Research Article
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Urbanization, Squatter Housing, and Hemşerilik

Year 2011, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 323 - 344, 25.07.2014


In Turkish metropolitan areas more than 50 percent of urban population resides in squatter houses (gecekondu) today. The squatter houses are products of fast urbanization process since 1950s in Turkey. They are just one aspect of social mobilization initiated by modernization process. The very same modernization process destroys traditional ties and creates alienation among people also. Thus the squatter housing is not simply a residential problem but also raises significant social and moral issues. This paper tries to analyze how people cope with social and moral problems in gecekondu areas. In particular, it asserts that people living in gecekondu areas reproduce traditional ties in new forms as hemşerilik ties and associations. Hemşerilik forms a peculiar type of network in which a particular type of social capital is produced. Hemşerilik as social capital helps people in finding job, coping with security problems, and prevents alienation and development of “the culture of poverty” as described by Lewis.


  • BANFIELD, Edward C. (1958), The Unheavenly City, The Free Press, New York, aktaran KATZ, Michael B. (1989), The Undeserving Poor: From the War on Poverty to the War on Welfare, Pantheon, New York, s. 31-32.
  • BAŞKAYA, Fikret (2004), Paradigmanın İflası, 9. Baskı, Maki Basın Yayın, Ankara.
  • BOURDIEU, P. (1985), “The forms of capital”, Editör: RICHARDSON, J. G., Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education, Greenwood, New York, s. 241.58.
  • CHAMBERS, S. ve J. Kopstein (2001), “Bad Civil Society”, Political Theory, 29 (6), s. 837-865.
  • ERDER, Sema (2002), “Urban Migration and Reconstruction of the Kinship Networks: The Case of Istanbul”, Editörler: LILJESTROM, R. ve 342 E. Özdalga (2002), Autonomy and Dependence in the Family: Turkey and Sweden in Critical Perspective, Swedish Research Institute, Istanbul, s. 117-
  • ERGUR, Eyüp D. (2006), “Büyük Kentte Hemşeri Örgütleri”, Radikal Gazetesi, 11 Mart 2006.
  • ERMAN, Tahire (1997), “Squatter (gecekondu) Housing versus Apartment Housing: Turkish Rural to-Urban Migrant Residents’ Perspectives”, HABITAT INTL. 28(I), s. 91-106.
  • ERMAN, Tahire (2002), “Mekansal Kümelenme, Siyaset ve Kimlik”, Editör: DİKMEN, Ahmet A. (2002), Kentleşme, Göç ve Yoksulluk, İmaj, Ankara, s. 1-18.
  • FORREST, Rey ve Ade Kearn (2001), “Social Cohesion, Social Capital and the Neighbourhood”, Urban Studies, 38(12), s. 2125–2143.
  • GUNES-AYATA, A. (1996), “Solidarity in urban Turkish family”, Editör: RASULY-PALACZEK, Gabriele, Turkish Families in Transition, Peter Lang, Frankfurt, s. 98-113.
  • GROOTAERT, Christiaan ve Thierry van Bastelaer, (2002), Understanding and Measuring Social Capital: A Multi-Disciplinary Tool for Practitioners, World Bank Publications, Washington D.C.
  • HANIFAN, L. J. (1916), “The Rural School Community Center”, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 67, s. 130-138.
  • HOCAOĞLU, Durmuş (1998), Zaman Gazetesi, 15-16 Aralık 1998.
  • KARAKAŞ, M. (2001), “Tarihsel Gelişim Sürecinde Kent: Kısıtlı Tarihsellik Anlayışı Üzerine Eleştirel Bir Yaklaşım”, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt III. Sayı 1, s. 121-132.
  • KARPAT, Kemal H. (2003), Türkiye’de Toplumsal Dönüşüm: Kırsal Göç, Gecekondu ve Kentleşme, Çev., Abdulkadir Sönmez, İmge Kitabevi Yayınları, Ankara.
  • KARPAT, Kemal H. (2004), “The Genesis of the Gecekondu: Rural Migration and Urbanization (1976)”, European Journal of Turkish Studies, Thematic Issue N°1 - Gecekondu, URL:
  • KELEŞ, Ruşen ve Artun Unsal 81982), Kent ve Siyasal Şiddet, AÜ SBF Yayınları:507, Ankara.
  • KIRAY, Mübeccel (1998), Kentleşme Yazıları, Bağlam Yayıncılık, Istanbul.
  • LEVINE, Ned (1973), “Old Culture-New Culture: A Study of Migrants in
  • Ankara, Turkey”, SocialForces, 51(3), s. 355-368. LEWIS, Oscar (1984), “The Culture of Poverty”, Society, January/February, s. 7-9.
  • MACDONALD, John S. ve Leatrice D.MacDonald (1964), “Chain Migration Ethnic Neighborhood Formation and Social Networks”, The Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly, 42(1), s. 82-97.
  • MOURITSEN, P. (2003), “What’s the Civil in Civil Society? Robert Putnam, Italy, and the Republican Tradition”, Political Studies, 51, s. 650668.
  • ÖZLER, S. İlgü (2000), “The Politics of Gecekondu in Turkey: The Political Choices of Urban Squatters in National Elections”, Turkish Studies, 1(2), s. 39-58.
  • PORTES, Alejandro (1998), “Social Capital: Its Origins and Applications in Modern Sociology”, Annual Review of Sociology, 22, s. 1-24.
  • PUTNAM, Robert D. (1993), Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy. Princeton University Press, Princeton.
  • PUTNAM, Robert D. (2001), Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community, Simon and Schuster, New York.
  • PUTNAM, Robert D. ve Kristin A. Goss (2002), “Introduction”, Editörler:
  • PUTNAM, Robert D. ve Kristin A. Goss, Democracies in flux: the evolution of social capital in contemporary society, Oxford University Press, Oxford, s. 3-20.
  • STOLLE, D. Ve Thomas R. Rochon (1998), “Are All Associations Alike?”, American Behavioral Scientist, 87(2), s. 360-368.
  • TAS, Halil I. ve Dale R. Lightfoot (2005), “Gecekondu Settlements in Turkey: Rural-Urban Migration in the Developing European Periphery”, Journal of Geography, 104(6), s. 263-271.
  • TEKŞEN, Adnan (2003), Kentleşme sürecinde bir tampon mekanizma olarak hemşehrilik: Ankara’daki Malatyalılar örneği. T.C. Basbakanlık Devlet Planlama Teskilatı, Ankara.
  • THE ECONOMIST (1988), “Turkey: Izmir and its paradoxes,” aktaran TAS, Halil I. ve Dale R. Lightfoot (2005), “Gecekondu Settlements in Turkey: Rural-Urban Migration in the Developing European Periphery”, Journal of Geography, 104(6), s. 263-271.
  • THOMSON, Irene T. (2005), “The Theory That Won't Die: From Mass Society to the Decline of Social Capital”, Sociological Forum, 20(3), s. 421448.
  • YAVUZ, Hakan M. (2003), Islamic Political Identity in Turkey, Oxford University Press, New York.

