Research Article
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Contributions to the Bryophyte Flora of Taurus Mountains

Year 2022, , 96 - 105, 30.11.2022


In this study, as a result of the identification of bryophyte specimens collected from different localities and habitats of Antalya, Karaman, Konya and Mersin provinces, 118 taxa (6 liverworts, 112 mosses) belonging to 24 families and 53 genera were determined. Among them, 5 taxa are new records for C12 according to the Turkey bryophytes grid-square system of Henderson. Furthermore, 6 species are new for Antalya Province, 19 species are new for Konya Province and 8 species are new for Mersin Province. While Pottiaceae (33 taxa), Brachytheciaceae (17 taxa), Bryaceae (11 taxa) and Grimmiaceae (11 taxa) are the largest families in terms of number of taxa, Syntrichia (10 taxa), Ptychostomum (7 taxa), Fissidens (7 taxa) and Didymodon (7 taxa) are the most species-rich genera


  • Abay G. Erata H. Batan N. Özdemir T. 2021. Two new records for the bryophyte flora of Turkey and Southwest Asia. Plant Biosystems. 156:4, 875-881.
  • Akman Y. 2011. İklim ve biyoiklim (Biyoiklim metodları ve Türkiye iklimleri). Palme Yayıncılık. Ankara.
  • Batan N. Özdemir T. 2011. Mersin (C12), Trabzon ve Gümüşhane (A4)’ den bazı karayosunu (Musci) kayıtları. SDÜ Orman Fakültesi Dergisi. 12:2, 104-109.
  • Batan N. Özdemir T. 2016. The Bryophyte Flora of Burdur province (Turkey). Arctoa. 25: 160-170.
  • Davis P.H. Hedge I.C. 1975. The flora of Turkey: Past, present an future. Candollea. 30: 331- 351.
  • Eken G. Bozdoğan M. İsfendiyaroğlu S. Kılıç D.T. Lise Y. 2006. Türkiye’nin önemli doğa alanları. Doğa Koruma Derneği. Ankara.
  • Erata H. 2022. Three remarkable Bryophyte species new to Turkey and South–west Asia. Biologia.
  • Erdağ A. Kürschner H. 2017. Türkiye bitkileri listesi (karayosunları). Ali Nihat Gökyiğit Vakfı yayını. İstanbul.
  • Everest A. Ellis, L. 1999. A Contribution to the Bryophyte Flora of Southern Turkey. Crytogamie, Bryologie, 20:1, 43-48.
  • Everest A. Ellis L. 2003. A contribution to the bryophyte flora of The Taurus Mountain, southern Turkey, Cryptogamie, Bryologie. 24:1, 33-42.
  • Greven H.C. 2003. Grimmias of the world. Backhuys Publishers. Leiden, The Netherlands.
  • Henderson D.M. 1961. Contributions to the bryophyte flora of Turkey V: Summary of present knowledge. Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. 23: 279-301.
  • Hill M.O. Preston C.D. Bosanquet S.D.S. Roy D.B. 2007. Bryoatt, attributes of British and Irish mosses, liverworts and hornworts with information on native status, size, lifeform, life history, geography and habitat. NERC Copyright. Norwich, United Kingdom.
  • Hodgetts N. G. Söderström L. Blockeel T. L. Caspari S. Ignatov M. S. Konstantinova N. A. Lockhart N. Papp B. Schröck C. Sim-Sim M. ve ark. 2020. An annotated checklist of bryophytes of Europe, Macaronesia and Cyprus. Journal of Bryology. 42:1, 1-116.
  • Ignatova E. Moñoz J. 2004. The Genus Grimmia Hedw. (Grimmiaceae, Musci) in Russia. Arctoa. 13: 101-182.
  • Keskin A. Ezer T. Alataş M. Erkul S. 2021. New national and regional bryophyte records, 67, 20. Schistidium poeltii H.H. Blom. Journal of Bryology. 43:3, 301-311.
  • Kırmacı M. Özçelik H. 2010. Köprülü Kanyon Milli Parkı (Antalya) Karayosunu Florasına Katkılar. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi. A:2, 59-73.
  • Kırmacı M. Erdağ A. 2014. Acaulon fontiquerianum (Pottiaceae), a new species to the bryophyte flora of Turkey and Sw Asia. Polish Botanical Journal. 59:2, 229-233.
  • Kırmacı M. Aslan G. Çatak U. 2021. New national and regional bryophyte records, 65, 40. Orthotrichum cupulatum var. fuscum (Venturi) Boulay. Journal of Bryology. 43:1, 67-91.
  • Kırmacı M. Aslan G. Özenoğlu H. 2022. New national and regional bryophyte records, 69, 13. Grimmia torquata Drumm. Journal of Bryology. 44:1, 87-102.
  • Kürschner H. Tonguç Ö. Yayıntaş A. 1998. Life Strategies in Epiphytic Bryophyte Communities of the Southwest Anatolian Liquidambar orientalis forest. Nova Hedwigia. 66: 435-450.
  • Kürschner H. Frey W. 2020. Liverworts, mosses and hornworts of Southwest Asia (Marchantiophyta, Bryophyta, Anthocerotophyta) second enlarged and revised edition. J. Cramer. Stutgard, Germany.
  • Kürschner H. Erdağ A. 2021. Bryophyte locality data from the Near and Middle East 1775-2019 (Afghanistan, Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sinai Peninsula, Syria, Turkey, United Arab Emirates and Yemen (incl. Socotra)) Vol. 1-6. Hiperlink Yayınları. İstanbul.
  • Moñoz J. Pando F. 2000. A world synopsis of the genus Grimmia (Musci, Grimmiaceae). Missuori Botanical Garden Press. St. Louis, Missuori, USA.
  • Özçelik A.D. Uyar G. Ören M. 2016. Bryophyte flora of Gevne and Dim çayı valleys (Antalya:Konya/Turkey). Biological Diversity and Conservation. 9: 25-34.
  • Özenoğlu Kiremit H. Sukatar A. Gökler İ. 2007. Studies on the hornworts and liverworts flora of Antalya. Turkish Journal of Botany. 31: 529-537.
  • Özenoğlu-Kiremit H. Keçeli T. 2009. An annotated check-list of the Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of Turkey. Cryptogamie, Bryologie. 30:3, 343-356.
  • Paton J. 1999. The Liverworts flora of the British Isles. E J Brill. Leiden, The Netherlands.
  • Ros R.M. Mazimpaka V. Abou-Salama U. Aleffi M. Blockeel T.L. Brugués M. Cros R.M. Dia M.G. Dirkse G. Draper I. et al. 2013. Mosses of the Mediterranean, anannotated checklist. Cryptogamie Bryologie. 34: 99-283. Smith A.J.E. 2004. The moss flora of Britain and Ireland, Second Edition. Cambridge Univ. Press. Cambridge, England.
  • Unan A.D. Potemkin A. Ursavaş S. Çalışkan S. Ören M. 2020. New records of two Scapania species (Scapaniaceae, Marchantiophyta) from north of Turkey. Plant Biosystems. 155:4, 679-684.
  • URL1. Harita Genel Müdürlüğü. 2022. Website: [Erişim: 20 Eylül 2022].
  • Ursavaş, S. Çetin, B. 2013. Contribution to the Moss Flora of Kizildağ (Isparta) National Park in Turkey. in M. Silva-Opps (ed.), Current Progress in Biological Research, IntechOpen, London.
  • Ursavaş S. Keçeli T. 2020. Kovada Gölü Milli Parkı (Isparta) briyofit florası. Anatolian Bryology. 6:1, 41-54.
  • Ursavaş S. Keçeli T. Uyar G. Ören M. 2021. Dicranella staphylina (Dicranaceae), a new moss record from Turkey and South West Asia. Plant Biosystems. 155:3, 483-486.
  • Uyar G. Ören M. Ezer T. Gözcü M.C. 2018. The genus Pseudephemerum and Schistidium confusum newly reported from Turkey and Southwestern Asia. Cryptogamie, Bryologie. 39:1, 55-60.
  • Uygur A. Ezer T. Karaman Erkul S. Alataş M. 2020. New national and regional bryophyte records, 63, 12. Fissidens celticus Paton. Journal of Bryology. 42:3, 284.
  • Uygur A. Ezer T. Karaman Erkul S. Alataş M. 2021. New national and regional bryophyte records, 66, 20. Ptychostomum marratii (Hook & Wilson) J.R.Spence. Journal of Bryology. 43:2, 199.
  • Uygur A. Ezer T. Karaman Erkul S. Alataş M. 2022a. The Bryophyte Flora of Ermenek Valley (Karaman, Mersin-Turkey). Anatolian Bryology. 8:1, 37-49.
  • Uygur A. Ezer T. Karaman Erkul S. Alataş M. 2022b. The Bryophyte flora of Taşeli Plateau (Antalya- Karaman-Mersin/Turkey). Acta Biologica Turcica. 35:4, D8:1-14.
  • Zander R.H. 1993. Genera of The Pottiaceae: mosses of harsh environments (Vol. 32). Buffalo, Bulletin of the Buffalo Society. New York, USA.

