Research Article
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Başlık ve Noktalama: Akademik Makale Başlıkları Üzerine Art Zamanlı Bir Dil Bilim İncelemesi

Year 2017, Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 255 - 279, 15.04.2017


Başlıklar bir akademik makalenin en çok okunan bölümüdür. Yayınların
ulaşılabilirliğine/seçilebilirliğine olumlu ya da olumsuz etki yapma gücüne
sahiptir. Bu özelliği akademik camiada başlıklara verilen önemi arttırmıştır.
Nitekim 20. yüzyılın son çeyreğinden itibaren başlayan çalışmalarla Batı
literatüründe başlıklarla ilgili muazzam bir literatür oluşturulmuştur. Öyle ki
günümüzde “başlık bilim” olarak adlandırılan bir alandan söz edilmeye
başlanmıştır. Bununla birlikte başlıklar Türk literatüründe fazla çalışılmış
konulardan biri değildir.

Bu çalışmada 1937-2016 yılları arasında Türkiye Türkçesiyle yazılmış
tarih alanındaki akademik makale başlıklarında noktalama işareti kullanımları
derlem tabanlı, art zamanlı bir bakış açısıyla incelenmiştir. Bulgulardan
hareketle akademik makalelerdeki noktalama işareti kullanımının bireysel bir
tutum mu yoksa dönemsel bir eğilim mi olduğu sorgulanmış, dönemler arasındaki benzerlikler
ve farklılıklar ortaya koyulmuştur. 


