Research Article
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Year 2024, Volume: 25 Issue: 3, 1 - 22, 29.09.2024


Günümüzde sürdürülebilirlik kavramı, küresel ısınma, kuraklık ve düzensiz sanayileşme gibi artan çevresel zorluklar karşısında giderek daha önemli hale gelmektedir. Bu duruma paralel olarak lojistik sektöründe, çevre dostu uygulamaların hayata geçirilmesi yaygınlaşmaktadır. Bu sürdürülebilir yaklaşım ve uygulamalar, işletmelerin çevreye duyarlı bir imaj geliştirerek müşteri sadakatini artırmalarını ve operasyonel maliyetleri azaltarak rekabet avantajı elde etmelerini sağlamaktadır. Bu araştırma, VOSviewer görsel haritalama yöntemini kullanarak 2007-2023 yılları arasında sürdürülebilir lojistik üzerine mevcut literatürü analiz etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu kapsamda, ilgili alandaki son yayınlar incelenerek arama terimleri belirlenmiş ve Web of Science veri tabanında "yeşil lojistik", "sürdürülebilir lojistik", "çevresel lojistik" ve "ekolojik lojistik" kavramları ile bir tarama gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yapılan tarama sonucunda konu ile ilgili yapılmış toplam 1232 yayına ulaşılmıştır. Analiz bulguları en fazla yayının (153 yayın) 2022 yılında yapıldığını göstermektedir. En sık kullanılan anahtar kelimenin 437 kere kullanılan "yeşil lojistik" olduğu, en fazla yayın ve atıf alan yazarın Syed Abdul Rehman Khan (15 yayın, 1579 atıf) olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ülkelere bazında ise Çin'in 384 yayınla ilk sırada yer aldığı görülmektedir. Çalışma kapsamında yapılan taramada alanla ilgili tek bir kavramla sınırlandırma yapılmamış, bir dizi sürdürülebilirlik kavramını kapsayan kapsamlı bir inceleme gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu incelemenin gelecekteki araştırmalar için kapsamlı bir bakış açısı sağlaması beklenmektedir. Diğer taraftan bu alandaki çalışmaların özellikle son yıllarda önemli ölçüde arttığı göz önünde bulundurulduğunda, bu çalışmanın güncel veriler sağlayarak alana katkıda bulunacağı umulmaktadır.


  • Abbasi, M., & Nilsson, F. (2016). Developing environmentally sustainable logistics: Exploring themes and challenges from a logistics service providers’ perspective. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 46, 273-283.
  • Abrizah, A., Zainab, A. N., Kiran, K., & Raj, R. G. (2013). LIS journals scientific impact and subject categorization: A comparison between Web of Science and Scopus, Scientometrics, 94(2), 721-740.
  • Aksentsyeva, D., & Shunevich, V. (2021). Eco-packaging as the basis for the development of ecological logistics. Belarus State Economy University Library. Retrieved from:
  • Alam, S. (2023). Factors ınfluencing sustainable logistics: Sustainability in Logistics. South Asian Journal of Operations and Logistics, 2(1), 48-62.
  • Ali, A. H., Gruchmann, T., & Melkonyan, A. (2022). Assessing the impact of sustainable logistics service quality on relationship quality: Survey-based evidence in Egypt. Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain, 4, 100036.
  • Ali, A. H., Melkonyan, A., Noche, B., & Gruchmann, T. (2021). Developing a sustainable logistics service quality scale for logistics service providers in Egypt. Logistics, 5(2), 21.
  • Baah, C., Amponsah, K. T., Issau, K., Ofori, D., Acquah, I. S. K., & Agyeman, D. O. (2021). Examining the interconnections between sustainable logistics practices, environmental reputation and financial performance: a mediation approach. Vision, 25(1), 47-64.
  • Bansal, P., & Roth, K. (2000). Why companies go green: A model of ecological responsiveness, Academy of Management Journal, 43(4), 717-736.
  • Bask, A., & Rajahonka, M. (2017). The role of environmental sustainability in the freight transport mode choice: A systematic literature review with focus on the EU, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 47, 560-602.
