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“Hemşirelik Bakımında Teknolojik Yeterlik Kuramı”: Bir Orta Düzey Kuram

Year 2024, , 118 - 126, 07.01.2025


Teknolojinin yaygınlaşmasıyla birlikte 21. yüzyılda hemşirelik önemli bir dönüşüm içerisine girmiştir. Bu dönüşümde teknolojinin hemşirelik bakımına sunduğu faydalar göz ardı edilemez. Hemşirelerin bu alana yönelik yeterli bilgi ve donanıma sahip olması, teknolojinin etkin bir şekilde kullanılabilmesi ve hasta bakımının kalitesinin artması için kritik önem taşımaktadır. Teknoloji kullanımı, hemşirelerin hastaların durumlarını daha iyi izlemesine, ilaçları daha etkin bir şekilde yönetmesine ve hastalarla daha iyi bir iletişim kurmasına yardımcı olmaktadır. Aynı zamanda hasta verilerinin dijital ortama aktarılması, yaşamsal bulguların ölçümü ve analizinin otomatik hale getirilmesi gibi işlemler, ilk bakışta basit görünse de zaman alan ve hata yapma riski barındıran kritik görevlerdir. Teknolojiyle bu işlemler daha hızlı, daha doğru ve daha güvenilir bir şekilde gerçekleştirilebilmektedir. Ancak hemşirelikte teknoloji kullanımının birçok faydası olsa da bakım etiği açısından birtakım sorunları beraberinde getirdiği bilinmektedir. Özellikle hasta mahremiyeti ve hasta güvenliği ile ilgili bazı önemli endişeler ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu noktada, Filipinli hemşire bilim insanı Dr. Rozzano Locsin hemşirelerin teknolojiyi bakım kalitesini artırmak için nasıl kullanabileceklerine dair önemli kuramsal bir çerçeve sunmaktadır. Dr. Rozzano Locsin’in geliştirdiği “Hemşirelik Bakımında Teknolojik Yeterlik Kuramı”, hemşirelik bakımında teknolojik bilgiyi özel olarak ele alan orta düzey bir hemşirelik kuramıdır. Bu derleme Dr. Locsin’in “Hemşirelik Bakımında Teknolojik Yeterlik Kuramı”nın ülkemizdeki hemşireler tarafından anlaşılmasını sağlamak ve bu kuramın bakım alanlarında kullanılabilirliğine ilişkin bilgileri paylaşmaktır.

