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Year 2021, , 425 - 469, 29.12.2021


Yabancı yatırımcının ev sahibi devlet ülkesinde sorumlu davranmasının temin edilmesi, milletlerarası yatırım hukukunda özellikle son yirmi yılda giderek daha fazla önem arz eden bir mesele hâline geldi. Bu çalışmada milletlerarası yatırım hukukunda yabancı yatırımcının hukukî sorumluluğu meselesini, özellikle sosyal sorumluluğundan ayırt ederek inceledik ve yatırımcının milletlerarası yatırım hukukunda hukukî sorumluluğunun bulunması gerektiği görüşünü savunduk. Hukukta sorumluluk bir yükümlülüğün ihlâlinden kaynaklandığı için, yatırımcının hukukî sorumluluğu meselesini incelerken, yatırımcının yükümlülüklerine odaklandık. Geleneksel yatırım anlaşmalarında yatırımcılara yükümlülük öngörülmez. Ancak yeni tarihli bazı yatırım anlaşmalarında yatırımcı yükümlülükleri öngörüldüğünü tespit ettik. Bu yükümlülüklerden özellikle işçi haklarına saygı gösterme yükümlülüklerini tarihi gelişimi çerçevesinde inceledik.


  • Amao, Olufemi. Corporate Social Responsibility, Human Rights and the Law: Multinational Corporations in Developing Countries. New York: Routledge, 2011.
  • Birleşmiş Milletler Ayrımcılığın Önlenmesi ve Azınlıkların Korunması Alt Komisyonu. The right to Adequate Food as a Human Right. E/CN.4/Sub.2/1983/35, Hususî Raportör Asbjorn Eide, 1983.
  • Bjorklund, Andrea K. “Asessing the Effectiveness of Soft Law Instruments in International Investment Law” International Investment Law and Soft Law içinde, editör Andrea K. Bjorklund ve August Reinisch. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2012: 51-81.
  • Birleşmiş Milletler İnsan Hakları Yüksek Komiserliği Ofisi. Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Implementing the United Nations ‘Protect, Respect and Remedy’ Framework. Guiding Principles, New York, Cenevre: United Nations Publication, 2011.
  • Chowdhury, Abdur ve George Mavrotas. “FDI and Growth: What Causes What?” The World Economy 9, S. 1 (2006): 9-19.
  • Diel-Gligor, Katharina ve Rudolf Hennecke. “Investment in Accordance with the Law” International Investment Law içinde, editör Jörn Griebel, Stephan Hobe, August Reinisch, Yun-I Kim Marc Bungenberg. Portland: C.H. Beck, Hart, Nomos, 2015: 566-576.
  • Douglas, Zachary. The International Law of Investment Claims. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Douglas, Zachary. “The Plea of Illegality in Investment Treaty Arbitration” ICSID Review 29, S. 1 (2014): 155-186.
  • Eren, Fikret. Borçlar Hukuku Genel Hükümler. Ankara: Yetkin Yayınları, 2019.
  • Garcia, Frank J., Lindita Ciko, Apurv Gaurav ve Kirrin Hough. “Reforming the International Investment Regime: Lessons from International Trade Law” Journal of International Economic Law 18 (2015): 861-892.
  • Giorgetta, Sueli. “The Right to a Healthy Environment” International Law and Sustainable Development: Principles and Practices içinde, editör Nico Schrijver ve Friedl Weiss. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2004: 379-404.
  • Guzman, Andrew. “Why LDCs Sign Treaties That Hurt Them: Explaining the Popularity of Bilateral Investment Treaties” Virginia Journal of International Law 38 (1998): 639-688.
  • Hansen, Henrik ve John Rand. “On the Casual Links Between FDI and Growth in Developing Countries” The World Economy 29, S. 1 (2006): 21-41.
  • Hart, H. L. A. The Concept of Law. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994.
  • Hohfeld, Wesley Newcombe. “Some Fundamental Legal Conceptions as Applied in Judicial Reasoning” The Yale Law Journal 23, S. 1 (1913): 19-59.
  • Kryvoi, Yarik. Three Dimensions of Inequality in International Investment Law. British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 2020.
  • Mbengue, Makane Moïse. “Les Obligations des Investisseurs” L'entreprise multinationale et le droit international içinde, editör Laurence Dubin, Pierre Bodeau-Livinec, Jean-Louis Iten ve Vincent Tomkiewicz. Paris: Pedone, 2017: 295-337.
  • McLachlan, Campbell, Laurence Shore ve Matthew Weiniger. International Investment Arbitration Substantive Principles. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008.
  • Milletlerarası Hukuk Komisyonu. Draft Articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts. Yearbook of International Law Commission C. II, Kısım 2, 2001, 26-143.
  • Milletlerarası Hukuk Komisyonu. Second report on State responsibility, by Roberto Ago, Special Rapporteur – The Origin of International Responsibility. Yearbook of International Law Commission C. II, 1970, 177-198.
  • Monebhurrun, Nitish. “Mapping the Duties of Private Companies in International Investment Law ” Revista de Direito Internacional 14, S. 2 (2017): 49-71.
  • Muchlinski, Peter. “Corporate Social Responsibility” International Investment Law içinde, editör Peter Muchlinski, Federico Ortino ve Christoph Schreuer. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008: 637-687.
  • Muchlinski, Peter. “Regulating Multinationals: Foreign Investment, Development, and the Balance of Corporate and Home Country Rights and Responsibilities in a Globalizing World” The Evolving International Investment Regime içinde, editör José E. Alvarez ve Karl P. Sauvant. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011: 30-59.
  • Newcombe, Andrew ve Lluís Paradell. Law and Practice of Investment Treaties: Standards of Treatment. New York: Kluwer Law International, 2009.
  • Nowrot, Karsten. “Obligations of Investors” International Investment Law içinde, editör Jörn Griebel, Stephan Hobe, August Reinisch Marc Bungenberg. Portland: C.H.Beck, Hart, Nomos, 2015: 1154-1185.
  • Oğuzman, Kemal, ve Turgut Öz. Borçlar Hukuku Genel Hükümler. Cilt 1. İstanbul: Vedat Kitapçılık, 2018.
  • Penfold, Bonnie. Labour and Employment Issues in Foreign Direct Investment: Public Support Conditionalities. Working Paper, Labour and Employment Issues in Foreign Direct Investment, International Labour Office, Geneva: ILO, 2004.
  • Prislan, Vid ve Ruben Zandvliet. Labor Provisions in International Investment Agreements: Prospects for Sustainable Development. Workin Paper 2013/003-IEL, Grotius Centre, Leiden: Universiteit Leiden, 2013.
  • Salacuse, Jeswald W. The Law of Investment Treaties. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010.
  • Salacuse, Jeswald W. ve Nicholas S. Sullivan. “Do BITs Really Work?: An Evaluation of Bilateral Investment Treaties and Their Grand Bargain” Harvard International Law Journal 46, S. 1 (2005): 67-130.
