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Year 2014, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 269 - 296, 11.07.2014


The aim of this paper is to introduce business ımprovement districts (BIDs) to the Turkish local government literature. A definition of BIDs is presented and their history, functions, and organzational forms are discussed. It is argued that BIDs can help solve some of the local and urban problems in Turkey and that they are compatible with the Turkish adminstrative traditions and legal structure. The participatory practices of BIDs are compatible with the ancient guild traditions of Turkey. It is shown that legal frameworks of BIDs are compatible with the Turkish Constitution and the General Law of Municipalities. The current legal framework of the organized ındustrial zones can be used as a reference frame when drafting a possible future BID enabling legislation for Turkey. The key lessons learned from the BID experiences in the United States are discussed to help solve potential future problems with BIDs in Turkey.


  • 4562 sayılı Organize Sanayi Bölgeleri Kanunu (15.04.2000), Resmi Gazete, 24021. 5393 sayılı Belediye Kanunu (13.07.2005), Resmi Gazete, 25874.
  • AL, H. (2008) Çağdaş Kent Hizmetlerinin Sunumunda Vakıfların Rolü. Yerelsiyaset Dergisi, Sayı 25, Ocak.
  • Anayasa Mahkemesi, 20.11.2003 günlü, E. 2002/32, K, 2003/100, Resmi Gazete Tarih/Sayı: 11.08.2004/25550.
  • Anayasa Mahkemesi, 25.12.2008 günlü, E. 2006/140, K. 2008/185, Resmi Gazete Tarih/Sayı: 04.04.2009/27190.
  • Avrupa Birliği Komisyonu (2012), Türkiye 2011 Yılı İlerleme Raporu, Brüksel.
  • BECKER, C. J,. GROSSMAN, S. A. ve DOS SANTOS, B. (2001) Business Improvement Districts: Census and National Survey. Washington D.C.: International Downtown Association, Washington D.C.
  • BLACKWELL, M. (2008) Business Improvement Districts in England: The UK Government’s Proposals, Enactment, and Guidance. MORÇÖL, G., HOYT, L., MEEK, J. W. ve ZIMMERMANN, U. (Ed.) Business Improvement Districts: Research, Theories and Controversies. Fhiladelphia, Boca Raton: CRC Press. s. 451-472.
  • BRIFFAULT, R. (1999) A Government for Our Time? Business Improvement Districts and Urban Governance. Columbia Law Review, 99(2). s. 365-477.
  • BROOKS, L. (2008) Volunteering to be Taxed: Business Imporvement Districts and Extragovernmental Provision of Public Safety. Journal of Public Economics, Vol.92. s. 388-406.
  • CARALEY, D. (1992) Washington Abandons Cities. Political Science Quarterly, 107(1). s.1-30.
  • COOK P. J. ve MACDONALD, J. (2011) Public Safety Through Private Action: An Economic Assessment of BIDs. The Economic Journal, Vol. 121. s. 445-462.
  • ELLEN, I. G., SCHWARTZ, A. E. ve VOICU, I. (2007) The Impact of Business Improvement Districts on Property Values: Evidence from New York City. Washington: Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs.
  • ERGİN, O. N. (1995) Mecelle-i Umur-u Belediyye. Cilt II. İstanhul: İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi Yayınları.
  • FOSTER, K. A. (1997) The Political Economy of Special Purpose Government. Washington: Georgetown University Press.
  • HOUSTOUN, Lawrence O. Jr. (2003) Business İmprovement Districts. Washington: The Urban Land Institute in Cooperation with the International Downtown Association.
  • HOYT, L. (2005) Do Business Improvement District Organizations Make a Difference?: Crime İn and Around Commercial Areas in Philadelphia. Journal of Planning Education and Research, Vol. s. 185-199.
  • HOYT, L. (2008) From North America to Africa: The BID Model and the Role of Policy Entrepreneurs. MORÇÖL, G., HOYT,L., MEEK, J. W. ve ZIMMERMANN, U. (Ed.) Business Improvement Districts: Research, Theories and Controversies. Fhiladelphia, Boca Raton: CRC Press. s. 111-138. [Erişim Tarihi: 15.08.2012] [Erişim Tarihi: 08.09.2012] [Erişim Tarihi: 02012] [Erişim Tarihi: 10.10.2012] directory.shtml [Erişim Tarihi: 11.10.2012] [Erişim Tarihi: 21.09.2012] [Erişim Tarihi: 09.09.2012] [Erişim Tarihi: 19.10.2012] [Erişim Tarihi: 19.10.2012]
