Research Article
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A Social Media Framework of Cultural Museums

Year 2017, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 101 - 119, 28.12.2017


Museums are regarded as cultural products and the core
attractions of a destination that offer cultural, historical and
artistic possessions for locals as well as tourists.
Technological developments in communication have also
contributed to the museum pre-, onsite and postexperience
of visitors. Thereby, social media enables the
museums to extend their networks also on an international
basis with up-to-date and credible information about
current researches, special events, new exhibitions,
excavations in process, and promotional activities. In this
sense, this study demonstrates how social media is used by
the museums through a research about the Facebook
accounts of 10 well-known international museums. Thus, a
32-category framework is created based on the
performances of each social media account eventually, this
research provides insights into creation of an effective
social media account with the emphasis on certain
categories’ role to draw and maintain the interest of


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  • Hume, M., & Mills, M. (2011). Building the sustainable iMuseum: Is the virtual museum leaving our museums virtually empty? International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 16 (3), 275-289.
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  • Kotler, N., & Kotler, P. (2000) Can museums be all things to all people?: Missions, goals, and marketing's role. Museum Management and Curatorship, 18 (3), 271-287.
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  • Waltl, C. (2006). Museums for visitors: audience development–a crucial role for successful museum management strategies. Paper presented at the Intercom. Taipei, Taiwan: 2-4 November 2006.
  • Weilenmann, A., Hillman, T., & Jungselius, B. (2013). Instagram at the museum: Communicating the museum experience through social photo sharing. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp.1843-1852.
  • Xiang, Z., & Gretzel, U. (2010). Role of social media in online travel information search. Tourism Management, 3 (2), 179-188.
  • Yeh, J., & Lin, C. (2005). Museum marketing and strategy: Directors’ perception and belief. Journal of the American Academy of Business, 6 (2), 279–284.
  • Zeng, B., & Gerritsen, R. (2014). What do we know about social media in tourism? A review. Tourism Management Perspectives, 10, 27-36.
  • Zhou, L., & Wang, T. (2014). Social media: A new vehicle for city marketing in China. Cities, 37, 27-32.
Year 2017, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 101 - 119, 28.12.2017



