Çankırı’daki kent parkları topraklarında ağır metal kirliliğinin dağılımı
Year 2023,
, 70 - 74, 01.01.2024
Seval Sünal Kavaklıgil
Ülkü Yılmaz
Özgür Timur
Umut Pekin Timur
Sabit Erşahin
Toprak, kırsal ve kentsel çevrenin önemli bir bileşenidir. Çankırı'daki kentsel topraklar, toprak kalitesi üzerinde yüksek bir potansiyel etkiye sahiptir. Bugüne kadar, Çankırı'nın kentsel parklarında toprak kirliliği üzerine çok az araştırma yapılmıştır. Topraktaki ağır metallerin konsantrasyonlarını ve kaynaklarını belirlemek ve toprağın çevresel kalitesini değerlendirmek için, Çankırı kentinde bulunan 10 kent parkı toprağından ve farklı zamanlarda örnekler toplanmıştır (toplam 90 toprak örneği). Örneklerdeki B, Cd, Cr, Fe, Mn, Cu, Ni, Pb ve Zn konsantrasyonları analiz edilmiştir. Ağır metal konsantrasyonları ICP (İndüktif Eşleşmiş Plazma Kütle Spektrometresi) kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Ortalama konsantrasyonlar (mg/l) Mn>Fe>Zn>Cu>Ni>Pb>B>Cd>Cr şeklindeydi. Çalışmada elde edilen ağır metal konsantrasyonları göz önüne alındığında, bu değerlerin tümü kabul edilebilir değerlerin altında bulunmuştur. Ancak, çalışma alanındaki bazı parklarda bazı elementler de hafifçe yükselmiştir, kent parklarındaki taşınan topraklar dikkatli bir şekilde ele alınmalı ve bu ağır metallerin çevresel bir tehlikesinden kaçınılmalıdır.
Supporting Institution
Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi
Project Number
Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi BAP destek birimine vermiş oldukları yardımlar için teşekkür ederiz.
- Anonim, 2023. Çankırı Meteoroloji Bülteni, T.C. Çevre Şehircilik ve İklim Değişikliği Bakanlığı Devlet Meteoroloji Genel Müdürlüğü (https://www.mgm.gov.tr/veridegerlendirme/il-ve-ilceler-istatistik.aspx?m=CANKIRI) Erişim Tarihi 07.08.2023
- Akyıldız, M., Karataş, B., 2018. Investigation of heavy metal pollution in the soil at Adana City Center. Çukurova University Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture 33(2), 199-214 [in Turkish].
- Aviles, R. M., Puy-Alquıza, M. J., Arvızu, O.P., 2012. Anthropogenic metal content and natural background of overbank sediments from the Mining District of Guanajuato, Mexico. Soil Sediment contam. 21(5), 604.
- Beyer, L., Cordsen, E., Blume, H.-P., Schleuss, U., Vogt, B., Wu, Q., 1996. Soil organic matter composition in urbic anthrosols in the city of Kiel, NW-Germany, as revealed by wet chemistry and CPMAS C-NMR spectroscopy of whole soil samples Soil Technol., 9, pp. 121-132.
- Bilos, C., Colombo, J.C., Skorupka, C.N., Rodrigues, P.M.J., 2001. Sources, distribution and variability of airbone trace metal in La Plata City area, Argentina. Environ. Pollut., 111, 149–158.
- Cassel, D. and Nielsen, D. 1986. Field capacity and available water capacity, In: Methods of Soil Analysis: Part 1-Physical and Mineralogical Methods. Klute, A. (Ed.), American Society of Agronomy and Soil Science Society of America, pp. 901–926, Madsion.
- Cyrys, J., Stolzel, M., Heinrich, J., Kreyling, W.G., Menzel, N., Wittmaack, K., Tuch, T., Wichmann, H.E., 2003. Elemental composition and sources of fine and ultrafine ambient particles in Erfurt, Germany. The Science of the Total Environment 305, 143–156.
- Chen, T.B., Zheng, Y.M., Chen, H., Zheng, G.D., 2004. Background concentrations of soil heavy metals in Beijing. Chinese Journal of Environmental Science 25, 117–122 (in Chinese).