  • İbn-i Haldun (2004) Mukaddime. Cilt II. KENDİR, H. (çev.) İstanbul: Yenişafak Yayınları.
  • JANISKEE, B. P. (2010) Local Government in Early America: The Colonial Experience and Lessons from the Founders. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
  • JUSTICE J. B. ve SKELCHER, C. (2009) Analysing Democracy in Third-Party Government: Business Improvement Districts in the US and UK. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Vol.33. s. 738-53.
  • KOZAK, İ. E. (1985) Bir Sosyal Siyaset Müessesesi Olarak Vakıf. İstanbul: Akabe Yayınları.
  • KETTL, D. F. (2002) The Transformation of Governance: Public Administration for Twenty-First Century America. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • LAZAROMS, R. ve POOS, D. (2004) The Dutch Waterboard Model. Water Law, [Online] 15(3-4) s. 137-140. agl/emailconf/wfe2005/Art11_Lazaroms137-140.pdf [Erişim Tarihi:14.10.2012]
  • MACDONALD, J. M., BLUTHENTHAL, R., GOLLINELLI, D., KOFNER, A., STOKES, R. J., SEHGAL, A. TERRY, F. ve BELETSKY, L. (2009) Neigborhood Effects on Crime and Youth Violence: The Role of Business Imporvement Districts in Los Angeles, RAND Technical Report. California, Santa Monica: RAND Publications.
  • MITCHELL, J. (2001) Business Improvement Districts and the Management of Innovation. American Review of Public Administration, Vol.31, s. 201-17.
  • MITCHELL, J. (2008) Business Improvement Districts and the Shape of American Cities. New York, Albany: State University of New York Press.
  • MORÇÖL, G. ve WOLF, J. F. (2010) Understanding Business Improvement Districts: A New Governance Framework” Public Administration Review, 70(6). s. 255-277.
  • MORÇÖL, G. ve PATRICA, P. (2008). Business Improvement Districts in Pennsylvania: Implications for Democratic Metropolitan Governance. . MORÇÖL, G., HOYT,L., MEEK, J. W. ve ZIMMERMANN, U. (Ed.) Business Improvement Districts: Research, Theories and Controversies. Fhiladelphia, Boca Raton: CRC Press.s. 289-318. 296 MORÇÖL, G. ve ZIMMERMANN, U. (2008a) Metropolitan Governance and Business Improvement Districts. MORÇÖL, G., HOYT,L., MEEK, J. W. ve ZIMMERMANN, U. (Ed.) Business Improvement Districts: Research, Theories and Controversies. Fhiladelphia, Boca Raton: CRC Press. s.27-50. MORÇÖL, G. ve ZIMMERMANN, U. (2008b). Community Improvement Districts in Metropolitan Atlanta. MORÇÖL, G., HOYT,L., MEEK, J. W. ve ZIMMERMANN, U. (Ed.) Business Improvement Districts: Research, Theories and Controversies. Fhiladelphia, Boca Raton: CRC Press. s. 349-372. MUMFORD, L. (1989) The City in History: Its Origins, Its Transformations and Its Prospects. New York: A Harvest Book. RATCLIFFE, J. ve BRENDA, R. (2008) The Adoption of the BID Model in Ireland: Context and Consideration. MORÇÖL, G., HOYT,L., MEEK, J. W. ve ZIMMERMANN, U. (Ed.) Business Improvement Districts: Research, Theories and Controversies. Fhiladelphia, Boca Raton: CRC Press. s. 473-498. SALAMON, L. M. (2002). The New Governance and the Tools of Public Action. SALAMON, L. M. (ed.) In The Tools of Government: A Guide to New Governance. UK., Oxford: Oxford University Press, s. 1-47. STOKES, R. J. (2008) Business Improvement Districts and Small Business Advocacy: The Case of San Diego. MORÇÖL, G., HOYT,L., MEEK, J. W. ve ZIMMERMANN, U. (Ed.) Business Improvement Districts: Research, Theories and Controversies. Florida, Boca Raton: CRC Press. s.249-268. VOLLMER, A. (2011) Business Improvement Districts: Erfolgreicher Politikimport Aus Den USA? Almanya, Bern: Peter Lang. WARNER, M., QUAZI, J., MORE, BROOKS, CATTA, E. BELLEN, S. ve ODEKON, K., (2002) Business Improvement Districts: Issues in Alternative Local Public Service. [Online] http:// [Erişim Tarihi: 11.09.2012].