  • Sasse, Jan Peter. An Economic Analysis of Bilateral Investment Treaties. Hollanda: Gabler Verlag, 2011.
  • Sauvant, Karl P. “The Negotiations of the United Nations Code of Conduct on Transnational Corporations: Experience and Lessons Learned” The Journal of World Investment and Trade 16 (2015): 11-87.
  • Schill, Stephan W. “International Investment Law and Comparative Public Law – An Introduction” International Investment Law and Comparative Law içinde, editör Stephan W. Schill. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010: 3-37.
  • Schreuer, Christoph, Loretta Malintoppi, August Reinisch ve Anthony Sinclair. The ICSID Convention: A Commentary. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010. Sen, Amartya. Development as Freedom. New York: Alfred A. Knopf Inc., 2000.
  • Shue, Henry. “The Interdependence of Duties” The Right to Food içinde, editör Philip Alston ve Katarina Tomasevski. the Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1985: 83-96.
  • Simma, Bruno. “Foreign Investment Arbitration: A Place for Human Rights” International and Comparative Law Quarterly 60 (2011): 573-596.
  • Sornarajah, Muthucumaraswamy. The International Law on Foreign Investment. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010.
  • Tekinay, Selahattin Sulhi, Sermet Akman, Haluk Burcuoğlu ve Atilla Altop. Borçlar Hukuku Genel Hükümler. İstanbul: Filiz Kitabevi, 1993.
  • UNCTAD. Bilateral Investment Treaties in the Mid-1990s. UNCTAD/ITE/IIT/7, New York ve Cenevre: United Nations Publications, 1998.
  • UNCTAD. Employment, UNCTAD Series on Issues in International Investmen Agreements. IIA Issues Paper Series, New York: United Nations Publications, 2000.
  • UNCTAD. UNCTAD's Reform Package for the International Investment Regime. New York ve Cenevre: United Nations Publications, 2018.
  • UNCTAD. World Investment Report 2011: Non Equity Modes of International Production and Development. World Investment Report Series, İsviçre: United Nations Publication, 2011.
  • United Nations Development Programme. Human Development Report. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994.
  • Vadi, Valentina. “Jus Cogens in International Investment Law and Arbitration” Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 46 (2015): 357-388.
  • ÇEVRİMİÇİ KAYNAKLAR Afrika Birliği. “Pan-Afrikalı Yatırım Anlaşması.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 24, 2021.
  • Birleşmiş Milletler İnsan Hakları Yüksek Komiserliği Ofisi. “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Implementing the United Nations ‘Protect, Respect and Remedy’ Framework.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 13, 2021.
  • DTÖ. “Communication from China, Cuba, India, Kenya, Pakistan and Zimbabwe, WTO Doc. WT/WGTI/W/152.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 8, 2021. ages/SS/directdoc.aspx?filename=Q:/WT/WGTI/W152.pdf&Open=True.
  • DTÖ. “Doha Bakanlar Bildirisi.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 13, 2021.
  • Hindistan Dışişleri Bakanlığı. “Hindistan’ın Model Yatırım Anlaşması.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 24, 2021.
  • ICC. “ICC Guidelines for International Investment.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 13, 2021.
  • ICSID. “History of the ICSID Convention.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 25, 2021.
  • IISD. “Güney Afrika Kalkınma Topluluğu Model Yatırım Anlaşması.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 26, 2021.
  • IISD. “IISD Model International Agreement on Investment for Sustainable Development: Negotiators’ Handbook Second Edition.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 7, 2021.
  • ILO. “Çok Uluslu İşletmeler ve Sosyal Politika İlkeleriyle İlgili Üç Taraflı Bildirge.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 8, 2021.
  • ILO. “2013 Dakka Kumaş İmalathanesi Faciası.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 6, 2021.
  • ILO Türkiye Ofisi. “Türkiye’nin Onayladığı ILO Sözleşmeleri.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 13, 2021.
  • OECD. “The Multilateral Agreement on Investment: Commentary to the Consolidated Text.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 13, 2021.
  • OECD. “Uluslararası Yatırımlar ve Çok Uluslu İşletmeler Bildirgesi.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 8, 2021.
  • UNCTAD Investment Policy Hub. “ABD-Uruguay Yatırım Anlaşması.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 23, 2021.
  • UNCTAD Investment Policy Hub. “Almanya-Pakistan Yatırım Anlaşması.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 7, 2021.
  • UNCTAD Investment Policy Hub. “Brezilya Model Yatırım Anlaşması.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 26, 2021.
  • UNCTAD Investment Policy Hub. “Brezilya-Hindistan Yatırım Anlaşması.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 26, 2021.
  • UNCTAD Investment Policy Hub. “Büyük Göller Ekonomik Topluluğu Yatırım Kodu.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 8, 2021.
  • UNCTAD Investment Policy Hub. “Doğu ve Güney Afrika Ortak Pazarı için Yatırım Anlaşması.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 8, 2021.
  • UNCTAD Investment Policy Hub. “Fas-Nijerya Yatırım Anlaşması.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 10, 2021.
  • UNCTAD Investment Policy Hub. “Investment Policy Framework for Sustainable Development.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 13, 2021.
  • UNCTAD Investment Policy Hub. “MERCOSUR Devletleri Arası Yatırımı Kolaylaştırma ve İşbirliği Protokolü.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 10, 2021.
  • UNCTAD Investment Policy Hub. “Türkiye-Çin Yatırım Anlaşması.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 11, 2021.
  • UNCTAD Investment Policy Hub. “Türkiye-Kırgızistan Yatırım Anlaşması.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 14, 2021.
  • UNCTAD Investment Policy Hub. “USMCA.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 14, 2021.
  • Wikipedia. “2013 Dakka Kumaş İmalathanesi Faciası.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 6, 2021,
  • Wikipedia. “Bhopal Faciası.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 27, 2021.
  • Wikipedia. “Lago Agrio Petrol Sahası.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 27, 2021.
  • KARARLAR Alasdair Ross Anderson et al v. Kosta Rika, ICSID Vakıa No. ARB (AF)/07/3, Hüküm, 10 Mayıs 2010.
  • Ambiente Ufficio SpA and others v. Arjantin, ICSID Vakıa No. ARB/08/9, Yetki ve Kabul Edilebilirliğe dair Hüküm, 8 Şubat 2013.
  • Bayındır İnşaat Turizm Ticaret ve Sanayi AŞ. v. Pakistan, ICSID Vakıa No. ARB/03/29, Yetkiye dair Hüküm, 14 Kasım 2005.
  • Centerra Gold Inc. ve Kumtor Gold Company v. Kırgızistan, Permanent Court of Arbitration Vakıa No. 2007-01/AA278.
  • Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide v. Filipinler, ICSID Vakıa No. ARB/03/25, Esasa dair Hüküm, 16 Ağustos 2007.
  • Gustav F W Hamester GmbH & Co KG v. Gana, ICSID Vakıa No. ARB/07/24, Hüküm, 18 Haziran 2010.
  • Inceysa Vallisoletana S.L. v. El Salvador, ICSID Vakıa No. ARB/03/26, Esasa dair Hüküm, 2 Ağustos 2006.
  • Piero Foresti, Laura de Carli et al. v. Güney Afrika Cumhuriyeti, ICSID Vakıa No. ARB(AF)/07/01.
  • Quiborax SA and Non-Metallic Minerals SA v. Bolivya, ICSID Vakıa No. ARB/06/2, Yetkiye dair Hüküm, 27 Eylül 2012.
  • Saba Fakes v. Türkiye, ICSID Vakıa No. ARB/07/20, Esasa dair Hüküm, 14 Temmuz 2010. Salini Costruttori S.P.A. and Italstrade S.P.A. v. Fas, ICSID Vakıa No. ARB/00/4, Yetkiye dair Hüküm, 23 Temmuz 2001.
  • Sergei Paushok, CJSC Golden East Company ve CJSC Vostokneftegaz Company v. Moğolistan, UNCITRAL Tahkimi, Yetki ve Sorumluluğa dair Hüküm, 28 Nisan 2011.
  • Urbaser S.A. and Consorcio de Aguas Bilbao Bizkaia, Bilbao Bizkaia Ur Partzuergoa v. Arjantin, ICSID Vakıa No. ARB/07/26, Esasa dair Hüküm, 8 Aralık 2016.
  • Veolia Propreté v. Mısır, ICSID Case No. ARB/12/15.
  • World Duty Free Ltd. v. Kenya, ICSID Vakıa No. ARB/00/7, Hüküm, 4 Ekim 2006.


Year 2021, , 425 - 469, 29.12.2021


Der Zweck dieses Artikels besteht darin, die Frage zu untersuchen, wie ausländische Investoren für ihre rechtswidrigen Handlungen in den Gastländern verantwortlich gemacht werden können. Dieser Artikel legt einen Schwerpunkt auf die rechtliche Verantwortung des Investors im Gegensatz zu ihrer soziale Unternehmensverantwortung. Der Artikel argumentiert, dass die Investoren rechtliche Verantwortung tragen sollten, und daher rechtliche Verpflichtung im internationalen Investitionsrecht. Es konzentriert sich auf die Verpflichtung der Investoren die Arbeitsrechte zu achten, wie in einigen internationalen Investitionsabkommen der neuen Generation vorgesehen. Es analysiert diese neuen Bestimmungen in einer historischen Perspektive und es bewertet ihre möglichen Auswirkungen auf das internationale Investitionsrecht.


  • Amao, Olufemi. Corporate Social Responsibility, Human Rights and the Law: Multinational Corporations in Developing Countries. New York: Routledge, 2011.
  • Birleşmiş Milletler Ayrımcılığın Önlenmesi ve Azınlıkların Korunması Alt Komisyonu. The right to Adequate Food as a Human Right. E/CN.4/Sub.2/1983/35, Hususî Raportör Asbjorn Eide, 1983.
  • Bjorklund, Andrea K. “Asessing the Effectiveness of Soft Law Instruments in International Investment Law” International Investment Law and Soft Law içinde, editör Andrea K. Bjorklund ve August Reinisch. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2012: 51-81.
  • Birleşmiş Milletler İnsan Hakları Yüksek Komiserliği Ofisi. Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Implementing the United Nations ‘Protect, Respect and Remedy’ Framework. Guiding Principles, New York, Cenevre: United Nations Publication, 2011.
  • Chowdhury, Abdur ve George Mavrotas. “FDI and Growth: What Causes What?” The World Economy 9, S. 1 (2006): 9-19.
  • Diel-Gligor, Katharina ve Rudolf Hennecke. “Investment in Accordance with the Law” International Investment Law içinde, editör Jörn Griebel, Stephan Hobe, August Reinisch, Yun-I Kim Marc Bungenberg. Portland: C.H. Beck, Hart, Nomos, 2015: 566-576.
  • Douglas, Zachary. The International Law of Investment Claims. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Douglas, Zachary. “The Plea of Illegality in Investment Treaty Arbitration” ICSID Review 29, S. 1 (2014): 155-186.
  • Eren, Fikret. Borçlar Hukuku Genel Hükümler. Ankara: Yetkin Yayınları, 2019.
  • Garcia, Frank J., Lindita Ciko, Apurv Gaurav ve Kirrin Hough. “Reforming the International Investment Regime: Lessons from International Trade Law” Journal of International Economic Law 18 (2015): 861-892.
  • Giorgetta, Sueli. “The Right to a Healthy Environment” International Law and Sustainable Development: Principles and Practices içinde, editör Nico Schrijver ve Friedl Weiss. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2004: 379-404.
  • Guzman, Andrew. “Why LDCs Sign Treaties That Hurt Them: Explaining the Popularity of Bilateral Investment Treaties” Virginia Journal of International Law 38 (1998): 639-688.
  • Hansen, Henrik ve John Rand. “On the Casual Links Between FDI and Growth in Developing Countries” The World Economy 29, S. 1 (2006): 21-41.
  • Hart, H. L. A. The Concept of Law. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994.
  • Hohfeld, Wesley Newcombe. “Some Fundamental Legal Conceptions as Applied in Judicial Reasoning” The Yale Law Journal 23, S. 1 (1913): 19-59.
  • Kryvoi, Yarik. Three Dimensions of Inequality in International Investment Law. British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 2020.
  • Mbengue, Makane Moïse. “Les Obligations des Investisseurs” L'entreprise multinationale et le droit international içinde, editör Laurence Dubin, Pierre Bodeau-Livinec, Jean-Louis Iten ve Vincent Tomkiewicz. Paris: Pedone, 2017: 295-337.
  • McLachlan, Campbell, Laurence Shore ve Matthew Weiniger. International Investment Arbitration Substantive Principles. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008.
  • Milletlerarası Hukuk Komisyonu. Draft Articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts. Yearbook of International Law Commission C. II, Kısım 2, 2001, 26-143.
  • Milletlerarası Hukuk Komisyonu. Second report on State responsibility, by Roberto Ago, Special Rapporteur – The Origin of International Responsibility. Yearbook of International Law Commission C. II, 1970, 177-198.
  • Monebhurrun, Nitish. “Mapping the Duties of Private Companies in International Investment Law ” Revista de Direito Internacional 14, S. 2 (2017): 49-71.
  • Muchlinski, Peter. “Corporate Social Responsibility” International Investment Law içinde, editör Peter Muchlinski, Federico Ortino ve Christoph Schreuer. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008: 637-687.