  • Björklund, M., & Forslund, H. (2018). Exploring the sustainable logistics innovation process. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 118(1), 204-217.
  • Cano, J. A., Londoño-Pineda, A., & Rodas, C. (2022). Sustainable logistics for e-commerce: A literature review and bibliometric analysis. Sustainability, 14(19), 12247.
  • Chang, Q., & Qin, R. (2008). Analysis on development path of Tianjin green logistics, International Journal of Business and Management, 3(9), 96-98.
  • Chen, Z., Dong, J., & Ren, R. (2017). Urban underground logistics system in China: opportunities or challenges?, Underground Space, 2(3), 195-208.
  • D’Amico, G., Szopik-Depczyńska, K., Dembińska, I., & Ioppolo, G. (2021). Smart and sustainable logistics of Port cities: A framework for comprehending enabling factors, domains and goals. Sustainable Cities and Society, 69, 102801.
  • Deckert, C. (2018). Sustainable logistics: a framework for green logistics and city logistics. H. Lu, R. Schmidpeter, N. Capaldi & L. Zu (Ed.), in Building new bridges between business and society (pp. 53-70). Springer, Cham.
  • Deckert, C. (2020). Sustainable logistics. S. Idowu, R. Schmidpeter, N. Capaldi, L. Zu, M. Del Baldo & R. Abreu (Ed.). In Encyclopedia of sustainable management (pp. 1-5). Retrieved from
  • Du, W., Zhou, X., Wang, C., & Rong, D. (2019). Research on ecological logistics evaluation model based on BCPSGA-BP neural network. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 78(21), 30271-30295.
  • Duran, C. A., Cordova, F. M., & Palominos, F. (2019). A conceptual model for a cybersocial-technological-cognitive smart medium-size port. Procedia Computer Science, 162, 94–101.
  • Elkington, J. (2004). Enter the triple bottom line. A. Henriques & J. Richardson (Ed.). In The triple bottom line does it all add up (pp. 1-16). London: Earthscan. Retrieved from
  • Ferraro, S., Cantini, A., Leoni, L., & De Carlo, F. (2023). Sustainable logistics 4.0: A study on selecting the best technology for internal material handling. Sustainability, 15(9), 7067.
  • Gills, B. K. (2010). The return of crisis in the era of globalization: One crisis, or many?. Globalizations, 7(1-2), 3–8.
  • Görçün, Ö. F., Aytekin, A., Korucuk, S., & Tirkolaee, E. B. (2023). Evaluating and selecting sustainable logistics service providers for medical waste disposal treatment in the healthcare industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 408, 137194.
  • Gülmez, M., Oğuz, S., & Yalçıntaş, D. (2020). Sosyal inovasyon alanındaki yayınların görsel haritalama yöntemiyle bibliyometrik analizi. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Vizyoner Dergisi, 11, 90-101 .
  • Islam, M. S., Moeinzadeh, S., Tseng, M. L., & Tan, K. (2021). A literature review on environmental concerns in logistics: trends and future challenges. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 24(2), 126-151.
  • Jayarathna, C. P., Agdas, D., & Dawes, L. (2023). Exploring sustainable logistics practices toward a circular economy: A value creation perspective. Business Strategy and the environment, 32(1), 704-720.
  • Kim, S. T., & Han, C. H. (2012). The role of organisational learning in the adoption of environmental logistics practices: Empirical evidence from Korea. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 15(3), 147-161.
  • Lee, D. H., Dong, M., & Bian, W. (2010). The design of sustainable logistics network under uncertainty. International Journal of Production Economics, 128(1), 159-166.
  • Macharis, C., Melo, S., Woxenius, J., & Van Lier, T. (Eds.). (2014). Sustainable logistics. Emerald Group Publishing.
  • Mckinnon, A., Browne, M., & Whiteing, A. (2012). Green Logistics: Improving the Environmental Sustainability of Logistics. London: Kogan Page Publishers.
  • Murphy, P. R., & Poist, R. F. (2000). Green logistics strategies: an analysis of usage patterns, Transportation journal. 40(2), 5-16.
