Research Article
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Year 2024, Issue: 48, 625 - 655, 31.12.2024


Paramedics comprise a collective of professionals who perform crucial interventions in emergency medical scenarios and thus operate under high levels of stress. This study investigates the stress-inducing factors that paramedics face in their careers and explores the potential use of music as a coping technique for this stress. The study involved analyzing data collected from 19 paramedics in Kahramanmaraş through unstructured observation and semi-constructed interviews. The Maxqa24 qualitative data analysis program was used to interpret the data. The investigation yields findings encompassing themes such as work experiences and problems, musical tastes, and social interaction. The results indicated that paramedics experienced stress due to reasons such as inadequate staffing, insufficient education, excessive workload, extended working hours, and a lack of sufficient understanding and respect from the community. Paramedics have universally acknowledged music as an efficacious instrument for managing stress. The study highlights the significance of cultivating stress management techniques for paramedics in order to enhance their quality of life. These strategies should guarantee comprehensive support for health workers at the individual, organizational, and social levels. Their objective is to enhance the outcomes for both health workers and patients by implementing measures such as education, motivation, and appreciation.


  • Brown, S., Banks, K., Danelyan, H., & Tachdjian, R. (2022). Physiological effects of music therapy in neonatal ıntensive care setting observational study. Academic Journal of Pediatrics & Neonatology, 11(3).
  • Buljan, D., Drozd, A., Madziala, M., & Aleksandrowicz, S. (2016). Intensity of stress and symptoms of job exhaustion among paramedics in Poland. Disaster and Emergency Medicine Journal, 1(1), 43-49.
  • Chanda, M. L. and Levitin, D. J. (2013). The neurochemistry of music. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 17(4), 179-193.
  • Chao, M. C., Jou, R. C., Lıao, C. C. ve Kuo, C. W. (2015). Workplace stress, job satisfaction, job performance, and turnover ıntention of health care workers in Rural Taiwan, Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health, 27 (2), NP1827 –NP1836.
  • Chen, R., Duan, S., Wang, Y., He, F., Ren, L., & Peng, W. (2023). Effects of music therapy on pain relief during fundus screening in ınfants: randomized controlled clinical trial. Medicine, 102(44).
  • Çınar, D., Olgun, N., Duran, S., & Arat, S. (2016). The effect on pain and anxiety level of turkish classical music: a randomized controlled trial in ınterventional cardiology. Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of Nursing Sciences, 8(2), 140-145.
  • Demir, Ö. and Arslantaş, H. (2014). The effects of progressive relaxation exercises applied with music before coronary angiography and percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty on the state and trait anxiety of people. Journal of Psychiatric Nursing, 5(3), 113-121.
  • Dibben, N. and Williamson, V. (2007). An exploratory survey of in-vehicle music listening. Psychology of Music, 35(4), 571-589.
  • DiCicco-Bloom, B. and Crabtree, B. (2006). The qualitative research interview. Medical Education, 40(4), 314-321.
  • Dömbekci, H.A. ve Erişen, M.A. (2022). Nitel araştırmalarda görüşme tekniği. Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 22(Özel Sayı 2), 141-160.
  • Erdal, B. and Tepe, Y. (2021). Bireylerin duygu durum, i̇çedönük-dışadönük kişilik özelliği ve müzik tercihleri arasındaki i̇lişkiler. Psikoloji Çalışmaları / Studies in Psychology, 41(2), 549-580.
  • Gill, M. (2014). The possibilities of phenomenology for organizational research. Organizational Research Methods, 17(2), 118-137.
  • Gudi, H., Gowribhatla, Y., & Sharma, V. (2023). Role of music intervention on professional quality of life and work stress: an experimental investigations. Indian Journal of Health Studies, 05(01), 106-120.
  • Hauck, P. and Hecht, H. (2023). Emotionally congruent music and text increase immersion and appraisal. Plos One, 18(1), e0280019.
