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Hemodiyaliz Hastalarında Serebrovasküler Olaylar

Year 2020, Volume: 29 Issue: 1, 1 - 7, 31.03.2020


İnme dünya çapında morbidite ve
mortalitenin önde gelen nedenlerinden biridir. İskemik ve hemorajik olarak iki gruba
ayrılır ve diyabet, hipertansiyon, sigara ve obezite gibi kardiyovasküler  hastalıklar 
ile benzer risk faktörlerine sahiptir. Kronik böbrek hastalığı da sıklığı
her geçen gün artan ve geleneksel risk faktörleri dışında, üremik toksinler, anemi,
trombosit disfonksiyonu, hipervolemi, malnütriyon-inflamasyon, artmış oksidatif
stres gibi kendine has risk faktörleri olan bir hastalıktır. Diyalize giren
hasta sayısı ülkemizde her yıl   %10
oranında artmaktadır ve bu hasta grubunda inme, kronik böbrek hastalığının tüm
aşamalarında genel populasyona göre 2-10 kat fazla görülmektedir. Bu derlemede,
inmenin risk faktörleri ve alt tipleri dahil olmak üzere kronik böbrek
hastaları ve diyaliz hastalarında inmeye genel bir bakış sunulmaktadır.


  • 1.Donnan GA, Fisher M, Macleod M, Davis SM. Stroke. Lancet. 2008:10;371(9624):1612-23.
  • 2.Feigin VL, Lawes CM, Bennett DA, Barker-Collo SL, Parag V. Worldwide stroke incidence and early case fatality reported in 56 population-based studies: a systematic review. Lancet Neurol. 2009;8(4):355-69.
  • 3.O'Donnell MJ, Xavier D, Liu L, Zhang H, Chin SL, Rao-Melacini P,; INTERSTROKE investigators. Risk factors for ischaemic and intracerebral haemorrhagic stroke in 22 countries (the INTERSTROKE study): a case-control study. Lancet. 2010;376(9735):112-23.
  • 4.Wilson PW, Bozeman SR, Burton TM, Hoaglin DC, Ben-Joseph R, Pashos CL.Prediction of first events of coronary heart disease and stroke withconsideration of adiposity. Circulation. 2008;118(2):124-30.
  • 5.Power A. Stroke in dialysis and chronic kidney disease. Blood Purif.2013;36(3-4):179-83.
  • 6.National Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation Registry Report of Turkey 20177.Seliger SL, Gillen DL, Longstreth WT Jr, Kestenbaum B, Stehman-Breen CO.Elevated risk of stroke among patients with end-stage renal disease. Kidney Int. 2003;64(2):603-9.
  • 8.Wang HH, Hung SY, Sung JM, Hung KY, Wang JD. Risk of stroke in long-termdialysis patients compared with the general population. Am J Kidney Dis. 2014;63(4):604-11.
  • 9.Seliger SL, Weiner DE. Cognitive impairment in dialysis patients: focus on the blood vessels? Am J Kidney Dis. 2013;61(2):187-90.