  • Neto, J. Q. F., Bloemhof-Ruwaard, J. M., van Nunen, J. A., & van Heck, E. (2008). Designing and evaluating sustainable logistics networks. International journal of production economics, 111(2), 195-208.
  • Parhi, S., Joshi, K., Gunasekaran, A., & Sethuraman, K. (2022). Reflecting on an empirical study of the digitalization initiatives for sustainability on logistics: The concept of sustainable logistics 4.0. Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain, 4, 100058.
  • Qaiser, F. H., Ahmed, K., Sykora, M., Choudhary, A., & Simpson, M. (2017). Decision support systems for sustainable logistics: a review and bibliometric analysis. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 117(7), 1376-1388.
  • Raut, R., & Gardas, B. B. (2018). Sustainable logistics barriers of fruits and vegetables: An interpretive structural modeling approach. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 25(8), 2589-2610.
  • Ren, R., Hu, W., Dong, J., Sun, B., Chen, Y., & Chen, Z. (2020). A systematic literature review of green and sustainable logistics: Bibliometric analysis, research trend and knowledge taxonomy. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(1), 261.
  • Saunders, M. N., Gray, D. E., Tosey, P. & Sadler-Smith, E. (2015). Concepts and theory building. A Guide to Professional Doctorates in Business and Management, 35-56.
  • Seuring, S., Müller, M., Westhaus, M., & Morana, R. (2005). Conducting a literature review—the example of sustainability in supply chains. H. Kotzab, S. Seuring, M. Müller & G. Reeiner (Ed.), In research methodologies in supply chain management (pp. 91-106). Physica-Verlag.
  • Soysal, M., & Bloemhof-Ruwaard, J. M. (2017). Toward sustainable logistics. D. Çınar, K. Gakis & P. M. Pardalos (Ed.), In Sustainable logistics and transportation: Optimization models and algorithms, (pp. 1-17). Springer.
  • Sun, X., Yu, H., Solvang, W. D., Wang, Y., & Wang, K. (2022). The application of Industry 4.0 technologies in sustainable logistics: a systematic literature review (2012–2020) to explore future research opportunities. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-32.
  • Sutton, S. G., Smedley, G., & Arnold, V. (2008). Accounting for collaborative supply chain relationships: Issues and strategies. The International Journal of Digital Accounting Research, 8(14), pp. 1-22.
  • Teixeira, C. R. B., Assumpção, A. L., Correa, A. L., Savi, A. F., & Prates, G. A. (2018). The contribution of green logistics and sustainable purchasing for green supply chain management. Independent Journal of Management & Production, 9(3), 1002-1026.
  • Tsai, F. M., Bui, T. D., Tseng, M. L., Lim, M. K., & Hu, J. (2020). Municipal solid waste management in a circular economy: A data-driven bibliometric analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 275, 124-132.
  • Tseng, M. L., Islam, M. S., Karia, N., Fauzi, F. A., & Afrin, S. (2019). A literature review on green supply chain management: Trends and future challenges. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 141, 145-162.
  • United Nations (1987). “Our Common Future”, World Commission on Environment and United Nations (2011). Transport and Communications Bulletin for Asia and the Pacific, No. 80 Sustainable Urban Freight Transport; Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific; United Nations Building: Bangkok, Thailand. Retrieved from:
  • Van Eck, N., & Waltman, L. (2010). Software survey: VOSviewer, a computer program for bibliometric mapping. Scientometrics, 84(2), 523-538.
  • Wang, J., Lim, M. K., Wang, C., & Tseng, M. L. (2022). Comprehensive analysis of sustainable logistics and supply chain based on bibliometrics: Overview, trends, challenges, and opportunities. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 1-30.
  • Werner-Lewandowska, K., & Golinska-Dawson, P. (2021). Sustainable logistics management maturity—the theoretical assessment framework and empirical results from Poland. Sustainability, 13(9), 5102.
  • Wichaisri, S., & Sopadang, A. (2013, December). Sustainable logistics system: A framework and case study. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management [Proceeding] (pp. 1017-1021). IEEE.
