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Bilgi Araştırma Eğiliminin Tüketici İlgisi ile Müşteri Tatmini Arasındaki İlişkiye Etkisi

Year 2010, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 73 - 89, 12.08.2014


Müşteri tatmini günümüz pazarlama uygulamalarında öne çıkan en önemli konudur. Dolayısıyla, müşteri tatminini etkileyen faktörler ve tatmin duygusunun şekillenmesinde rol oynayan unsurların incelenmesi önemli bir araştırma konusu olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, tüketici ilgisi ile müşteri tatmini kavramları arasındaki ilişki ile bu ilişkide tüketicinin bilgi araştırma eğiliminin rolünü incelemektir. Araştırma bağlamında Sakarya ilinde kolayda örnekleme yöntemiyle seçilen 390 lise ve üniversite öğrencisi üzerinde anket çalışması yapılmıştır. Araştırma bulguları, tüketicinin bilgi araştırma eğiliminin, müşteri memnuniyeti ve tüketici ilgisi arasındaki ilişkide etkili olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır.


  • AİELLO, A. ve J. A. Czepiel, (1978), “Customer Satisfaction in a Catalog Type Retail Outlet: Exploring the Effect of Product, Price and Attributes”, IN: Indiana University, s. 129-135.
  • BEI, L. ve R. Widdows, (1999), “Product Knowledge and Product Involvement as Moderators of the effects of Information on Purchase Decisions: A Case Study Using the Perfect Information Frontier Aproach”, The Journal of Consumer Affairs, Vol. 33, No. 1, s. 165-186.
  • BENNETT, R. ve S. Rundle-Thiele, (2004), “Customer satisfaction should not be the only goal”, Journal of Services Marketing, Volume 18, No.7, s. 514-523.
  • BLOCH, P., H., S. Commuri, T. J. Arnold, (2009), “Exploring the origins of enduring product involvement”, Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, Vol. 12, No. 1, s. 49- 69.
  • BOWEN, L. ve S. H. Charfee, (1974), “Product involvement and partinent advertising aseal”, Journalism Quarterly, Winter, s. 613-621.
  • CRONIN, J., J., M. K. Brady ve G. T. Hult, (2000), “Assessing the Effect of Quality, Value, and Customer Satisfaction on Consumer Behavioral Intensions in Service Environments”, Journal of Retailing, Vol. 76, No. 2, s. 193-218.
  • DAY, E., ve M. R. Stafford, (1995), “Opportunities for involvement resaech: a scale- development approach”, Journal of Advertising, Vol. 24, Fall, s. 69-75.
  • DRAKE, C., A. Gwynne ve N. Waite, (1998), “Barclays Life Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Tracking Survey: A Demonstration of Customer Loyalty Research in Practice”, International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol. 16, No. 7, s. 287 – 292.
  • FOXALL, G., R. ve J. G. Pallister, (1998), “Measuring purchase decision involvement for financial services: comparison of the Zaichkowsky and Mittal scales”, International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol. 16/5, s. 180 - 194.
  • HOMBURG, C. ve A. Giering, (2001), “Personal Characteristics as Moderators of the Relationship Between Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty-An Empirical Analysis”, Psychology & Marketing, Vol. 18, No. 1, s. 43-66.
  • HOUSTON, M. ve M. Rothschild., (1978), “Conceptual and Methodological Perspectives on Involvement”, In S.Jain (Ed.), Research Frontiers in Marketing: Dialogues and Directions, Chicago:American Marketing Association, s. 184-187.
  • HOUSTON, M., Y. ve M. L. Rothschild, (1977), “The Measurement of Advertising Involvement”, Public Opinion Quarterly, Vol. 30, s. 583-96.
  • KIM, S., S., D. Scott ve J. L. Crompton, (1997), “An Exploration of the Relationships Among Social Psychologicial Involvement, Behavioral Involvement, commitment, and Future Intentions in the Context of Birdwatching”, Journal of Leisure Research, Vol. 29, No.3, s. 320- 341.
  • LAURENT, G. ve J. Kapferer, (1985), “Measuring Consumer Involvement Profiles”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 22, February, s. 41-53.
