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Kadınlarının Serviks Kanseri ve Pap smear Testi ile İlgili Farkındalıkları Yeterli mi?

Year 2019, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 12 - 17, 28.04.2019


Amaç: Tüm dünyada kadınlarda yaygın olarak görülen ve uzun bir preinvaziv sürece sahip olan serviks kanserinin Pap smear tarama testiyle erken
teşhisi ve tedavisi mümkündür. Bu çalışma kadınların serviks kanseri risk faktörleri ve Pap smear testi ile ilgili bilgi ve farkındalıklarını değerlendirmek
amacıyla yapılmıştır.

Araçlar ve Yöntem: Çalışma Gaziantep ilinde bulunan farklı bölgelerdeki beş aile sağlığı merkezine başvuran, çalışmaya katılmayı kabul eden, 30-
65 yaş arası evli veya dul 350 kadın üzerinde kesitsel olarak yapılmıştır. Veriler sosyo-demografik özellikler, serviks kanseri belirtileri, risk faktörleri,
Pap smear testi ile bilgileri ile ilgili 24 sorudan oluşan anket formu ile yüz yüze görüşme tekniği uygulanarak toplanmıştır.

Bulgular: Kadınların %79.1’i Pap smear testini daha önce duymuş olmasına rağmen, yaklaşık yarısı (%54.3) Pap smear testini yaptırmıştır. Kadınların
%62.9'u Pap smear testinin kanser tarama amacıyla yapıldığını bilmektedir. Pap smear yaptırmama nedenleri içinde kanser riski taşımama %29.4 ve
test hakkında yeterli bilgi sahibi olmama %24.9 olarak en önemli nedenler olarak belirlenmiştir. Bu çalışmada Pap smear yaptırma oranının yaş, evlilik
süresi ve doğum sayısı ile anlamlı olarak arttığı bulunmuştur.

Sonuç: Çalışmaya katılanların yaklaşık yarısının Pap smear testini yaptırmadığı, serviks kanseri ve Pap smear testi ile ilgili bilgilerinin yetersiz olduğu
saptanmıştır. Pap smear yaptırmama nedenleri içinde kanser riski taşımama ve yeterli bilgiye sahip olmama en önemli nedenler olarak gö