  • Zhang, S., Lee, C. K., Chan, H. K., Choy, K. L., & Wu, Z. (2015). Swarm intelligence applied in green logistics: A literature review. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 37, 154-169.
  • Zhao, P., Liu, J., & He, L. (2009). Study on the development of modern green logistics in China. International Conference on Innovation Management Wuhan China, IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA, December 8-9, pp. 43-46.


Year 2024, Volume: 25 Issue: 3, 1 - 22, 29.09.2024


In contemporary society, the notion of "sustainability" is progressively assuming significance due to the mounting issues of global warming, drought, uncontrolled industrialization, and insufficient government regulations pertaining to these matters. This research aims to examine the literature on sustainability in logistics from 2007 to 2021, utilizing the VOSviewer visual mapping method. In this direction, a review of recent publications in the relevant field was conducted to determine the terms for searching, leading to the inclusion of concepts such as "green logistics," "sustainable logistics," "environmental logistics," and "ecological logistics" in the search query within the Web of Science database. The search yielded a total of 881 publications. The analysis revealed that the highest number of publications (133 publications) was observed in 2019 and the most frequently employed keyword was "green logistics". Furthermore, the author with the most publications and highest number of citations was found to be "Syed Abdul Rehman Khan" with 814 citations. Concerning the countries' contributions, China emerged as the leading nation with 271 publications. China also claimed the highest number of citations among the countries examined.


  • Abbasi, M., & Nilsson, F. (2016). Developing environmentally sustainable logistics: Exploring themes and challenges from a logistics service providers’ perspective. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 46, 273-283.
  • Abrizah, A., Zainab, A. N., Kiran, K., & Raj, R. G. (2013). LIS journals scientific impact and subject categorization: A comparison between Web of Science and Scopus, Scientometrics, 94(2), 721-740.
  • Aksentsyeva, D., & Shunevich, V. (2021). Eco-packaging as the basis for the development of ecological logistics. Belarus State Economy University Library. Retrieved from:
  • Alam, S. (2023). Factors ınfluencing sustainable logistics: Sustainability in Logistics. South Asian Journal of Operations and Logistics, 2(1), 48-62.
  • Ali, A. H., Gruchmann, T., & Melkonyan, A. (2022). Assessing the impact of sustainable logistics service quality on relationship quality: Survey-based evidence in Egypt. Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain, 4, 100036.
  • Ali, A. H., Melkonyan, A., Noche, B., & Gruchmann, T. (2021). Developing a sustainable logistics service quality scale for logistics service providers in Egypt. Logistics, 5(2), 21.
  • Baah, C., Amponsah, K. T., Issau, K., Ofori, D., Acquah, I. S. K., & Agyeman, D. O. (2021). Examining the interconnections between sustainable logistics practices, environmental reputation and financial performance: a mediation approach. Vision, 25(1), 47-64.
  • Bansal, P., & Roth, K. (2000). Why companies go green: A model of ecological responsiveness, Academy of Management Journal, 43(4), 717-736.
  • Bask, A., & Rajahonka, M. (2017). The role of environmental sustainability in the freight transport mode choice: A systematic literature review with focus on the EU, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 47, 560-602.
  • Björklund, M., & Forslund, H. (2018). Exploring the sustainable logistics innovation process. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 118(1), 204-217.
  • Cano, J. A., Londoño-Pineda, A., & Rodas, C. (2022). Sustainable logistics for e-commerce: A literature review and bibliometric analysis. Sustainability, 14(19), 12247.
  • Chang, Q., & Qin, R. (2008). Analysis on development path of Tianjin green logistics, International Journal of Business and Management, 3(9), 96-98.
  • Chen, Z., Dong, J., & Ren, R. (2017). Urban underground logistics system in China: opportunities or challenges?, Underground Space, 2(3), 195-208.
  • D’Amico, G., Szopik-Depczyńska, K., Dembińska, I., & Ioppolo, G. (2021). Smart and sustainable logistics of Port cities: A framework for comprehending enabling factors, domains and goals. Sustainable Cities and Society, 69, 102801.
