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Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti-Hindistan Sınır Sorunlarının Yerel, Bölgesel ve Küresel Faktörler Bağlamında Analizi Doğu Ladakh Örneği

Year 2023, Volume: 18 Issue: 2, 285 - 307, 15.10.2023


Küresel güç mücadelesinde ağırlık merkezinin son yıllarda Asya-Pasifik’e kaymasıyla birlikte, 21. yüzyılın yükselen iki gücü olan Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti (ÇHC) ile Hindistan arasındaki rekabet de önemli ölçüde arttı. Hindistan’ın 1947’de İngiltere’den bağımsızlığını kazanması ile Çin’in Komünist bir Halk Cumhuriyeti olarak 1949’da kurulmasından günümüze dek aralarında süregelen sınır anlaşmazlıkları, iki ülke arasındaki ilişkiyi belirleyen en önemli konuların başında gelmektedir. İki ülkenin de geçmişinde Batı’nın aşağılayıcı müdahalelerine maruz kalmış olmasının yanında bu dönemde uluslararası siyasete hâkim olan iki kutupluluğun dünya barışına hizmet etmeyeceğine olan ortak inançları dünya barışı için alternatif bir oluşum olan Bağlantısızlık Hareketine katılmalarını sağladı. Dolayısıyla bu iki neden ve her iki ülkenin de ulus-devlet oluşumunun erken aşamalarında olması, kuruluşlarının ilk on yılında birbirlerine karşı idealist yaklaşımlar benimsemelerini sağladı. Ancak çok geçmeden her iki ülkenin de materyal kapasitelerini arttırmasıyla birlikte çatışmaya başlayan ulusal çıkarları, Asya idealizminin altını oymaya başladı. Netice itibariyle 1962 gibi erken bir dönemde sıcak çatışmaya girerek Asya idealizmini bir kenara bırakıp ulus devlet realizmini benimsemiş oldular. Bu bağlamda, bu çalışma 21. yüzyılın yükselen iki gücü arasındaki en sorunlu alanlardan biri olan sınır anlaşmazlıklarının süreç içerisindeki evrimini ve bunun iki ülkenin dış politika vizyonlarının değişimleri üzerindeki etkisini ortaya koymaya çalışmaktadır. Bu analizde neoklasik realizm teorik bir çerçeve olarak rehberlik ederken ÇHC ve Hindistan arasındaki sınır sorunlarının yerel, bölgesel ve küresel yönlerini ve bunların iki ülkenin dış politikası üzerindeki etkilerini anlamak için süreç izleme yöntemi kullanılacaktır.