  • LOCKSHIN, L., S., A. L. Spawton ve G. Macintosh, (1997), “Using Product, Brand and Purchasing Involvement for Retail Segmentation”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 4, No. 3, s. 171-183.
  • MCCOLL-KENNEDY, J., R. ve R. E. Jr. Fetter, (2001), “An empirical examination of the involvement to external search relationship in services marketing”, Journal of Services Marketing, Vol., 15, No: 2, s. 82-98.
  • MCNEAL, J., U., (1977) “The Concept of Consumer Satisfaction”, Texas A&M University.
  • MITTAL, B. ve W. M. Lassar, (1998), “Why do Customer Switch? The Dynamics of Satisfaction Versus Loyalty”, The Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 12, No. 3, s. 177-194.
  • MITTAL, B. ve M. S. Lee, (1988), ”Seperating brand choice involvement from product involvement via consumer involvement profiles”, Vol. 15, s. 36-40.
  • MUNTEANU, C., C. Ciprian, C. Bobaˆlca¢ ve O. Anton, (2010), “An analysis of customer satisfaction in a higher education context” , International Journal of Public Sector Management, Vol. 23 No. 2, s. 124-140.
  • NORBERG, H., M., (2000), “Use of Collective Trademarks in Consumers' Choice of Foods- Preliminary Results”, Ekonomisk Fiskeriforskning, Vol. 10, No. 2, s. 144-161.
  • PUCELY, M., J., R. Mizerski ve P. Perrewe, (1987), “A Comparison of Involvement Measures for the Purchase and Consumption of Pre-recorded Music”, Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 12., s. 135-144.
  • RICHINS, M., L. ve P. H. Bloch, (1986), “After the New Wears Off: The Temporal Context of Product Involvement”, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 13, , September, s. 280-285.
  • RUSSELL-BENNETT, R., J. R. McColl-Kennedy, ve L. V. Coote, (2007), “Involvement, satisfaction, and brand loyalty in a small business services setting”, Journal of Business Research, Vol.60, s. 1253-1260.
  • SCOTT, D. ve P. Vitartas, (2008), “The role of involvement and attachment in satisfaction with local government services, International Journal of Public Sector, Vol. 21 No. 1, s. 45-57.
  • SPRENG, R., A. ve R. D. Mackoy, (1996), “An Empirical Examination of a Model of Perceived Service Quality and Satisfaction”, Journal of Retailing, Vol. 72, No. 2, s. 201-214.
  • TORRES-MORAGA, E., A. Z. Vasquez-Parraga, J. Zamora-Gonzalez, (2008), “Customer satisfaction and loyalty: start with the product, culminate with the brand”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 25, No. 5, s. 302–313.
  • WESTBROOK, A., R. ve J. A. Cote, (1979), “An Explatory Study of Non-Product-Related Influences Upon Consumer Satisfaction”, Advances in Consumer Research, October, s. 577- 581
  • ZAICHKOWSKY, J., L., (1986), “Conceptualizing Involvement”, Journal of Advertising, Vol. 15, No. 2, s. 4-14.

The Role of Consumers' Information Search Tendency on the Relationship between Customer Satisfaction and Consumer Involvement

Year 2010, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 73 - 89, 12.08.2014


Customer satisfaction is one of the most important concept in today's marketing. Hence, examining the antecdenets of customer satisfaction as well as the factors playing role in the formation of satisfaction feelings are of significant importance in marketing research. The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between customer satisfaction and consumer involvement as well as explore the role of consumers' information search tendency in this relationship. In the context of this study, a questionnaire was carried out in the province of Sakarya on 390 high-school and university students selected via convenience sampling. Findings indicated that consumers' information search tendency plays a significant role in the relationship between customer satisfaction and consumer involvement.


