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Tüketiciler Sosyal Medyadaki Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk Mesajlarını Gerçekten Önemsiyor mu? Türk Telekomünikasyon Şirketleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma

Year 2021, Volume: 16 Issue: 1, 47 - 72, 15.04.2021


Son yirmi yılda, kurumsal sosyal sorumluluk (KSS) gönüllü işletme faaliyetlerden ziyade zorunlu bir işletme faaliyeti olarak görülmeye başlanmıştır. Alan yazın taraması, bu faaliyetlerin satışları artırma, şirketlerin olumlu imajını geliştirme, maliyetleri düşürme noktasında, çevreyi koruma ve diğer birçok konuda faydalar sağladığını ortaya koymaktadır. Fakat bu durum gerçeği ne kadar yansıtmaktadır? Bu durum gerçekten de tüm sektörler ve platformlar için geçerli midir? Bu bağlamda, çalışmada tüketicilerin, şirketlerin sosyal medyadaki KSS mesajlarına önem verip vermedikleri araştırılmış ve bu çerçevede, Türk telekomünikasyon şirketleri hakkında bir araştırma yürütülmüştür. Araştırmacılar tarafından nitel içerik analizi yapılmıştır. Bu bağlamda, yapılan nitel içerik analizinde kullanılan araştırmanın belgeleri MAXQDA programı ile analiz edilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, araştırmanın vakalarını oluşturan tüketicilerin çoğu KSS faaliyetlerinin samimiyetine inanmamakta ve bu samimiyetsizlik de tüketiciler üzerinde güvensizliğe neden olmaktadır. Yine, tüketicilerin zihnindeki bu olumsuz boyutların her ikisi de vakaların KSS faaliyetleri hakkında doğru mesajları tüketiciye iletmelerine engel olmaktadır.