  • 10.Cherng Y-G, Lin C-S, Shih C-C, Hsu Y-H, Yeh C-C, Hu C-J, et al. (2018) Stroke risk and outcomes in patients with chronic kidney disease or end-stage renal disease: Two nationwide studies. PLoS ONE 13(1): e0191155. M, Saver JL, Chang KH, Liao HW, Chang SC, Ovbiagele B. Low glomerular filtration rate and risk of stroke: meta-analysis. BMJ. 2010;341:c4249.doi: 10.1136/bmj.c4249.
  • 12.Weiner DE, Tabatabai S, Tighiouart H, Elsayed E, Bansal N, Griffith J, et al. Cardiovascular outcomes and all-cause mortality: exploring the interaction between CKD and cardiovascular disease. Am J KidneyDis. 2006;48(3):392-401.
  • 13.Weiner DE, Tighiouart H, Elsayed EF, Griffith JL, Salem DN, Levey AS, et al. The relationship between nontraditional risk factors and outcomes in individuals with stage 3 to 4 CKD. Am J Kidney Dis. 2008;51(2):212-23.
  • 14.Ninomiya T, Perkovic V, Verdon C, Barzi F, Cass A, Gallagher M, et al. Proteinuria and stroke: a meta-analysis of cohort studies. Am J Kidney Dis. 2009;53(3):417-25
  • 15.Lee M, Saver JL, Chang KH, Liao HW, Chang SC, Ovbiagele B. Impact ofmicroalbuminuria on incident stroke: a meta-analysis. Stroke. 2010;41(11):2625-31.
  • 16.Sozio SM, Armstrong PA, Coresh J, Jaar BG, Fink NE, Plantinga LC, et al. Cerebrovascular disease incidence, characteristics, and outcomes in patients initiating dialysis: the choices for healthy outcomes in caring for ESRD (CHOICE) study. Am J Kidney Dis. 2009;54(3):468-77.
  • 17.Toyoda K, Ninomiya T. Stroke and cerebrovascular diseases in patients with chronic kidney disease. Lancet Neurol. 2014;13(8):823-33.
  • 18.Murray AM, Seliger S, Lakshminarayan K, Herzog CA, Solid CA. Incidence of stroke before and after dialysis initiation in older patients. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2013;24(7):1166-73.
  • 19.Toyoda K, Fujii K, Fujimi S, Kumai Y, Tsuchimochi H, et al.Stroke in patients on maintenance hemodialysis: a 22-year single-center study. Am J Kidney Dis. 2005;45(6):1058-66.
  • 20.Lee JG, Lee KB, Jang IM, Roh H, Ahn MY, Woo HY, et al. Low glomerularfiltration rate increases hemorrhagic transformation in acute ischemic stroke.Cerebrovasc Dis. 2013;35(1):53-9.
  • 21.Power A, Chan K, Singh SK, Taube D, Duncan N. Appraising stroke risk inmaintenance hemodialysis patients: a large single-center cohort study. Am JKidney Dis. 2012;59(2):249-57.
  • 22.Onoyama K, Kumagai H, Miishima T, Tsuruda H, Tomooka S, Motomura K, et al Incidence of strokes and its prognosis in patients on maintenance hemodialysis. Jpn Heart J. 1986;27(5):685-91.
Year 2020, Volume: 29 Issue: 1, 1 - 7, 31.03.2020