  • AİELLO, A. ve J. A. Czepiel, (1978), “Customer Satisfaction in a Catalog Type Retail Outlet: Exploring the Effect of Product, Price and Attributes”, IN: Indiana University, s. 129-135.
  • BEI, L. ve R. Widdows, (1999), “Product Knowledge and Product Involvement as Moderators of the effects of Information on Purchase Decisions: A Case Study Using the Perfect Information Frontier Aproach”, The Journal of Consumer Affairs, Vol. 33, No. 1, s. 165-186.
  • BENNETT, R. ve S. Rundle-Thiele, (2004), “Customer satisfaction should not be the only goal”, Journal of Services Marketing, Volume 18, No.7, s. 514-523.
  • BLOCH, P., H., S. Commuri, T. J. Arnold, (2009), “Exploring the origins of enduring product involvement”, Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, Vol. 12, No. 1, s. 49- 69.
  • BOWEN, L. ve S. H. Charfee, (1974), “Product involvement and partinent advertising aseal”, Journalism Quarterly, Winter, s. 613-621.
  • CRONIN, J., J., M. K. Brady ve G. T. Hult, (2000), “Assessing the Effect of Quality, Value, and Customer Satisfaction on Consumer Behavioral Intensions in Service Environments”, Journal of Retailing, Vol. 76, No. 2, s. 193-218.
  • DAY, E., ve M. R. Stafford, (1995), “Opportunities for involvement resaech: a scale- development approach”, Journal of Advertising, Vol. 24, Fall, s. 69-75.
  • DRAKE, C., A. Gwynne ve N. Waite, (1998), “Barclays Life Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Tracking Survey: A Demonstration of Customer Loyalty Research in Practice”, International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol. 16, No. 7, s. 287 – 292.
  • FOXALL, G., R. ve J. G. Pallister, (1998), “Measuring purchase decision involvement for financial services: comparison of the Zaichkowsky and Mittal scales”, International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol. 16/5, s. 180 - 194.
  • HOMBURG, C. ve A. Giering, (2001), “Personal Characteristics as Moderators of the Relationship Between Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty-An Empirical Analysis”, Psychology & Marketing, Vol. 18, No. 1, s. 43-66.
  • HOUSTON, M. ve M. Rothschild., (1978), “Conceptual and Methodological Perspectives on Involvement”, In S.Jain (Ed.), Research Frontiers in Marketing: Dialogues and Directions, Chicago:American Marketing Association, s. 184-187.
  • HOUSTON, M., Y. ve M. L. Rothschild, (1977), “The Measurement of Advertising Involvement”, Public Opinion Quarterly, Vol. 30, s. 583-96.
  • KIM, S., S., D. Scott ve J. L. Crompton, (1997), “An Exploration of the Relationships Among Social Psychologicial Involvement, Behavioral Involvement, commitment, and Future Intentions in the Context of Birdwatching”, Journal of Leisure Research, Vol. 29, No.3, s. 320- 341.
  • LAURENT, G. ve J. Kapferer, (1985), “Measuring Consumer Involvement Profiles”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 22, February, s. 41-53.
  • LOCKSHIN, L., S., A. L. Spawton ve G. Macintosh, (1997), “Using Product, Brand and Purchasing Involvement for Retail Segmentation”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 4, No. 3, s. 171-183.
  • MCCOLL-KENNEDY, J., R. ve R. E. Jr. Fetter, (2001), “An empirical examination of the involvement to external search relationship in services marketing”, Journal of Services Marketing, Vol., 15, No: 2, s. 82-98.
  • MCNEAL, J., U., (1977) “The Concept of Consumer Satisfaction”, Texas A&M University.
  • MITTAL, B. ve W. M. Lassar, (1998), “Why do Customer Switch? The Dynamics of Satisfaction Versus Loyalty”, The Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 12, No. 3, s. 177-194.
  • MITTAL, B. ve M. S. Lee, (1988), ”Seperating brand choice involvement from product involvement via consumer involvement profiles”, Vol. 15, s. 36-40.
  • MUNTEANU, C., C. Ciprian, C. Bobaˆlca¢ ve O. Anton, (2010), “An analysis of customer satisfaction in a higher education context” , International Journal of Public Sector Management, Vol. 23 No. 2, s. 124-140.
  • NORBERG, H., M., (2000), “Use of Collective Trademarks in Consumers' Choice of Foods- Preliminary Results”, Ekonomisk Fiskeriforskning, Vol. 10, No. 2, s. 144-161.
  • PUCELY, M., J., R. Mizerski ve P. Perrewe, (1987), “A Comparison of Involvement Measures for the Purchase and Consumption of Pre-recorded Music”, Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 12., s. 135-144.
  • RICHINS, M., L. ve P. H. Bloch, (1986), “After the New Wears Off: The Temporal Context of Product Involvement”, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 13, , September, s. 280-285.
  • RUSSELL-BENNETT, R., J. R. McColl-Kennedy, ve L. V. Coote, (2007), “Involvement, satisfaction, and brand loyalty in a small business services setting”, Journal of Business Research, Vol.60, s. 1253-1260.
  • SCOTT, D. ve P. Vitartas, (2008), “The role of involvement and attachment in satisfaction with local government services, International Journal of Public Sector, Vol. 21 No. 1, s. 45-57.
  • SPRENG, R., A. ve R. D. Mackoy, (1996), “An Empirical Examination of a Model of Perceived Service Quality and Satisfaction”, Journal of Retailing, Vol. 72, No. 2, s. 201-214.
  • TORRES-MORAGA, E., A. Z. Vasquez-Parraga, J. Zamora-Gonzalez, (2008), “Customer satisfaction and loyalty: start with the product, culminate with the brand”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 25, No. 5, s. 302–313.
  • WESTBROOK, A., R. ve J. A. Cote, (1979), “An Explatory Study of Non-Product-Related Influences Upon Consumer Satisfaction”, Advances in Consumer Research, October, s. 577- 581
  • ZAICHKOWSKY, J., L., (1986), “Conceptualizing Involvement”, Journal of Advertising, Vol. 15, No. 2, s. 4-14.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Reserch Articles

