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Food Synergy and Effects of Synergistic Foods on Health

Year 2025, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 140 - 148, 24.01.2025


Foods are responsible for providing the energy necessary for the continuity of life. The nutrients and active components found in the structure of foods have positive effects on health. In the case of a deficiency or insufficiency of these components, human health may be negatively affected. Foods that are known to have beneficial effects on health, beyond their nutritional value, are called functional foods. Functional foods play an important role in preventing diseases and are of great importance for future research. Synergistic foods are foods that are evaluated within the scope of functional foods, contain biologically interactive components, and have health-protective and disease-preventive properties. Studies on nutritional synergy focus on the components of a food or diet and aim to determine the interactions of these components in the human body. In recent years, the aim has been to protect health by organizing diets and combining various foods to induce a synergistic effect. The synergistic effect between nutrients enhances positive effects on health by altering the effectiveness of bioactive components in foods. Synergistic interactions; carotenoids can change the absorption of nutritional components such as vitamin C and iron, increase antioxidant capacity, improve blood lipid profile and increase the effectiveness of anti-carcinogenic bioactive components in foods. Therefore, this review focuses on the concept of nutritional synergy in nutritional studies and the positive effects of synergistic nutrients on health.


  • 1. Kim DH, Kim JH, Kim DH, Jo JY, Byun S. Functional foods with antiviral activity. Food Sci Biotechnol 2022; 31(5):527-38.
  • 2. Natarajan TD, Ramasamy JR, Palanisamy K. Nutraceutical potentials of synergic foods: a systematic review. Journal of Ethnic Foods 2019; 6(1):27.
  • 3. Jacobs DR, Temple NJ. Food synergy: A paradigm shift in nutrition science. In: Temple N, Wilson T, Jacobs Jr D, eds. Nutritional Health. Nutrition and Health. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press 2012: 311-22.
  • 4. Martirosyan D, Lampert T, Ekblad M. Classification and regulation of functional food proposed by the Functional Food Center. Functional Food Science 2022; 2(2):25-46.
  • 5. Jacobs DR, Jr., Gross MD, Tapsell LC. Food synergy: an operational concept for understanding nutrition. Am J Clin Nutr 2009; 89(5):1543S-8S.
  • 6. Fardet A, Rock E. From a Reductionist to a Holistic Approach in Preventive Nutrition to Define New and More Ethical Paradigms. Healthcare (Basel) 2015; 3(4):1054-63.
  • 7. Bai YF, Yue ZL, Wang YN, Li YD, Li C, Liu XT, Shi RH, Huo NN, Li DD, Gao S, Han X. Synergistic effect of polysaccharides and flavonoids on lipid and gut microbiota in hyperlipidemic rats. Food & Function 2023; 14(2): 921-33.
  • 8. Hoda M, Hemaiswarya S, Doble M. Phenolic Phytochemicals: Sources, Biosynthesis, Extraction, and Their Isolation. In: Role of Phenolic Phytochemicals in Diabetes Management. Singapore: Springer 2019: 13-44.
  • 9. Ferguson LR. Nutrigenomics approaches to functional foods. J Am Diet Assoc 2009; 109(3):452-8.
  • 10. Jacobs DR, Jr., Steffen LM. Nutrients, foods, and dietary patterns as exposures in research: a framework for food synergy. Am J Clin Nutr 2003; 78(3 Suppl):508S-13S.