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  • Çobanoğlu A, Oğuzhan H. Hemşirelikte Teknolojinin Gelişimi ve Mesleğin Geleceğine Etkileri. Hemşirelik Bilimi Dergisi. 2023;6(2):114-122.
  • Aydan S, Aydan M. Sağlık Hizmetlerinde Bireysel Ölçüm ve Giyilebilir Teknoloji: Olası Katkıları, Güncel Durum ve Öneriler. Hacettepe Sağlık İdaresi Dergisi. 2016; 19(3):325-342.
  • Konukbay D, Efe M, Yıldız D. Teknolojinin Hemşirelik Mesleğine Yansıması: Sistematik Derleme. Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Dergisi. 2020;2(3):175-182:163-170.
  • Locsin RC. The Co-Existence Of Technology And Caring İn The Theory Of Technological Competency As Caring İn Nursing. J Med Invest. 2017;64(1.2):160-164.
  • Locsin RC, Ito H, Tanioka T, Yasuhara Y, Osaka K, Schoenhofer SO. Humanoid Nurse Robots As Caring Entities: A Revolutionary Probability? International Journal Of Studies İn Nursing. 2018;3(2):146.
  • Clancy TR. Yapay zeka ve hemşirelik: gelecek şimdi. JONA: Hemşirelik İdaresi Dergisi. 2020;50(3):125-127.
  • Stokes F, Palmer A. Artificial İntelligence And Robotics İn Nursing: Ethics Of Caring As A Guide To Dividing Tasks Between AI And Humans. Nursing Philosophy. 2020;21(4):1-9.
  • Köstekli S, Çelik S, Karahan E. Cerrahi Hastasinin Taburculuk Sonrasi Tele Sağlik Yöntemi ile Hemşirelik Bakiminin Önemi. Cerrahi Ameliyathane Sterilizasyon Enfeksiyon Kontrol Hemşireliği Dergisi. 2020;1(1):30-38.
  • Rebecca LG, Skyler Chouinard BS, Fernandes-Taylor S, et al. Current use of telemedicine for postdischarge surgical care: A systematic review. Journal of The American College of Surgeons. 2016;222(5):915-927.
  • Rony MKK, Parvin MR, Wahiduzzaman M, Deb¬nath M, Bala SD, Kayesh I. “I Wonder if my Years of Training and Expertise Will be Devalued by Machines”: Concerns About the Replacement of Medical Professionals by Artificial Intelligence. SAGE Open Nursing.2024;10:1-17.
  • Sharkey N, Sharkey A. The crying shame of robot nannies: an ethical appraisal. Interaction Studies. 2020; 11(2): 161-185.
  • Gökalp MG, Üzer MA. Yapay Zeka Çağında Hemşirelik Bakımı. Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Dergisi. 2024;6(1):89- 94.
  • Bayuo J, Abu-Odah H, Su JJ, Aziato L. Technology: A metaparadigm concept of nursing. Nurs Inq. 2023;30(4):1-10.
  • Bender M. Models versus theories as a primary carrier of nursing knowledge: A philosophical argument. Nursing Philosophy. 2018;19(1):1-8.
  • Cvetkovic-Jovanovic М, Ivanovic S, Trgovcevic S, Kilibarda T, Stankovic M, Milutinovic S. The application of information technologies in the process of nursing care. Acta Medica Median. 2020;59(1):164-169.
  • Bagherian B, Mirzaei T, Sabzevari S, Ravari A. Caring within a web of paradoxes: The critical care nurses’ experiences of beneficial and harmful effects of technology on nursing care. British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research. 2016;15(9):1-4.
  • Locsin RC. Technological competency as caring in nursing: A model for practice. Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International. 2005:115-123.
  • Locsin RC. The Theory of Technological Competency as Caring in Nursing: Guiding nursing and health care. Tokushima University Institutional Repository. 2018.
  • Morrow MR, Locsin R. Contributions To Nursing Knowledge: A Dialogue With Dr. Rozzano Locsin. Nurs Sci Q. 2023;36(2):139-142.
  • Lim-Saco F. Philosophical and contextual issues in nursing theory development concerning technological competency as caring in nursing. The Journal of Medical Investigation. 2019;66(1.2):8-11.
  • Locsin R. The theory of Technological Competency as Caring in Nursing: Guiding nursing and health care. Shikoku Acta Medica. 2016;72(5):6.
  • Yeşilot SB, Öz F. Hemşirenin varlığı: kuramsal bir bakış. Psikiyatri Hemşireliği Dergisi. 2016;7(2):94-99.
  • Locsin RC. Rozzano Locsin’s Technological Competency as Caring and The Practice of Knowing Persons in Nursing. In M. E. Parker, & M. C. Smith (Eds.), Nursing Theories And Nursing Practice (3rd Ed.).2010, Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis. 451-462.
  • Locsin RC. Pumell M. Advancing the theory of technological competency as caring in nursing: The universal technological domain. International Journal for Human Caring. 2015;19(2):50-54.
  • Locsin RC, Betriana F. Viewing persons solely as the summation of organ systems confines nursing practice. Belitung Nursing Journal. 2024;10(2):122.
  • Kongsuwan W, Locsin RC. Thai Nurses’ Experience Of Caring For Persons With Life-Sustaining Technologies İn İntensive Care Settings: A Phenomenological Study. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2011;27(2):102-10.
  • Nakano Y, Yokotani T, Betriana F, Kawai C, Ito H, Yasuhara Y, et al. Perceptions of nurse managers and staff nurses regarding Technological Competency as Caring in Nursing theory in general hospitals in Japan. Belitung nursing journal. 2021;7(6):467.
  • Krel C, Vrbnjak D, Bevc S, Štiglic G, Pajnkihar M. Technological Competency As Caring in Nursing: A Description, Analysis And Evaluation Of The Theory. Zdr Varst. 2022;21;61(2):115-123.
  • Biswas SR, Kongsuwan W, Matchim Y. Technological competency as caring in nursing as perceived by ICU nurses in Bangladesh and its related factors. Journal of Research in Nursing-Midwifery and Health Sciences. 2016;36(1):1-20.
  • Kato K, Miyagawa M, Yasuhara Y, Osaka K, Kataoka M, Ito H, et al. Recognition and status of practicing technological competency as caring in nursing by nurses in ICU. International Journal of Nursing & Clinical Practices.2017;4(1):1-8.
  • Blum CA, Hickman C, Parcells DA, Locsin R. Teaching caring nursing to RN-BSN students using simulation technology. Int J for Hum Caring.2010;14:41-50.
  • Nakano Y, Tanioka T, Locsin RC, Miyagawa M, Yokotani T, Yasuhara Y, et al. A novel in-service nursing education optimizing theory of technological competency as caring in nursing. J Nurs Manag. 2019;9:85-91.
  • Ito H, Tanioka T, Miyamoto M, Miyagawa M, Yasuhara, Y, Locsin, RC. Perceived inventory of technological competency as caring in nursing (PITCCN): Psychometric evaluation. International Journal of Studies in Nursing. 2019;4(2):1-6.