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  • Ahmad Adil, “India-China border tensions likely to escalate: Experts”. Anadolu Ajansı (2 Ağustos 2020),
  • Aljazeera, “Satellite images show Chinese structures near deadly clash site” (25 Haziran 2020),
  • Amir, Shamaila; Ali, Muneeba ve Ahmad, Fayyaz, “Sino-India Relations and Ladakh Faceoff: An Analysis” 2/2 (2020), 1-7.
  • Amrita Jash, “China Claims, but India Administers – Where Does Arunachal Pradesh Stand in the India-China Boundary Dispute?”. BORDERLENS (14 Eylül 2022),
  • AP News, “Expert warn China-India standoff risks unintentional war” (6 Eylül 2020),
  • AP News, “India: 20 troops killed in Himalayas clash with Chinese army” (17 Haziran 2020),
  • Banktrack, “Shwe Gas Project” (Eylül 2009),
  • Bashir, Sadaf ve Taj, Shaista, “An Assessment of Drivers and Dynamics of 2020 Sino-Indian Border Conflict”, Multicultural Education 8/6 (2022), 284-292.
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  • BBC News, “India and China race to build along a disputed frontier”, (30 Temmuz)
  • BBC News, “India and China troops clash on Arunachal Pradesh mountain border”, (13 Aralık 2022),
  • BBC News, “India-China clash: 20 Indian troops killed in Ladakh fighting”, (16 Haziran 2020),
  • BBC News, “India-China dispute: India hands over soldier who crossed border”, (21 Ekim 2020),
  • BBC News, “India-China dispute: The border row explained in 400 words”, (14 Aralık 2022),
  • BBC News, “S Jaishankar: India beefs up military at tense China border”, 20 Aralık 2022,
  • BBC News, “Sikkim: Chinese and Indian troops 'in new border clash'”, (25 Ocak 2021),
  • Booth, Ken - Wheeler, Nicholas. “The security dilemma.” Fear, Cooperation and Trust in World Politics. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillian, 2008.
  • Chan, Minnie, “Should Beijing be worried about India’s latest missile launch?”. South China Morning Post, (19 Ocak 2018),
  • China Military, “Overview of international military conflicts and security situation in 2020”, (24 Aralık 2020),, CNBC, “China reveals 4 soldiers killed in June 2020 border clash with India”, (18 Şubat 2021),
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  • Dan Altman, “What the History of modern Conquest Tells us about China and India’s Border Crisis”. War on the Rocks (9 Temmuz 2020),
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  • Deccan Herald News, “India built 2K km of roads along disputed China border”, (26 Temmuz 2022),
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  • Embassy of the People’s Republic of China, (13 Ekim 2020),
  • Fisher, Margaret W. ve Rose, Leo E., “Ladakh and The Sino-Indian Border Crisis”, Asian Survey 1962, 27-37. Foreign Policy, “Why We Should Worry About China and India’s border Skirmishes”, (23 Mayıs 2020),
  • Ganguly, Sumit ve Scobell, Andrew, “The Himalayan Impasse: Sino-Indian Rivalry in the Wake of Doklam”, The Washington Quarterly 41/3 (2018), 177-190.
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  • Garver, John W., “Sino-Indian Rapprochement and the Sino-Pakistan Entente”, Political Science Quarterly 111/2 (1996), 323-347.
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  • Glaser, Charles L., “The security dilemma revisited”, World Politics 50/1 (1997), 171-201.
  • Gokhale, Vijay, “A Historical Evaluation of China’s India Policy: Lessons for India-China Relations”, Carnegie India (2022), 1-43.
  • Gokhale, Vijay, “The Road from Galwan: The Future of India-China Relations”, Carnegie India 2021, 1-29.
  • Goldman, Russell, “India-China Border Dispute: A Conflict Explained”. The New York Times (17 Haziran 2020),
  • Gopalachari, K., “The India-China Boundary Question”, International Studies, 5/1-2 (1963), 33-42.
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  • Herz, John H., “Idealist internationalism and the securtiy dilemma”, World Politics 2/2 (1950), 157-180.
  • Hindustan Times, “Close to Hu visit, China? Claims? Arunachal”, (14 Kasım 2006),
  • Hindustan Times, “India pushes to complete 61 strategic roads on China border by 2022”, (7 Şubat 2019)
  • Hindustan Times, “India, China reach 5-point consensus on easing border tensions at Jaishankar-Wang meet”, (11 Eylül 2020),
  • Holslag, Jonathan, “The Persistent Military Security Dilemma between China and India”, Journal of Strategic Studies 32/6 (2009), 811-840.
  • Huttenback, Robert A., “A Historical Note on the Sino-Indian Dispute over the Aksai Chin”, The China Quarterly, 18 (Haziran 1964), 201-207.
  • Independent Türkçe, “1975'ten beri bir ilk: Hindistan-Çin sınırında taşlı ve yumruklu çatışmada 3 Hintli asker öldü”, (16 Haziran 2020),
  • India Today, “60,000 Chinese troops deployed near Indian border, Indian Army also enhances troops in Ladakh”, (3 Ocak 2022),
  • India Today, “Line of Actual Control Fortifying the border”, (12 Aralık 2022),
  • Indian Defence Review, “Role of the IAF: In Possible Conflagration in Ladakh”, (14 Şubat 2023),
  • Ishak, Diyana, “Sino-Indian Relations, Reflections from China”, An Interview with Cheng Ruisheng, Journal of International Affairs 64/2 (2011), 213-219.
  • Jacob, Jabin T., “The Sino-Indian boundary dispute: Sub-national units as ice-breakers”, Eurasia Border Review,2/1 (2011), 35-45.
  • Joshi, Manoj, “Eastern Ladakh, the Longer Perspective Events of Summer 2020”, ORF Occasional Paper, 319 (2021), 1-41,
  • Joshi, Yogesh ve Mukherjee, Anit, “From Denial to Punishment: The Security dilemma and Changes in India’s Military Strategy towards China”, Asian Security Security Dilemma and Sino-Indian Relations, 15/1 (2019), 25-43.
  • Kasım, Mehmetali, “Bağımsızlıkları Sonrasında Çin ve Hindistan’ın İkili İlişkilerinin Gelişimi ve Avrasya Stratejileri”, Türkiye Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi,24/3 (2020), 547-563.
  • Krishnan, Ananth, “China issues ‘official’ names for 15 places in Arunachal Pradesh”. The Hindu, (30 Aralık 2021),
  • Kukreja, Veena, “India in the Emergent Multipolar World Order: Dynamics and Strategic Challenges”, India Quarterly 76/1 (2020), 8-23.
  • Kumar, Amit, “China’s Two-Front Conundrum: A Perspective on the India-China Border Situation”, ORF Occasional Paper, 1-28, 393 (Mart 2023),
  • Kumar, Sanjay, “A Brief History of India-China Relations”, Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 10/2 (2019), 720-728.
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  • Malone, David M. ve Mukherjee, Rohan, “India and Chine: Conflict and Cooperation”, Survival 52/1 (2010), 137-158.
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  • Peri, Dinakar, “After Chinese pullback, Indian troops also move 1.5 km away from Galwan Valley clash site”, The Hindu, (7 Temmuz 2020),
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  • Rehman, İskander, “A Himalayan challenge: India’s Conventional Deterrent and the Role of Special Operations Forces along the Sino-Indian Border”, Naval War College Review 70/1 (2017), 104-142.
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Analysis of the People’s Republic of China-India Border Disputes in the Context of Local, Regional and Global Factors: The Case of Eastern Ladakh