  • 11. Jacobs DR, Jr. What comes first: the food or the nutrient? Executive summary of a symposium. J Nutr 2014; 144(4 Suppl):543S-6S.
  • 12. Chen Y, Michalak M, Agellon LB. Importance of Nutrients and Nutrient Metabolism on Human Health. Yale J Biol Med 2018; 91(2):95-103.
  • 13. Mitra S, Tareq AM, Das R, Bin Emran T, Nainu F, Chakraborty AJ, Ahmad I, Tallei TE, Idris AM, Simal-Gandara J. Polyphenols: A first evidence in the synergism and bioactivities. Food Rev Int 2023; 39(7): 4419-41.
  • 14. Ward WE, Thompson LU. Understanding Food and Food–Drug Synergy. Food-Drug Synergy and Safety: CRC Press 2005: 3-8.
  • 15. Jacobs DR, Jr., Tapsell LC. Food, not nutrients, is the fundamental unit in nutrition. Nutr Rev 2007; 65(10):439-50.
  • 16. Liu RH. Health benefits of fruit and vegetables are from additive and synergistic combinations of phytochemicals. Am J Clin Nutr 2003; 78(3 Suppl):517S-20S.
  • 17. Mulholland CA, Benford DJ. What is known about the safety of multivitamin-multimineral supplements for the generally healthy population? Theoretical basis for harm. Am J Clin Nutr 2007; 85(1):318S-22S.
  • 18. Liu RH. Potential synergy of phytochemicals in cancer prevention: mechanism of action. J Nutr. 2004;134(12 Suppl):3479S-85S.
  • 19. Zafra-Stone S, Yasmin T, Bagchi M, Chatterjee A, Vinson JA, Bagchi D. Berry anthocyanins as novel antioxidants in human health and disease prevention. Mol Nutr Food Res 2007; 51(6):675-83.
  • 20. Jacobs DR, Pereira MA, Meyer KA, Kushi LH. Fiber from whole grains, but not refined grains, is inversely associated with all-cause mortality in older women: the Iowa women's health study. J Am Coll Nutr 2000; 19(3 Suppl):326S-30S.
  • 21. Boland M, Kaur L, Montoya C, Rutherfurd S, Ansell J, Moughan P. Food Synergy: The Effect of Eating Kiwifruit on the Digestion of Meat. 61st International Congress of Meat Science and Technology; 23-28th August; Clermont-Ferrand, France2015.
  • 22. Saad B, Mona O. Antimicrobial activity of garlic juice (Allium sativum), honey, and garlic-honey mixture on some sensetive and multiresistant microorganisms. Life Sci J 2013; 10(4):2429-35.
  • 23. Kim JE, Gordon SL, Ferruzzi MG, Campbell WW. Effects of egg consumption on carotenoid absorption from co-consumed, raw vegetables. Am J Clin Nutr 2015; 102(1):75-83.
  • 24. Wang S, Meckling KA, Marcone MF, Kakuda Y, Tsao R. Synergistic, additive, and antagonistic effects of food mixtures on total antioxidant capacities. J Agric Food Chem 2011; 59(3):960-8.
  • 25. Todorovic V, Redovnikovic IR, Todorovic Z, Jankovic G, Dodevska M, Sobajic S. Polyphenols, methylxanthines, and antioxidant capacity of chocolates produced in Serbia. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 2015; 41:137-43.
  • 26. Tewari S, Gupta V, Bhattacharya S. Comparative study of antioxidant potential of tea with and without additives. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2000; 44(2):215-9.
  • 27. Wang S, Zhu F, Meckling KA, Marcone MF. Antioxidant capacity of food mixtures is not correlated with their antiproliferative activity against MCF-7 breast cancer cells. J Med Food 2013; 16(12):1138-45.
  • 28. Nair KM, Brahmam GNV, Radhika MS, Choudhury DR, Ravinder P, Balakrishna N, Chen Z, Hawthorne KM, Abrams SA. Inclusion of guava enhances non-heme iron bioavailability but not fractional zinc absorption from a rice-based meal in adolescents. J Nutr 2013; 143(6): 852-8.