Kentleşme, Gecekondu ve Hemşerilik

Year 2011, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 323 - 344, 25.07.2014


Türkiye’de büyük şehirlerde nüfusun %50’den fazlası gecekondu bölgelerinde yaşamaktadır. Gecekondu 1950’lerden günümüze hızlı kentleşmenin bir sonucudur. Gecekondu Türk modernleşme sürecinin ortaya çıkardığı problemlerden sadece birisidir. Genel olarak modernleşme süreci geleneksel bağları tahrip eder ve toplumda yabancılaşmaya yol açar. Bu nedenle gecekondu sadece bir yerleşim problemi değil aynı zamanda önemli toplumsal ve moral sonuçlara yol açabilecek bir durumdur. Bu çalışma gecekondu bölgelerinde yaşayanların yabancılaşma, geleneksel bağların çözülmesi, iş bulma ve konut edinme gibi problemlerle nasıl mücadele ettiklerini analiz eder. Çalışma gecekondu bölgelerinde yaşayanların hemşerilik bağları ve dernekleri aracılığıyla geleneksel bağları yeniden icat ettiklerini ileri sürer. Hemşerilik gecekondu bölgelerinde birincil ilişkileri yeniden üreterek bir tür sosyal sermaye meydana getirir ve Lewis’in “fakirlik kültürü” diye isimlendirdiği problemin ortaya çıkmasını engeller.