  • Amato, F., Chianese, A., Mazzeo, A., Moscato, V., Picariello, A., & Piccialli, F. (2013). The talking museum project. Procedia Computer Science, 21, 114-121.
  • Badalotti, E., De Biase, L., & Greenaway, P. (2011). The Future Museum. Procedia Computer Science, 7, 114-116.
  • Bollo, A., & Dal Pozzolo, L. (2005). Analysis of visitor behaviour inside the museum: An empirical study. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management, Montreal, pp.1-13.
  • Chan, N. L., & Guillet, B. D. (2011). Investigation of social media marketing: How does the hotel industry in Hong Kong perform in marketing on social media websites?. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 28 (4), 345-368.
  • Cole, D. (2008). Museum marketing as a tool for survival and creativity: The mining museum perspective. Museum Management and Curatorship, 23 (2), 177-192.
  • Dindler, C., & Iversen, O. S. (2009). Motivation in the museum: Mediating between everyday engagement and cultural heritage. Paper presented at the Nordes Conference. Oslo, Norway: 30 August - 01 September 2009.
  • Fletcher, A., & Lee, M. J. (2012). Current social media uses and evaluations in American museums. Museum Management and Curatorship, 27 (5), 505-521.
  • Hausmann, A. (2012). The importance of word of mouth for museums: An analytical framework. International Journal of Arts Management, 14 (3), 32-43.
  • Hsu, Y. L. (2012). Facebook as international eMarketing strategy of Taiwan hotels. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31 (3), 972-980.
  • Hume, M., & Mills, M. (2011). Building the sustainable iMuseum: Is the virtual museum leaving our museums virtually empty? International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 16 (3), 275-289.
  • Jeong, J. H., & Lee, K. H. (2006). The physical environment in museums and its effects on visitors’ satisfaction. Building and Environment, 41 (7), 963-969.
  • Kaplan, A. M., & Haenlein, M. (2010). Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media. Business Horizons, 53 (1), 59-68.
  • Karagöl, A. (2014). The museum experience and social media. European Journal of Research on Education, 2 (1), 12-18.
  • Kelly, L. (2008). Museum 3.0: informal learning and social media. Paper presented at the 1st Social Media and Cultural Communication Conference. Sydney, Australia: 28-29 February 2008.
  • Kierzkowski, A., McQuade, S., Waitman, R., & Zeisser, M. (1996). Marketing to the digital consumer. McKinsey Quarterly, 3, 5–21.
  • Kirezli, O. (2011). Museum marketing: Shift from traditional to experiential marketing. International Journal of Management Cases, 13 (4), 173-184.
  • Kotler, N. (2001). New ways of experiencing culture: The role of museums and marketing implications. Museum Management and Curatorship, 19 (4), 417-425.
  • Kotler, N., & Kotler, P. (2000) Can museums be all things to all people?: Missions, goals, and marketing's role. Museum Management and Curatorship, 18 (3), 271-287.
  • Mancini, F., & Carreras, C. (2010). Techno-society at the service of memory institutions: Web 2.0 in museums. Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies, 2 (1), 59- 76.
  • Marty, P. F. (2007). Museum websites and museum visitors: Before and after the museum visit. Museum Management and Curatorship, 22 (4), 337-360.
  • McCall, V., & Gray, C. (2014). Museums and the ‘new museology’: Theory, practice and organisational change. Museum Management and Curatorship, 29 (1), 19-35.
  • McLean, F. (1995). A marketing revolution in museums?. Journal of Marketing Management, 11 (6), 601-616.
  • Munar, A. M., & Jacobsen, J. K. S. (2014). Motivations for sharing tourism experiences through social media. Tourism Management, 43, 46-54.
  • Padilla-Meléndez, A., & del Águila-Obra, A. R. (2013). Web and social media usage by museums: Online value creation. International Journal of Information Management, 33 (5), 892-898.
  • Panero, J. (2012). Future tense, VII: what’s a museum. New Criterion, 30 (7), 4-12.
  • Pett, D. (2012). Use of social media within the British Museum and the museum sector. In C. Bonacchi (Ed.), Archaeology and Digital Communication: Towards Strategies of Public Engagement (pp.83-102). London: Archetype Publications.
  • Porter, M. (1998). Clusters and the New Economics of Competition. Harvard Business Review, 76 (6), 77-90.
  • Russo, A. (2011). Transformations in cultural communication: Social media, cultural exchange, and creative connections. Curator: The Museum Journal, 54 (3), 327-346.
  • Russo, A., Watkins, J., Kelly, L., & Chan, S. (2008). Participatory communication with social media. Curator: The Museum Journal, 51 (1), 21-31.
  • Saravanakumar, M., & Suganthalakshmi, T. (2012). Social media marketing. Life Science Journal, 9 (4), 4444-4451.
  • Scott, S. V., & Orlikowski, W. J. (2012). Reconfiguring relations of accountability: Materialization of social media in the travel sector. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 37 (1), 26-40.
  • Sparks, B. A., Perkins, H. E., & Buckley, R. (2013). Online travel reviews as persuasive communication: The effects of content type, source, and certification logos on consumer behavior. Tourism Management, 39, 1-9.
  • Stylianou-Lambert, T. (2011). Gazing from home: Cultural tourism and art museums. Annals of Tourism Research, 38 (2), 403–421.
  • Styliani, S., Fotis, L., Kostas, K., & Petros, P. (2009). Virtual museums, a survey and some issues for consideration. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 10 (4), 520-528.
  • Waltl, C. (2006). Museums for visitors: audience development–a crucial role for successful museum management strategies. Paper presented at the Intercom. Taipei, Taiwan: 2-4 November 2006.
  • Weilenmann, A., Hillman, T., & Jungselius, B. (2013). Instagram at the museum: Communicating the museum experience through social photo sharing. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp.1843-1852.
  • Xiang, Z., & Gretzel, U. (2010). Role of social media in online travel information search. Tourism Management, 3 (2), 179-188.
  • Yeh, J., & Lin, C. (2005). Museum marketing and strategy: Directors’ perception and belief. Journal of the American Academy of Business, 6 (2), 279–284.
  • Zeng, B., & Gerritsen, R. (2014). What do we know about social media in tourism? A review. Tourism Management Perspectives, 10, 27-36.
  • Zhou, L., & Wang, T. (2014). Social media: A new vehicle for city marketing in China. Cities, 37, 27-32.
There are 40 citations in total.


Journal Section Research Article

Gökçe Özdemir

Duygu Çelebi

Publication Date December 28, 2017
Submission Date May 30, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 5 Issue: 2


APA Özdemir, G., & Çelebi, D. (2017). A Social Media Framework of Cultural Museums. Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Research (AHTR), 5(2), 101-119.

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