Research Article
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The Effects of Heat-Moisture Modified Tapioca Starch On Dough Rheology and Bread Quality

Year 2025, Volume: 25 Issue: 1, 114 - 122, 07.02.2025


In this study, the effects of substituting wheat flour with 5% and 10% tapioca starch (TS) or heat-moisture modified tapioca starch (MTS) on dough rheology and bread quality were investigated. The addition of MTS increased the water absorption of wheat flour (p<0.05). While the use of TS and MTS reduced stability, it increased the degree of softening (p<0.05). The highest stability (13.50 min) and the lowest degree of softening (22.00 BU) were found in the control sample (p<0.05). While the addition of TS did not change the maximum resistance value of the flour (p>0.05), the addition of 10% MTS decreased this value (p<0.05). The addition of MTS increased the moisture content of bread samples (p<0.05). No significant difference was determined among the specific volume values of the samples (p>0.05). With the addition of TS, L* and b* values in bread crusts increased, while the a* value decreased (p<0.05). The crust color values of bread samples containing 10% MTS were found to be similar to the control sample (p>0.05). With the addition of TS, the number of pores decreased and the area increased, resulting in fewer but larger pores (p<0.05), while the pore structure of bread samples produced with the addition of 5% MTS was found to be similar to the control sample (p>0.05). The substitution of MTS for wheat flour did not have a negative effect on the textural properties of bread samples (p>0.05). Specifically, 5% MTS can be substituted into wheat flour and used in bread production.

Ethical Statement

I hereby declare that I have adhered to all ethical standards.

Supporting Institution

This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.


This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.