  • References1. Ferlay J, Soerjomataram I, Ervik M, Dikshit R, Eser S, Mathers C, et al. GLOBOCAN 2012 v1.0, Cancer Incidenceand Mortality World-wide: IARC CancerBase No. 112. Kose MR, Bora Başara B, Güler C, et al. T.C. Health Ministery Turkey's Statiscal Yearbook 2016, Ankara, pp.38.3. Frumowitz M. Goff B, Falk SJ. İnvasive cervikal canser: Epidemiology, risk factors, clinical manifestations and diagnosis. Uptodate. Access to: 09.06.20184. Fitch MI, Greenberg M, Cava M, Spaner D, Taylor K. Exploring the barriers to cervical screening in an urban Canadian setting. Cancer Nurs, 1998;21, 441-449.5. Denny L, Herrero R, Levin C, Kim JJ. Cervical Cancer. In: Cancer: Disease Control Priorities, Third Edition (Volume 3). edn. Edited by Gelband H, Jha P, Sankaranarayanan R, Horton S. 2015: Washington (DC): World Bank.6. Sankaranarayanan R. Screeningforcancer in low- and middle-income countries. Ann Glob Health, 2014: 80, 412–417.7. Aile Hekimliği Uygulamasında Önerilen Periyodik Sağlık Muayeneleri ve Tarama Testleri. T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Türkiye Halk Sağlığı Kurumu, 2015, yayın no: 991.8. Garcia F, Newton J, Baldwin S. Cervical and Endometrial Cancer Prevention. In: Fundamentals of Cancer Prevention, Ed: Alberts DS, Hess LM. Springer, pp; 315-342.9. Nguyen TT, McPhee SJ, Nguyen T, Lam T, Mock J. Predictors of cervical Pap smear screening awareness, intention, and receipt among Vietnamese-American women. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2002;23, 207–214.10. Wellensiek N, Moodley M, Moodley J, Nkwanyana N. Knowledge of cervical cancer screening and use of cervical screening facilities among women from various socioeconomic back grounds in Durban, KwazuluNatal, South Africa. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2002;12, 376-382.11. Behbakht K, Lynch A, Teal S, Degeest K, Massad S. Social and cultural barriers to Papanicolaou test screening in an urban population. Obstet Gynecol 2004; 104:1355-1361.12. Akyuz A, Guvenc G, Yavan T, Cetinturk A, Kök, G. Kadınların papsmear yaptırma durumları ve bunu etkileyen faktörler. Gulhane Med J 2006; 48: 25-29.13. Karaca M, Palancı Y, Aksu, SR. Pap smear: Ne kadar biliniyor? Ne kadar Uygulanıyor? T Klin Jinekol Obstet, 2008;18, 22-28.14. Juon HS, Seung-Lee C, Klassen AC. Predictors of regularPapsmearsamongKorean-Americanwomen. Prev Med, 2003;37, 585–592.15. Byrd TL, Peterson SK, Chavez R, Heckert A. Cervical cancer screening beliefs among young Hispanic women. Prev Med, 2004; 38: 192-197.16. Sirovich BE , Woloshin S , Schwartz LM. Screening for cervical cancer: will women acceptless? Am J Med, 2005;118,151-15817. Kesic V, Markovic M, Matejic B, Topic L. Awareness of cervical cancer screening among women in Serbia. Gynecol Oncol, 2005;99, 222- 225. 18. Siahpush M, Singh GK. Socio-demographic predictors of pap test receipt, currency and knowledge among Australian women. Prevent Med, 2002: 35, 362-368.19. Almobarak AO, Elbadawi AA, Elmadhoun WM, Elhoweris MH, Ahmed MH. Knowledge, attitudes and practices of sudanese women regarding the pap smear test and cervical cancer. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2016; 17: 625-30.20. Gichangi P, Estambale B, Bwayo J, et al. (2003) Knowledge and practice about cervical cancer and papsmear testing among patients at Ketyatta National Hospital, Nairobi, Kenya. Int J Gynaecol Cancer 2005; 13:827-33.21. Yucel U. Kadınlara serviks kanserine ilişkin risk faktörleri ve korunma konusunda verilen eğitimin etkinliğin değerlendirilmesi (Master tezi). 2006: İzmir, Ege Üniversitesi.22. Lenselink CH, Gerrits MM, Melchers WJ, Massuger LF, van Hamont D, Bekkers RL. Parental acceptance of Human Papilloma virüs vaccines. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 2008;137:103-7.23. Hernandez BY, Ka’opua LS, Scanlan L, et al. Cervicaland anal Human Papilloma virüs Infection in adultwomen in American Samoa. Asia Pac J Public Health, 2013;25: 19–31.24. Ozan H, Demir BC, Atik Y, GumusE, Ozerkan K. Kadın hastalıkları ve doğum polikliniğine başvuran hastaların Human Papilloma Virüs ve HPV aşısı hakkındaki bilgi düzeylerinin belirlenmesi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 2011;37, 145-148.
  • 25. Low EL, Simon AE, Lyons J, Romney AD, Waller J. What do British women know about cervical cancer symptoms and risk factors. European Journal of Cancer2012: 48: 3001-3008.26. Arabacı Z, Ozsoy S. The pap-smear test experienceofwomen in Turkey: a qualitative study. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev 2012; 13: 5687-90.27. Bansal AB , Pakhare AP, Kapoor N, Mehrotra R, Kokane AM. Knowledge, attitude, and practices related to cervical cancer among adult women: A hospital-based cross-sectional study. J Nat Sci Biol Med 2015; 6:324-328.28. Nwankwo KC, Aniebue UU, Aguwa EN, Anarado AN, Agunwah E. Knowledge attitudes and practices of cervical cancer screening among urban and rural Nigerian women: a callfor education and mass screening. Eur J Cancer Care (Engl). 2011:20, 362-7 29. Shrestha J, R Saha, N Tripathi N. Knowledge, attitude and practice regarding cervical cancer screening amongst women visiting tertiary centre in Kathmandu, Nepal. Nepal Journal of Medical Sciences,2013;2, 6.

Do Women Have Sufficient Awareness of Cervical Cancer and the Pap Smear Test?

Year 2019, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 12 - 17, 28.04.2019


Purpose: Early diagnosis and treatment of cervical cancer, which is commonly seen in women globally and has a long preinvasive period, is possible
with pap smear screening. The objective of this study is to evaluate women’s knowledge and awareness of cervical cancer risk factors and the Pap
smear test.

Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 350 married or widowed women aged between 30-65 years who presented to
five family health centers in different regions of Gaziantep. Data was collected by a face-to-face interviewing technique using a questionnaire form
consisting of 24 questions.

: Although 79.1% of the women had heard about the Pap smear test before, only 54.3% of them had taken the test. It was found that %62.9 of
the women knew why a Pap smear test is conducted. The most important reasons why these women did not have a Pap smear test were determined to
be that 29.4% of the women considered that they had no risk of cancer while 24.9% had insufficient knowledge about the test.

It was found that nearly half of the participants in this study not performed Pap smear test and their knowledge about the test was
insufficient. The most important reasons for not performed a Pap smear test were not believing that they had a risk of cancer and not having sufficient
knowledge. T


  • References1. Ferlay J, Soerjomataram I, Ervik M, Dikshit R, Eser S, Mathers C, et al. GLOBOCAN 2012 v1.0, Cancer Incidenceand Mortality World-wide: IARC CancerBase No. 112. Kose MR, Bora Başara B, Güler C, et al. T.C. Health Ministery Turkey's Statiscal Yearbook 2016, Ankara, pp.38.3. Frumowitz M. Goff B, Falk SJ. İnvasive cervikal canser: Epidemiology, risk factors, clinical manifestations and diagnosis. Uptodate. Access to: 09.06.20184. Fitch MI, Greenberg M, Cava M, Spaner D, Taylor K. Exploring the barriers to cervical screening in an urban Canadian setting. Cancer Nurs, 1998;21, 441-449.5. Denny L, Herrero R, Levin C, Kim JJ. Cervical Cancer. In: Cancer: Disease Control Priorities, Third Edition (Volume 3). edn. Edited by Gelband H, Jha P, Sankaranarayanan R, Horton S. 2015: Washington (DC): World Bank.6. Sankaranarayanan R. Screeningforcancer in low- and middle-income countries. Ann Glob Health, 2014: 80, 412–417.7. Aile Hekimliği Uygulamasında Önerilen Periyodik Sağlık Muayeneleri ve Tarama Testleri. T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Türkiye Halk Sağlığı Kurumu, 2015, yayın no: 991.8. Garcia F, Newton J, Baldwin S. Cervical and Endometrial Cancer Prevention. In: Fundamentals of Cancer Prevention, Ed: Alberts DS, Hess LM. Springer, pp; 315-342.9. Nguyen TT, McPhee SJ, Nguyen T, Lam T, Mock J. Predictors of cervical Pap smear screening awareness, intention, and receipt among Vietnamese-American women. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2002;23, 207–214.10. Wellensiek N, Moodley M, Moodley J, Nkwanyana N. Knowledge of cervical cancer screening and use of cervical screening facilities among women from various socioeconomic back grounds in Durban, KwazuluNatal, South Africa. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2002;12, 376-382.11. Behbakht K, Lynch A, Teal S, Degeest K, Massad S. Social and cultural barriers to Papanicolaou test screening in an urban population. Obstet Gynecol 2004; 104:1355-1361.12. Akyuz A, Guvenc G, Yavan T, Cetinturk A, Kök, G. Kadınların papsmear yaptırma durumları ve bunu etkileyen faktörler. Gulhane Med J 2006; 48: 25-29.13. Karaca M, Palancı Y, Aksu, SR. Pap smear: Ne kadar biliniyor? Ne kadar Uygulanıyor? T Klin Jinekol Obstet, 2008;18, 22-28.14. Juon HS, Seung-Lee C, Klassen AC. Predictors of regularPapsmearsamongKorean-Americanwomen. Prev Med, 2003;37, 585–592.15. Byrd TL, Peterson SK, Chavez R, Heckert A. Cervical cancer screening beliefs among young Hispanic women. Prev Med, 2004; 38: 192-197.16. Sirovich BE , Woloshin S , Schwartz LM. Screening for cervical cancer: will women acceptless? Am J Med, 2005;118,151-15817. Kesic V, Markovic M, Matejic B, Topic L. Awareness of cervical cancer screening among women in Serbia. Gynecol Oncol, 2005;99, 222- 225. 18. Siahpush M, Singh GK. Socio-demographic predictors of pap test receipt, currency and knowledge among Australian women. Prevent Med, 2002: 35, 362-368.19. Almobarak AO, Elbadawi AA, Elmadhoun WM, Elhoweris MH, Ahmed MH. Knowledge, attitudes and practices of sudanese women regarding the pap smear test and cervical cancer. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2016; 17: 625-30.20. Gichangi P, Estambale B, Bwayo J, et al. (2003) Knowledge and practice about cervical cancer and papsmear testing among patients at Ketyatta National Hospital, Nairobi, Kenya. Int J Gynaecol Cancer 2005; 13:827-33.21. Yucel U. Kadınlara serviks kanserine ilişkin risk faktörleri ve korunma konusunda verilen eğitimin etkinliğin değerlendirilmesi (Master tezi). 2006: İzmir, Ege Üniversitesi.22. Lenselink CH, Gerrits MM, Melchers WJ, Massuger LF, van Hamont D, Bekkers RL. Parental acceptance of Human Papilloma virüs vaccines. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 2008;137:103-7.23. Hernandez BY, Ka’opua LS, Scanlan L, et al. Cervicaland anal Human Papilloma virüs Infection in adultwomen in American Samoa. Asia Pac J Public Health, 2013;25: 19–31.24. Ozan H, Demir BC, Atik Y, GumusE, Ozerkan K. Kadın hastalıkları ve doğum polikliniğine başvuran hastaların Human Papilloma Virüs ve HPV aşısı hakkındaki bilgi düzeylerinin belirlenmesi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 2011;37, 145-148.
  • 25. Low EL, Simon AE, Lyons J, Romney AD, Waller J. What do British women know about cervical cancer symptoms and risk factors. European Journal of Cancer2012: 48: 3001-3008.26. Arabacı Z, Ozsoy S. The pap-smear test experienceofwomen in Turkey: a qualitative study. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev 2012; 13: 5687-90.27. Bansal AB , Pakhare AP, Kapoor N, Mehrotra R, Kokane AM. Knowledge, attitude, and practices related to cervical cancer among adult women: A hospital-based cross-sectional study. J Nat Sci Biol Med 2015; 6:324-328.28. Nwankwo KC, Aniebue UU, Aguwa EN, Anarado AN, Agunwah E. Knowledge attitudes and practices of cervical cancer screening among urban and rural Nigerian women: a callfor education and mass screening. Eur J Cancer Care (Engl). 2011:20, 362-7 29. Shrestha J, R Saha, N Tripathi N. Knowledge, attitude and practice regarding cervical cancer screening amongst women visiting tertiary centre in Kathmandu, Nepal. Nepal Journal of Medical Sciences,2013;2, 6.
There are 2 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Original Articles