“Technological Competency as Caring in Nursing”: A Middle-Range Theory

Year 2024, , 118 - 126, 07.01.2025


With the widespread use of technology, nursing has undergone a significant transformation in the 21st century. The benefits that technology offers to nursing care cannot be ignored in this transformation. It is critical that nurses have sufficient knowledge and equipment in this field to be able to use technology effectively and to increase the quality of patient care. The use of technology helps nurses better monitor the conditions of patients, manage medications more effectively, and communicate better with patients. At the same time, processes such as transferring patient data to a digital environment and automating the measurement and analysis of vital signs are critical tasks that take time and carry the risk of error, although they may seem simple at first glance. With technology, these processes can be performed faster, more accurately, and more reliably. However, although the use of technology in nursing has many benefits, it is known to bring with it some problems in terms of care ethics. Some important concerns arise, especially regarding patient privacy and patient safety. At this point, Filipino nurse scientist Dr. Rozzano Locsin offers an important theoretical framework on how nurses can use technology to increase the quality of care. The “Technological Competency as Caring in Nursing” developed by Dr. Rozzano Locsin, is a mid-range nursing theory that specifically addresses technological knowledge in nursing care. This review aims to help Dr. Locsin’s theory of “Technological Competence as Caring in Nursing” be understood by nurses in our country.