  • Husain, G., Thompson, W., & Schellenberg, E. (2002). Effects of musical tempo and mode on arousal, mood, and spatial abilities. Music Perception, 20(2), 151-171.
  • Izvercian, M., Potra, S. & Ivascu, L. (2016, June). Job satisfaction variables: a grounded theory approach. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 221, 86-94.
  • Juslin, P. N., & Sloboda, J. A. (Eds.). (2010). Handbook of Music and Emotion: Theory, Research, Applications. Oxford University Press.
  • Mahon, E. M. and Mahon, S. M. (2011). Music therapy: a valuable adjunct in the oncology setting. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 15(4), 353-356.
  • Mathur, A., Duda, L. J., & Kamat, D. (2008). Knowledge and use of music therapy among pediatric practitioners in michigan. Clinical Pediatrics, 47(2), 155-159.
  • Nandeibam, Y., Joseph, T., Antonisamy, B., Kamath, M. S., & Kunjummen, A. T. (2022). Effectiveness of music therapy as an adjuvant to conscious sedation in women undergoing transvaginal oocyte retrieval: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research, 48(6), 1409-1417.
  • Nikkhah, M., Esfajir, A. A. A., Gorji, M. A. H., & Aghaei, N. (2014). Teachers' managerial competency from nursing students' & faculty staff's point of view. Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Sciences, 1(2), 24.
  • O’Callaghan, C. (1996). Pain, music creativity and music therapy in palliative care. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, 13(2), 43-49.
  • Oerther, S. (2021). Designing interview guides on stress and coping related to parenting pre‐teen children: an example from a hermeneutic phenomenological study. Nursing Open, 8(5), 2142-2152.
  • Ravn, S. (2021). Integrating qualitative research methodologies and phenomenology—using dancers’ and athletes’ experiences for phenomenological analysis. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 22(1), 107-127.
  • Rodriguez, A. and Smith, J. (2018). Phenomenology as a healthcare research method. Evidence-Based Nursing, 21(4), 96-98.
  • Rudin, D., Kiss, A., Wetz, R. V., & Sottile, V. M. (2007). Music in the endoscopy suite: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies. Endoscopy, 39(06), 507-510.
  • Saarikallio, S. (2008). Music in mood regulation: initial scale development. Musicae Scientiae, 12(2), 291-309.
  • Sı̇vuk, D. ve Seyhan, F. (2021). Örgütsel çatışma, örgütsel stres, ı̇ş yaşam kalitesi, ı̇ş tatmini ve ı̇şten ayrılma niyeti arasındaki ı̇lişki: sağlık çalışanlarının verimliliği üzerine bir araştırma, Verimlilik Dergisi, 4, 185-201.
  • Son, H. K., So, W., & Kim, M. (2019). Effects of aromatherapy combined with music therapy on anxiety, stress, and fundamental nursing skills in nursing students: a randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(21), 4185.
  • Sterud, T., Ekeberg, Ø. & Hem, E. (2006). Health problems and stress in pre-hospital ambulance personnel. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 21(6), 451-457.
  • Şahin, L., Ekmekyapar, M., Gür, A. & Bilgili, M.A. (2021). Acil sağlık hizmetleri çalışanlarında işle ilgili sağlık sorunları. Van Tıp Dergisi, 28(4), 588-594.
  • Şener, A. (2018). Paramedi̇k öğrenci̇lerinin sağlıklı yaşam biçimi davranışları ile beden ki̇tle i̇ndeksleri̇ arasindaki̇ i̇li̇şki̇. Journal of International Social Research, 11(56), 1143-1149.
  • Taets, G. G. D. C. C., Jomar, R. T., Abreu, Â. M. M., & Capella, M. A. M. (2019). Effect of music therapy on stress in chemically dependent people: a quasi-experimental study. Revista Latino-Americana De Enfermagem, 27.
  • Taghinejad, H., Delpisheh, A., & Suhrabi, Z. (2010). Comparison between massage and music therapies to relieve the severity of labor pain. Women's Health, 6(3), 377-381.