Hatice Akbayram 0000-0002-9777-9596

Publication Date April 28, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 3 Issue: 1


APA Akbayram, H. (2019). Do Women Have Sufficient Awareness of Cervical Cancer and the Pap Smear Test?. Ahi Evran Medical Journal, 3(1), 12-17.
AMA Akbayram H. Do Women Have Sufficient Awareness of Cervical Cancer and the Pap Smear Test?. Ahi Evran Med J. April 2019;3(1):12-17.
Chicago Akbayram, Hatice. “Do Women Have Sufficient Awareness of Cervical Cancer and the Pap Smear Test?”. Ahi Evran Medical Journal 3, no. 1 (April 2019): 12-17.
EndNote Akbayram H (April 1, 2019) Do Women Have Sufficient Awareness of Cervical Cancer and the Pap Smear Test?. Ahi Evran Medical Journal 3 1 12–17.
IEEE H. Akbayram, “Do Women Have Sufficient Awareness of Cervical Cancer and the Pap Smear Test?”, Ahi Evran Med J, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 12–17, 2019.
ISNAD Akbayram, Hatice. “Do Women Have Sufficient Awareness of Cervical Cancer and the Pap Smear Test?”. Ahi Evran Medical Journal 3/1 (April 2019), 12-17.
JAMA Akbayram H. Do Women Have Sufficient Awareness of Cervical Cancer and the Pap Smear Test?. Ahi Evran Med J. 2019;3:12–17.
MLA Akbayram, Hatice. “Do Women Have Sufficient Awareness of Cervical Cancer and the Pap Smear Test?”. Ahi Evran Medical Journal, vol. 3, no. 1, 2019, pp. 12-17.
Vancouver Akbayram H. Do Women Have Sufficient Awareness of Cervical Cancer and the Pap Smear Test?. Ahi Evran Med J. 2019;3(1):12-7.

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