  • ANTHONY, L., (2001) “Characteristic Features of Research Article Titles in Computer Science”, IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 44 (3), s.187-194.
  • BALL, R., (2009) “Scholarly communication in transition: the use of question marks in the titles of scientific articles in medicine, life sciences and physics” 1966–2005. Scientometrics, 79 (3), s.667–679.
  • BIACCHI, A. (2003) “Relation complexity of titles and texts: A semiotic taxonomy”, Editör: MERLINI BARBARESI, L., Complexity in Language and Text,. Pisa: PLUS, s.319-341.
  • BISWAS, Asit K. ve KIRCHHERR, J., (2015) “Prof, no one is reading you”, The Straits Times, http://, Türkçe çevirisi,298153, 28.11.2016.
  • BUSCH-LAUER, I., (2000) “Titles in English and German research papers in medicine and linguistics”, Analysing Professional Genres, Editör: TROSBORG, A., Amsterdam: John Benjamins, s.77-97.
  • BUTER, RK ve van Raan AFJ., (2011) “Non-alphanumeric characters in titles of scientific publications: an analysis of their occurrence and correlation with citation impact”, Journal of Informetrics, 5 (4), s.608-617
  • BUXTON, A. B., ve MEADOWS, A. J. (1977). “The variation in the information content of titles of research papers with time and discipline”, Journal of Documentation, 33 (1), s.46–52.
  • CHENG, S.W., KUO C.W. ve KUO C.H., (2012) “Research article titles in applied linguistics” Journal of Academic Language & Learning, 6 (1), s.1-14.
  • DILLON, J. T. (1981) “Functions of the Colon: An Empirical Test of Scholarly Character”, Educational Research Quarterly, 5, s.71-75.
  • DILLON, J. T. (1982) “In Pursuit of the Colon: A Century of Scholarly Progress: 1880-1980”, Journal of Higher Education, 53 (1), s.93-99.
  • FORRAY, J. M. Ve WOODILLA, J. (2005) “A discourse analysis of temporality in journal titles”, Time & Society, 14 (2-3), s.323-339.
  • FORTANET I., COLL J. F., PALMER J. C., POSTEGUILLO S. (1997) “The Writing of Titles in Academic Research Articles”, Editör: CHAMORRO R. M., NAVARRETE A. R., Lenguas aplicadas a las ciencias y la tecnologia. Approximaciones, Caceres, Spain: Universidada de Extremadura, Servicio de Publicaciones, s.155-158.
  • FORTANET I., POSTEGUİLLO S., COLL J. F., PALMER J. C. (1998) “Linguistic Analysis of Research Article Titles: Disciplinary Variations”, Editör: VAZQUEZ I., CAMILLEU I., Perspectivas Praguietices en Linguistica Aplicada, Zaragoza, Spain: Anubar, s.443-447.
  • GESUATO, S., (2008) “Encoding of information in titles: Academic practices across four genres in linguistics”, Editör: TAYLOR, C., The Role of Ecorpora in Translation and Language learning, Ecolingua Italy: EdizioniUniversità di Trieste, s.127–157.
  • GOODMAN, R., THACKER, S. ve SIEGEL, P., (2001) “What’s in a title? A descriptive study of article titles in peer reviewed medical journals”, Science Editor, 24 (3), s.75-78.
  • HABİBZADEH, F. ve YADOLLAHIE, M., (2010) “Are shorter article titles more attractive for citations? Cross-sectional study of 22 scientific journals”, Croatian Medical Journal, 51 (2), s.165–170.
  • HAGGAN, M. (2004). “Research paper titles in literature, linguistics and science: Dimensions of attractions”, Journal of Pragmatics, 36, s.293–317.
  • HARTLEY J. (2007a) “‘Colonic titles!’, The Write Stuff”, The Journal for European Medical Writers, 16 (4), s.147-149.
  • HARTLEY J. (2007b) “There’s More to the Title than Meets the Eye: Exploring the Possibilities”, Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, 37, s.95-101.
  • JACQUES, TS ve SEBIRE, NJ., (2009) “The impact of article titles on citation hits: an analysis of general and specialist medical journals”, Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine Short Reports, 1 (2), s.1–5.
  • JAMALI, H.R. ve NIKZAD, M., (2011) “Article title type and its relation with the number of downloads and citations”, Scientometrics, 88 (2), s.653-661.
  • LEWINSON, G. ve J. HARTLEY, (2005) “What’s in a Title? Number of Words and the Presence of Colons”, Scientometrics, 63 (2), s.341-356.
  • MICHELSON G. (1994) “Use of Colons in Titles and Journal Status in Industrial Relations Journals”, Psychological Reports, 74, s.657-658.
  • MOORE, A., (2010) Do Article Title Attributes Influence Citations?, New York: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing News.
  • NORD C. (1995) “Text-Functions in Translation: Titles and Headings as a Case in Point”, Target, 7 (2), s.261-284.
  • ROSNER, JL., (1990) “Reflections of science as a product”, Nature, 345: s.108.
  • SAGI, I ve YECHIAM, E., (2008) “Amusing titles in scientific journals and article citation”, Journal of Information Science, 34 (5), s.680–687.
  • SALAGER-MEYER, F. ve ALCARAZ ARİZA, M. Á. (2013). “Titles are “serious stuff”: A historical study of academic titles”, Jahr, 4 (7), s.257–271.
  • SOLER, V. (2011) “Comparative and contrastive observations on scientific titles in written English and Spanish”, English for Specific Purposes, 30, s.124-137.
  • STREMERSCH, S, VERNIERS, I ve VERHOEF, P. C., (2007) “The quest for citations: drivers of article impact”, Journal of Marketing, 71 (3), s.171–193.
  • WANG, Y., & BAI, Y. (2007). “A corpus-based syntactic study of medical research article titles”, System, 35, s.388–399.
  • WHISSELL, C. (1999). Linguistic complexity of abstracts and titles in highly cited journals, Perceptual and Motor Skills, 88, s.76–86.
  • YITZHAKI, M,. (1994) “Relation of the title length of journal articles to number of authors”, Scientometrics, 30 (1): s.321–332.

Title and Punctuation: A Diachronic Linguistic Analysis on Academic Article Titles

Year 2017, Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 255 - 279, 15.04.2017


Titles are the most read section of an academic article. They have the power to make a positive or negative effect on the availability / selectivity of publications. Those features have increased the importance given to the titles in academia. As a matter of fact, a vast literature on titles has been produced in Western literature with studies starting from the last quarter of the 20th century. So much so that nowadays a field called “titlelogy” has begun to be mentioned. However, the titles are not one of the more studied topics in Turkish literature. In this study, the use of punctuation marks in academic article titles in the field of history written in Turkey Turkish between 1937-2016 has been investigated from a diachronic, corpus based point of view. From the findings it has been questioned whether the use of punctuation marks in academic titles is an individual attitude or a periodic tendency and similarities and differences of the periods are revealed