  • Tanwir, F., Moideen, S., & Habib, R. (2021). Interviews in healthcare: a phenomenological approach a qualitative research methodology. Journal of Public Health International, 4(2), 10-15.
  • Thompson, W., Schellenberg, E., & Husain, G. (2001). Arousal, mood, and the mozart effect. Psychological Science, 12(3), 248-251.
  • Tuna, H., Gürpinar, B., Tuz, K., Gürgen, E., & Ilçin, N. (2021). The effect of university students' music type preferences on physical activity, depression and sleep quality. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, (34), 29-41.
  • Tutar, H. (2022). Nitel Araştırmalarda Geçerlilik ve Güvenilirlik: Bir Model Önerisi. Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 22(Özel Sayı 2), 117-140.
  • TÜBİTAK Bilim Genç. (2024). Çalışırken Müzik Dinlemek Dikkatimizi Dağıtır mı? | Bilim Genc. Ülger, H., Deniz, T., Saygun, M., Çiftçi, N., Karakuş, A., & Kandiş, H. (2013). The efficiency evaluation of the training activity given to ambulance personnel. Taf Preventive Medicine Bulletin, 12(2), 151.
  • Vaismoradi, M., Turunen, H., & Bondas, T. (2013). Content analysis and thematic analysis: implications for conducting a qualitative descriptive study. Nursing and Health Sciences, 15(3), 398-405.
  • Vigl, J. (2023). Melody for the mind: enhancing mood, motivation, concentration, and learning through music listening in the classroom. Music & Science, 6.
  • Villar, R., Nashwan, A., Mathew, R., Mohamed, A., Munirathinam, S., Abujaber, A., … & Shraim, M. (2021). The lived experiences of frontline nurses during the coronavirus disease 2019 (covid‐19) pandemic in qatar: a qualitative study. Nursing Open, 8(6), 3516-3526.
  • Virbalienė, A., Račkauskienė, S., Kasnauskienė, J., & Šumskienė, A. (2016). The effects of music therapy on oncological patients. Vocational Training: Research and Realities, 27(1), 14-26.
  • Witte, M., Pinho, A., Stams, G., Moonen, X., Bos, A., & Hooren, S. (2020). Music therapy for stress reduction: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Health Psychology Review, 16(1), 134-159.
  • Wood, C., Cutshall, S., Wiste, R., Rian, J., Tipton, A., Ann-Marie, D., … & Strand, J. (2019). Implementing a palliative medicine music therapy program: a quality improvement project. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, 36(7), 603-607.
  • Yenal, S. (2021). “Acil sağlık hizmetleri, acil sağlık hizmetleri çalışanları ve görev tanımları”, Paramedik ve Hastane Öncesi Acil Tıp, Süleyman YAVUZ ve Gülşah YAVUZ (Edit.), Ankara Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri.
  • Yeşilot, S., Manav, A., Dündar, Y., Kiliç, N., Ateş, D., & Ozler, S. (2021). Coping styles, psychological resilience and mental health status of nurses working in the regional mental health and illness hospital. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 5(2), 275-287.
  • Yulıta, Y., Sucıatı, S., & Suroyo, S. (2023). Implementation of active learning approaches using the role playing method as character building effort. Quantum Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 4(2), 70-81.