  • Muchlinski, Peter. “Regulating Multinationals: Foreign Investment, Development, and the Balance of Corporate and Home Country Rights and Responsibilities in a Globalizing World” The Evolving International Investment Regime içinde, editör José E. Alvarez ve Karl P. Sauvant. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011: 30-59.
  • Newcombe, Andrew ve Lluís Paradell. Law and Practice of Investment Treaties: Standards of Treatment. New York: Kluwer Law International, 2009.
  • Nowrot, Karsten. “Obligations of Investors” International Investment Law içinde, editör Jörn Griebel, Stephan Hobe, August Reinisch Marc Bungenberg. Portland: C.H.Beck, Hart, Nomos, 2015: 1154-1185.
  • Oğuzman, Kemal, ve Turgut Öz. Borçlar Hukuku Genel Hükümler. Cilt 1. İstanbul: Vedat Kitapçılık, 2018.
  • Penfold, Bonnie. Labour and Employment Issues in Foreign Direct Investment: Public Support Conditionalities. Working Paper, Labour and Employment Issues in Foreign Direct Investment, International Labour Office, Geneva: ILO, 2004.
  • Prislan, Vid ve Ruben Zandvliet. Labor Provisions in International Investment Agreements: Prospects for Sustainable Development. Workin Paper 2013/003-IEL, Grotius Centre, Leiden: Universiteit Leiden, 2013.
  • Salacuse, Jeswald W. The Law of Investment Treaties. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010.
  • Salacuse, Jeswald W. ve Nicholas S. Sullivan. “Do BITs Really Work?: An Evaluation of Bilateral Investment Treaties and Their Grand Bargain” Harvard International Law Journal 46, S. 1 (2005): 67-130.
  • Sasse, Jan Peter. An Economic Analysis of Bilateral Investment Treaties. Hollanda: Gabler Verlag, 2011.
  • Sauvant, Karl P. “The Negotiations of the United Nations Code of Conduct on Transnational Corporations: Experience and Lessons Learned” The Journal of World Investment and Trade 16 (2015): 11-87.
  • Schill, Stephan W. “International Investment Law and Comparative Public Law – An Introduction” International Investment Law and Comparative Law içinde, editör Stephan W. Schill. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010: 3-37.
  • Schreuer, Christoph, Loretta Malintoppi, August Reinisch ve Anthony Sinclair. The ICSID Convention: A Commentary. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010. Sen, Amartya. Development as Freedom. New York: Alfred A. Knopf Inc., 2000.
  • Shue, Henry. “The Interdependence of Duties” The Right to Food içinde, editör Philip Alston ve Katarina Tomasevski. the Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1985: 83-96.
  • Simma, Bruno. “Foreign Investment Arbitration: A Place for Human Rights” International and Comparative Law Quarterly 60 (2011): 573-596.
  • Sornarajah, Muthucumaraswamy. The International Law on Foreign Investment. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010.
  • Tekinay, Selahattin Sulhi, Sermet Akman, Haluk Burcuoğlu ve Atilla Altop. Borçlar Hukuku Genel Hükümler. İstanbul: Filiz Kitabevi, 1993.
  • UNCTAD. Bilateral Investment Treaties in the Mid-1990s. UNCTAD/ITE/IIT/7, New York ve Cenevre: United Nations Publications, 1998.
  • UNCTAD. Employment, UNCTAD Series on Issues in International Investmen Agreements. IIA Issues Paper Series, New York: United Nations Publications, 2000.
  • UNCTAD. UNCTAD's Reform Package for the International Investment Regime. New York ve Cenevre: United Nations Publications, 2018.
  • UNCTAD. World Investment Report 2011: Non Equity Modes of International Production and Development. World Investment Report Series, İsviçre: United Nations Publication, 2011.
  • United Nations Development Programme. Human Development Report. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994.
  • Vadi, Valentina. “Jus Cogens in International Investment Law and Arbitration” Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 46 (2015): 357-388.
  • ÇEVRİMİÇİ KAYNAKLAR Afrika Birliği. “Pan-Afrikalı Yatırım Anlaşması.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 24, 2021.
  • Birleşmiş Milletler İnsan Hakları Yüksek Komiserliği Ofisi. “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Implementing the United Nations ‘Protect, Respect and Remedy’ Framework.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 13, 2021.
  • DTÖ. “Communication from China, Cuba, India, Kenya, Pakistan and Zimbabwe, WTO Doc. WT/WGTI/W/152.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 8, 2021. ages/SS/directdoc.aspx?filename=Q:/WT/WGTI/W152.pdf&Open=True.
  • DTÖ. “Doha Bakanlar Bildirisi.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 13, 2021.
  • Hindistan Dışişleri Bakanlığı. “Hindistan’ın Model Yatırım Anlaşması.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 24, 2021.
  • ICC. “ICC Guidelines for International Investment.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 13, 2021.
  • ICSID. “History of the ICSID Convention.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 25, 2021.
  • IISD. “Güney Afrika Kalkınma Topluluğu Model Yatırım Anlaşması.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 26, 2021.
  • IISD. “IISD Model International Agreement on Investment for Sustainable Development: Negotiators’ Handbook Second Edition.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 7, 2021.
  • ILO. “Çok Uluslu İşletmeler ve Sosyal Politika İlkeleriyle İlgili Üç Taraflı Bildirge.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 8, 2021.
  • ILO. “2013 Dakka Kumaş İmalathanesi Faciası.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 6, 2021.
  • ILO Türkiye Ofisi. “Türkiye’nin Onayladığı ILO Sözleşmeleri.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 13, 2021.
  • OECD. “The Multilateral Agreement on Investment: Commentary to the Consolidated Text.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 13, 2021.
  • OECD. “Uluslararası Yatırımlar ve Çok Uluslu İşletmeler Bildirgesi.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 8, 2021.
  • UNCTAD Investment Policy Hub. “ABD-Uruguay Yatırım Anlaşması.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 23, 2021.
  • UNCTAD Investment Policy Hub. “Almanya-Pakistan Yatırım Anlaşması.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 7, 2021.
  • UNCTAD Investment Policy Hub. “Brezilya Model Yatırım Anlaşması.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 26, 2021.
  • UNCTAD Investment Policy Hub. “Brezilya-Hindistan Yatırım Anlaşması.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 26, 2021.
  • UNCTAD Investment Policy Hub. “Büyük Göller Ekonomik Topluluğu Yatırım Kodu.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 8, 2021.
  • UNCTAD Investment Policy Hub. “Doğu ve Güney Afrika Ortak Pazarı için Yatırım Anlaşması.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 8, 2021.
  • UNCTAD Investment Policy Hub. “Fas-Nijerya Yatırım Anlaşması.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 10, 2021.
  • UNCTAD Investment Policy Hub. “Investment Policy Framework for Sustainable Development.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 13, 2021.
