The aim of this study is to determine the effect of power sources used by hotel managers on organizational identification. In the study, first of all, information is provided as a result of domestic and foreign literature review related to the topics of power sources, organizational identification. Opinions of the employees working in the hotel businesses were obtained by using questionnaire technique. The target population of the study consists of the five star hotels operating in Afyonkarahisar and Antalya cities. In this direction, 809 of hotel employees were assessed and in the analysis of the data obtained, reliability analysis, percentage, frequency and arithmetic mean values, correlation analysis and regression analysis methods were used. According to the findings obtained in the direction of the opinions of employees in hotel businesses, it was found that organizational identification feelings of the employees were moderate, while managers used the maximum legal power source. Analysis of the findings obtained at the end of the study showed that It is also among the result of study that the power sources used by the managers significantly influenced the organizational identification levels of employees.