  • Deckert, C. (2018). Sustainable logistics: a framework for green logistics and city logistics. H. Lu, R. Schmidpeter, N. Capaldi & L. Zu (Ed.), in Building new bridges between business and society (pp. 53-70). Springer, Cham.
  • Deckert, C. (2020). Sustainable logistics. S. Idowu, R. Schmidpeter, N. Capaldi, L. Zu, M. Del Baldo & R. Abreu (Ed.). In Encyclopedia of sustainable management (pp. 1-5). Retrieved from
  • Du, W., Zhou, X., Wang, C., & Rong, D. (2019). Research on ecological logistics evaluation model based on BCPSGA-BP neural network. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 78(21), 30271-30295.
  • Duran, C. A., Cordova, F. M., & Palominos, F. (2019). A conceptual model for a cybersocial-technological-cognitive smart medium-size port. Procedia Computer Science, 162, 94–101.
  • Elkington, J. (2004). Enter the triple bottom line. A. Henriques & J. Richardson (Ed.). In The triple bottom line does it all add up (pp. 1-16). London: Earthscan. Retrieved from
  • Ferraro, S., Cantini, A., Leoni, L., & De Carlo, F. (2023). Sustainable logistics 4.0: A study on selecting the best technology for internal material handling. Sustainability, 15(9), 7067.
  • Gills, B. K. (2010). The return of crisis in the era of globalization: One crisis, or many?. Globalizations, 7(1-2), 3–8.
  • Görçün, Ö. F., Aytekin, A., Korucuk, S., & Tirkolaee, E. B. (2023). Evaluating and selecting sustainable logistics service providers for medical waste disposal treatment in the healthcare industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 408, 137194.
  • Gülmez, M., Oğuz, S., & Yalçıntaş, D. (2020). Sosyal inovasyon alanındaki yayınların görsel haritalama yöntemiyle bibliyometrik analizi. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Vizyoner Dergisi, 11, 90-101 .
  • Islam, M. S., Moeinzadeh, S., Tseng, M. L., & Tan, K. (2021). A literature review on environmental concerns in logistics: trends and future challenges. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 24(2), 126-151.
  • Jayarathna, C. P., Agdas, D., & Dawes, L. (2023). Exploring sustainable logistics practices toward a circular economy: A value creation perspective. Business Strategy and the environment, 32(1), 704-720.
  • Kim, S. T., & Han, C. H. (2012). The role of organisational learning in the adoption of environmental logistics practices: Empirical evidence from Korea. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 15(3), 147-161.
  • Lee, D. H., Dong, M., & Bian, W. (2010). The design of sustainable logistics network under uncertainty. International Journal of Production Economics, 128(1), 159-166.
  • Macharis, C., Melo, S., Woxenius, J., & Van Lier, T. (Eds.). (2014). Sustainable logistics. Emerald Group Publishing.
  • Mckinnon, A., Browne, M., & Whiteing, A. (2012). Green Logistics: Improving the Environmental Sustainability of Logistics. London: Kogan Page Publishers.
  • Murphy, P. R., & Poist, R. F. (2000). Green logistics strategies: an analysis of usage patterns, Transportation journal. 40(2), 5-16.
  • Neto, J. Q. F., Bloemhof-Ruwaard, J. M., van Nunen, J. A., & van Heck, E. (2008). Designing and evaluating sustainable logistics networks. International journal of production economics, 111(2), 195-208.
  • Parhi, S., Joshi, K., Gunasekaran, A., & Sethuraman, K. (2022). Reflecting on an empirical study of the digitalization initiatives for sustainability on logistics: The concept of sustainable logistics 4.0. Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain, 4, 100058.
  • Qaiser, F. H., Ahmed, K., Sykora, M., Choudhary, A., & Simpson, M. (2017). Decision support systems for sustainable logistics: a review and bibliometric analysis. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 117(7), 1376-1388.
  • Raut, R., & Gardas, B. B. (2018). Sustainable logistics barriers of fruits and vegetables: An interpretive structural modeling approach. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 25(8), 2589-2610.