  • UNCTAD Investment Policy Hub. “MERCOSUR Devletleri Arası Yatırımı Kolaylaştırma ve İşbirliği Protokolü.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 10, 2021.
  • UNCTAD Investment Policy Hub. “Türkiye-Çin Yatırım Anlaşması.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 11, 2021.
  • UNCTAD Investment Policy Hub. “Türkiye-Kırgızistan Yatırım Anlaşması.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 14, 2021.
  • UNCTAD Investment Policy Hub. “USMCA.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 14, 2021.
  • Wikipedia. “2013 Dakka Kumaş İmalathanesi Faciası.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 6, 2021,
  • Wikipedia. “Bhopal Faciası.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 27, 2021.
  • Wikipedia. “Lago Agrio Petrol Sahası.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 27, 2021.
  • KARARLAR Alasdair Ross Anderson et al v. Kosta Rika, ICSID Vakıa No. ARB (AF)/07/3, Hüküm, 10 Mayıs 2010.
  • Ambiente Ufficio SpA and others v. Arjantin, ICSID Vakıa No. ARB/08/9, Yetki ve Kabul Edilebilirliğe dair Hüküm, 8 Şubat 2013.
  • Bayındır İnşaat Turizm Ticaret ve Sanayi AŞ. v. Pakistan, ICSID Vakıa No. ARB/03/29, Yetkiye dair Hüküm, 14 Kasım 2005.
  • Centerra Gold Inc. ve Kumtor Gold Company v. Kırgızistan, Permanent Court of Arbitration Vakıa No. 2007-01/AA278.
  • Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide v. Filipinler, ICSID Vakıa No. ARB/03/25, Esasa dair Hüküm, 16 Ağustos 2007.
  • Gustav F W Hamester GmbH & Co KG v. Gana, ICSID Vakıa No. ARB/07/24, Hüküm, 18 Haziran 2010.
  • Inceysa Vallisoletana S.L. v. El Salvador, ICSID Vakıa No. ARB/03/26, Esasa dair Hüküm, 2 Ağustos 2006.
  • Piero Foresti, Laura de Carli et al. v. Güney Afrika Cumhuriyeti, ICSID Vakıa No. ARB(AF)/07/01.
  • Quiborax SA and Non-Metallic Minerals SA v. Bolivya, ICSID Vakıa No. ARB/06/2, Yetkiye dair Hüküm, 27 Eylül 2012.
  • Saba Fakes v. Türkiye, ICSID Vakıa No. ARB/07/20, Esasa dair Hüküm, 14 Temmuz 2010. Salini Costruttori S.P.A. and Italstrade S.P.A. v. Fas, ICSID Vakıa No. ARB/00/4, Yetkiye dair Hüküm, 23 Temmuz 2001.
  • Sergei Paushok, CJSC Golden East Company ve CJSC Vostokneftegaz Company v. Moğolistan, UNCITRAL Tahkimi, Yetki ve Sorumluluğa dair Hüküm, 28 Nisan 2011.
  • Urbaser S.A. and Consorcio de Aguas Bilbao Bizkaia, Bilbao Bizkaia Ur Partzuergoa v. Arjantin, ICSID Vakıa No. ARB/07/26, Esasa dair Hüküm, 8 Aralık 2016.
  • Veolia Propreté v. Mısır, ICSID Case No. ARB/12/15.
  • World Duty Free Ltd. v. Kenya, ICSID Vakıa No. ARB/00/7, Hüküm, 4 Ekim 2006.


Year 2021, , 425 - 469, 29.12.2021


Le but de cet article est d'examiner la question de savoir comment les investisseurs étrangers pourraient être tenus responsables de leurs actes illicites dans les pays d'accueil. L’article met l'accent sur la responsabilité juridique des investisseurs par opposition à la responsabilité sociale des entreprises. Il soutient que les investisseurs devraient avoir une responsabilité légale et ainsi des obligations légales découlant des traités d’investissements. Il met l'accent sur l'obligation des investisseurs de respecter les droits du travail, comme c’est prévu dans certains traités d'investissement de nouvelle génération. L’article analyse ces nouvelles dispositions en les plaçant dans une perspective historique et il évalue leur impact éventuel sur le droit international des investissements.


  • Amao, Olufemi. Corporate Social Responsibility, Human Rights and the Law: Multinational Corporations in Developing Countries. New York: Routledge, 2011.
  • Birleşmiş Milletler Ayrımcılığın Önlenmesi ve Azınlıkların Korunması Alt Komisyonu. The right to Adequate Food as a Human Right. E/CN.4/Sub.2/1983/35, Hususî Raportör Asbjorn Eide, 1983.
  • Bjorklund, Andrea K. “Asessing the Effectiveness of Soft Law Instruments in International Investment Law” International Investment Law and Soft Law içinde, editör Andrea K. Bjorklund ve August Reinisch. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2012: 51-81.
  • Birleşmiş Milletler İnsan Hakları Yüksek Komiserliği Ofisi. Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Implementing the United Nations ‘Protect, Respect and Remedy’ Framework. Guiding Principles, New York, Cenevre: United Nations Publication, 2011.
  • Chowdhury, Abdur ve George Mavrotas. “FDI and Growth: What Causes What?” The World Economy 9, S. 1 (2006): 9-19.
  • Diel-Gligor, Katharina ve Rudolf Hennecke. “Investment in Accordance with the Law” International Investment Law içinde, editör Jörn Griebel, Stephan Hobe, August Reinisch, Yun-I Kim Marc Bungenberg. Portland: C.H. Beck, Hart, Nomos, 2015: 566-576.
  • Douglas, Zachary. The International Law of Investment Claims. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Douglas, Zachary. “The Plea of Illegality in Investment Treaty Arbitration” ICSID Review 29, S. 1 (2014): 155-186.
  • Eren, Fikret. Borçlar Hukuku Genel Hükümler. Ankara: Yetkin Yayınları, 2019.
  • Garcia, Frank J., Lindita Ciko, Apurv Gaurav ve Kirrin Hough. “Reforming the International Investment Regime: Lessons from International Trade Law” Journal of International Economic Law 18 (2015): 861-892.
  • Giorgetta, Sueli. “The Right to a Healthy Environment” International Law and Sustainable Development: Principles and Practices içinde, editör Nico Schrijver ve Friedl Weiss. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2004: 379-404.
  • Guzman, Andrew. “Why LDCs Sign Treaties That Hurt Them: Explaining the Popularity of Bilateral Investment Treaties” Virginia Journal of International Law 38 (1998): 639-688.
  • Hansen, Henrik ve John Rand. “On the Casual Links Between FDI and Growth in Developing Countries” The World Economy 29, S. 1 (2006): 21-41.
  • Hart, H. L. A. The Concept of Law. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994.
  • Hohfeld, Wesley Newcombe. “Some Fundamental Legal Conceptions as Applied in Judicial Reasoning” The Yale Law Journal 23, S. 1 (1913): 19-59.