  • BANFIELD, Edward C. (1958), The Unheavenly City, The Free Press, New York, aktaran KATZ, Michael B. (1989), The Undeserving Poor: From the War on Poverty to the War on Welfare, Pantheon, New York, s. 31-32.
  • BAŞKAYA, Fikret (2004), Paradigmanın İflası, 9. Baskı, Maki Basın Yayın, Ankara.
  • BOURDIEU, P. (1985), “The forms of capital”, Editör: RICHARDSON, J. G., Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education, Greenwood, New York, s. 241.58.
  • CHAMBERS, S. ve J. Kopstein (2001), “Bad Civil Society”, Political Theory, 29 (6), s. 837-865.
  • ERDER, Sema (2002), “Urban Migration and Reconstruction of the Kinship Networks: The Case of Istanbul”, Editörler: LILJESTROM, R. ve 342 E. Özdalga (2002), Autonomy and Dependence in the Family: Turkey and Sweden in Critical Perspective, Swedish Research Institute, Istanbul, s. 117-
  • ERGUR, Eyüp D. (2006), “Büyük Kentte Hemşeri Örgütleri”, Radikal Gazetesi, 11 Mart 2006.
  • ERMAN, Tahire (1997), “Squatter (gecekondu) Housing versus Apartment Housing: Turkish Rural to-Urban Migrant Residents’ Perspectives”, HABITAT INTL. 28(I), s. 91-106.
  • ERMAN, Tahire (2002), “Mekansal Kümelenme, Siyaset ve Kimlik”, Editör: DİKMEN, Ahmet A. (2002), Kentleşme, Göç ve Yoksulluk, İmaj, Ankara, s. 1-18.
  • FORREST, Rey ve Ade Kearn (2001), “Social Cohesion, Social Capital and the Neighbourhood”, Urban Studies, 38(12), s. 2125–2143.
  • GUNES-AYATA, A. (1996), “Solidarity in urban Turkish family”, Editör: RASULY-PALACZEK, Gabriele, Turkish Families in Transition, Peter Lang, Frankfurt, s. 98-113.
  • GROOTAERT, Christiaan ve Thierry van Bastelaer, (2002), Understanding and Measuring Social Capital: A Multi-Disciplinary Tool for Practitioners, World Bank Publications, Washington D.C.
  • HANIFAN, L. J. (1916), “The Rural School Community Center”, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 67, s. 130-138.
  • HOCAOĞLU, Durmuş (1998), Zaman Gazetesi, 15-16 Aralık 1998.
  • KARAKAŞ, M. (2001), “Tarihsel Gelişim Sürecinde Kent: Kısıtlı Tarihsellik Anlayışı Üzerine Eleştirel Bir Yaklaşım”, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt III. Sayı 1, s. 121-132.
  • KARPAT, Kemal H. (2003), Türkiye’de Toplumsal Dönüşüm: Kırsal Göç, Gecekondu ve Kentleşme, Çev., Abdulkadir Sönmez, İmge Kitabevi Yayınları, Ankara.
  • KARPAT, Kemal H. (2004), “The Genesis of the Gecekondu: Rural Migration and Urbanization (1976)”, European Journal of Turkish Studies, Thematic Issue N°1 - Gecekondu, URL:
  • KELEŞ, Ruşen ve Artun Unsal 81982), Kent ve Siyasal Şiddet, AÜ SBF Yayınları:507, Ankara.
  • KIRAY, Mübeccel (1998), Kentleşme Yazıları, Bağlam Yayıncılık, Istanbul.
  • LEVINE, Ned (1973), “Old Culture-New Culture: A Study of Migrants in
  • Ankara, Turkey”, SocialForces, 51(3), s. 355-368. LEWIS, Oscar (1984), “The Culture of Poverty”, Society, January/February, s. 7-9.
  • MACDONALD, John S. ve Leatrice D.MacDonald (1964), “Chain Migration Ethnic Neighborhood Formation and Social Networks”, The Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly, 42(1), s. 82-97.
  • MOURITSEN, P. (2003), “What’s the Civil in Civil Society? Robert Putnam, Italy, and the Republican Tradition”, Political Studies, 51, s. 650668.
  • ÖZLER, S. İlgü (2000), “The Politics of Gecekondu in Turkey: The Political Choices of Urban Squatters in National Elections”, Turkish Studies, 1(2), s. 39-58.
  • PORTES, Alejandro (1998), “Social Capital: Its Origins and Applications in Modern Sociology”, Annual Review of Sociology, 22, s. 1-24.
  • PUTNAM, Robert D. (1993), Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy. Princeton University Press, Princeton.
  • PUTNAM, Robert D. (2001), Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community, Simon and Schuster, New York.
  • PUTNAM, Robert D. ve Kristin A. Goss (2002), “Introduction”, Editörler:
  • PUTNAM, Robert D. ve Kristin A. Goss, Democracies in flux: the evolution of social capital in contemporary society, Oxford University Press, Oxford, s. 3-20.
  • STOLLE, D. Ve Thomas R. Rochon (1998), “Are All Associations Alike?”, American Behavioral Scientist, 87(2), s. 360-368.
  • TAS, Halil I. ve Dale R. Lightfoot (2005), “Gecekondu Settlements in Turkey: Rural-Urban Migration in the Developing European Periphery”, Journal of Geography, 104(6), s. 263-271.
  • TEKŞEN, Adnan (2003), Kentleşme sürecinde bir tampon mekanizma olarak hemşehrilik: Ankara’daki Malatyalılar örneği. T.C. Basbakanlık Devlet Planlama Teskilatı, Ankara.
  • THE ECONOMIST (1988), “Turkey: Izmir and its paradoxes,” aktaran TAS, Halil I. ve Dale R. Lightfoot (2005), “Gecekondu Settlements in Turkey: Rural-Urban Migration in the Developing European Periphery”, Journal of Geography, 104(6), s. 263-271.
  • THOMSON, Irene T. (2005), “The Theory That Won't Die: From Mass Society to the Decline of Social Capital”, Sociological Forum, 20(3), s. 421448.
  • YAVUZ, Hakan M. (2003), Islamic Political Identity in Turkey, Oxford University Press, New York.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Reserch Articles