- Chen, T. B., Zheng, Y. M., Lei, M., Huang, Z. C., Wu, H. T., Chen, H., Tian, Q. Z. 2005. Assessment of heavy metal pollution in surface soils of urban parks in Beijing, China. Chemosphere, 60(4), 542-551.
- Chiroma T. M., Ebewele R. O., Hymore F.K., 2014. Comparative Assessement of Heavy Metal Levels in Soil, Vegetables and Urban Grey Waste Water used for Irrigation in Yola and Kano. International Refereed Journal of Engineering and Science, 3(2), 01-09.
- Çağlar, K.Ö. 1958. Toprak İlmi, No:10. Ankara Üniversitesi publishing, pp. 142-265, Ankara.
- De Kimple, C.R., Morel, J.F., 2000. Urban soil management: a growing concern. Soil Science 165, 31–40.
- Dikmen, Ü, Sünal S. and Erşahin S., 2017. Spatial Variability in Total Soil Phosphorus in a Semi-Arid Pasture: Effect of Slope Aspect. Congress Book, 932.
- Erşahin, S 1999. Aluviyal bir tarlada bazı fiziksel ve kimyasal toprak özelliklerinin uzaysal (Spatial) değişkenliğinin belirlenmesi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 13, 34-41.
- Erşahin, S., Karahan, G., Gül, E., Sünal, S., Dikmen, E., Bilgili, B.C., 2018. Spatial distribution of some toxic elements in some urban soils of Çankırı, Turkey. Anadolu Orman Araştırmaları Dergisi 4(2), 133-143.
- Facchinelli, A., Sacchi, E., Mallen, L., 2001. Multivariate statistical and GIS-based approach to identify heavy metal sources in soils. Environmental Pollution, 114, 313–324.
- Gee, G.W., Bauder, J.W. 1986. Particle-size analysis, In: Methods of Soil Analysis: Part 1. Physical and Mineralogical Methods. A.Klute (Eds). American Society of Agronomy and Soil Science Society of America, pp. 383–411, Madison.
- Iyigun, C., Türkeş, M., Batmaz, I., Yozgatligil, C., Purutçuoǧlu, V., Koç, E.K, Öztürk, M.Z., “Clustering current climate regions of Turkey by using a multivariate statistical method,” Theor Appl Climatol. 114, 95-106.
- Kavaklıgil, S. S., and Erşahin, S. 2022. Multivariate analysis of hydropedologically significant soil variables on cultivated semi-arid hillslopes. Soil Research. 61(3), 295-310.
- Kemper, W.D. and Rosenau, R.C. 1986. Aggregate Stability and Size Distribution, In: Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 1: Physical and Mineralogical Methods. Klute A (ed). Agronomy, ASA. SSSA, pp. 425-442, Madison.
- Khalilova H and Mammadov,V., 2016. Assessing the Anthropogenic Impact on Heavy Metal Pollution of Soils and Sediments in Urban Areas of Azerbaijan’s Oil Industrial Region. Pol. J. Environ. Stud. Vol. 25, No. 1, 159-166.
- Kloke, A., 1980. Orientierungsdaten fur tolerierbare gesa mtgehalte einiger elemente in kulturboden. Mitt.VDLUFA 1-3: 9–11.
- Li, X.D., Poon, C.S., Pui, S.L., 2001. Heavy metal contamination of urban soils and street dusts in Hong Kong. Applied Geochemistry 16, 1361–1368.
- Madrid, L., Diaz-Barrientos, E., Madrid, F., 2002. Distribution of heavy metal contents of urban soils in parks of Seville. Chemosphere 49, 1301–1308.
- Mallants, D., Mohanty B.P., Jacques D., Feyen J., 1996. Spatial variability of hydraulic properties in a multi-layered soil profile. Soil Science 161(3), 167-181.
- Manta, D.S., Angelone, M., Bellanca, A., Neri, R., Sprovieri, M., 2002. Heavy metals in urban soils: a case study from the city of Palermo (Sicily), Italy. The Science of the Total Environment 300, 229–243.