Year 2023, Volume: 18 Issue: 2, 285 - 307, 15.10.2023


As the center of gravity in the global power struggle has shifted to the Asia-Pacific in recent years, the rivalry between the two rising powers of the 21st century, the People's Republic of China (PRC) and India, has increased significantly. Since India's independence from Britain in 1947 and China's establishment as a Communist People's Republic in 1949, border disputes have been one of the most important issues that have characterized the relationship between the two countries. The fact that both countries had been subjected to humiliating interventions by the West, as well as their common belief that the bipolarity that dominated international politics during this period would not serve world peace, led them to join the Non-Aligned Movement, an alternative organization for world peace. Therefore, these two reasons and the fact that both countries were in the early stages of nation-state formation led them to adopt idealistic approaches towards each other in the first decade of their establishment. Soon, however, as both countries increased their material capacities, their conflicting national interests began to undermine Asian idealism. As a result, by engaging in hot conflict as early as 1962, they abandoned Asian idealism and adopted nation-state realism. In this context, this study attempts to reveal the evolution of border disputes, one of the most problematic areas between the two rising powers of the 21st century, and its impact on the changes in the foreign policy visions of the two countries. For this analysis, neoclassical realism will guide us as a theoretical framework. The process tracing method will be used to understand the local, regional and global aspects of the border issues between China and India and their impact on the foreign policy of the two countries.