  • Kryvoi, Yarik. Three Dimensions of Inequality in International Investment Law. British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 2020.
  • Mbengue, Makane Moïse. “Les Obligations des Investisseurs” L'entreprise multinationale et le droit international içinde, editör Laurence Dubin, Pierre Bodeau-Livinec, Jean-Louis Iten ve Vincent Tomkiewicz. Paris: Pedone, 2017: 295-337.
  • McLachlan, Campbell, Laurence Shore ve Matthew Weiniger. International Investment Arbitration Substantive Principles. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008.
  • Milletlerarası Hukuk Komisyonu. Draft Articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts. Yearbook of International Law Commission C. II, Kısım 2, 2001, 26-143.
  • Milletlerarası Hukuk Komisyonu. Second report on State responsibility, by Roberto Ago, Special Rapporteur – The Origin of International Responsibility. Yearbook of International Law Commission C. II, 1970, 177-198.
  • Monebhurrun, Nitish. “Mapping the Duties of Private Companies in International Investment Law ” Revista de Direito Internacional 14, S. 2 (2017): 49-71.
  • Muchlinski, Peter. “Corporate Social Responsibility” International Investment Law içinde, editör Peter Muchlinski, Federico Ortino ve Christoph Schreuer. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008: 637-687.
  • Muchlinski, Peter. “Regulating Multinationals: Foreign Investment, Development, and the Balance of Corporate and Home Country Rights and Responsibilities in a Globalizing World” The Evolving International Investment Regime içinde, editör José E. Alvarez ve Karl P. Sauvant. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011: 30-59.
  • Newcombe, Andrew ve Lluís Paradell. Law and Practice of Investment Treaties: Standards of Treatment. New York: Kluwer Law International, 2009.
  • Nowrot, Karsten. “Obligations of Investors” International Investment Law içinde, editör Jörn Griebel, Stephan Hobe, August Reinisch Marc Bungenberg. Portland: C.H.Beck, Hart, Nomos, 2015: 1154-1185.
  • Oğuzman, Kemal, ve Turgut Öz. Borçlar Hukuku Genel Hükümler. Cilt 1. İstanbul: Vedat Kitapçılık, 2018.
  • Penfold, Bonnie. Labour and Employment Issues in Foreign Direct Investment: Public Support Conditionalities. Working Paper, Labour and Employment Issues in Foreign Direct Investment, International Labour Office, Geneva: ILO, 2004.
  • Prislan, Vid ve Ruben Zandvliet. Labor Provisions in International Investment Agreements: Prospects for Sustainable Development. Workin Paper 2013/003-IEL, Grotius Centre, Leiden: Universiteit Leiden, 2013.
  • Salacuse, Jeswald W. The Law of Investment Treaties. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010.
  • Salacuse, Jeswald W. ve Nicholas S. Sullivan. “Do BITs Really Work?: An Evaluation of Bilateral Investment Treaties and Their Grand Bargain” Harvard International Law Journal 46, S. 1 (2005): 67-130.
  • Sasse, Jan Peter. An Economic Analysis of Bilateral Investment Treaties. Hollanda: Gabler Verlag, 2011.
  • Sauvant, Karl P. “The Negotiations of the United Nations Code of Conduct on Transnational Corporations: Experience and Lessons Learned” The Journal of World Investment and Trade 16 (2015): 11-87.
  • Schill, Stephan W. “International Investment Law and Comparative Public Law – An Introduction” International Investment Law and Comparative Law içinde, editör Stephan W. Schill. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010: 3-37.
  • Schreuer, Christoph, Loretta Malintoppi, August Reinisch ve Anthony Sinclair. The ICSID Convention: A Commentary. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010. Sen, Amartya. Development as Freedom. New York: Alfred A. Knopf Inc., 2000.
  • Shue, Henry. “The Interdependence of Duties” The Right to Food içinde, editör Philip Alston ve Katarina Tomasevski. the Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1985: 83-96.
  • Simma, Bruno. “Foreign Investment Arbitration: A Place for Human Rights” International and Comparative Law Quarterly 60 (2011): 573-596.
  • Sornarajah, Muthucumaraswamy. The International Law on Foreign Investment. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010.
  • Tekinay, Selahattin Sulhi, Sermet Akman, Haluk Burcuoğlu ve Atilla Altop. Borçlar Hukuku Genel Hükümler. İstanbul: Filiz Kitabevi, 1993.
  • UNCTAD. Bilateral Investment Treaties in the Mid-1990s. UNCTAD/ITE/IIT/7, New York ve Cenevre: United Nations Publications, 1998.
  • UNCTAD. Employment, UNCTAD Series on Issues in International Investmen Agreements. IIA Issues Paper Series, New York: United Nations Publications, 2000.
  • UNCTAD. UNCTAD's Reform Package for the International Investment Regime. New York ve Cenevre: United Nations Publications, 2018.
  • UNCTAD. World Investment Report 2011: Non Equity Modes of International Production and Development. World Investment Report Series, İsviçre: United Nations Publication, 2011.
  • United Nations Development Programme. Human Development Report. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994.
  • Vadi, Valentina. “Jus Cogens in International Investment Law and Arbitration” Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 46 (2015): 357-388.
  • ÇEVRİMİÇİ KAYNAKLAR Afrika Birliği. “Pan-Afrikalı Yatırım Anlaşması.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 24, 2021.
  • Birleşmiş Milletler İnsan Hakları Yüksek Komiserliği Ofisi. “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Implementing the United Nations ‘Protect, Respect and Remedy’ Framework.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 13, 2021.
  • DTÖ. “Communication from China, Cuba, India, Kenya, Pakistan and Zimbabwe, WTO Doc. WT/WGTI/W/152.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 8, 2021. ages/SS/directdoc.aspx?filename=Q:/WT/WGTI/W152.pdf&Open=True.
  • DTÖ. “Doha Bakanlar Bildirisi.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 13, 2021.
  • Hindistan Dışişleri Bakanlığı. “Hindistan’ın Model Yatırım Anlaşması.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 24, 2021.
  • ICC. “ICC Guidelines for International Investment.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 13, 2021.
  • ICSID. “History of the ICSID Convention.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 25, 2021.
  • IISD. “Güney Afrika Kalkınma Topluluğu Model Yatırım Anlaşması.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 26, 2021.
  • IISD. “IISD Model International Agreement on Investment for Sustainable Development: Negotiators’ Handbook Second Edition.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 7, 2021.
  • ILO. “Çok Uluslu İşletmeler ve Sosyal Politika İlkeleriyle İlgili Üç Taraflı Bildirge.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 8, 2021.
  • ILO. “2013 Dakka Kumaş İmalathanesi Faciası.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 6, 2021.
  • ILO Türkiye Ofisi. “Türkiye’nin Onayladığı ILO Sözleşmeleri.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 13, 2021.