- Martin, A.C., Rivero, V.C., Marin, M.T.L., 1998. Contamination by heavy metals in soils in the neighborhood of a scrapyard of discarded vehicles. The Science of the Total Environment 212, 142–152.
- Mielke, H.W., Gonzales, C.R., Smith, M.K., Mielke, P.W., 1999. The urban environment and children’s health: soils as an integrator of lead, zinc and cadmium in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. Environment Research 81, 117–129.
- Mulla, D. J. and A. B. McBratney 2000. Soil Spatial Variability. Chapter #9. In:Sumner, M. E. (ed.), Handbooh of Soil Science. CRC Press, pp. A321-A352. Nelson, D.W., Sommers, L.E., 1982. Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 2. Chemical and Microbiological Properties, Page, A.L., Miller, R.H. Keeney, D.R. (Ed) 2nd Ed. SSS of Am. Inc. Pub., Madison, Wisconsin.
- Nelson, D.W. and Sommers, L.E. 1982. Total Carbon, Organic Carbon, And Organic Matter. In: Page, A.L. (Ed.), Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 2, 2nd Ed. Agron. Monogr. 9. ASA., pp. 539-579, Madison.
- Paterson,E., Sanka, M., Clark, L.,1996. Urban soils as pollutant sinks––a case study from Aberdeen, Scotland Appl. Geochem., 11 (1996), pp. 129-131.
- Rhoades, J.D., Chanduvi, F., Lesch, S. 1999. Soil salinity assessment: methods and interpretation of electrical conductivity measurements. FAO, Irrigation and Drainage Publishing, 47 pages, Rome.
- Sánchez Martı́n, M.J., Sánchez Camazano, M., Lorenzo, L.F., 2000. Cadmium and lead contents in suburban and urban soils from two medium-sized cities of Spain: influence of traffic intensity. Bull. Environ. Contamin. Toxicol., 64, pp. 250-257.
Sposito, G., 1989. The Chemistry of Soils. Oxford University Press, New York, USA. 272p.
- Türkoğlu, B., 2006. Toprak Kirlenmesi ve Kirlenmiş Toprakların Islahı, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ç.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Toprak Anabilim Dalı.
- Wei, B. and Yang, L., 2010. A review of heavy metal contaminations in urban soils, urban road dusts and agricultural soils from China. Microchemical Journal, 94, 99–107.
- Zhang J, Liu CL 2002 Riverine composition and estuarine geochemistry of particulate metals in china—weathering features, anthropogenic impact and chemical fluxes. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 54, 1051–1070.
A study on distribution of heavy metal pollution on the urban parks soils in Çankırı, Türkiye
Year 2023,
, 70 - 74, 01.01.2024
Seval Sünal Kavaklıgil
Ülkü Yılmaz
Özgür Timur
Umut Pekin Timur
Sabit Erşahin
Soil is a crucial component of rural and urban environments. Urban soils in Çankırı have a high potential impact on soil quality. To date, little research on soil pollution has been conducted in Çankırı's urban parks has been conducted. To identify the concentrations and sources of heavy metals in soil, and to assess the soil environmental quality, samples were collected from 10 urban parks soils and different time located in the city of Çankırı (total 90 soil samples). The concentrations of B, Cd, Cr, Fe, Mn, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn were analyzed in the samples using an ICP (Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry). The mean concentrations (mg/l) were Mn>Fe>Zn>Cu>Ni>Pb>B>Cd>Cr. Considering the heavy metal concentrations obtained in the study, all of these values were found below the acceptable However, in some parks of the study area, some elements were also slightly raised, the transported soils in urban parks should be handled carefully and to avoid an environmental hazard of these heavy metals.
Project Number
- Anonim, 2023. Çankırı Meteoroloji Bülteni, T.C. Çevre Şehircilik ve İklim Değişikliği Bakanlığı Devlet Meteoroloji Genel Müdürlüğü (https://www.mgm.gov.tr/veridegerlendirme/il-ve-ilceler-istatistik.aspx?m=CANKIRI) Erişim Tarihi 07.08.2023
- Akyıldız, M., Karataş, B., 2018. Investigation of heavy metal pollution in the soil at Adana City Center. Çukurova University Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture 33(2), 199-214 [in Turkish].
