Nursing Students’ Views on the Clinical Learning Environment and Affecting Factors: A Cross- Sectional Study
Year 2024,
Volume: 3 Issue: 3, 89 - 98, 07.01.2025
Duygu Kemer
Filiz Solmaz
Hülya Karataş
The aim of this study was to determine nursing students’ opinions about the clinical learning environment of the Pediatric Nursing course and the affecting factors.
In this descriptive and cross-sectional study consisted of 87 nursing students who were enrolled in the Pediatric Nursing course and completed their clinical practice. In this study, “Demographic Information Form” and “The Clinical Learning Environment, Supervision and Nurse Teacher Scale” were used.
The highest sub-dimension of the Clinical Learning Environment, Supervision and Nurse Teacher scale of nursing students was nurse faculty member and the lowest sub-dimension was nursing care in the clinic. 59.8% of students are satisfied with the clinical learning environment. This study, academic achievement was found to be significant only in the clinical learning environment sub-dimension of the Clinical Learning Environment, Supervision and Nurse Teacher Scale and had no significant effect on the other sub-dimensions (p>0,050). It was found that the clinical practice supervisor variable was significant only in the faculty member score sub-dimension of the scale and was not significant in the other sub-dimensions.
This study shows that the students scored well in all subscales of the Clinical Learning Environment, Supervision and Nurse Teacher Scale and were satisfied with the clinical learning environment.
Ethical Statement
Subsequently, the researcher obtained written permission from the Harran University Ethics Committee (ethics committee approval dated 21.08.2023 and numbered 15).
Supporting Institution
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
- Benti Terefe A, Gemeda Gudeta T. Factors Associated with Nursing Student Satisfaction with Their Clinical Learning Environment at Wolkite University in Southwest Ethiopia. Nursing research and practice. 2022;2022:3465651.
- Ziba FA, Yakong VN, Ali Z. Clinical learning environment of nursing and midwifery students in Ghana. BMC nursing. 2021;20(1):14.
- Akman G, Baltaci N, Metİn A, Benlİ CK, Doğan NG, Denİz HT, et al. Nursing Students’ Perceptions of the Clinical Learning Environment. Samsun Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2019;4(2):69-76.
- D’Souza MS, Venkatesaperumal R, Radhakrishnan J, Balachandran S. Engagement in clinical learning environment among nursing students: Role of nurse educators. Open Journal of Nursing. 2013;3:25-32.
- Karaduman G, Bakir GK, Sim-Sim M, Basak T, Goktas S, Skarbalienė A, et al. Nursing students’ perceptions on clinical learning environment and mental health: a multicenter study. Revista latino-americana de enfermagem. 2022;30:e3581.
- Zhang J, Shields L, Ma B, Yin Y, Wang J, Zhang R, et al. The clinical learning environment, supervision and future intention to work as a nurse in nursing students: a cross-sectional and descriptive study. BMC medical education. 2022;22(1):548.
- Henderson A, Twentyman M, Heel A, Lloyd B. Students’ perception of the psycho-social clinical learning environment: an evaluation of placement models. Nurse education today. 2006;26(7):564-71.
- Papp I, Markkanen M, von Bonsdorff M. Clinical environment as a learning environment: student nurses’ perceptions concerning clinical learning experiences. Nurse education today. 2003;23(4):262-8.
- Şimşek M, Çonoğlu G, Orgun F. Hemşirelik eğitiminde kazandırılması planlanan temel hemşirelik becerilerinin değerlendirilmesi. Ege Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Dergisi. 2018;34(1):1-25.
- Karadağ G, Kılıç SP, Ovayolu N, Ovayolu Ö, Kayaaslan H. Difficulties Encountered by Nursing Students in Practices and Their Views about Nurses. TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2013;12(6):665-72.
- Ibrahim AF, Abdelaziz TM, Akel DT. The relationship between undergraduate nursing students’ satisfaction about clinical learning environment and their competency self-efficacy. Journal of Nursing Education Practice. 2019;9(11):92.
- Iyigun E, Tastan S, Ayhan H, Pazar B, Tekin YE, Coskun H, et al. The Clinical Learning Environment, Supervision and the Nurse Teacher Evaluation Scale: Turkish Version. International journal of nursing practice. 2020;26(2):e12795.
- George D, Mallery M. SPSS for Windows Step by Step: A Simple Guide and Reference, 17.0 update (10a ed.). oston: Pearson; 2010.