  • OECD. “The Multilateral Agreement on Investment: Commentary to the Consolidated Text.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 13, 2021.
  • OECD. “Uluslararası Yatırımlar ve Çok Uluslu İşletmeler Bildirgesi.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 8, 2021.
  • UNCTAD Investment Policy Hub. “ABD-Uruguay Yatırım Anlaşması.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 23, 2021.
  • UNCTAD Investment Policy Hub. “Almanya-Pakistan Yatırım Anlaşması.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 7, 2021.
  • UNCTAD Investment Policy Hub. “Brezilya Model Yatırım Anlaşması.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 26, 2021.
  • UNCTAD Investment Policy Hub. “Brezilya-Hindistan Yatırım Anlaşması.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 26, 2021.
  • UNCTAD Investment Policy Hub. “Büyük Göller Ekonomik Topluluğu Yatırım Kodu.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 8, 2021.
  • UNCTAD Investment Policy Hub. “Doğu ve Güney Afrika Ortak Pazarı için Yatırım Anlaşması.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 8, 2021.
  • UNCTAD Investment Policy Hub. “Fas-Nijerya Yatırım Anlaşması.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 10, 2021.
  • UNCTAD Investment Policy Hub. “Investment Policy Framework for Sustainable Development.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 13, 2021.
  • UNCTAD Investment Policy Hub. “MERCOSUR Devletleri Arası Yatırımı Kolaylaştırma ve İşbirliği Protokolü.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 10, 2021.
  • UNCTAD Investment Policy Hub. “Türkiye-Çin Yatırım Anlaşması.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 11, 2021.
  • UNCTAD Investment Policy Hub. “Türkiye-Kırgızistan Yatırım Anlaşması.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 14, 2021.
  • UNCTAD Investment Policy Hub. “USMCA.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 14, 2021.
  • Wikipedia. “2013 Dakka Kumaş İmalathanesi Faciası.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 6, 2021,
  • Wikipedia. “Bhopal Faciası.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 27, 2021.
  • Wikipedia. “Lago Agrio Petrol Sahası.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 27, 2021.
  • KARARLAR Alasdair Ross Anderson et al v. Kosta Rika, ICSID Vakıa No. ARB (AF)/07/3, Hüküm, 10 Mayıs 2010.
  • Ambiente Ufficio SpA and others v. Arjantin, ICSID Vakıa No. ARB/08/9, Yetki ve Kabul Edilebilirliğe dair Hüküm, 8 Şubat 2013.
  • Bayındır İnşaat Turizm Ticaret ve Sanayi AŞ. v. Pakistan, ICSID Vakıa No. ARB/03/29, Yetkiye dair Hüküm, 14 Kasım 2005.
  • Centerra Gold Inc. ve Kumtor Gold Company v. Kırgızistan, Permanent Court of Arbitration Vakıa No. 2007-01/AA278.
  • Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide v. Filipinler, ICSID Vakıa No. ARB/03/25, Esasa dair Hüküm, 16 Ağustos 2007.
  • Gustav F W Hamester GmbH & Co KG v. Gana, ICSID Vakıa No. ARB/07/24, Hüküm, 18 Haziran 2010.
  • Inceysa Vallisoletana S.L. v. El Salvador, ICSID Vakıa No. ARB/03/26, Esasa dair Hüküm, 2 Ağustos 2006.
  • Piero Foresti, Laura de Carli et al. v. Güney Afrika Cumhuriyeti, ICSID Vakıa No. ARB(AF)/07/01.
  • Quiborax SA and Non-Metallic Minerals SA v. Bolivya, ICSID Vakıa No. ARB/06/2, Yetkiye dair Hüküm, 27 Eylül 2012.
  • Saba Fakes v. Türkiye, ICSID Vakıa No. ARB/07/20, Esasa dair Hüküm, 14 Temmuz 2010. Salini Costruttori S.P.A. and Italstrade S.P.A. v. Fas, ICSID Vakıa No. ARB/00/4, Yetkiye dair Hüküm, 23 Temmuz 2001.
  • Sergei Paushok, CJSC Golden East Company ve CJSC Vostokneftegaz Company v. Moğolistan, UNCITRAL Tahkimi, Yetki ve Sorumluluğa dair Hüküm, 28 Nisan 2011.
  • Urbaser S.A. and Consorcio de Aguas Bilbao Bizkaia, Bilbao Bizkaia Ur Partzuergoa v. Arjantin, ICSID Vakıa No. ARB/07/26, Esasa dair Hüküm, 8 Aralık 2016.
  • Veolia Propreté v. Mısır, ICSID Case No. ARB/12/15.
  • World Duty Free Ltd. v. Kenya, ICSID Vakıa No. ARB/00/7, Hüküm, 4 Ekim 2006.


Year 2021, , 425 - 469, 29.12.2021


The purpose of this article is to examine the question of how foreign investors could be held responsible for their wrongful acts in host countries. This article puts an emphasis on the legal responsibility of investors in contradistinction to their corporate social responsibility. It argues that investors should have legal responsibility, hence legal obligations in international investment law. It focuses on the investors’ obligation to respect labour rights. as foreseen in some new generation international investment agreements. It analyses these new provisions by putting it into a historical perspective and it assesses their potential impact on international investment law.


  • Amao, Olufemi. Corporate Social Responsibility, Human Rights and the Law: Multinational Corporations in Developing Countries. New York: Routledge, 2011.
  • Birleşmiş Milletler Ayrımcılığın Önlenmesi ve Azınlıkların Korunması Alt Komisyonu. The right to Adequate Food as a Human Right. E/CN.4/Sub.2/1983/35, Hususî Raportör Asbjorn Eide, 1983.
  • Bjorklund, Andrea K. “Asessing the Effectiveness of Soft Law Instruments in International Investment Law” International Investment Law and Soft Law içinde, editör Andrea K. Bjorklund ve August Reinisch. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2012: 51-81.
  • Birleşmiş Milletler İnsan Hakları Yüksek Komiserliği Ofisi. Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Implementing the United Nations ‘Protect, Respect and Remedy’ Framework. Guiding Principles, New York, Cenevre: United Nations Publication, 2011.
  • Chowdhury, Abdur ve George Mavrotas. “FDI and Growth: What Causes What?” The World Economy 9, S. 1 (2006): 9-19.
  • Diel-Gligor, Katharina ve Rudolf Hennecke. “Investment in Accordance with the Law” International Investment Law içinde, editör Jörn Griebel, Stephan Hobe, August Reinisch, Yun-I Kim Marc Bungenberg. Portland: C.H. Beck, Hart, Nomos, 2015: 566-576.
  • Douglas, Zachary. The International Law of Investment Claims. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Douglas, Zachary. “The Plea of Illegality in Investment Treaty Arbitration” ICSID Review 29, S. 1 (2014): 155-186.