Year 2024, Issue: 48, 625 - 655, 31.12.2024


Paramediklik, acil tıbbi durumlarda hayati müdahalelerde bulunan ve bu nedenle yoğun stres altında çalışan bir meslek grubunu temsil etmektedir. Bu araştırma, paramediklerin mesleki yaşamlarında karşılaştıkları stres faktörlerini ve bu stresle başa çıkma mekanizmaları arasında müziğin potansiyel rolünü incelemektedir. Araştırmada, Kahramanmaraş’ta görev yapan 19 paramedik üzerinde yapılandırılmamış gözlem ve yarı yapılandırılmış görüşmeler yoluyla elde edilen veriler Maxqda24 nitel veri analizi yazılım aracılığıyla yorumlanmıştır. Analiz sonuçları, mesleki deneyimler ve zorluklar, müzik tercihleri ve sosyal etkileşim gibi temaları içermektedir. Elde edilen bulgular, paramediklerin yetersiz personel, eğitim eksiklikleri, aşırı iş yükü ve uzun çalışma saatleri gibi faktörlerin yanı sıra, toplum tarafından yeterince anlaşılmama ve saygı görme eksikliği nedeniyle stres yaşadıklarını ortaya koymuştur. Müziğin stres yönetiminde etkili bir araç olarak paramedikler arasında yaygın kabul gördüğü belirlenmiştir. Bu çalışma, paramediklerin yaşam kalitesini artırmak için stres yönetimi stratejilerinin geliştirilmesinin önemini vurgulamaktadır. Bu stratejiler, sağlık görevlilerinin bireysel, örgütsel ve toplumsal düzeyde desteklenmesini sağlamalı ve eğitim, motivasyon ve takdir gibi önlemlerle hem sağlık görevlilerinin hem de hastaların sonuçlarını iyileştirmeyi hedeflemelidir.


  • Brown, S., Banks, K., Danelyan, H., & Tachdjian, R. (2022). Physiological effects of music therapy in neonatal ıntensive care setting observational study. Academic Journal of Pediatrics & Neonatology, 11(3).
  • Buljan, D., Drozd, A., Madziala, M., & Aleksandrowicz, S. (2016). Intensity of stress and symptoms of job exhaustion among paramedics in Poland. Disaster and Emergency Medicine Journal, 1(1), 43-49.
  • Chanda, M. L. and Levitin, D. J. (2013). The neurochemistry of music. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 17(4), 179-193.
  • Chao, M. C., Jou, R. C., Lıao, C. C. ve Kuo, C. W. (2015). Workplace stress, job satisfaction, job performance, and turnover ıntention of health care workers in Rural Taiwan, Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health, 27 (2), NP1827 –NP1836.
  • Chen, R., Duan, S., Wang, Y., He, F., Ren, L., & Peng, W. (2023). Effects of music therapy on pain relief during fundus screening in ınfants: randomized controlled clinical trial. Medicine, 102(44).
  • Çınar, D., Olgun, N., Duran, S., & Arat, S. (2016). The effect on pain and anxiety level of turkish classical music: a randomized controlled trial in ınterventional cardiology. Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of Nursing Sciences, 8(2), 140-145.
  • Demir, Ö. and Arslantaş, H. (2014). The effects of progressive relaxation exercises applied with music before coronary angiography and percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty on the state and trait anxiety of people. Journal of Psychiatric Nursing, 5(3), 113-121.
  • Dibben, N. and Williamson, V. (2007). An exploratory survey of in-vehicle music listening. Psychology of Music, 35(4), 571-589.
  • DiCicco-Bloom, B. and Crabtree, B. (2006). The qualitative research interview. Medical Education, 40(4), 314-321.
  • Dömbekci, H.A. ve Erişen, M.A. (2022). Nitel araştırmalarda görüşme tekniği. Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 22(Özel Sayı 2), 141-160.
  • Erdal, B. and Tepe, Y. (2021). Bireylerin duygu durum, i̇çedönük-dışadönük kişilik özelliği ve müzik tercihleri arasındaki i̇lişkiler. Psikoloji Çalışmaları / Studies in Psychology, 41(2), 549-580.
  • Gill, M. (2014). The possibilities of phenomenology for organizational research. Organizational Research Methods, 17(2), 118-137.
  • Gudi, H., Gowribhatla, Y., & Sharma, V. (2023). Role of music intervention on professional quality of life and work stress: an experimental investigations. Indian Journal of Health Studies, 05(01), 106-120.
  • Hauck, P. and Hecht, H. (2023). Emotionally congruent music and text increase immersion and appraisal. Plos One, 18(1), e0280019.