  • Altunışık, Remzi et al. Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri. Sakarya: Sakarya Yayıncılık, 2010.
  • Arvidsson, Susanne. "Communication of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Study of the Views of Management Teams in Large Companies". Journal of Business Ethics 96/3 (2010), 339-354.
  • Bazeley, Patricia. Qualitative Data Analysis: Practical Strategies. USA: SAGE Publications, 2013.
  • Bentele, Günter - Nothhaft, Howard. “Trust and Credibility as the Basis of Corporate Social Responsibility”. The Handbook of Communication And Corporate Social Responsibility. ed. Oyvind Ihlen et al. 208-230, UK: Wiley, 2011.
  • Bhattacharya, Chitra B. - Sen, Sankar. “Doing Better at Doing Good: When, Why, and How Consumers Respond to Corporate Social Initiatives”. California Management Review 47/1, (2004), 9-24.
  • Capriotti, Paul. “Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility through the Internet and Social Media”. The Handbook of Communication And Corporate Social Responsibility. ed. Oyvind Ihlen et al. 358-378, UK: Wiley, 2011.
  • Carroll, Archie B. "The Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility: Toward the Moral Management of Organizational Stakeholders". Business Horizons 34/4 (1991), 39-48.
  • Cho, Moonhee et al. "Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility on Social Media: Strategies, Stakeholders, and Public Engagement on Corporate Facebook". Business and Professional Communication Quarterly 80/1 (2017), 52-69.
  • Chu, Shu‐Chuan - Chen, Hsuan‐Ting. “Impact of Consumers' Corporate Social Responsibility‐Related Activities in Social Media on Brand Attitude, Electronic Word‐of‐Mouth Intention, and Purchase Intention: A Study of Chinese Consumer Behavior”. Journal of Consumer Behaviour 18/6 (2019), 453-462.
  • Du, Shuili - Vieira, Edward T. “Striving for Legitimacy through Corporate Social Responsibility: Insights from Oil Companies”. Journal Of Business Ethics 110/4 (2012), 413-427.
  • Du, Shuili et al. “Maximizing Business Returns to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): The Role of CSR Communication”. International Journal of Management Reviews 12/1 (2010), 8-19.
  • Dutot, Vincent et al. “CSR Communications Strategies through Social Media and Influence on E-reputation: An Exploratory Study”. Management Decision 54/2 (2015), 363-389.
  • Dwivedi, Yogesh K et al. “Social Media Marketing and Advertising”. The Marketing Review 15/3 (2015), 289-309.
  • Escamilla-Solano, Sandra et al. “Effect of the Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility on Business Profitability. A Dimensional Analysis in the Spanish Stock Market”. Sustainability 11/23 (2019), 6732.
  • Esrock, Stuart L. - Leichty, Greg B. “Social Responsibility and Corporate Web Pages: Self-Presentation or Agenda-Setting?”. Public Relations Review 24/3 (1998), 305-319.
  • Etter, Michael. “Broadcasting, Reacting, Engaging–Three Strategies for CSR Communication in Twitter”. Journal of Communication Management 18/4 (2014), 322-342.
  • European Commission. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions – A Renewed EU Strategy 2011–14 for Corporate Social Responsibility. Belgium, 2011.
  • Flick, Uwe. The Sage Qualitative Research Kit: Collection. USA: SAGE Publications, 2009.
  • GfK Research “Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk Raporu” Growth from Knowledge (Mart 2018), 1-44.
  • Golob, Urša et al. “Value Orientations and Consumer Expectations of Corporate Social Responsibility”. Journal of Marketing Communications 14/2 (2008), 83-96.
  • Gruber, Verena et al. “Improving the Effectiveness and Credibility of Corporate Social Responsibility Messaging: An Austrian Model Identifies Influential CSR Content and Communication Channels”. Journal of Advertising Research 57/4 (2015), 397-409.
  • Habermas, Jürgen. The Theory of Communicative Action Vol. 1: Reason and the Rationalization of Society. Boston: Beacon Press, 1984.