- Aviles, R. M., Puy-Alquıza, M. J., Arvızu, O.P., 2012. Anthropogenic metal content and natural background of overbank sediments from the Mining District of Guanajuato, Mexico. Soil Sediment contam. 21(5), 604.
- Beyer, L., Cordsen, E., Blume, H.-P., Schleuss, U., Vogt, B., Wu, Q., 1996. Soil organic matter composition in urbic anthrosols in the city of Kiel, NW-Germany, as revealed by wet chemistry and CPMAS C-NMR spectroscopy of whole soil samples Soil Technol., 9, pp. 121-132.
- Bilos, C., Colombo, J.C., Skorupka, C.N., Rodrigues, P.M.J., 2001. Sources, distribution and variability of airbone trace metal in La Plata City area, Argentina. Environ. Pollut., 111, 149–158.
- Cassel, D. and Nielsen, D. 1986. Field capacity and available water capacity, In: Methods of Soil Analysis: Part 1-Physical and Mineralogical Methods. Klute, A. (Ed.), American Society of Agronomy and Soil Science Society of America, pp. 901–926, Madsion.
- Cyrys, J., Stolzel, M., Heinrich, J., Kreyling, W.G., Menzel, N., Wittmaack, K., Tuch, T., Wichmann, H.E., 2003. Elemental composition and sources of fine and ultrafine ambient particles in Erfurt, Germany. The Science of the Total Environment 305, 143–156.
- Chen, T.B., Zheng, Y.M., Chen, H., Zheng, G.D., 2004. Background concentrations of soil heavy metals in Beijing. Chinese Journal of Environmental Science 25, 117–122 (in Chinese).
- Chen, T. B., Zheng, Y. M., Lei, M., Huang, Z. C., Wu, H. T., Chen, H., Tian, Q. Z. 2005. Assessment of heavy metal pollution in surface soils of urban parks in Beijing, China. Chemosphere, 60(4), 542-551.
- Chiroma T. M., Ebewele R. O., Hymore F.K., 2014. Comparative Assessement of Heavy Metal Levels in Soil, Vegetables and Urban Grey Waste Water used for Irrigation in Yola and Kano. International Refereed Journal of Engineering and Science, 3(2), 01-09.
- Çağlar, K.Ö. 1958. Toprak İlmi, No:10. Ankara Üniversitesi publishing, pp. 142-265, Ankara.
- De Kimple, C.R., Morel, J.F., 2000. Urban soil management: a growing concern. Soil Science 165, 31–40.
- Dikmen, Ü, Sünal S. and Erşahin S., 2017. Spatial Variability in Total Soil Phosphorus in a Semi-Arid Pasture: Effect of Slope Aspect. Congress Book, 932.
- Erşahin, S 1999. Aluviyal bir tarlada bazı fiziksel ve kimyasal toprak özelliklerinin uzaysal (Spatial) değişkenliğinin belirlenmesi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 13, 34-41.
- Erşahin, S., Karahan, G., Gül, E., Sünal, S., Dikmen, E., Bilgili, B.C., 2018. Spatial distribution of some toxic elements in some urban soils of Çankırı, Turkey. Anadolu Orman Araştırmaları Dergisi 4(2), 133-143.
- Facchinelli, A., Sacchi, E., Mallen, L., 2001. Multivariate statistical and GIS-based approach to identify heavy metal sources in soils. Environmental Pollution, 114, 313–324.
- Gee, G.W., Bauder, J.W. 1986. Particle-size analysis, In: Methods of Soil Analysis: Part 1. Physical and Mineralogical Methods. A.Klute (Eds). American Society of Agronomy and Soil Science Society of America, pp. 383–411, Madison.
- Iyigun, C., Türkeş, M., Batmaz, I., Yozgatligil, C., Purutçuoǧlu, V., Koç, E.K, Öztürk, M.Z., “Clustering current climate regions of Turkey by using a multivariate statistical method,” Theor Appl Climatol. 114, 95-106.
- Kavaklıgil, S. S., and Erşahin, S. 2022. Multivariate analysis of hydropedologically significant soil variables on cultivated semi-arid hillslopes. Soil Research. 61(3), 295-310.