  • 29. Ballot D, Baynes RD, Bothwell TH, Gillooly M, Macfarlane J, MacPhail AP, Lyons G, Derman DP, Bezwoda WR, Torrance JD, Bothwell JE. The effects of fruit juices and fruits on the absorption of iron from a rice meal. Br J Nutr 1987; 57(3): 331-43.
  • 30. Layrisse M, Martinez-Torres C, Roche M. Effect of interaction of various foods on iron absorption. Am J Clin Nutr 1968; 21(10):1175-83.
  • 31. Engelmann MD, Davidsson L, Sandstrom B, Walczyk T, Hurrell RF, Michaelsen KF. The influence of meat on nonheme iron absorption in infants. Pediatr Res 1998; 43(6):768-73.
  • 32. Brown MJ, Ferruzzi MG, Nguyen ML, Cooper DA, Eldridge AL, Schwartz SJ, White WS. Carotenoid bioavailability is higher from salads ingested with full-fat than with fat-reduced salad dressings as measured with electrochemical detection. Am J Clin Nutr 2004; 80(2): 396-403.
  • 33. Fielding JM, Rowley KG, Cooper P, K OD. Increases in plasma lycopene concentration after consumption of tomatoes cooked with olive oil. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr 2005; 14(2):131-6.
  • 34. Kopec RE, Cooperstone JL, Schweiggert RM, Young GS, Harrison EH, Francis DM, Clinton SK, Schwartz SJ. Avocado consumption enhances human postprandial provitamin A absorption and conversion from a novel high–β-carotene tomato sauce and from carrots. J Nutr 2014; 144(8): 1158-66.
  • 35. Shoba G, Joy D, Joseph T, Majeed M, Rajendran R, Srinivas PS. Influence of piperine on the pharmacokinetics of curcumin in animals and human volunteers. Planta Med 1998; 64(4):353-6.
  • 36. Morcos NC. Modulation of lipid profile by fish oil and garlic combination. J Natl Med Assoc 1997; 89(10):673-8.
  • 37. Ahuja KD, Pittaway JK, Ball MJ. Effects of olive oil and tomato lycopene combination on serum lycopene, lipid profile, and lipid oxidation. Nutrition 2006; 22(3):259-65.
  • 38. Cao G, Russell RM, Lischner N, Prior RL. Serum antioxidant capacity is increased by consumption of strawberries, spinach, red wine or vitamin C in elderly women. J Nutr 1998; 128(12):2383-90.
  • 39. Milman NT. A Review of Nutrients and Compounds, Which Promote or Inhibit Intestinal Iron Absorption: Making a Platform for Dietary Measures That Can Reduce Iron Uptake in Patients with Genetic Haemochromatosis. J Nutr Metab 2020; 2020:7373498.
  • 40. Piskin E, Cianciosi D, Gulec S, Tomas M, Capanoglu E. Iron Absorption: Factors, Limitations, and Improvement Methods. ACS Omega 2022; 7(24):20441-56.
  • 41. Hedren E, Diaz V, Svanberg U. Estimation of carotenoid accessibility from carrots determined by an in vitro digestion method. Eur J Clin Nutr 2002; 56(5):425-30.
  • 42. Cirico TL, Omaye ST. Additive or synergetic effects of phenolic compounds on human low density lipoprotein oxidation. Food Chem Toxicol 2006; 44(4):510-6.
  • 43. Seeram NP, Adams LS, Henning SM, Niu Y, Zhang Y, Nair MG, Heber D. In vitro antiproliferative, apoptotic and antioxidant activities of punicalagin, ellagic acid and a total pomegranate tannin extract are enhanced in combination with other polyphenols as found in pomegranate juice. J Nutr Biochem 2005; 16(6):360-67.
  • 44. Chen X, Li H, Zhang B, Deng Z. The synergistic and antagonistic antioxidant interactions of dietary phytochemical combinations. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr 2022; 62(20):5658-77.
  • 45. Gano CA, Fatima S, Failes TW, Arndt GM, Sajinovic M, Mahns D, Saedisomeolia A, Coorssen JR, Bucci J, de Souza P, Vafaee F. Anti-cancer potential of synergistic phytochemical combinations is influenced by the genetic profile of prostate cancer cell lines. Front Nutr 2023; 10:1119274.