  • Heinonen, Kristina. “Consumer Activity in Social Media: Managerial Approaches to Consumers' Social Media Behavior”. Journal of Consumer Behaviour 10/6 (2011), 356-364.
  • Kim, Sora – Rim, Hyejoon. “The Role of Public Skepticism and Distrust in the Process of CSR Communication”. International Journal of Business Communication (2019).
  • Lee, Yoon-Joo et al. “Interaction Effects of System-Generated Information and Consumer Skepticism: An Evaluation of Issue Support Behavior in CSR Twitter Campaigns”. Journal of Interactive Advertising 19/1 (2019), 15-28.
  • Lincoln, Yvonna S. - Guba, Egon G. Naturalistic Inquiry. London: SAGE Publications, 1985.
  • Lock, Irina - Peter Seele. “The Credibility of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Reports in Europe. Evidence from a Quantitative Content Analysis in 11 Countries”. Journal of Cleaner Production 122 (2016), 186-200.
  • Luo, Xueming - Bhattacharya, Chitra B. “Corporate Social Responsibility, Customer Satisfaction, and Market Value”. Journal of Marketing 70/4 (2006), 1-18.
  • Lyon, Thomas P. - Montgomery, A. Wren. “Tweetjacked: The Impact of Social Media on Corporate Greenwash”. Journal of Business Ethics 118/4 (2013), 747-757.
  • Miles, Matthew B. - Huberman, A. Michael. Qualitative Data Analaysis, USA: Sage Publications, 1994.
  • Mohr, Lois A. et al. “Do Consumers Expect Companies to Be Socially Responsible? The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Buying Behavior”. Journal of Consumer Affairs 35/1 (2001), 45-72.
  • Morsing, Mette - Schultz, Majken. “Corporate Social Responsibility Communication: Stakeholder Information, Response and Involvement Strategies”. Business Ethics: A European Review 15/4 (2006), 323-338.
  • Newman, Kevin P. - Trump, Rebecca K. “Reducing Skepticism about Corporate Social Responsibility: Roles of Gender and Agentic-Communal Orientations”. Journal of Consumer Marketing 36/1 (2019), 189-196.
  • Öberseder, Magdalena et al. “Why don’t Consumers Care about CSR? A Qualitative Study Exploring the Role of CSR in Consumption Decisions”. Journal of Business Ethics 104/4 (2011), 449-460.
  • Podnar, Klement - Golob, Urša. “CSR Expectations: The Focus of Corporate Marketing”. Corporate Communications: An International Journal 12/4 (2007), 326-340.
  • Reilly, Anne H. - Hynan, Katherine A. “Corporate Communication, Sustainability, and Social Media: It's not Easy (Really) Being Green”. Business Horizons 57/6 (2014), 747-758.
  • Saldana, Johnny. The Coding Manual for Qualitative Researchers. USA: SAGE Publications, 2015.
  • Schmeltz, Line. “Consumer‐Oriented CSR Communication: Focusing on Ability or Morality?”. Corporate Communications: An International Journal 17/1 (2012), 29-49.
  • Strauss, Anselm – Corbin, Juliet. Basics of Qualitative Research: Grounded Theory Procedures and Techniques. London: SAGE Publications, 1990.
  • Szöcs, Ilona - Schlegelmilch, Bodo B. “Embedding CSR in Corporate Strategies”. Rethinking Business Responsibility in a Global Context. ed. Szöcs, Ilona - Schlegelmilch, Bodo B. 45-60. Switzerland: Springer, 2020.
  • Treem, Jeffrey W. - Leonardi, Paul M. “Social Media Use in Organizations: Exploring the Affordances of Visibility, Editability, Persistence, and Association”. Annals of the International Communication Association 36/1 (2013), 143-189.
  • Waddock, Sandra. “Paeallel Universes: Companies, Academics and the Pregress of Corporate Citizenship”. Business and Society Review 109/1 (2004), 5-42.
  • Willig, Carla. Introducing Qualitative Research in Psychology. UK: McGraw-Hill Education, 2008.
  • Yıldırım, Mustafa - Dinçer, M.A. Metin. “How the Process of the CSR Activities Works on Private Hospitals and Pharmaceutical Firms: Multiple Case Study from Strategic Perspective”. Journal of Religion and Health, 59 (2020), 961-985.
  • Yin, Robert K. Case Study Research: Design and Methods. London: SAGE Publications, 2003.