  • AACC, 1999. Approved methods of American Association of Cereal Chemists (11th ed.). St. Paul, MN, US.
  • AACC, 2010. Approved methods of the American Association of Cereal Chemists. St. Paul, MN, US.
  • Çetin-Babaoğlu, H., Akın N. and Özkaya, B., 2021. Determination of quality characteristics of sourdough bread produced by ısolated lactic acid bacteria and dephytinized wheat bran. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 66, e23220567. 2023220567
  • Çetin-Babaoğlu, H., Akın, N. and Özkaya, B., 2022. Effects of Dephytinized Wheat Bran on Rheological Properties of Dough and Sourdough Fermentation. Selcuk Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 36, 91-97.
  • Çetin-Babaoğlu, H., Arslan-Tontul, S., Karaduman, L. and Üzgü, Y., 2023. The usage of sourdough powder as the natural preservative and glycemic index lowering agent in salty muffins. British Food Journal, 125, 3573-3584.
  • Dariva, R.C., Bucior, D., Colet, R., Fernandes, I.A., Hassemer, G.S., Miotto, S.P.S., Cansian, R.L., Zeni, J., Backes, G.T. and Valduga, E., 2021. Techno-Functional properties of cheese breads with native and modified cassava starch produced in an ındustrial system. Starch, 73, 2000116.
  • Horstmann, S.W., Lynch, K.M. and Arendt, E.K., 2017. Starch Characteristics Linked to Gluten-Free Products. Foods, 6, 29.
  • Hsieh, C.F., Liu, W., Whaley, J.K. and Shi, Y.C., 2019. Structure, properties, and potential applications of waxy tapioca starches – A review. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 83, 225-234.
  • Javadian, N., Nafchi, A.M. and Boolandi, M., 2021. The effects of dual modification on functional, microstructural, and thermal properties of tapioca starch. Food Science and Nutrition, 9(10), 5467-5476.
  • Kaveh, Z., Azadmard-Damirchi, S., Yousefi, G. and Hosseini, S.M.H., 2020. Effect of different alcoholic-alkaline treatments on physical and mucoadhesive properties of tapioca starch. Macromolecules, 153, 1005-1015.
  • Kızıl-Aydemir, S., Çilesiz, Y., Nadeem, M.A. and Karaköy, T., 2019. Enerji Bitkisi Manyok'ın (Manihotes culenta Crantz) Önemi ve Yetiştirilmesi. Uluslararası Anadolu Ziraat Mühendisliği Bilimleri Dergisi, Özel Sayı:1, 121-125.
  • Kim, M., Yun, Y. and Jeong, Y., 2015. Effects of corn, potato, and tapioca starches on the quality of gluten-free rice bread. Food Science and Biotechnology, 24, 913-919.
  • Manchun, S., Nunthanid, J., Limmatvapirat, S. and Sriamornsak, P., 2012. Effect of ultrasonic treatment on physical properties of tapioca starch. Advanced Materials Research, 506, 294-297.
  • Marta, H., Cahyana, Y., Bintang, S., Soeherman, G.P. and Djali, M., 2022. Physicochemical and pasting properties of corn starch as affected by hydrothermal modification by various methods. International Journal of Food Properties, 25, 792-812.
  • Marta, H., Yusnia, S.A., Fetriyuna, F., Arifin, H.R., Cahyana, Y. and Sondari, D., 2024. Application of flour blends from modified cassava and suweg flours in gluten-free steamed brownies. Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences, 74, 188-196.
  • Milde, L.B., Ramallo, L.A. and Puppo, M.C., 2012. Gluten-free bread based on tapioca starch: texture and sensory studies. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 5, 888-896.
  • Miyazaki, M., Maeda, T. and Morita, N., 2008. Bread quality of frozen dough substituted with modified tapioca starches. European Food Research and Technology, 227, 503-509.
  • Mohebbi, Z., Homayouni, A., Azizi, M.H. and Hosseini, S.J., 2018. Effects of beta-glucan and resistant starch on wheat dough and prebiotic bread properties. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 55, 101-110.
  • Polaki, A., Xasapis, P., Fasseas, C., Yanniotis, S. and Mandala, I., 2010. Fiber and hydrocolloid content affect the microstructural and sensory characteristics of fresh and frozen stored bread. Journal of Food Engineering, 97, 1-7.
  • Pongjaruvat, W., Methacanon, P., Seetapan, N., Fuongfuchat, A. and Gamonpilas, C., 2014. Influence of pregelatinised tapioca starch and transglutaminase on dough rheology and quality of gluten-free jasmine rice breads. Food Hydrocolloids, 36, 143-150.
  • Prameswari, I.K., Manuhara, G.J., amanto, B.S. and Atmaka, W., 2018. Effect of water volume based on water absorption and mixing time on physical properties of tapioca starch – wheat composite bread. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1022, 012029.
  • Rodriguez-Sandoval, E., Otálvaro-Arenas, J.A. and Hernandez, V., 2017. Bread quality of flours substituted with modified cassava starches. Starch, 69, 1600253.
  • Saka, M., Özkaya, B. and Saka, İ., 2021. The effect of bread-making methods on functional and quality characteristics of oat bran blended bread. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, 26, 100439.
  • Sroan, B.S., Bean, S.R. and MacRitchie, F., 2009. Mechanism of gas cell stabilization in bread making. I. The primary gluten–starch matrix. Journal of Cereal Science, 49, 32-40.
  • Wang, D., Tang, Z., Chen, R., Zhong, X., Du, X., Li, Y.X. and Zhao, Z., 2024. Physicochemical properties of esterified/crosslinked quinoa starches and theirinfluence on bread quality. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 104, 3834-3841.
  • Yalçın, E., Masatcıoğlu, M.T. and Cındık, B., 2020. Normal, Mumlu (Waxy) ve Yüksek Amilozlu Nişastalar ve Gıdalardaki Fonksiyonel Özellikleri. Gıda, 45(6), 1261-1271.
  • Zhang, S., Zhou, W. and Chen, C., 2022. Application of Tartary buckwheat bran flour modified by heat-moisture treatment in steamed bread processing. Food Science and Technology, Campinas, 42, e71622.
  • Zhou, J., Yan, B., Wu, Y., Zhu, H., Lian, H., Zhao, J., Zhang, H., Chen, W. and Fan, D., 2021. Effects of sourdough addition on the textural and physicochemical attributes of microwaved steamed-cake. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 146, 111396.

Isı-Nem Uygulamasıyla Modifiye Edilmiş Tapyoka Nişastasının Hamur Reolojisi ve Ekmek Kalitesi Üzerine Etkileri

Year 2025, Volume: 25 Issue: 1, 114 - 122, 07.02.2025


Bu çalışmada, buğday ununun %5 ve %10 oranında tapyoka nişastası (TS) veya ısı-nem uygulamasıyla modifiye edilmiş tapyoka nişastası (MTS) ile ikamesinin hamur reolojisi ve ekmek kalitesi üzerindeki etkileri incelenmiştir. MTS ilavesi, buğday ununun su absorbsiyonunu artırmıştır (p<0.05). TS ve MTS kullanımı stabiliteyi azaltırken, yumuşama derecesini artırmıştır (p<0.05). En yüksek stabilite (13.50 dakika) ve en düşük yumuşama derecesi (22.00 BU) kontrol örneğine ait bulunmuştur (p<0.05). TS ilavesi buğday ununun maksimum direnç değerini değiştirmemiştir (p>0.05), ancak %10 MTS ilavesi bu değeri azaltmıştır (p<0.05). MTS ilavesi ekmek örneklerinin nem içeriğini artırmıştır (p<0.05). Örneklerin spesifik hacim değerleri arasında önemli bir fark belirlenmemiştir (p>0.05). TS ilavesiyle ekmek kabuklarının L* ve b* değerleri artarken, a* değeri azalmıştır (p<0.05). %10 MTS içeren ekmek örneklerinin kabuk renk değerleri kontrol örneği ile benzer bulunmuştur (p>0.05). TS ilavesi ile gözenek sayısı azalırken toplam gözenek alanı artmıştır, dolayısıyla daha az ama daha büyük gözenekler oluşmuştur (p<0.05), %5 MTS ilavesiyle üretilen ekmek örneklerinin gözenek yapısı kontrol örneğiyle benzer bulunmuştur (p>0.05). Buğday ununa MTS ikamesinin ekmek örneklerinin tekstürel özellikleri üzerine olumsuz bir etkisi olmamıştır (p>0.05). Özellikle buğday ununa %5 MTS ikame edilerek ekmek üretiminde kullanılabilir.