Besin Sinerjisi ve Sinerjik Besinlerin Sağlık Üzerine Etkileri

Year 2025, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 140 - 148, 24.01.2025


Besinler, yaşamın devamlılığı için gerekli enerjinin sağlamasında görevlidir. Besinlerin yapısında bulunan besin ögeleri ve aktif bileşenler, sağlık üzerinde olumlu etkiler göstermektedir. Bu bileşenlerin eksikliği veya yetersizliği durumunda insan sağlığı olumsuz yönde etkilenmektedir. Besleyici değerinin ötesinde, sağlık üzerinde faydalı etkileri olduğu bilinen besinler fonksiyonel besin olarak adlandırılmaktadır. Fonksiyonel besinler, hastalıkların önlenmesinde önemli bir rol oynamakla birlikte, gelecekte yapılacak araştırmalar için büyük bir öneme sahiptir. Sinerjik besinler, fonksiyonel besinler kapsamında değerlendirilen, biyolojik olarak birbiriyle etkileşimli ögeler içeren, sağlığı koruyucu ve hastalıkları önleyici özelliklere sahip besinlerdir. Besin sinerjisi üzerine yapılan çalışmalar, bir besinin bileşenlerine veya diyetin tamamına odaklanarak, bu bileşenlerin insan vücudundaki etkileşimlerini belirlemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Son yıllarda çeşitli besinlerin kombine edilmesi ve diyetlerin düzenlenmesiyle sinerjik etkinin oluşturulması ve bu yolla sağlığın korunması hedeflenmektedir. Besinler arasındaki sinerjik etki, besinlerdeki biyoaktif maddelerin etkinliğini değiştirerek sağlık açısından olumlu sonuçlara neden olmaktadır. Sinerjik etkileşimler; karotenoidler, C vitamini ve demir gibi besin bileşenlerinin emilimini değiştirebilmekte, antioksidan kapasiteyi artırmakta, kan lipit profilini iyileştirmekte ve besinlerdeki anti-kanserojen biyoaktif ögelerin etkinliğini artırabilmektedir. Bu yüzden bu derleme, beslenme çalışmalarındaki besin sinerjisi kavramını ve sinerjik besinlerin sağlık üzerine olumlu etkilerini incelemektedir.