Sami Saner Çiftyıldız

Publication Date August 12, 2014
Submission Date August 12, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 5 Issue: 1


APA Çiftyıldız, S. S. (2014). Bilgi Araştırma Eğiliminin Tüketici İlgisi ile Müşteri Tatmini Arasındaki İlişkiye Etkisi. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi, 5(1), 73-89.
AMA Çiftyıldız SS. Bilgi Araştırma Eğiliminin Tüketici İlgisi ile Müşteri Tatmini Arasındaki İlişkiye Etkisi. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi. August 2014;5(1):73-89.
Chicago Çiftyıldız, Sami Saner. “Bilgi Araştırma Eğiliminin Tüketici İlgisi Ile Müşteri Tatmini Arasındaki İlişkiye Etkisi”. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 5, no. 1 (August 2014): 73-89.
EndNote Çiftyıldız SS (August 1, 2014) Bilgi Araştırma Eğiliminin Tüketici İlgisi ile Müşteri Tatmini Arasındaki İlişkiye Etkisi. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 5 1 73–89.
IEEE S. S. Çiftyıldız, “Bilgi Araştırma Eğiliminin Tüketici İlgisi ile Müşteri Tatmini Arasındaki İlişkiye Etkisi”, Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 73–89, 2014.
ISNAD Çiftyıldız, Sami Saner. “Bilgi Araştırma Eğiliminin Tüketici İlgisi Ile Müşteri Tatmini Arasındaki İlişkiye Etkisi”. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 5/1 (August 2014), 73-89.
JAMA Çiftyıldız SS. Bilgi Araştırma Eğiliminin Tüketici İlgisi ile Müşteri Tatmini Arasındaki İlişkiye Etkisi. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi. 2014;5:73–89.
MLA Çiftyıldız, Sami Saner. “Bilgi Araştırma Eğiliminin Tüketici İlgisi Ile Müşteri Tatmini Arasındaki İlişkiye Etkisi”. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi, vol. 5, no. 1, 2014, pp. 73-89.
Vancouver Çiftyıldız SS. Bilgi Araştırma Eğiliminin Tüketici İlgisi ile Müşteri Tatmini Arasındaki İlişkiye Etkisi. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi. 2014;5(1):73-89.

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