Ethical Statement

I hereby declare that I have adhered to all ethical standards.

Supporting Institution

This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.


This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.


  • AACC, 1999. Approved methods of American Association of Cereal Chemists (11th ed.). St. Paul, MN, US.
  • AACC, 2010. Approved methods of the American Association of Cereal Chemists. St. Paul, MN, US.
  • Çetin-Babaoğlu, H., Akın N. and Özkaya, B., 2021. Determination of quality characteristics of sourdough bread produced by ısolated lactic acid bacteria and dephytinized wheat bran. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 66, e23220567. 2023220567
  • Çetin-Babaoğlu, H., Akın, N. and Özkaya, B., 2022. Effects of Dephytinized Wheat Bran on Rheological Properties of Dough and Sourdough Fermentation. Selcuk Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 36, 91-97.
  • Çetin-Babaoğlu, H., Arslan-Tontul, S., Karaduman, L. and Üzgü, Y., 2023. The usage of sourdough powder as the natural preservative and glycemic index lowering agent in salty muffins. British Food Journal, 125, 3573-3584.
  • Dariva, R.C., Bucior, D., Colet, R., Fernandes, I.A., Hassemer, G.S., Miotto, S.P.S., Cansian, R.L., Zeni, J., Backes, G.T. and Valduga, E., 2021. Techno-Functional properties of cheese breads with native and modified cassava starch produced in an ındustrial system. Starch, 73, 2000116.
  • Horstmann, S.W., Lynch, K.M. and Arendt, E.K., 2017. Starch Characteristics Linked to Gluten-Free Products. Foods, 6, 29.
  • Hsieh, C.F., Liu, W., Whaley, J.K. and Shi, Y.C., 2019. Structure, properties, and potential applications of waxy tapioca starches – A review. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 83, 225-234.
  • Javadian, N., Nafchi, A.M. and Boolandi, M., 2021. The effects of dual modification on functional, microstructural, and thermal properties of tapioca starch. Food Science and Nutrition, 9(10), 5467-5476.
  • Kaveh, Z., Azadmard-Damirchi, S., Yousefi, G. and Hosseini, S.M.H., 2020. Effect of different alcoholic-alkaline treatments on physical and mucoadhesive properties of tapioca starch. Macromolecules, 153, 1005-1015.
  • Kızıl-Aydemir, S., Çilesiz, Y., Nadeem, M.A. and Karaköy, T., 2019. Enerji Bitkisi Manyok'ın (Manihotes culenta Crantz) Önemi ve Yetiştirilmesi. Uluslararası Anadolu Ziraat Mühendisliği Bilimleri Dergisi, Özel Sayı:1, 121-125.
  • Kim, M., Yun, Y. and Jeong, Y., 2015. Effects of corn, potato, and tapioca starches on the quality of gluten-free rice bread. Food Science and Biotechnology, 24, 913-919.
  • Manchun, S., Nunthanid, J., Limmatvapirat, S. and Sriamornsak, P., 2012. Effect of ultrasonic treatment on physical properties of tapioca starch. Advanced Materials Research, 506, 294-297.
  • Marta, H., Cahyana, Y., Bintang, S., Soeherman, G.P. and Djali, M., 2022. Physicochemical and pasting properties of corn starch as affected by hydrothermal modification by various methods. International Journal of Food Properties, 25, 792-812.
  • Marta, H., Yusnia, S.A., Fetriyuna, F., Arifin, H.R., Cahyana, Y. and Sondari, D., 2024. Application of flour blends from modified cassava and suweg flours in gluten-free steamed brownies. Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences, 74, 188-196.
  • Milde, L.B., Ramallo, L.A. and Puppo, M.C., 2012. Gluten-free bread based on tapioca starch: texture and sensory studies. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 5, 888-896.
  • Miyazaki, M., Maeda, T. and Morita, N., 2008. Bread quality of frozen dough substituted with modified tapioca starches. European Food Research and Technology, 227, 503-509.
  • Mohebbi, Z., Homayouni, A., Azizi, M.H. and Hosseini, S.J., 2018. Effects of beta-glucan and resistant starch on wheat dough and prebiotic bread properties. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 55, 101-110.
  • Polaki, A., Xasapis, P., Fasseas, C., Yanniotis, S. and Mandala, I., 2010. Fiber and hydrocolloid content affect the microstructural and sensory characteristics of fresh and frozen stored bread. Journal of Food Engineering, 97, 1-7.
  • Pongjaruvat, W., Methacanon, P., Seetapan, N., Fuongfuchat, A. and Gamonpilas, C., 2014. Influence of pregelatinised tapioca starch and transglutaminase on dough rheology and quality of gluten-free jasmine rice breads. Food Hydrocolloids, 36, 143-150.
  • Prameswari, I.K., Manuhara, G.J., amanto, B.S. and Atmaka, W., 2018. Effect of water volume based on water absorption and mixing time on physical properties of tapioca starch – wheat composite bread. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1022, 012029.
  • Rodriguez-Sandoval, E., Otálvaro-Arenas, J.A. and Hernandez, V., 2017. Bread quality of flours substituted with modified cassava starches. Starch, 69, 1600253.
  • Saka, M., Özkaya, B. and Saka, İ., 2021. The effect of bread-making methods on functional and quality characteristics of oat bran blended bread. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, 26, 100439.
  • Sroan, B.S., Bean, S.R. and MacRitchie, F., 2009. Mechanism of gas cell stabilization in bread making. I. The primary gluten–starch matrix. Journal of Cereal Science, 49, 32-40.
  • Wang, D., Tang, Z., Chen, R., Zhong, X., Du, X., Li, Y.X. and Zhao, Z., 2024. Physicochemical properties of esterified/crosslinked quinoa starches and theirinfluence on bread quality. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 104, 3834-3841.
  • Yalçın, E., Masatcıoğlu, M.T. and Cındık, B., 2020. Normal, Mumlu (Waxy) ve Yüksek Amilozlu Nişastalar ve Gıdalardaki Fonksiyonel Özellikleri. Gıda, 45(6), 1261-1271.
  • Zhang, S., Zhou, W. and Chen, C., 2022. Application of Tartary buckwheat bran flour modified by heat-moisture treatment in steamed bread processing. Food Science and Technology, Campinas, 42, e71622.
  • Zhou, J., Yan, B., Wu, Y., Zhu, H., Lian, H., Zhao, J., Zhang, H., Chen, W. and Fan, D., 2021. Effects of sourdough addition on the textural and physicochemical attributes of microwaved steamed-cake. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 146, 111396.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Food Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Hümeyra Çetin Babaoğlu 0000-0001-9115-6470