  • 1. Kim DH, Kim JH, Kim DH, Jo JY, Byun S. Functional foods with antiviral activity. Food Sci Biotechnol 2022; 31(5):527-38.
  • 2. Natarajan TD, Ramasamy JR, Palanisamy K. Nutraceutical potentials of synergic foods: a systematic review. Journal of Ethnic Foods 2019; 6(1):27.
  • 3. Jacobs DR, Temple NJ. Food synergy: A paradigm shift in nutrition science. In: Temple N, Wilson T, Jacobs Jr D, eds. Nutritional Health. Nutrition and Health. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press 2012: 311-22.
  • 4. Martirosyan D, Lampert T, Ekblad M. Classification and regulation of functional food proposed by the Functional Food Center. Functional Food Science 2022; 2(2):25-46.
  • 5. Jacobs DR, Jr., Gross MD, Tapsell LC. Food synergy: an operational concept for understanding nutrition. Am J Clin Nutr 2009; 89(5):1543S-8S.
  • 6. Fardet A, Rock E. From a Reductionist to a Holistic Approach in Preventive Nutrition to Define New and More Ethical Paradigms. Healthcare (Basel) 2015; 3(4):1054-63.
  • 7. Bai YF, Yue ZL, Wang YN, Li YD, Li C, Liu XT, Shi RH, Huo NN, Li DD, Gao S, Han X. Synergistic effect of polysaccharides and flavonoids on lipid and gut microbiota in hyperlipidemic rats. Food & Function 2023; 14(2): 921-33.
  • 8. Hoda M, Hemaiswarya S, Doble M. Phenolic Phytochemicals: Sources, Biosynthesis, Extraction, and Their Isolation. In: Role of Phenolic Phytochemicals in Diabetes Management. Singapore: Springer 2019: 13-44.
  • 9. Ferguson LR. Nutrigenomics approaches to functional foods. J Am Diet Assoc 2009; 109(3):452-8.
  • 10. Jacobs DR, Jr., Steffen LM. Nutrients, foods, and dietary patterns as exposures in research: a framework for food synergy. Am J Clin Nutr 2003; 78(3 Suppl):508S-13S.
  • 11. Jacobs DR, Jr. What comes first: the food or the nutrient? Executive summary of a symposium. J Nutr 2014; 144(4 Suppl):543S-6S.
  • 12. Chen Y, Michalak M, Agellon LB. Importance of Nutrients and Nutrient Metabolism on Human Health. Yale J Biol Med 2018; 91(2):95-103.
  • 13. Mitra S, Tareq AM, Das R, Bin Emran T, Nainu F, Chakraborty AJ, Ahmad I, Tallei TE, Idris AM, Simal-Gandara J. Polyphenols: A first evidence in the synergism and bioactivities. Food Rev Int 2023; 39(7): 4419-41.
  • 14. Ward WE, Thompson LU. Understanding Food and Food–Drug Synergy. Food-Drug Synergy and Safety: CRC Press 2005: 3-8.
  • 15. Jacobs DR, Jr., Tapsell LC. Food, not nutrients, is the fundamental unit in nutrition. Nutr Rev 2007; 65(10):439-50.
  • 16. Liu RH. Health benefits of fruit and vegetables are from additive and synergistic combinations of phytochemicals. Am J Clin Nutr 2003; 78(3 Suppl):517S-20S.
  • 17. Mulholland CA, Benford DJ. What is known about the safety of multivitamin-multimineral supplements for the generally healthy population? Theoretical basis for harm. Am J Clin Nutr 2007; 85(1):318S-22S.
  • 18. Liu RH. Potential synergy of phytochemicals in cancer prevention: mechanism of action. J Nutr. 2004;134(12 Suppl):3479S-85S.
  • 19. Zafra-Stone S, Yasmin T, Bagchi M, Chatterjee A, Vinson JA, Bagchi D. Berry anthocyanins as novel antioxidants in human health and disease prevention. Mol Nutr Food Res 2007; 51(6):675-83.
  • 20. Jacobs DR, Pereira MA, Meyer KA, Kushi LH. Fiber from whole grains, but not refined grains, is inversely associated with all-cause mortality in older women: the Iowa women's health study. J Am Coll Nutr 2000; 19(3 Suppl):326S-30S.
  • 21. Boland M, Kaur L, Montoya C, Rutherfurd S, Ansell J, Moughan P. Food Synergy: The Effect of Eating Kiwifruit on the Digestion of Meat. 61st International Congress of Meat Science and Technology; 23-28th August; Clermont-Ferrand, France2015.
  • 22. Saad B, Mona O. Antimicrobial activity of garlic juice (Allium sativum), honey, and garlic-honey mixture on some sensetive and multiresistant microorganisms. Life Sci J 2013; 10(4):2429-35.
  • 23. Kim JE, Gordon SL, Ferruzzi MG, Campbell WW. Effects of egg consumption on carotenoid absorption from co-consumed, raw vegetables. Am J Clin Nutr 2015; 102(1):75-83.
  • 24. Wang S, Meckling KA, Marcone MF, Kakuda Y, Tsao R. Synergistic, additive, and antagonistic effects of food mixtures on total antioxidant capacities. J Agric Food Chem 2011; 59(3):960-8.
  • 25. Todorovic V, Redovnikovic IR, Todorovic Z, Jankovic G, Dodevska M, Sobajic S. Polyphenols, methylxanthines, and antioxidant capacity of chocolates produced in Serbia. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 2015; 41:137-43.
  • 26. Tewari S, Gupta V, Bhattacharya S. Comparative study of antioxidant potential of tea with and without additives. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2000; 44(2):215-9.