  • Ren, R., Hu, W., Dong, J., Sun, B., Chen, Y., & Chen, Z. (2020). A systematic literature review of green and sustainable logistics: Bibliometric analysis, research trend and knowledge taxonomy. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(1), 261.
  • Saunders, M. N., Gray, D. E., Tosey, P. & Sadler-Smith, E. (2015). Concepts and theory building. A Guide to Professional Doctorates in Business and Management, 35-56.
  • Seuring, S., Müller, M., Westhaus, M., & Morana, R. (2005). Conducting a literature review—the example of sustainability in supply chains. H. Kotzab, S. Seuring, M. Müller & G. Reeiner (Ed.), In research methodologies in supply chain management (pp. 91-106). Physica-Verlag.
  • Soysal, M., & Bloemhof-Ruwaard, J. M. (2017). Toward sustainable logistics. D. Çınar, K. Gakis & P. M. Pardalos (Ed.), In Sustainable logistics and transportation: Optimization models and algorithms, (pp. 1-17). Springer.
  • Sun, X., Yu, H., Solvang, W. D., Wang, Y., & Wang, K. (2022). The application of Industry 4.0 technologies in sustainable logistics: a systematic literature review (2012–2020) to explore future research opportunities. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-32.
  • Sutton, S. G., Smedley, G., & Arnold, V. (2008). Accounting for collaborative supply chain relationships: Issues and strategies. The International Journal of Digital Accounting Research, 8(14), pp. 1-22.
  • Teixeira, C. R. B., Assumpção, A. L., Correa, A. L., Savi, A. F., & Prates, G. A. (2018). The contribution of green logistics and sustainable purchasing for green supply chain management. Independent Journal of Management & Production, 9(3), 1002-1026.
  • Tsai, F. M., Bui, T. D., Tseng, M. L., Lim, M. K., & Hu, J. (2020). Municipal solid waste management in a circular economy: A data-driven bibliometric analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 275, 124-132.
  • Tseng, M. L., Islam, M. S., Karia, N., Fauzi, F. A., & Afrin, S. (2019). A literature review on green supply chain management: Trends and future challenges. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 141, 145-162.
  • United Nations (1987). “Our Common Future”, World Commission on Environment and United Nations (2011). Transport and Communications Bulletin for Asia and the Pacific, No. 80 Sustainable Urban Freight Transport; Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific; United Nations Building: Bangkok, Thailand. Retrieved from:
  • Van Eck, N., & Waltman, L. (2010). Software survey: VOSviewer, a computer program for bibliometric mapping. Scientometrics, 84(2), 523-538.
  • Wang, J., Lim, M. K., Wang, C., & Tseng, M. L. (2022). Comprehensive analysis of sustainable logistics and supply chain based on bibliometrics: Overview, trends, challenges, and opportunities. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 1-30.
  • Werner-Lewandowska, K., & Golinska-Dawson, P. (2021). Sustainable logistics management maturity—the theoretical assessment framework and empirical results from Poland. Sustainability, 13(9), 5102.
  • Wichaisri, S., & Sopadang, A. (2013, December). Sustainable logistics system: A framework and case study. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management [Proceeding] (pp. 1017-1021). IEEE.
  • Zhang, S., Lee, C. K., Chan, H. K., Choy, K. L., & Wu, Z. (2015). Swarm intelligence applied in green logistics: A literature review. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 37, 154-169.
  • Zhao, P., Liu, J., & He, L. (2009). Study on the development of modern green logistics in China. International Conference on Innovation Management Wuhan China, IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA, December 8-9, pp. 43-46.
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Sustainability Accounting and Reporting
Journal Section Research Article

Suzan Oğuz 0000-0003-4876-3173

Deniz Yalçıntaş 0000-0001-6436-7221

Publication Date September 29, 2024
Submission Date October 23, 2023
Acceptance Date June 13, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 25 Issue: 3


APA Oğuz, S., & Yalçıntaş, D. (2024). ANALYSIS OF STUDIES IN THE FIELD OF SUSTAINABLE LOGISTICS WITH VISUAL MAPPING. Anadolu Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 25(3), 1-22.

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