  • Abraham, Itty, “From Bandung to NAM: Non-alignment and Indian Foreign Policy, 1947-65”, Commonwealth & Comparative Politics 46/2 (2008), 195–219.
  • Ahmad Adil, “India-China border tensions likely to escalate: Experts”. Anadolu Ajansı (2 Ağustos 2020),
  • Aljazeera, “Satellite images show Chinese structures near deadly clash site” (25 Haziran 2020),
  • Amir, Shamaila; Ali, Muneeba ve Ahmad, Fayyaz, “Sino-India Relations and Ladakh Faceoff: An Analysis” 2/2 (2020), 1-7.
  • Amrita Jash, “China Claims, but India Administers – Where Does Arunachal Pradesh Stand in the India-China Boundary Dispute?”. BORDERLENS (14 Eylül 2022),
  • AP News, “Expert warn China-India standoff risks unintentional war” (6 Eylül 2020),
  • AP News, “India: 20 troops killed in Himalayas clash with Chinese army” (17 Haziran 2020),
  • Banktrack, “Shwe Gas Project” (Eylül 2009),
  • Bashir, Sadaf ve Taj, Shaista, “An Assessment of Drivers and Dynamics of 2020 Sino-Indian Border Conflict”, Multicultural Education 8/6 (2022), 284-292.
  • BBC News, “Galwan Valley: Satellite images 'show China structures' on India border”, (25 Haziran 2020),
  • BBC News, “India and China race to build along a disputed frontier”, (30 Temmuz)
  • BBC News, “India and China troops clash on Arunachal Pradesh mountain border”, (13 Aralık 2022),
  • BBC News, “India-China clash: 20 Indian troops killed in Ladakh fighting”, (16 Haziran 2020),
  • BBC News, “India-China dispute: India hands over soldier who crossed border”, (21 Ekim 2020),
  • BBC News, “India-China dispute: The border row explained in 400 words”, (14 Aralık 2022),
  • BBC News, “S Jaishankar: India beefs up military at tense China border”, 20 Aralık 2022,
  • BBC News, “Sikkim: Chinese and Indian troops 'in new border clash'”, (25 Ocak 2021),
  • Booth, Ken - Wheeler, Nicholas. “The security dilemma.” Fear, Cooperation and Trust in World Politics. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillian, 2008.
  • Chan, Minnie, “Should Beijing be worried about India’s latest missile launch?”. South China Morning Post, (19 Ocak 2018),
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  • Dan Altman, “What the History of modern Conquest Tells us about China and India’s Border Crisis”. War on the Rocks (9 Temmuz 2020),
  • Davidson, Helen, Indian and Chinese troops pull back from disputed Himalayan border area”. The Guardian, (9 Eylül 2022),
  • Deccan Herald News, “India built 2K km of roads along disputed China border”, (26 Temmuz 2022),
  • Dutt, Barkha, “The inside story of how India and China came to blows in the Himalayas”. The Washington Post, (22 Haziran 2020),
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  • Ganguly, Sumit ve Scobell, Andrew, “The Himalayan Impasse: Sino-Indian Rivalry in the Wake of Doklam”, The Washington Quarterly 41/3 (2018), 177-190.
  • Ganguly, Sumit, “The Sino-Indian Border Talks 1981-1989”, University of California Press 29/12 (1989), 1132-33.
  • Garver, John W., “Sino-Indian Rapprochement and the Sino-Pakistan Entente”, Political Science Quarterly 111/2 (1996), 323-347.
  • Garver, John W., “The security dilemma in Sino-Indian relations”, India Rewiev 1/4 (2002), 1-38.
  • Gettleman, Jeffrey vd., “Worst Clash in Decades on Disputed India-China Border Kills 20 Indian Troops”. The New York Times (16 Haziran 2020).
  • Glaser, Charles L., “The security dilemma revisited”, World Politics 50/1 (1997), 171-201.
  • Gokhale, Vijay, “A Historical Evaluation of China’s India Policy: Lessons for India-China Relations”, Carnegie India (2022), 1-43.
  • Gokhale, Vijay, “The Road from Galwan: The Future of India-China Relations”, Carnegie India 2021, 1-29.
  • Goldman, Russell, “India-China Border Dispute: A Conflict Explained”. The New York Times (17 Haziran 2020),
  • Gopalachari, K., “The India-China Boundary Question”, International Studies, 5/1-2 (1963), 33-42.
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  • Herz, John H., “Idealist internationalism and the securtiy dilemma”, World Politics 2/2 (1950), 157-180.
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  • Hindustan Times, “India pushes to complete 61 strategic roads on China border by 2022”, (7 Şubat 2019)
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  • Holslag, Jonathan, “The Persistent Military Security Dilemma between China and India”, Journal of Strategic Studies 32/6 (2009), 811-840.
  • Huttenback, Robert A., “A Historical Note on the Sino-Indian Dispute over the Aksai Chin”, The China Quarterly, 18 (Haziran 1964), 201-207.
  • Independent Türkçe, “1975'ten beri bir ilk: Hindistan-Çin sınırında taşlı ve yumruklu çatışmada 3 Hintli asker öldü”, (16 Haziran 2020),
  • India Today, “60,000 Chinese troops deployed near Indian border, Indian Army also enhances troops in Ladakh”, (3 Ocak 2022),
  • India Today, “Line of Actual Control Fortifying the border”, (12 Aralık 2022),
  • Indian Defence Review, “Role of the IAF: In Possible Conflagration in Ladakh”, (14 Şubat 2023),
  • Ishak, Diyana, “Sino-Indian Relations, Reflections from China”, An Interview with Cheng Ruisheng, Journal of International Affairs 64/2 (2011), 213-219.
  • Jacob, Jabin T., “The Sino-Indian boundary dispute: Sub-national units as ice-breakers”, Eurasia Border Review,2/1 (2011), 35-45.
  • Joshi, Manoj, “Eastern Ladakh, the Longer Perspective Events of Summer 2020”, ORF Occasional Paper, 319 (2021), 1-41,
  • Joshi, Yogesh ve Mukherjee, Anit, “From Denial to Punishment: The Security dilemma and Changes in India’s Military Strategy towards China”, Asian Security Security Dilemma and Sino-Indian Relations, 15/1 (2019), 25-43.
  • Kasım, Mehmetali, “Bağımsızlıkları Sonrasında Çin ve Hindistan’ın İkili İlişkilerinin Gelişimi ve Avrasya Stratejileri”, Türkiye Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi,24/3 (2020), 547-563.
  • Krishnan, Ananth, “China issues ‘official’ names for 15 places in Arunachal Pradesh”. The Hindu, (30 Aralık 2021),
  • Kukreja, Veena, “India in the Emergent Multipolar World Order: Dynamics and Strategic Challenges”, India Quarterly 76/1 (2020), 8-23.
  • Kumar, Amit, “China’s Two-Front Conundrum: A Perspective on the India-China Border Situation”, ORF Occasional Paper, 1-28, 393 (Mart 2023),
  • Kumar, Sanjay, “A Brief History of India-China Relations”, Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 10/2 (2019), 720-728.
  • LII of India, “Indian Treaty Series” (14 Ekim 1954),
  • Malone, David M. ve Mukherjee, Rohan, “India and Chine: Conflict and Cooperation”, Survival 52/1 (2010), 137-158.
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  • Outlook India, “China Continuing Its 'Provocative And Disturbing Behaviour': US Diplomat Backs India”, (21 Mayıs 2020),
  • Peri, Dinakar, “After Chinese pullback, Indian troops also move 1.5 km away from Galwan Valley clash site”, The Hindu, (7 Temmuz 2020),
  • Quartz, “Photos: When India’s first prime minister visited China in 1954”, (14 Mayıs 2015),
  • Rediff News, “Arunachal Pradesh is our territory: Chinese envoy”, (14 Kasım 2006),
  • Rehman, İskander, “A Himalayan challenge: India’s Conventional Deterrent and the Role of Special Operations Forces along the Sino-Indian Border”, Naval War College Review 70/1 (2017), 104-142.
  • Reuters, “Images show new structures near site of border clash”, (22 Haziran 2020),
  • Riyaz ul Khaliq, “China again opposes Ladakh as India’s union territory”. Anadolu Ajansı (29 Eylül 2020),
  • Saif Khalid, “‘All-out combat’ feared as India, China engage in border standoff”. Aljazeera (28 Mayıs 2020),
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There are 107 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Regional Studies
Journal Section Reserch Articles