- Kemper, W.D. and Rosenau, R.C. 1986. Aggregate Stability and Size Distribution, In: Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 1: Physical and Mineralogical Methods. Klute A (ed). Agronomy, ASA. SSSA, pp. 425-442, Madison.
- Khalilova H and Mammadov,V., 2016. Assessing the Anthropogenic Impact on Heavy Metal Pollution of Soils and Sediments in Urban Areas of Azerbaijan’s Oil Industrial Region. Pol. J. Environ. Stud. Vol. 25, No. 1, 159-166.
- Kloke, A., 1980. Orientierungsdaten fur tolerierbare gesa mtgehalte einiger elemente in kulturboden. Mitt.VDLUFA 1-3: 9–11.
- Li, X.D., Poon, C.S., Pui, S.L., 2001. Heavy metal contamination of urban soils and street dusts in Hong Kong. Applied Geochemistry 16, 1361–1368.
- Madrid, L., Diaz-Barrientos, E., Madrid, F., 2002. Distribution of heavy metal contents of urban soils in parks of Seville. Chemosphere 49, 1301–1308.
- Mallants, D., Mohanty B.P., Jacques D., Feyen J., 1996. Spatial variability of hydraulic properties in a multi-layered soil profile. Soil Science 161(3), 167-181.
- Manta, D.S., Angelone, M., Bellanca, A., Neri, R., Sprovieri, M., 2002. Heavy metals in urban soils: a case study from the city of Palermo (Sicily), Italy. The Science of the Total Environment 300, 229–243.
- Martin, A.C., Rivero, V.C., Marin, M.T.L., 1998. Contamination by heavy metals in soils in the neighborhood of a scrapyard of discarded vehicles. The Science of the Total Environment 212, 142–152.
- Mielke, H.W., Gonzales, C.R., Smith, M.K., Mielke, P.W., 1999. The urban environment and children’s health: soils as an integrator of lead, zinc and cadmium in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. Environment Research 81, 117–129.
- Mulla, D. J. and A. B. McBratney 2000. Soil Spatial Variability. Chapter #9. In:Sumner, M. E. (ed.), Handbooh of Soil Science. CRC Press, pp. A321-A352. Nelson, D.W., Sommers, L.E., 1982. Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 2. Chemical and Microbiological Properties, Page, A.L., Miller, R.H. Keeney, D.R. (Ed) 2nd Ed. SSS of Am. Inc. Pub., Madison, Wisconsin.
- Nelson, D.W. and Sommers, L.E. 1982. Total Carbon, Organic Carbon, And Organic Matter. In: Page, A.L. (Ed.), Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 2, 2nd Ed. Agron. Monogr. 9. ASA., pp. 539-579, Madison.
- Paterson,E., Sanka, M., Clark, L.,1996. Urban soils as pollutant sinks––a case study from Aberdeen, Scotland Appl. Geochem., 11 (1996), pp. 129-131.
- Rhoades, J.D., Chanduvi, F., Lesch, S. 1999. Soil salinity assessment: methods and interpretation of electrical conductivity measurements. FAO, Irrigation and Drainage Publishing, 47 pages, Rome.
- Sánchez Martı́n, M.J., Sánchez Camazano, M., Lorenzo, L.F., 2000. Cadmium and lead contents in suburban and urban soils from two medium-sized cities of Spain: influence of traffic intensity. Bull. Environ. Contamin. Toxicol., 64, pp. 250-257.
Sposito, G., 1989. The Chemistry of Soils. Oxford University Press, New York, USA. 272p.
- Türkoğlu, B., 2006. Toprak Kirlenmesi ve Kirlenmiş Toprakların Islahı, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ç.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Toprak Anabilim Dalı.
- Wei, B. and Yang, L., 2010. A review of heavy metal contaminations in urban soils, urban road dusts and agricultural soils from China. Microchemical Journal, 94, 99–107.
- Zhang J, Liu CL 2002 Riverine composition and estuarine geochemistry of particulate metals in china—weathering features, anthropogenic impact and chemical fluxes. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 54, 1051–1070.