  • Eren, Fikret. Borçlar Hukuku Genel Hükümler. Ankara: Yetkin Yayınları, 2019.
  • Garcia, Frank J., Lindita Ciko, Apurv Gaurav ve Kirrin Hough. “Reforming the International Investment Regime: Lessons from International Trade Law” Journal of International Economic Law 18 (2015): 861-892.
  • Giorgetta, Sueli. “The Right to a Healthy Environment” International Law and Sustainable Development: Principles and Practices içinde, editör Nico Schrijver ve Friedl Weiss. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2004: 379-404.
  • Guzman, Andrew. “Why LDCs Sign Treaties That Hurt Them: Explaining the Popularity of Bilateral Investment Treaties” Virginia Journal of International Law 38 (1998): 639-688.
  • Hansen, Henrik ve John Rand. “On the Casual Links Between FDI and Growth in Developing Countries” The World Economy 29, S. 1 (2006): 21-41.
  • Hart, H. L. A. The Concept of Law. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994.
  • Hohfeld, Wesley Newcombe. “Some Fundamental Legal Conceptions as Applied in Judicial Reasoning” The Yale Law Journal 23, S. 1 (1913): 19-59.
  • Kryvoi, Yarik. Three Dimensions of Inequality in International Investment Law. British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 2020.
  • Mbengue, Makane Moïse. “Les Obligations des Investisseurs” L'entreprise multinationale et le droit international içinde, editör Laurence Dubin, Pierre Bodeau-Livinec, Jean-Louis Iten ve Vincent Tomkiewicz. Paris: Pedone, 2017: 295-337.
  • McLachlan, Campbell, Laurence Shore ve Matthew Weiniger. International Investment Arbitration Substantive Principles. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008.
  • Milletlerarası Hukuk Komisyonu. Draft Articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts. Yearbook of International Law Commission C. II, Kısım 2, 2001, 26-143.
  • Milletlerarası Hukuk Komisyonu. Second report on State responsibility, by Roberto Ago, Special Rapporteur – The Origin of International Responsibility. Yearbook of International Law Commission C. II, 1970, 177-198.
  • Monebhurrun, Nitish. “Mapping the Duties of Private Companies in International Investment Law ” Revista de Direito Internacional 14, S. 2 (2017): 49-71.
  • Muchlinski, Peter. “Corporate Social Responsibility” International Investment Law içinde, editör Peter Muchlinski, Federico Ortino ve Christoph Schreuer. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008: 637-687.
  • Muchlinski, Peter. “Regulating Multinationals: Foreign Investment, Development, and the Balance of Corporate and Home Country Rights and Responsibilities in a Globalizing World” The Evolving International Investment Regime içinde, editör José E. Alvarez ve Karl P. Sauvant. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011: 30-59.
  • Newcombe, Andrew ve Lluís Paradell. Law and Practice of Investment Treaties: Standards of Treatment. New York: Kluwer Law International, 2009.
  • Nowrot, Karsten. “Obligations of Investors” International Investment Law içinde, editör Jörn Griebel, Stephan Hobe, August Reinisch Marc Bungenberg. Portland: C.H.Beck, Hart, Nomos, 2015: 1154-1185.
  • Oğuzman, Kemal, ve Turgut Öz. Borçlar Hukuku Genel Hükümler. Cilt 1. İstanbul: Vedat Kitapçılık, 2018.
  • Penfold, Bonnie. Labour and Employment Issues in Foreign Direct Investment: Public Support Conditionalities. Working Paper, Labour and Employment Issues in Foreign Direct Investment, International Labour Office, Geneva: ILO, 2004.
  • Prislan, Vid ve Ruben Zandvliet. Labor Provisions in International Investment Agreements: Prospects for Sustainable Development. Workin Paper 2013/003-IEL, Grotius Centre, Leiden: Universiteit Leiden, 2013.
  • Salacuse, Jeswald W. The Law of Investment Treaties. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010.
  • Salacuse, Jeswald W. ve Nicholas S. Sullivan. “Do BITs Really Work?: An Evaluation of Bilateral Investment Treaties and Their Grand Bargain” Harvard International Law Journal 46, S. 1 (2005): 67-130.
  • Sasse, Jan Peter. An Economic Analysis of Bilateral Investment Treaties. Hollanda: Gabler Verlag, 2011.
  • Sauvant, Karl P. “The Negotiations of the United Nations Code of Conduct on Transnational Corporations: Experience and Lessons Learned” The Journal of World Investment and Trade 16 (2015): 11-87.
  • Schill, Stephan W. “International Investment Law and Comparative Public Law – An Introduction” International Investment Law and Comparative Law içinde, editör Stephan W. Schill. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010: 3-37.
  • Schreuer, Christoph, Loretta Malintoppi, August Reinisch ve Anthony Sinclair. The ICSID Convention: A Commentary. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010. Sen, Amartya. Development as Freedom. New York: Alfred A. Knopf Inc., 2000.
  • Shue, Henry. “The Interdependence of Duties” The Right to Food içinde, editör Philip Alston ve Katarina Tomasevski. the Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1985: 83-96.
  • Simma, Bruno. “Foreign Investment Arbitration: A Place for Human Rights” International and Comparative Law Quarterly 60 (2011): 573-596.
  • Sornarajah, Muthucumaraswamy. The International Law on Foreign Investment. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010.
  • Tekinay, Selahattin Sulhi, Sermet Akman, Haluk Burcuoğlu ve Atilla Altop. Borçlar Hukuku Genel Hükümler. İstanbul: Filiz Kitabevi, 1993.
  • UNCTAD. Bilateral Investment Treaties in the Mid-1990s. UNCTAD/ITE/IIT/7, New York ve Cenevre: United Nations Publications, 1998.
  • UNCTAD. Employment, UNCTAD Series on Issues in International Investmen Agreements. IIA Issues Paper Series, New York: United Nations Publications, 2000.
  • UNCTAD. UNCTAD's Reform Package for the International Investment Regime. New York ve Cenevre: United Nations Publications, 2018.
  • UNCTAD. World Investment Report 2011: Non Equity Modes of International Production and Development. World Investment Report Series, İsviçre: United Nations Publication, 2011.
  • United Nations Development Programme. Human Development Report. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994.
  • Vadi, Valentina. “Jus Cogens in International Investment Law and Arbitration” Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 46 (2015): 357-388.
  • ÇEVRİMİÇİ KAYNAKLAR Afrika Birliği. “Pan-Afrikalı Yatırım Anlaşması.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 24, 2021.
  • Birleşmiş Milletler İnsan Hakları Yüksek Komiserliği Ofisi. “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Implementing the United Nations ‘Protect, Respect and Remedy’ Framework.” Erişim Tarihi: Ekim 13, 2021.
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There are 87 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Law in Context
Journal Section Research Articles

Deniz Ergene 0000-0002-5516-3259

Publication Date December 29, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021



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