Zeynel Kılınç

Bünyamin Bezci

Publication Date July 25, 2014
Submission Date July 25, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 6 Issue: 2


APA Kılınç, Z., & Bezci, B. (2014). Kentleşme, Gecekondu ve Hemşerilik. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi, 6(2), 323-344.
AMA Kılınç Z, Bezci B. Kentleşme, Gecekondu ve Hemşerilik. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi. July 2014;6(2):323-344.
Chicago Kılınç, Zeynel, and Bünyamin Bezci. “Kentleşme, Gecekondu Ve Hemşerilik”. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 6, no. 2 (July 2014): 323-44.
EndNote Kılınç Z, Bezci B (July 1, 2014) Kentleşme, Gecekondu ve Hemşerilik. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 6 2 323–344.
IEEE Z. Kılınç and B. Bezci, “Kentleşme, Gecekondu ve Hemşerilik”, Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 323–344, 2014.
ISNAD Kılınç, Zeynel - Bezci, Bünyamin. “Kentleşme, Gecekondu Ve Hemşerilik”. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 6/2 (July 2014), 323-344.
JAMA Kılınç Z, Bezci B. Kentleşme, Gecekondu ve Hemşerilik. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi. 2014;6:323–344.
MLA Kılınç, Zeynel and Bünyamin Bezci. “Kentleşme, Gecekondu Ve Hemşerilik”. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi, vol. 6, no. 2, 2014, pp. 323-44.
Vancouver Kılınç Z, Bezci B. Kentleşme, Gecekondu ve Hemşerilik. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi. 2014;6(2):323-44.

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