- Al-Anazi NA, Alosaimi D, Pandaan I, Anthony D, Dyson S. Evaluating clinical placements in Saudi Arabia with the CLES+T scale. Nurse education in practice. 2019;39:11-6.
- Cant R, Ryan C, Cooper S. Nursing students’ evaluation of clinical practice placements using the Clinical Learning Environment, Supervision and Nurse Teacher scale - A systematic review. Nurse education today. 2021;104:104983.
- Sundler AJ, Björk M, Bisholt B, Ohlsson U, Engström AK, Gustafsson M. Student nurses’ experiences of the clinical learning environment in relation to the organization of supervision: a questionnaire survey. Nurse education today. 2014;34(4):661-6.
- Karaduman GS, Bakir GK, Sim-Sim MMSF, Basak T, Goktas S, Skarbalienė A, et al. Nursing students’ perceptions on clinical learning environment and mental health: a multicenter study. Revista latino-americana de enfermagem. 2022;30(e3528).
- Johannessen AK, Barra M, Vullum S, Werner A. Nursing students’ evaluation of clinical learning environment and supervision in a Norwegian hospital placement - A questionnaire survey using CLES+T scale. Nurse education in practice. 2021;54:103119.
- Abuosi AA, Kwadan AN, Anaba EA, Daniels AA, Dzansi G. Number of students in clinical placement and the quality of the clinical learning environment: A cross-sectional study of nursing and midwifery students. Nurse education today. 2022;108:105168.
- Nepal B, Taketomi K, Ito YM, Kohanawa M, Kawabata H, Tanaka M, et al. Nepalese undergraduate nursing students’ perceptions of the clinical learning environment, supervision and nurse teachers: A questionnaire survey. Nurse education today. 2016;39:181-8.
- Antohe I, Riklikiene O, Tichelaar E, Saarikoski M. Clinical education and training of student nurses in four moderately new European Union countries: Assessment of students’ satisfaction with the learning environment. Nurse education in practice. 2016;17:139-44.
- Manninen K, Karlstedt M, Sandelin A, von Vogelsang AC, Pettersson S. First and second cycle nursing students’ perceptions of the clinical learning environment in acute care settings – A comparative crossectional study using the CLES+T scale. Nurse education today. 2022;108:105211.
- Cervera-Gasch A, González-Chordá VM, Ortiz- Mallasen V, Andreu-Pejo L, Mena-Tudela D, Valero-Chilleron MJ. Student satisfaction level, clinical learning environment, and tutor participation in primary care clinical placements: An observational study. Nurse education today. 2022;108:105156.
- Strandell-Laine C, Salminen L, Blöndal K, Fuster P, Hourican S, Koskinen S, et al. The nurse teacher’s pedagogical cooperation with students, the clinical learning environment and supervision in clinical practicum: a European cross-sectional study of graduating nursing students. BMC medical education. 2022;22(1):509.
- Tomietto M, Comparcini D, Simonetti V, Pelusi G, Troiani S, Saarikoski M, et al. Work-engaged nurses for a better clinical learning environment: a ward-level analysis. Journal of nursing management. 2016;24(4):475-82.
- Xiong W, Huang J, Zhu A. The relationship of sleep quality among internship nurses with clinical learning environment and mental stress: a cross-sectional survey. Sleep medicine. 2021;83:151-8.
- Özsaban A, Bayram A. Factors Affecting the Clinical Experience of Nursing Students in Turkey: A Systematic Review. Ankara University Faculty of Health Sciences. 2020;9(2):124-45.
- Cremonini V, Ferri P, Artioli G, Sarli L, Piccioni E, Rubbi I. Nursing students’ experiences of and satisfaction with the clinical learning environment: the role of educational models in the simulation laboratory and in clinical practice. Acta bio-medica : Atenei Parmensis. 2015;86 Suppl 3:194-204.
- D’Souza MS, Karkada SN, Parahoo K, Venkatesaperumal R. Perception of and satisfaction with the clinical learning environment among nursing students. Nurse education today. 2015;35(6):833-40.
Hemşirelik Öğrencilerinin Klinik Öğrenme Ortamına İlişkin Görüşleri ve Etkileyen Faktörler: Kesitsel Bir Çalışma
Year 2024,
Volume: 3 Issue: 3, 89 - 98, 07.01.2025
Duygu Kemer
Filiz Solmaz
Hülya Karataş
Bu çalışma hemşirelik öğrencilerinin Pediatri Hemşireliği dersinin klinik öğrenme ortamına ilişkin görüşlerini ve etkileyen faktörleri belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır.