  • 27. Wang S, Zhu F, Meckling KA, Marcone MF. Antioxidant capacity of food mixtures is not correlated with their antiproliferative activity against MCF-7 breast cancer cells. J Med Food 2013; 16(12):1138-45.
  • 28. Nair KM, Brahmam GNV, Radhika MS, Choudhury DR, Ravinder P, Balakrishna N, Chen Z, Hawthorne KM, Abrams SA. Inclusion of guava enhances non-heme iron bioavailability but not fractional zinc absorption from a rice-based meal in adolescents. J Nutr 2013; 143(6): 852-8.
  • 29. Ballot D, Baynes RD, Bothwell TH, Gillooly M, Macfarlane J, MacPhail AP, Lyons G, Derman DP, Bezwoda WR, Torrance JD, Bothwell JE. The effects of fruit juices and fruits on the absorption of iron from a rice meal. Br J Nutr 1987; 57(3): 331-43.
  • 30. Layrisse M, Martinez-Torres C, Roche M. Effect of interaction of various foods on iron absorption. Am J Clin Nutr 1968; 21(10):1175-83.
  • 31. Engelmann MD, Davidsson L, Sandstrom B, Walczyk T, Hurrell RF, Michaelsen KF. The influence of meat on nonheme iron absorption in infants. Pediatr Res 1998; 43(6):768-73.
  • 32. Brown MJ, Ferruzzi MG, Nguyen ML, Cooper DA, Eldridge AL, Schwartz SJ, White WS. Carotenoid bioavailability is higher from salads ingested with full-fat than with fat-reduced salad dressings as measured with electrochemical detection. Am J Clin Nutr 2004; 80(2): 396-403.
  • 33. Fielding JM, Rowley KG, Cooper P, K OD. Increases in plasma lycopene concentration after consumption of tomatoes cooked with olive oil. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr 2005; 14(2):131-6.
  • 34. Kopec RE, Cooperstone JL, Schweiggert RM, Young GS, Harrison EH, Francis DM, Clinton SK, Schwartz SJ. Avocado consumption enhances human postprandial provitamin A absorption and conversion from a novel high–β-carotene tomato sauce and from carrots. J Nutr 2014; 144(8): 1158-66.
  • 35. Shoba G, Joy D, Joseph T, Majeed M, Rajendran R, Srinivas PS. Influence of piperine on the pharmacokinetics of curcumin in animals and human volunteers. Planta Med 1998; 64(4):353-6.
  • 36. Morcos NC. Modulation of lipid profile by fish oil and garlic combination. J Natl Med Assoc 1997; 89(10):673-8.
  • 37. Ahuja KD, Pittaway JK, Ball MJ. Effects of olive oil and tomato lycopene combination on serum lycopene, lipid profile, and lipid oxidation. Nutrition 2006; 22(3):259-65.
  • 38. Cao G, Russell RM, Lischner N, Prior RL. Serum antioxidant capacity is increased by consumption of strawberries, spinach, red wine or vitamin C in elderly women. J Nutr 1998; 128(12):2383-90.
  • 39. Milman NT. A Review of Nutrients and Compounds, Which Promote or Inhibit Intestinal Iron Absorption: Making a Platform for Dietary Measures That Can Reduce Iron Uptake in Patients with Genetic Haemochromatosis. J Nutr Metab 2020; 2020:7373498.
  • 40. Piskin E, Cianciosi D, Gulec S, Tomas M, Capanoglu E. Iron Absorption: Factors, Limitations, and Improvement Methods. ACS Omega 2022; 7(24):20441-56.
  • 41. Hedren E, Diaz V, Svanberg U. Estimation of carotenoid accessibility from carrots determined by an in vitro digestion method. Eur J Clin Nutr 2002; 56(5):425-30.
  • 42. Cirico TL, Omaye ST. Additive or synergetic effects of phenolic compounds on human low density lipoprotein oxidation. Food Chem Toxicol 2006; 44(4):510-6.
  • 43. Seeram NP, Adams LS, Henning SM, Niu Y, Zhang Y, Nair MG, Heber D. In vitro antiproliferative, apoptotic and antioxidant activities of punicalagin, ellagic acid and a total pomegranate tannin extract are enhanced in combination with other polyphenols as found in pomegranate juice. J Nutr Biochem 2005; 16(6):360-67.
  • 44. Chen X, Li H, Zhang B, Deng Z. The synergistic and antagonistic antioxidant interactions of dietary phytochemical combinations. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr 2022; 62(20):5658-77.
  • 45. Gano CA, Fatima S, Failes TW, Arndt GM, Sajinovic M, Mahns D, Saedisomeolia A, Coorssen JR, Bucci J, de Souza P, Vafaee F. Anti-cancer potential of synergistic phytochemical combinations is influenced by the genetic profile of prostate cancer cell lines. Front Nutr 2023; 10:1119274.
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Collection

Gülden Arman 0000-0003-2358-5307

Aslı Akyol 0000-0001-6301-6358

Early Pub Date January 20, 2025
Publication Date January 24, 2025
Submission Date May 16, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 11 Issue: 1


Vancouver Arman G, Akyol A. Besin Sinerjisi ve Sinerjik Besinlerin Sağlık Üzerine Etkileri. Akd Med J. 2025;11(1):140-8.