  • Çobanoğlu A, Oğuzhan H. Hemşirelikte Teknolojinin Gelişimi ve Mesleğin Geleceğine Etkileri. Hemşirelik Bilimi Dergisi. 2023;6(2):114-122.
  • Aydan S, Aydan M. Sağlık Hizmetlerinde Bireysel Ölçüm ve Giyilebilir Teknoloji: Olası Katkıları, Güncel Durum ve Öneriler. Hacettepe Sağlık İdaresi Dergisi. 2016; 19(3):325-342.
  • Konukbay D, Efe M, Yıldız D. Teknolojinin Hemşirelik Mesleğine Yansıması: Sistematik Derleme. Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Dergisi. 2020;2(3):175-182:163-170.
  • Locsin RC. The Co-Existence Of Technology And Caring İn The Theory Of Technological Competency As Caring İn Nursing. J Med Invest. 2017;64(1.2):160-164.
  • Locsin RC, Ito H, Tanioka T, Yasuhara Y, Osaka K, Schoenhofer SO. Humanoid Nurse Robots As Caring Entities: A Revolutionary Probability? International Journal Of Studies İn Nursing. 2018;3(2):146.
  • Clancy TR. Yapay zeka ve hemşirelik: gelecek şimdi. JONA: Hemşirelik İdaresi Dergisi. 2020;50(3):125-127.
  • Stokes F, Palmer A. Artificial İntelligence And Robotics İn Nursing: Ethics Of Caring As A Guide To Dividing Tasks Between AI And Humans. Nursing Philosophy. 2020;21(4):1-9.
  • Köstekli S, Çelik S, Karahan E. Cerrahi Hastasinin Taburculuk Sonrasi Tele Sağlik Yöntemi ile Hemşirelik Bakiminin Önemi. Cerrahi Ameliyathane Sterilizasyon Enfeksiyon Kontrol Hemşireliği Dergisi. 2020;1(1):30-38.
  • Rebecca LG, Skyler Chouinard BS, Fernandes-Taylor S, et al. Current use of telemedicine for postdischarge surgical care: A systematic review. Journal of The American College of Surgeons. 2016;222(5):915-927.
  • Rony MKK, Parvin MR, Wahiduzzaman M, Deb¬nath M, Bala SD, Kayesh I. “I Wonder if my Years of Training and Expertise Will be Devalued by Machines”: Concerns About the Replacement of Medical Professionals by Artificial Intelligence. SAGE Open Nursing.2024;10:1-17.
  • Sharkey N, Sharkey A. The crying shame of robot nannies: an ethical appraisal. Interaction Studies. 2020; 11(2): 161-185.
  • Gökalp MG, Üzer MA. Yapay Zeka Çağında Hemşirelik Bakımı. Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Dergisi. 2024;6(1):89- 94.
  • Bayuo J, Abu-Odah H, Su JJ, Aziato L. Technology: A metaparadigm concept of nursing. Nurs Inq. 2023;30(4):1-10.
  • Bender M. Models versus theories as a primary carrier of nursing knowledge: A philosophical argument. Nursing Philosophy. 2018;19(1):1-8.
  • Cvetkovic-Jovanovic М, Ivanovic S, Trgovcevic S, Kilibarda T, Stankovic M, Milutinovic S. The application of information technologies in the process of nursing care. Acta Medica Median. 2020;59(1):164-169.
  • Bagherian B, Mirzaei T, Sabzevari S, Ravari A. Caring within a web of paradoxes: The critical care nurses’ experiences of beneficial and harmful effects of technology on nursing care. British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research. 2016;15(9):1-4.
  • Locsin RC. Technological competency as caring in nursing: A model for practice. Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International. 2005:115-123.
  • Locsin RC. The Theory of Technological Competency as Caring in Nursing: Guiding nursing and health care. Tokushima University Institutional Repository. 2018.
  • Morrow MR, Locsin R. Contributions To Nursing Knowledge: A Dialogue With Dr. Rozzano Locsin. Nurs Sci Q. 2023;36(2):139-142.
  • Lim-Saco F. Philosophical and contextual issues in nursing theory development concerning technological competency as caring in nursing. The Journal of Medical Investigation. 2019;66(1.2):8-11.
  • Locsin R. The theory of Technological Competency as Caring in Nursing: Guiding nursing and health care. Shikoku Acta Medica. 2016;72(5):6.
  • Yeşilot SB, Öz F. Hemşirenin varlığı: kuramsal bir bakış. Psikiyatri Hemşireliği Dergisi. 2016;7(2):94-99.
  • Locsin RC. Rozzano Locsin’s Technological Competency as Caring and The Practice of Knowing Persons in Nursing. In M. E. Parker, & M. C. Smith (Eds.), Nursing Theories And Nursing Practice (3rd Ed.).2010, Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis. 451-462.
  • Locsin RC. Pumell M. Advancing the theory of technological competency as caring in nursing: The universal technological domain. International Journal for Human Caring. 2015;19(2):50-54.
  • Locsin RC, Betriana F. Viewing persons solely as the summation of organ systems confines nursing practice. Belitung Nursing Journal. 2024;10(2):122.
  • Kongsuwan W, Locsin RC. Thai Nurses’ Experience Of Caring For Persons With Life-Sustaining Technologies İn İntensive Care Settings: A Phenomenological Study. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2011;27(2):102-10.
  • Nakano Y, Yokotani T, Betriana F, Kawai C, Ito H, Yasuhara Y, et al. Perceptions of nurse managers and staff nurses regarding Technological Competency as Caring in Nursing theory in general hospitals in Japan. Belitung nursing journal. 2021;7(6):467.
  • Krel C, Vrbnjak D, Bevc S, Štiglic G, Pajnkihar M. Technological Competency As Caring in Nursing: A Description, Analysis And Evaluation Of The Theory. Zdr Varst. 2022;21;61(2):115-123.
  • Biswas SR, Kongsuwan W, Matchim Y. Technological competency as caring in nursing as perceived by ICU nurses in Bangladesh and its related factors. Journal of Research in Nursing-Midwifery and Health Sciences. 2016;36(1):1-20.
  • Kato K, Miyagawa M, Yasuhara Y, Osaka K, Kataoka M, Ito H, et al. Recognition and status of practicing technological competency as caring in nursing by nurses in ICU. International Journal of Nursing & Clinical Practices.2017;4(1):1-8.
  • Blum CA, Hickman C, Parcells DA, Locsin R. Teaching caring nursing to RN-BSN students using simulation technology. Int J for Hum Caring.2010;14:41-50.
  • Nakano Y, Tanioka T, Locsin RC, Miyagawa M, Yokotani T, Yasuhara Y, et al. A novel in-service nursing education optimizing theory of technological competency as caring in nursing. J Nurs Manag. 2019;9:85-91.
  • Ito H, Tanioka T, Miyamoto M, Miyagawa M, Yasuhara, Y, Locsin, RC. Perceived inventory of technological competency as caring in nursing (PITCCN): Psychometric evaluation. International Journal of Studies in Nursing. 2019;4(2):1-6.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Nursing (Other)
Journal Section Reviews

Ezgi Eyiler 0000-0002-9859-6150

Hatice Yangın 0000-0002-2827-1481

İlkay Boz 0000-0002-3529-9351

Publication Date January 7, 2025
Submission Date August 25, 2024
Acceptance Date November 27, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


Vancouver Eyiler E, Yangın H, Boz İ. “Hemşirelik Bakımında Teknolojik Yeterlik Kuramı”: Bir Orta Düzey Kuram. Akd Hemsirelik D. 2025;3(3):118-26.