Hizmet İyileştirme Bölgeleri: Türk Yerel Yönetim Sisteminde Uygulama Sorunları

Year 2014, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 269 - 296, 11.07.2014


Kuzey Amerika’da ortaya çıkıp Avrupa’ya yayılan Hizmet İyileştirme Bölgelerinin (HİB’ler) tanımı, ortaya çıkış nedenleri, işlevleri, örgütlenme biçimleri, sorunları ve de Türkiye’ye uygulanabilirliklerinin tartışıldığı çalışmanın tezleri HİB’lerin Türkiye’deki bazı yerel sorunların çözümüne katkıda bulunabilecekleri, bunların Türk yönetim geleneklerine aykırı olmadıkları ve Türk mevzuatına uyum sağlayabilecekleridir. HİB’lerin, Türkiye’nin Ahilik gelenekleri yansıra mevcut Anayasa ve Belediyeler yasası ile uyumlu oldukları gösterilmektedir. Organize Sanayi Bölgelerinin yasal çerçevesinin ve bunlardan edinilen deneyimlerin gelecekte çıkarılabilecek bir HİB çerçeve yasası için önemli kaynaklar olduğu vurgulanmaktadır. Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nin deneyimlerine gönderme yapılarak, Türkiye’de gelecekte çıkarılabilecek bir HİB yasasının dikkate alması gereken konular tartışılmaktadır.