  • ANTHONY, L., (2001) “Characteristic Features of Research Article Titles in Computer Science”, IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 44 (3), s.187-194.
  • BALL, R., (2009) “Scholarly communication in transition: the use of question marks in the titles of scientific articles in medicine, life sciences and physics” 1966–2005. Scientometrics, 79 (3), s.667–679.
  • BIACCHI, A. (2003) “Relation complexity of titles and texts: A semiotic taxonomy”, Editör: MERLINI BARBARESI, L., Complexity in Language and Text,. Pisa: PLUS, s.319-341.
  • BISWAS, Asit K. ve KIRCHHERR, J., (2015) “Prof, no one is reading you”, The Straits Times, http://, Türkçe çevirisi,298153, 28.11.2016.
  • BUSCH-LAUER, I., (2000) “Titles in English and German research papers in medicine and linguistics”, Analysing Professional Genres, Editör: TROSBORG, A., Amsterdam: John Benjamins, s.77-97.
  • BUTER, RK ve van Raan AFJ., (2011) “Non-alphanumeric characters in titles of scientific publications: an analysis of their occurrence and correlation with citation impact”, Journal of Informetrics, 5 (4), s.608-617
  • BUXTON, A. B., ve MEADOWS, A. J. (1977). “The variation in the information content of titles of research papers with time and discipline”, Journal of Documentation, 33 (1), s.46–52.
  • CHENG, S.W., KUO C.W. ve KUO C.H., (2012) “Research article titles in applied linguistics” Journal of Academic Language & Learning, 6 (1), s.1-14.
  • DILLON, J. T. (1981) “Functions of the Colon: An Empirical Test of Scholarly Character”, Educational Research Quarterly, 5, s.71-75.
  • DILLON, J. T. (1982) “In Pursuit of the Colon: A Century of Scholarly Progress: 1880-1980”, Journal of Higher Education, 53 (1), s.93-99.
  • FORRAY, J. M. Ve WOODILLA, J. (2005) “A discourse analysis of temporality in journal titles”, Time & Society, 14 (2-3), s.323-339.
  • FORTANET I., COLL J. F., PALMER J. C., POSTEGUILLO S. (1997) “The Writing of Titles in Academic Research Articles”, Editör: CHAMORRO R. M., NAVARRETE A. R., Lenguas aplicadas a las ciencias y la tecnologia. Approximaciones, Caceres, Spain: Universidada de Extremadura, Servicio de Publicaciones, s.155-158.
  • FORTANET I., POSTEGUİLLO S., COLL J. F., PALMER J. C. (1998) “Linguistic Analysis of Research Article Titles: Disciplinary Variations”, Editör: VAZQUEZ I., CAMILLEU I., Perspectivas Praguietices en Linguistica Aplicada, Zaragoza, Spain: Anubar, s.443-447.
  • GESUATO, S., (2008) “Encoding of information in titles: Academic practices across four genres in linguistics”, Editör: TAYLOR, C., The Role of Ecorpora in Translation and Language learning, Ecolingua Italy: EdizioniUniversità di Trieste, s.127–157.
  • GOODMAN, R., THACKER, S. ve SIEGEL, P., (2001) “What’s in a title? A descriptive study of article titles in peer reviewed medical journals”, Science Editor, 24 (3), s.75-78.
  • HABİBZADEH, F. ve YADOLLAHIE, M., (2010) “Are shorter article titles more attractive for citations? Cross-sectional study of 22 scientific journals”, Croatian Medical Journal, 51 (2), s.165–170.
  • HAGGAN, M. (2004). “Research paper titles in literature, linguistics and science: Dimensions of attractions”, Journal of Pragmatics, 36, s.293–317.
  • HARTLEY J. (2007a) “‘Colonic titles!’, The Write Stuff”, The Journal for European Medical Writers, 16 (4), s.147-149.
  • HARTLEY J. (2007b) “There’s More to the Title than Meets the Eye: Exploring the Possibilities”, Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, 37, s.95-101.
  • JACQUES, TS ve SEBIRE, NJ., (2009) “The impact of article titles on citation hits: an analysis of general and specialist medical journals”, Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine Short Reports, 1 (2), s.1–5.
  • JAMALI, H.R. ve NIKZAD, M., (2011) “Article title type and its relation with the number of downloads and citations”, Scientometrics, 88 (2), s.653-661.
  • LEWINSON, G. ve J. HARTLEY, (2005) “What’s in a Title? Number of Words and the Presence of Colons”, Scientometrics, 63 (2), s.341-356.
  • MICHELSON G. (1994) “Use of Colons in Titles and Journal Status in Industrial Relations Journals”, Psychological Reports, 74, s.657-658.
  • MOORE, A., (2010) Do Article Title Attributes Influence Citations?, New York: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing News.
  • NORD C. (1995) “Text-Functions in Translation: Titles and Headings as a Case in Point”, Target, 7 (2), s.261-284.
  • ROSNER, JL., (1990) “Reflections of science as a product”, Nature, 345: s.108.
  • SAGI, I ve YECHIAM, E., (2008) “Amusing titles in scientific journals and article citation”, Journal of Information Science, 34 (5), s.680–687.
  • SALAGER-MEYER, F. ve ALCARAZ ARİZA, M. Á. (2013). “Titles are “serious stuff”: A historical study of academic titles”, Jahr, 4 (7), s.257–271.
  • SOLER, V. (2011) “Comparative and contrastive observations on scientific titles in written English and Spanish”, English for Specific Purposes, 30, s.124-137.
  • STREMERSCH, S, VERNIERS, I ve VERHOEF, P. C., (2007) “The quest for citations: drivers of article impact”, Journal of Marketing, 71 (3), s.171–193.
  • WANG, Y., & BAI, Y. (2007). “A corpus-based syntactic study of medical research article titles”, System, 35, s.388–399.
  • WHISSELL, C. (1999). Linguistic complexity of abstracts and titles in highly cited journals, Perceptual and Motor Skills, 88, s.76–86.
  • YITZHAKI, M,. (1994) “Relation of the title length of journal articles to number of authors”, Scientometrics, 30 (1): s.321–332.
There are 33 citations in total.