Do Consumers Really Care About Corporate Social Responsibility Messages on Social Media? An Investigation on Turkish Telecommunication Companies

Year 2021, Volume: 16 Issue: 1, 47 - 72, 15.04.2021


Over the last two decades, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been regarded as obligatory rather than voluntary. The literature review suggests that these activities provide benefits such as increasing sales, developing the companies' positive image, reducing the costs, protecting the environment, and many other issues. However, it is questionable whether it is valid for all sectors and platforms. In this sense, this study investigates whether the consumers care about companies' CSR messages on social media. From this perspective, an investigation on Turkish telecommunication companies was conducted. The researchers made a qualitative content analysis, and in this regard, the documents of the study were analyzed with qualitative analysis software MAXQDA. According to the obtained results, most consumers do not believe in the sincerity of the cases' CSR activities. Moreover, this insincerity leads to negative credibility in the field. Both of these negative dimensions in the consumers' minds prevent the correct message conveying about CSR activities of the cases.


  • Altunışık, Remzi et al. Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri. Sakarya: Sakarya Yayıncılık, 2010.
  • Arvidsson, Susanne. "Communication of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Study of the Views of Management Teams in Large Companies". Journal of Business Ethics 96/3 (2010), 339-354.
  • Bazeley, Patricia. Qualitative Data Analysis: Practical Strategies. USA: SAGE Publications, 2013.
  • Bentele, Günter - Nothhaft, Howard. “Trust and Credibility as the Basis of Corporate Social Responsibility”. The Handbook of Communication And Corporate Social Responsibility. ed. Oyvind Ihlen et al. 208-230, UK: Wiley, 2011.
  • Bhattacharya, Chitra B. - Sen, Sankar. “Doing Better at Doing Good: When, Why, and How Consumers Respond to Corporate Social Initiatives”. California Management Review 47/1, (2004), 9-24.
  • Capriotti, Paul. “Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility through the Internet and Social Media”. The Handbook of Communication And Corporate Social Responsibility. ed. Oyvind Ihlen et al. 358-378, UK: Wiley, 2011.
  • Carroll, Archie B. "The Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility: Toward the Moral Management of Organizational Stakeholders". Business Horizons 34/4 (1991), 39-48.
  • Cho, Moonhee et al. "Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility on Social Media: Strategies, Stakeholders, and Public Engagement on Corporate Facebook". Business and Professional Communication Quarterly 80/1 (2017), 52-69.
  • Chu, Shu‐Chuan - Chen, Hsuan‐Ting. “Impact of Consumers' Corporate Social Responsibility‐Related Activities in Social Media on Brand Attitude, Electronic Word‐of‐Mouth Intention, and Purchase Intention: A Study of Chinese Consumer Behavior”. Journal of Consumer Behaviour 18/6 (2019), 453-462.
  • Du, Shuili - Vieira, Edward T. “Striving for Legitimacy through Corporate Social Responsibility: Insights from Oil Companies”. Journal Of Business Ethics 110/4 (2012), 413-427.
  • Du, Shuili et al. “Maximizing Business Returns to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): The Role of CSR Communication”. International Journal of Management Reviews 12/1 (2010), 8-19.
  • Dutot, Vincent et al. “CSR Communications Strategies through Social Media and Influence on E-reputation: An Exploratory Study”. Management Decision 54/2 (2015), 363-389.
  • Dwivedi, Yogesh K et al. “Social Media Marketing and Advertising”. The Marketing Review 15/3 (2015), 289-309.
  • Escamilla-Solano, Sandra et al. “Effect of the Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility on Business Profitability. A Dimensional Analysis in the Spanish Stock Market”. Sustainability 11/23 (2019), 6732.
  • Esrock, Stuart L. - Leichty, Greg B. “Social Responsibility and Corporate Web Pages: Self-Presentation or Agenda-Setting?”. Public Relations Review 24/3 (1998), 305-319.
  • Etter, Michael. “Broadcasting, Reacting, Engaging–Three Strategies for CSR Communication in Twitter”. Journal of Communication Management 18/4 (2014), 322-342.
  • European Commission. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions – A Renewed EU Strategy 2011–14 for Corporate Social Responsibility. Belgium, 2011.
  • Flick, Uwe. The Sage Qualitative Research Kit: Collection. USA: SAGE Publications, 2009.
  • GfK Research “Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk Raporu” Growth from Knowledge (Mart 2018), 1-44.
  • Golob, Urša et al. “Value Orientations and Consumer Expectations of Corporate Social Responsibility”. Journal of Marketing Communications 14/2 (2008), 83-96.