  • 1.Donnan GA, Fisher M, Macleod M, Davis SM. Stroke. Lancet. 2008:10;371(9624):1612-23.
  • 2.Feigin VL, Lawes CM, Bennett DA, Barker-Collo SL, Parag V. Worldwide stroke incidence and early case fatality reported in 56 population-based studies: a systematic review. Lancet Neurol. 2009;8(4):355-69.
  • 3.O'Donnell MJ, Xavier D, Liu L, Zhang H, Chin SL, Rao-Melacini P,; INTERSTROKE investigators. Risk factors for ischaemic and intracerebral haemorrhagic stroke in 22 countries (the INTERSTROKE study): a case-control study. Lancet. 2010;376(9735):112-23.
  • 4.Wilson PW, Bozeman SR, Burton TM, Hoaglin DC, Ben-Joseph R, Pashos CL.Prediction of first events of coronary heart disease and stroke withconsideration of adiposity. Circulation. 2008;118(2):124-30.
  • 5.Power A. Stroke in dialysis and chronic kidney disease. Blood Purif.2013;36(3-4):179-83.
  • 6.National Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation Registry Report of Turkey 20177.Seliger SL, Gillen DL, Longstreth WT Jr, Kestenbaum B, Stehman-Breen CO.Elevated risk of stroke among patients with end-stage renal disease. Kidney Int. 2003;64(2):603-9.
  • 8.Wang HH, Hung SY, Sung JM, Hung KY, Wang JD. Risk of stroke in long-termdialysis patients compared with the general population. Am J Kidney Dis. 2014;63(4):604-11.
  • 9.Seliger SL, Weiner DE. Cognitive impairment in dialysis patients: focus on the blood vessels? Am J Kidney Dis. 2013;61(2):187-90.
  • 10.Cherng Y-G, Lin C-S, Shih C-C, Hsu Y-H, Yeh C-C, Hu C-J, et al. (2018) Stroke risk and outcomes in patients with chronic kidney disease or end-stage renal disease: Two nationwide studies. PLoS ONE 13(1): e0191155. M, Saver JL, Chang KH, Liao HW, Chang SC, Ovbiagele B. Low glomerular filtration rate and risk of stroke: meta-analysis. BMJ. 2010;341:c4249.doi: 10.1136/bmj.c4249.
  • 12.Weiner DE, Tabatabai S, Tighiouart H, Elsayed E, Bansal N, Griffith J, et al. Cardiovascular outcomes and all-cause mortality: exploring the interaction between CKD and cardiovascular disease. Am J KidneyDis. 2006;48(3):392-401.
  • 13.Weiner DE, Tighiouart H, Elsayed EF, Griffith JL, Salem DN, Levey AS, et al. The relationship between nontraditional risk factors and outcomes in individuals with stage 3 to 4 CKD. Am J Kidney Dis. 2008;51(2):212-23.
  • 14.Ninomiya T, Perkovic V, Verdon C, Barzi F, Cass A, Gallagher M, et al. Proteinuria and stroke: a meta-analysis of cohort studies. Am J Kidney Dis. 2009;53(3):417-25
  • 15.Lee M, Saver JL, Chang KH, Liao HW, Chang SC, Ovbiagele B. Impact ofmicroalbuminuria on incident stroke: a meta-analysis. Stroke. 2010;41(11):2625-31.
  • 16.Sozio SM, Armstrong PA, Coresh J, Jaar BG, Fink NE, Plantinga LC, et al. Cerebrovascular disease incidence, characteristics, and outcomes in patients initiating dialysis: the choices for healthy outcomes in caring for ESRD (CHOICE) study. Am J Kidney Dis. 2009;54(3):468-77.
  • 17.Toyoda K, Ninomiya T. Stroke and cerebrovascular diseases in patients with chronic kidney disease. Lancet Neurol. 2014;13(8):823-33.
  • 18.Murray AM, Seliger S, Lakshminarayan K, Herzog CA, Solid CA. Incidence of stroke before and after dialysis initiation in older patients. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2013;24(7):1166-73.
  • 19.Toyoda K, Fujii K, Fujimi S, Kumai Y, Tsuchimochi H, et al.Stroke in patients on maintenance hemodialysis: a 22-year single-center study. Am J Kidney Dis. 2005;45(6):1058-66.
  • 20.Lee JG, Lee KB, Jang IM, Roh H, Ahn MY, Woo HY, et al. Low glomerularfiltration rate increases hemorrhagic transformation in acute ischemic stroke.Cerebrovasc Dis. 2013;35(1):53-9.
  • 21.Power A, Chan K, Singh SK, Taube D, Duncan N. Appraising stroke risk inmaintenance hemodialysis patients: a large single-center cohort study. Am JKidney Dis. 2012;59(2):249-57.
  • 22.Onoyama K, Kumagai H, Miishima T, Tsuruda H, Tomooka S, Motomura K, et al Incidence of strokes and its prognosis in patients on maintenance hemodialysis. Jpn Heart J. 1986;27(5):685-91.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Review

Rüya Özelsancak 0000-0002-0788-8319

Publication Date March 31, 2020
Acceptance Date June 17, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 29 Issue: 1


AMA Özelsancak R. Hemodiyaliz Hastalarında Serebrovasküler Olaylar. aktd. March 2020;29(1):1-7. doi:10.17827/aktd.558269