Journal Section Reserch Articles

Şahru Pilten Ufuk

Publication Date April 15, 2017
Submission Date January 20, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 12 Issue: 1


APA Pilten Ufuk, Ş. (2017). Başlık ve Noktalama: Akademik Makale Başlıkları Üzerine Art Zamanlı Bir Dil Bilim İncelemesi. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi, 12(1), 255-279.
AMA Pilten Ufuk Ş. Başlık ve Noktalama: Akademik Makale Başlıkları Üzerine Art Zamanlı Bir Dil Bilim İncelemesi. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi. April 2017;12(1):255-279. doi:10.17550/akademikincelemeler.286737
Chicago Pilten Ufuk, Şahru. “Başlık Ve Noktalama: Akademik Makale Başlıkları Üzerine Art Zamanlı Bir Dil Bilim İncelemesi”. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 12, no. 1 (April 2017): 255-79.
EndNote Pilten Ufuk Ş (April 1, 2017) Başlık ve Noktalama: Akademik Makale Başlıkları Üzerine Art Zamanlı Bir Dil Bilim İncelemesi. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 12 1 255–279.
IEEE Ş. Pilten Ufuk, “Başlık ve Noktalama: Akademik Makale Başlıkları Üzerine Art Zamanlı Bir Dil Bilim İncelemesi”, Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 255–279, 2017, doi: 10.17550/akademikincelemeler.286737.
ISNAD Pilten Ufuk, Şahru. “Başlık Ve Noktalama: Akademik Makale Başlıkları Üzerine Art Zamanlı Bir Dil Bilim İncelemesi”. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 12/1 (April 2017), 255-279.
JAMA Pilten Ufuk Ş. Başlık ve Noktalama: Akademik Makale Başlıkları Üzerine Art Zamanlı Bir Dil Bilim İncelemesi. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi. 2017;12:255–279.
MLA Pilten Ufuk, Şahru. “Başlık Ve Noktalama: Akademik Makale Başlıkları Üzerine Art Zamanlı Bir Dil Bilim İncelemesi”. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi, vol. 12, no. 1, 2017, pp. 255-79, doi:10.17550/akademikincelemeler.286737.
Vancouver Pilten Ufuk Ş. Başlık ve Noktalama: Akademik Makale Başlıkları Üzerine Art Zamanlı Bir Dil Bilim İncelemesi. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi. 2017;12(1):255-79.

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