  • Gruber, Verena et al. “Improving the Effectiveness and Credibility of Corporate Social Responsibility Messaging: An Austrian Model Identifies Influential CSR Content and Communication Channels”. Journal of Advertising Research 57/4 (2015), 397-409.
  • Habermas, Jürgen. The Theory of Communicative Action Vol. 1: Reason and the Rationalization of Society. Boston: Beacon Press, 1984.
  • Heinonen, Kristina. “Consumer Activity in Social Media: Managerial Approaches to Consumers' Social Media Behavior”. Journal of Consumer Behaviour 10/6 (2011), 356-364.
  • Kim, Sora – Rim, Hyejoon. “The Role of Public Skepticism and Distrust in the Process of CSR Communication”. International Journal of Business Communication (2019).
  • Lee, Yoon-Joo et al. “Interaction Effects of System-Generated Information and Consumer Skepticism: An Evaluation of Issue Support Behavior in CSR Twitter Campaigns”. Journal of Interactive Advertising 19/1 (2019), 15-28.
  • Lincoln, Yvonna S. - Guba, Egon G. Naturalistic Inquiry. London: SAGE Publications, 1985.
  • Lock, Irina - Peter Seele. “The Credibility of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Reports in Europe. Evidence from a Quantitative Content Analysis in 11 Countries”. Journal of Cleaner Production 122 (2016), 186-200.
  • Luo, Xueming - Bhattacharya, Chitra B. “Corporate Social Responsibility, Customer Satisfaction, and Market Value”. Journal of Marketing 70/4 (2006), 1-18.
  • Lyon, Thomas P. - Montgomery, A. Wren. “Tweetjacked: The Impact of Social Media on Corporate Greenwash”. Journal of Business Ethics 118/4 (2013), 747-757.
  • Miles, Matthew B. - Huberman, A. Michael. Qualitative Data Analaysis, USA: Sage Publications, 1994.
  • Mohr, Lois A. et al. “Do Consumers Expect Companies to Be Socially Responsible? The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Buying Behavior”. Journal of Consumer Affairs 35/1 (2001), 45-72.
  • Morsing, Mette - Schultz, Majken. “Corporate Social Responsibility Communication: Stakeholder Information, Response and Involvement Strategies”. Business Ethics: A European Review 15/4 (2006), 323-338.
  • Newman, Kevin P. - Trump, Rebecca K. “Reducing Skepticism about Corporate Social Responsibility: Roles of Gender and Agentic-Communal Orientations”. Journal of Consumer Marketing 36/1 (2019), 189-196.
  • Öberseder, Magdalena et al. “Why don’t Consumers Care about CSR? A Qualitative Study Exploring the Role of CSR in Consumption Decisions”. Journal of Business Ethics 104/4 (2011), 449-460.
  • Podnar, Klement - Golob, Urša. “CSR Expectations: The Focus of Corporate Marketing”. Corporate Communications: An International Journal 12/4 (2007), 326-340.
  • Reilly, Anne H. - Hynan, Katherine A. “Corporate Communication, Sustainability, and Social Media: It's not Easy (Really) Being Green”. Business Horizons 57/6 (2014), 747-758.
  • Saldana, Johnny. The Coding Manual for Qualitative Researchers. USA: SAGE Publications, 2015.
  • Schmeltz, Line. “Consumer‐Oriented CSR Communication: Focusing on Ability or Morality?”. Corporate Communications: An International Journal 17/1 (2012), 29-49.
  • Strauss, Anselm – Corbin, Juliet. Basics of Qualitative Research: Grounded Theory Procedures and Techniques. London: SAGE Publications, 1990.
  • Szöcs, Ilona - Schlegelmilch, Bodo B. “Embedding CSR in Corporate Strategies”. Rethinking Business Responsibility in a Global Context. ed. Szöcs, Ilona - Schlegelmilch, Bodo B. 45-60. Switzerland: Springer, 2020.
  • Treem, Jeffrey W. - Leonardi, Paul M. “Social Media Use in Organizations: Exploring the Affordances of Visibility, Editability, Persistence, and Association”. Annals of the International Communication Association 36/1 (2013), 143-189.
  • Waddock, Sandra. “Paeallel Universes: Companies, Academics and the Pregress of Corporate Citizenship”. Business and Society Review 109/1 (2004), 5-42.
  • Willig, Carla. Introducing Qualitative Research in Psychology. UK: McGraw-Hill Education, 2008.
  • Yıldırım, Mustafa - Dinçer, M.A. Metin. “How the Process of the CSR Activities Works on Private Hospitals and Pharmaceutical Firms: Multiple Case Study from Strategic Perspective”. Journal of Religion and Health, 59 (2020), 961-985.
  • Yin, Robert K. Case Study Research: Design and Methods. London: SAGE Publications, 2003.
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Reserch Articles

Mustafa Abdül Metin Dinçer 0000-0002-1065-963X

Emre Yıldırım 0000-0001-8703-7743

Yusuf Arslan 0000-0002-1873-7567

Publication Date April 15, 2021
Submission Date December 14, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 16 Issue: 1


APA Dinçer, M. A. M., Yıldırım, E., & Arslan, Y. (2021). Do Consumers Really Care About Corporate Social Responsibility Messages on Social Media? An Investigation on Turkish Telecommunication Companies. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi, 16(1), 47-72.

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