  • 4562 sayılı Organize Sanayi Bölgeleri Kanunu (15.04.2000), Resmi Gazete, 24021. 5393 sayılı Belediye Kanunu (13.07.2005), Resmi Gazete, 25874.
  • AL, H. (2008) Çağdaş Kent Hizmetlerinin Sunumunda Vakıfların Rolü. Yerelsiyaset Dergisi, Sayı 25, Ocak.
  • Anayasa Mahkemesi, 20.11.2003 günlü, E. 2002/32, K, 2003/100, Resmi Gazete Tarih/Sayı: 11.08.2004/25550.
  • Anayasa Mahkemesi, 25.12.2008 günlü, E. 2006/140, K. 2008/185, Resmi Gazete Tarih/Sayı: 04.04.2009/27190.
  • Avrupa Birliği Komisyonu (2012), Türkiye 2011 Yılı İlerleme Raporu, Brüksel.
  • BECKER, C. J,. GROSSMAN, S. A. ve DOS SANTOS, B. (2001) Business Improvement Districts: Census and National Survey. Washington D.C.: International Downtown Association, Washington D.C.
  • BLACKWELL, M. (2008) Business Improvement Districts in England: The UK Government’s Proposals, Enactment, and Guidance. MORÇÖL, G., HOYT, L., MEEK, J. W. ve ZIMMERMANN, U. (Ed.) Business Improvement Districts: Research, Theories and Controversies. Fhiladelphia, Boca Raton: CRC Press. s. 451-472.
  • BRIFFAULT, R. (1999) A Government for Our Time? Business Improvement Districts and Urban Governance. Columbia Law Review, 99(2). s. 365-477.
  • BROOKS, L. (2008) Volunteering to be Taxed: Business Imporvement Districts and Extragovernmental Provision of Public Safety. Journal of Public Economics, Vol.92. s. 388-406.
  • CARALEY, D. (1992) Washington Abandons Cities. Political Science Quarterly, 107(1). s.1-30.
  • COOK P. J. ve MACDONALD, J. (2011) Public Safety Through Private Action: An Economic Assessment of BIDs. The Economic Journal, Vol. 121. s. 445-462.
  • ELLEN, I. G., SCHWARTZ, A. E. ve VOICU, I. (2007) The Impact of Business Improvement Districts on Property Values: Evidence from New York City. Washington: Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs.
  • ERGİN, O. N. (1995) Mecelle-i Umur-u Belediyye. Cilt II. İstanhul: İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi Yayınları.
  • FOSTER, K. A. (1997) The Political Economy of Special Purpose Government. Washington: Georgetown University Press.
  • HOUSTOUN, Lawrence O. Jr. (2003) Business İmprovement Districts. Washington: The Urban Land Institute in Cooperation with the International Downtown Association.
  • HOYT, L. (2005) Do Business Improvement District Organizations Make a Difference?: Crime İn and Around Commercial Areas in Philadelphia. Journal of Planning Education and Research, Vol. s. 185-199.
  • HOYT, L. (2008) From North America to Africa: The BID Model and the Role of Policy Entrepreneurs. MORÇÖL, G., HOYT,L., MEEK, J. W. ve ZIMMERMANN, U. (Ed.) Business Improvement Districts: Research, Theories and Controversies. Fhiladelphia, Boca Raton: CRC Press. s. 111-138. [Erişim Tarihi: 15.08.2012] [Erişim Tarihi: 08.09.2012] [Erişim Tarihi: 02012] [Erişim Tarihi: 10.10.2012] directory.shtml [Erişim Tarihi: 11.10.2012] [Erişim Tarihi: 21.09.2012] [Erişim Tarihi: 09.09.2012] [Erişim Tarihi: 19.10.2012] [Erişim Tarihi: 19.10.2012]
  • İbn-i Haldun (2004) Mukaddime. Cilt II. KENDİR, H. (çev.) İstanbul: Yenişafak Yayınları.
  • JANISKEE, B. P. (2010) Local Government in Early America: The Colonial Experience and Lessons from the Founders. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
  • JUSTICE J. B. ve SKELCHER, C. (2009) Analysing Democracy in Third-Party Government: Business Improvement Districts in the US and UK. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Vol.33. s. 738-53.
  • KOZAK, İ. E. (1985) Bir Sosyal Siyaset Müessesesi Olarak Vakıf. İstanbul: Akabe Yayınları.
  • KETTL, D. F. (2002) The Transformation of Governance: Public Administration for Twenty-First Century America. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • LAZAROMS, R. ve POOS, D. (2004) The Dutch Waterboard Model. Water Law, [Online] 15(3-4) s. 137-140. agl/emailconf/wfe2005/Art11_Lazaroms137-140.pdf [Erişim Tarihi:14.10.2012]
  • MACDONALD, J. M., BLUTHENTHAL, R., GOLLINELLI, D., KOFNER, A., STOKES, R. J., SEHGAL, A. TERRY, F. ve BELETSKY, L. (2009) Neigborhood Effects on Crime and Youth Violence: The Role of Business Imporvement Districts in Los Angeles, RAND Technical Report. California, Santa Monica: RAND Publications.
  • MITCHELL, J. (2001) Business Improvement Districts and the Management of Innovation. American Review of Public Administration, Vol.31, s. 201-17.
  • MITCHELL, J. (2008) Business Improvement Districts and the Shape of American Cities. New York, Albany: State University of New York Press.
  • MORÇÖL, G. ve WOLF, J. F. (2010) Understanding Business Improvement Districts: A New Governance Framework” Public Administration Review, 70(6). s. 255-277.
  • MORÇÖL, G. ve PATRICA, P. (2008). Business Improvement Districts in Pennsylvania: Implications for Democratic Metropolitan Governance. . MORÇÖL, G., HOYT,L., MEEK, J. W. ve ZIMMERMANN, U. (Ed.) Business Improvement Districts: Research, Theories and Controversies. Fhiladelphia, Boca Raton: CRC Press.s. 289-318. 296 MORÇÖL, G. ve ZIMMERMANN, U. (2008a) Metropolitan Governance and Business Improvement Districts. MORÇÖL, G., HOYT,L., MEEK, J. W. ve ZIMMERMANN, U. (Ed.) Business Improvement Districts: Research, Theories and Controversies. Fhiladelphia, Boca Raton: CRC Press. s.27-50. MORÇÖL, G. ve ZIMMERMANN, U. (2008b). Community Improvement Districts in Metropolitan Atlanta. MORÇÖL, G., HOYT,L., MEEK, J. W. ve ZIMMERMANN, U. (Ed.) Business Improvement Districts: Research, Theories and Controversies. Fhiladelphia, Boca Raton: CRC Press. s. 349-372. MUMFORD, L. (1989) The City in History: Its Origins, Its Transformations and Its Prospects. New York: A Harvest Book. RATCLIFFE, J. ve BRENDA, R. (2008) The Adoption of the BID Model in Ireland: Context and Consideration. MORÇÖL, G., HOYT,L., MEEK, J. W. ve ZIMMERMANN, U. (Ed.) Business Improvement Districts: Research, Theories and Controversies. Fhiladelphia, Boca Raton: CRC Press. s. 473-498. SALAMON, L. M. (2002). The New Governance and the Tools of Public Action. SALAMON, L. M. (ed.) In The Tools of Government: A Guide to New Governance. UK., Oxford: Oxford University Press, s. 1-47. STOKES, R. J. (2008) Business Improvement Districts and Small Business Advocacy: The Case of San Diego. MORÇÖL, G., HOYT,L., MEEK, J. W. ve ZIMMERMANN, U. (Ed.) Business Improvement Districts: Research, Theories and Controversies. Florida, Boca Raton: CRC Press. s.249-268. VOLLMER, A. (2011) Business Improvement Districts: Erfolgreicher Politikimport Aus Den USA? Almanya, Bern: Peter Lang. WARNER, M., QUAZI, J., MORE, BROOKS, CATTA, E. BELLEN, S. ve ODEKON, K., (2002) Business Improvement Districts: Issues in Alternative Local Public Service. [Online] http:// [Erişim Tarihi: 11.09.2012].
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Reserch Articles

Göktuğ Morçöl This is me

Hamza Al

Publication Date July 11, 2014
Submission Date July 11, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 9 Issue: 1


APA Morçöl, G., & Al, H. (2014). Hizmet İyileştirme Bölgeleri: Türk Yerel Yönetim Sisteminde Uygulama Sorunları. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi, 9(1), 269-296.

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