Tanımlayıcı ve kesitsel tipteki bu çalışmada Pediatri Hemşireliği dersine kayıt yaptıran ve klinik uygulamalarını tamamlayan 87 hemşirelik öğrencisi oluşturmuştur. Araştırmada “Demografik Bilgi Formu” ve “Klinik Öğrenme Ortamı, Süpervizyon ve Hemşire Öğretmen Ölçeği” kullanılmıştır.
Hemşirelik öğrencileri Klinik Öğrenme Ortamı, Süpervizyon ve Hemşire Öğretmen Ölçeğinin en yüksek puanı alan alt boyutu hemşire öğretim elemanı, en düşük puanı alan alt boyutu ise klinikteki hemşirelik bakımı olmuştur. Öğrencilerin %59,8’i klinik ortamdan memnundur. Bu çalışmada akademik başarı durumu Klinik Öğrenme Ortamı, Süpervizyon ve Hemşire Öğretmen Ölçeğinin sadece klinik öğrenme ortamı alt boyutunda anlamlı olduğu, diğer alt boyutları üzerinde anlamlı bir etkisi olmadığı bulunmuştur (p>0,05). Klinik uygulama sorumlusu değişkeni ölçeğin sadece öğretim elemanı puanı alt boyutunda anlamlı olduğu, diğer alt boyutlarında anlamlı olmadığı belirlenmiştir.
Bu çalışmada öğrencilerin Klinik Öğrenme Ortamı, Süpervizyon ve Hemşire Öğretmen Ölçeğinin tüm alt boyutlarından iyi puan aldığı ve klinik öğrenme ortamından memnun olduğu saptanmıştır.
- Benti Terefe A, Gemeda Gudeta T. Factors Associated with Nursing Student Satisfaction with Their Clinical Learning Environment at Wolkite University in Southwest Ethiopia. Nursing research and practice. 2022;2022:3465651.
- Ziba FA, Yakong VN, Ali Z. Clinical learning environment of nursing and midwifery students in Ghana. BMC nursing. 2021;20(1):14.
- Akman G, Baltaci N, Metİn A, Benlİ CK, Doğan NG, Denİz HT, et al. Nursing Students’ Perceptions of the Clinical Learning Environment. Samsun Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2019;4(2):69-76.
- D’Souza MS, Venkatesaperumal R, Radhakrishnan J, Balachandran S. Engagement in clinical learning environment among nursing students: Role of nurse educators. Open Journal of Nursing. 2013;3:25-32.
- Karaduman G, Bakir GK, Sim-Sim M, Basak T, Goktas S, Skarbalienė A, et al. Nursing students’ perceptions on clinical learning environment and mental health: a multicenter study. Revista latino-americana de enfermagem. 2022;30:e3581.
- Zhang J, Shields L, Ma B, Yin Y, Wang J, Zhang R, et al. The clinical learning environment, supervision and future intention to work as a nurse in nursing students: a cross-sectional and descriptive study. BMC medical education. 2022;22(1):548.
- Henderson A, Twentyman M, Heel A, Lloyd B. Students’ perception of the psycho-social clinical learning environment: an evaluation of placement models. Nurse education today. 2006;26(7):564-71.
- Papp I, Markkanen M, von Bonsdorff M. Clinical environment as a learning environment: student nurses’ perceptions concerning clinical learning experiences. Nurse education today. 2003;23(4):262-8.
- Şimşek M, Çonoğlu G, Orgun F. Hemşirelik eğitiminde kazandırılması planlanan temel hemşirelik becerilerinin değerlendirilmesi. Ege Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Dergisi. 2018;34(1):1-25.
- Karadağ G, Kılıç SP, Ovayolu N, Ovayolu Ö, Kayaaslan H. Difficulties Encountered by Nursing Students in Practices and Their Views about Nurses. TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2013;12(6):665-72.
- Ibrahim AF, Abdelaziz TM, Akel DT. The relationship between undergraduate nursing students’ satisfaction about clinical learning environment and their competency self-efficacy. Journal of Nursing Education Practice. 2019;9(11):92.