  • Husain, G., Thompson, W., & Schellenberg, E. (2002). Effects of musical tempo and mode on arousal, mood, and spatial abilities. Music Perception, 20(2), 151-171.
  • Izvercian, M., Potra, S. & Ivascu, L. (2016, June). Job satisfaction variables: a grounded theory approach. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 221, 86-94.
  • Juslin, P. N., & Sloboda, J. A. (Eds.). (2010). Handbook of Music and Emotion: Theory, Research, Applications. Oxford University Press.
  • Mahon, E. M. and Mahon, S. M. (2011). Music therapy: a valuable adjunct in the oncology setting. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 15(4), 353-356.
  • Mathur, A., Duda, L. J., & Kamat, D. (2008). Knowledge and use of music therapy among pediatric practitioners in michigan. Clinical Pediatrics, 47(2), 155-159.
  • Nandeibam, Y., Joseph, T., Antonisamy, B., Kamath, M. S., & Kunjummen, A. T. (2022). Effectiveness of music therapy as an adjuvant to conscious sedation in women undergoing transvaginal oocyte retrieval: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research, 48(6), 1409-1417.
  • Nikkhah, M., Esfajir, A. A. A., Gorji, M. A. H., & Aghaei, N. (2014). Teachers' managerial competency from nursing students' & faculty staff's point of view. Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Sciences, 1(2), 24.
  • O’Callaghan, C. (1996). Pain, music creativity and music therapy in palliative care. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, 13(2), 43-49.
  • Oerther, S. (2021). Designing interview guides on stress and coping related to parenting pre‐teen children: an example from a hermeneutic phenomenological study. Nursing Open, 8(5), 2142-2152.
  • Ravn, S. (2021). Integrating qualitative research methodologies and phenomenology—using dancers’ and athletes’ experiences for phenomenological analysis. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 22(1), 107-127.
  • Rodriguez, A. and Smith, J. (2018). Phenomenology as a healthcare research method. Evidence-Based Nursing, 21(4), 96-98.
  • Rudin, D., Kiss, A., Wetz, R. V., & Sottile, V. M. (2007). Music in the endoscopy suite: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies. Endoscopy, 39(06), 507-510.
  • Saarikallio, S. (2008). Music in mood regulation: initial scale development. Musicae Scientiae, 12(2), 291-309.
  • Sı̇vuk, D. ve Seyhan, F. (2021). Örgütsel çatışma, örgütsel stres, ı̇ş yaşam kalitesi, ı̇ş tatmini ve ı̇şten ayrılma niyeti arasındaki ı̇lişki: sağlık çalışanlarının verimliliği üzerine bir araştırma, Verimlilik Dergisi, 4, 185-201.
  • Son, H. K., So, W., & Kim, M. (2019). Effects of aromatherapy combined with music therapy on anxiety, stress, and fundamental nursing skills in nursing students: a randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(21), 4185.
  • Sterud, T., Ekeberg, Ø. & Hem, E. (2006). Health problems and stress in pre-hospital ambulance personnel. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 21(6), 451-457.
  • Şahin, L., Ekmekyapar, M., Gür, A. & Bilgili, M.A. (2021). Acil sağlık hizmetleri çalışanlarında işle ilgili sağlık sorunları. Van Tıp Dergisi, 28(4), 588-594.
  • Şener, A. (2018). Paramedi̇k öğrenci̇lerinin sağlıklı yaşam biçimi davranışları ile beden ki̇tle i̇ndeksleri̇ arasindaki̇ i̇li̇şki̇. Journal of International Social Research, 11(56), 1143-1149.
  • Taets, G. G. D. C. C., Jomar, R. T., Abreu, Â. M. M., & Capella, M. A. M. (2019). Effect of music therapy on stress in chemically dependent people: a quasi-experimental study. Revista Latino-Americana De Enfermagem, 27.
  • Taghinejad, H., Delpisheh, A., & Suhrabi, Z. (2010). Comparison between massage and music therapies to relieve the severity of labor pain. Women's Health, 6(3), 377-381.