Early Pub Date January 28, 2025
Publication Date February 7, 2025
Submission Date July 9, 2024
Acceptance Date September 20, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 25 Issue: 1


APA Çetin Babaoğlu, H. (2025). The Effects of Heat-Moisture Modified Tapioca Starch On Dough Rheology and Bread Quality. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 25(1), 114-122.
AMA Çetin Babaoğlu H. The Effects of Heat-Moisture Modified Tapioca Starch On Dough Rheology and Bread Quality. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. February 2025;25(1):114-122. doi:10.35414/akufemubid.1512781
Chicago Çetin Babaoğlu, Hümeyra. “The Effects of Heat-Moisture Modified Tapioca Starch On Dough Rheology and Bread Quality”. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 25, no. 1 (February 2025): 114-22.
EndNote Çetin Babaoğlu H (February 1, 2025) The Effects of Heat-Moisture Modified Tapioca Starch On Dough Rheology and Bread Quality. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 25 1 114–122.
IEEE H. Çetin Babaoğlu, “The Effects of Heat-Moisture Modified Tapioca Starch On Dough Rheology and Bread Quality”, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 114–122, 2025, doi: 10.35414/akufemubid.1512781.
ISNAD Çetin Babaoğlu, Hümeyra. “The Effects of Heat-Moisture Modified Tapioca Starch On Dough Rheology and Bread Quality”. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 25/1 (February 2025), 114-122.
JAMA Çetin Babaoğlu H. The Effects of Heat-Moisture Modified Tapioca Starch On Dough Rheology and Bread Quality. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. 2025;25:114–122.
MLA Çetin Babaoğlu, Hümeyra. “The Effects of Heat-Moisture Modified Tapioca Starch On Dough Rheology and Bread Quality”. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 25, no. 1, 2025, pp. 114-22, doi:10.35414/akufemubid.1512781.
Vancouver Çetin Babaoğlu H. The Effects of Heat-Moisture Modified Tapioca Starch On Dough Rheology and Bread Quality. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. 2025;25(1):114-22.