- Iyigun E, Tastan S, Ayhan H, Pazar B, Tekin YE, Coskun H, et al. The Clinical Learning Environment, Supervision and the Nurse Teacher Evaluation Scale: Turkish Version. International journal of nursing practice. 2020;26(2):e12795.
- George D, Mallery M. SPSS for Windows Step by Step: A Simple Guide and Reference, 17.0 update (10a ed.). oston: Pearson; 2010.
- Al-Anazi NA, Alosaimi D, Pandaan I, Anthony D, Dyson S. Evaluating clinical placements in Saudi Arabia with the CLES+T scale. Nurse education in practice. 2019;39:11-6.
- Cant R, Ryan C, Cooper S. Nursing students’ evaluation of clinical practice placements using the Clinical Learning Environment, Supervision and Nurse Teacher scale - A systematic review. Nurse education today. 2021;104:104983.
- Sundler AJ, Björk M, Bisholt B, Ohlsson U, Engström AK, Gustafsson M. Student nurses’ experiences of the clinical learning environment in relation to the organization of supervision: a questionnaire survey. Nurse education today. 2014;34(4):661-6.
- Karaduman GS, Bakir GK, Sim-Sim MMSF, Basak T, Goktas S, Skarbalienė A, et al. Nursing students’ perceptions on clinical learning environment and mental health: a multicenter study. Revista latino-americana de enfermagem. 2022;30(e3528).
- Johannessen AK, Barra M, Vullum S, Werner A. Nursing students’ evaluation of clinical learning environment and supervision in a Norwegian hospital placement - A questionnaire survey using CLES+T scale. Nurse education in practice. 2021;54:103119.
- Abuosi AA, Kwadan AN, Anaba EA, Daniels AA, Dzansi G. Number of students in clinical placement and the quality of the clinical learning environment: A cross-sectional study of nursing and midwifery students. Nurse education today. 2022;108:105168.
- Nepal B, Taketomi K, Ito YM, Kohanawa M, Kawabata H, Tanaka M, et al. Nepalese undergraduate nursing students’ perceptions of the clinical learning environment, supervision and nurse teachers: A questionnaire survey. Nurse education today. 2016;39:181-8.
- Antohe I, Riklikiene O, Tichelaar E, Saarikoski M. Clinical education and training of student nurses in four moderately new European Union countries: Assessment of students’ satisfaction with the learning environment. Nurse education in practice. 2016;17:139-44.
- Manninen K, Karlstedt M, Sandelin A, von Vogelsang AC, Pettersson S. First and second cycle nursing students’ perceptions of the clinical learning environment in acute care settings – A comparative crossectional study using the CLES+T scale. Nurse education today. 2022;108:105211.
- Cervera-Gasch A, González-Chordá VM, Ortiz- Mallasen V, Andreu-Pejo L, Mena-Tudela D, Valero-Chilleron MJ. Student satisfaction level, clinical learning environment, and tutor participation in primary care clinical placements: An observational study. Nurse education today. 2022;108:105156.
- Strandell-Laine C, Salminen L, Blöndal K, Fuster P, Hourican S, Koskinen S, et al. The nurse teacher’s pedagogical cooperation with students, the clinical learning environment and supervision in clinical practicum: a European cross-sectional study of graduating nursing students. BMC medical education. 2022;22(1):509.
- Tomietto M, Comparcini D, Simonetti V, Pelusi G, Troiani S, Saarikoski M, et al. Work-engaged nurses for a better clinical learning environment: a ward-level analysis. Journal of nursing management. 2016;24(4):475-82.
- Xiong W, Huang J, Zhu A. The relationship of sleep quality among internship nurses with clinical learning environment and mental stress: a cross-sectional survey. Sleep medicine. 2021;83:151-8.
- Özsaban A, Bayram A. Factors Affecting the Clinical Experience of Nursing Students in Turkey: A Systematic Review. Ankara University Faculty of Health Sciences. 2020;9(2):124-45.
- Cremonini V, Ferri P, Artioli G, Sarli L, Piccioni E, Rubbi I. Nursing students’ experiences of and satisfaction with the clinical learning environment: the role of educational models in the simulation laboratory and in clinical practice. Acta bio-medica : Atenei Parmensis. 2015;86 Suppl 3:194-204.
- D’Souza MS, Karkada SN, Parahoo K, Venkatesaperumal R. Perception of and satisfaction with the clinical learning environment among nursing students. Nurse education today. 2015;35(6):833-40.