  • Tanwir, F., Moideen, S., & Habib, R. (2021). Interviews in healthcare: a phenomenological approach a qualitative research methodology. Journal of Public Health International, 4(2), 10-15.
  • Thompson, W., Schellenberg, E., & Husain, G. (2001). Arousal, mood, and the mozart effect. Psychological Science, 12(3), 248-251.
  • Tuna, H., Gürpinar, B., Tuz, K., Gürgen, E., & Ilçin, N. (2021). The effect of university students' music type preferences on physical activity, depression and sleep quality. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, (34), 29-41.
  • Tutar, H. (2022). Nitel Araştırmalarda Geçerlilik ve Güvenilirlik: Bir Model Önerisi. Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 22(Özel Sayı 2), 117-140.
  • TÜBİTAK Bilim Genç. (2024). Çalışırken Müzik Dinlemek Dikkatimizi Dağıtır mı? | Bilim Genc. Ülger, H., Deniz, T., Saygun, M., Çiftçi, N., Karakuş, A., & Kandiş, H. (2013). The efficiency evaluation of the training activity given to ambulance personnel. Taf Preventive Medicine Bulletin, 12(2), 151.
  • Vaismoradi, M., Turunen, H., & Bondas, T. (2013). Content analysis and thematic analysis: implications for conducting a qualitative descriptive study. Nursing and Health Sciences, 15(3), 398-405.
  • Vigl, J. (2023). Melody for the mind: enhancing mood, motivation, concentration, and learning through music listening in the classroom. Music & Science, 6.
  • Villar, R., Nashwan, A., Mathew, R., Mohamed, A., Munirathinam, S., Abujaber, A., … & Shraim, M. (2021). The lived experiences of frontline nurses during the coronavirus disease 2019 (covid‐19) pandemic in qatar: a qualitative study. Nursing Open, 8(6), 3516-3526.
  • Virbalienė, A., Račkauskienė, S., Kasnauskienė, J., & Šumskienė, A. (2016). The effects of music therapy on oncological patients. Vocational Training: Research and Realities, 27(1), 14-26.
  • Witte, M., Pinho, A., Stams, G., Moonen, X., Bos, A., & Hooren, S. (2020). Music therapy for stress reduction: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Health Psychology Review, 16(1), 134-159.
  • Wood, C., Cutshall, S., Wiste, R., Rian, J., Tipton, A., Ann-Marie, D., … & Strand, J. (2019). Implementing a palliative medicine music therapy program: a quality improvement project. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, 36(7), 603-607.
  • Yenal, S. (2021). “Acil sağlık hizmetleri, acil sağlık hizmetleri çalışanları ve görev tanımları”, Paramedik ve Hastane Öncesi Acil Tıp, Süleyman YAVUZ ve Gülşah YAVUZ (Edit.), Ankara Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri.
  • Yeşilot, S., Manav, A., Dündar, Y., Kiliç, N., Ateş, D., & Ozler, S. (2021). Coping styles, psychological resilience and mental health status of nurses working in the regional mental health and illness hospital. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 5(2), 275-287.
  • Yulıta, Y., Sucıatı, S., & Suroyo, S. (2023). Implementation of active learning approaches using the role playing method as character building effort. Quantum Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 4(2), 70-81.
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Labor and Organisition Sociology, Sociology of Quality of Life
Journal Section Articles

İnci Fatma Kurtulgan 0000-0002-9749-2878

Alper Şakalar 0000-0002-0137-9089

Zümrüt Hatice Şekkeli 0000-0001-5090-4372

Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date September 5, 2024
Acceptance Date December 16, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Issue: 48


APA Kurtulgan, İ. F., Şakalar, A., & Şekkeli, Z. H. (2024). MÜZİK DİNLEMENİN PARAMEDİKLERİN STRES DÜZEYİ VE YAŞAM KALİTESİ ÜZERİNE ETKİLERİ: FENOMENOLOJİK ARAŞTIRMA. Adıyaman Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi(48), 625-655.