disease.
- Okur-Gumusova, S., Yazici, Z., & Albayrak, H. (2006). Pestivirus seroprevalence in sheep populations from inland and coastal zones of Turkey. Revue de médecine vétérinaire, 157(12), 593-6.
- Paton, D. (1995). Pestivirus diversity. Journal of Comparative Pathology, 112(3), 215-36.
- Saeed IK, (2020). Border disease of sheep and goats in Saudi Arabia. Indian Journal of Microbiology Research, 7, 1, 95-8.
- Strong, R., La, Rocca, S., Ibata, G., & Sandvik, T. (2010). Antigenic and genetic characterisation of border disease viruses isolated from UK cattle. Veterinary microbiology, 141(3-4), 208-15.
- Tabash, A., Mukrish, A., & Al-Omer, A. (2009). Detection of bovine viral diarrhea virus in some Syrian cattle herds. Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 23, Suppl. 1.
- Thabti, F., Letellier, C., Hammami, S., Pepin, M., Ribiere, M., Mesplede, A., Kerkhofs, P., & Russo, P. (2005). Detection of a novel border disease virus subgroup in Tunisian sheep. Archives of virology, 150(2), 215-29.
- Ural, Z.E., & Nural, E. (2017). Aydın ve İzmir İllerindeki Koyun ve Keçilerde Pestivirus Enfeksiyonunun Serolojik ve Virolojik Olarak Araştırılması. Harran Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 6(1), 63-8.
- Valdazo-González, B., Alvarez-Martinez, M., Greiser-Wilke, I. (2006). Genetic typing and prevalence of Border disease virus (BDV) in small ruminant flocks in Spain. Veterinary microbiology, 117(2-4), 141-53.
- Vilček, Š., Herring, A., Herring, J., Nettleton, P., Lowings, J. & Paton, D. (1994). Pestiviruses isolated from pigs, cattle and sheep can be allocated into at least three genogroups using polymerase chain reaction and restriction endonuclease analysis. Archives of virology, 136(3-4), 309-23.
- Yilmaz, V., Yildirim, Y., & Coskun, N. (2014). Molecular and serological investigation of border disease virus infection in sheep in the Kars District of Turkey. Acta Veterinaria Brno, 83(3), 175-9.