Ahmet Üçağaç 0000-0002-1731-2946

Duygu Kalkan This is me 0000-0002-6650-5357

Early Pub Date October 10, 2023
Publication Date October 15, 2023
Submission Date July 5, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 18 Issue: 2


APA Üçağaç, A., & Kalkan, D. (2023). Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti-Hindistan Sınır Sorunlarının Yerel, Bölgesel ve Küresel Faktörler Bağlamında Analizi Doğu Ladakh Örneği. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi, 18(2), 285-307.
AMA Üçağaç A, Kalkan D. Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti-Hindistan Sınır Sorunlarının Yerel, Bölgesel ve Küresel Faktörler Bağlamında Analizi Doğu Ladakh Örneği. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi. October 2023;18(2):285-307. doi:10.17550/akademikincelemeler.1322831
Chicago Üçağaç, Ahmet, and Duygu Kalkan. “Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti-Hindistan Sınır Sorunlarının Yerel, Bölgesel Ve Küresel Faktörler Bağlamında Analizi Doğu Ladakh Örneği”. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 18, no. 2 (October 2023): 285-307.
EndNote Üçağaç A, Kalkan D (October 1, 2023) Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti-Hindistan Sınır Sorunlarının Yerel, Bölgesel ve Küresel Faktörler Bağlamında Analizi Doğu Ladakh Örneği. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 18 2 285–307.
IEEE A. Üçağaç and D. Kalkan, “Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti-Hindistan Sınır Sorunlarının Yerel, Bölgesel ve Küresel Faktörler Bağlamında Analizi Doğu Ladakh Örneği”, Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 285–307, 2023, doi: 10.17550/akademikincelemeler.1322831.
ISNAD Üçağaç, Ahmet - Kalkan, Duygu. “Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti-Hindistan Sınır Sorunlarının Yerel, Bölgesel Ve Küresel Faktörler Bağlamında Analizi Doğu Ladakh Örneği”. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 18/2 (October 2023), 285-307.
JAMA Üçağaç A, Kalkan D. Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti-Hindistan Sınır Sorunlarının Yerel, Bölgesel ve Küresel Faktörler Bağlamında Analizi Doğu Ladakh Örneği. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi. 2023;18:285–307.
MLA Üçağaç, Ahmet and Duygu Kalkan. “Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti-Hindistan Sınır Sorunlarının Yerel, Bölgesel Ve Küresel Faktörler Bağlamında Analizi Doğu Ladakh Örneği”. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi, vol. 18, no. 2, 2023, pp. 285-07, doi:10.17550/akademikincelemeler.1322831.
Vancouver Üçağaç A, Kalkan D. Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti-Hindistan Sınır Sorunlarının Yerel, Bölgesel ve Küresel Faktörler Bağlamında Analizi Doğu Ladakh Örneği. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi. 2023;18(2):285-307.

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