Toros Dağları Briyofit Florasına Katkılar

Year 2022, , 96 - 105, 30.11.2022


Bu çalışmada Antalya, Karaman, Konya ve Mersin illerinin farklı lokalite ve habitatlarından toplanan briyofit örneklerinin teşhis çalışmaları sonucunda, 24 familya ve 53 cinse ait 118 takson (6 ciğerotu, 112 yapraklı karayosunu) tespit edilmiştir. Bu taksonlardan 5’i C12 karesi için yeni kayıtır. Ayrıca teşhis edilen taksonlardan 6’sı Antalya ili, 19’u Konya ili ve 8’i Mersin ili için yenidir. Takson sayısı bakımından en yoğun familyalar; Pottiaceae (33 takson), Brachytheciaceae (17 takson), Bryaceae (11 taxa) ve Grimmiaceae (11 takson) olurken, cinsler Syntrichia (10 takson), Ptychostomum (8 takson), Fissidens (7 takson) ve Didymodon (7 takson)’dur.


  • Abay G. Erata H. Batan N. Özdemir T. 2021. Two new records for the bryophyte flora of Turkey and Southwest Asia. Plant Biosystems. 156:4, 875-881.
  • Akman Y. 2011. İklim ve biyoiklim (Biyoiklim metodları ve Türkiye iklimleri). Palme Yayıncılık. Ankara.
  • Batan N. Özdemir T. 2011. Mersin (C12), Trabzon ve Gümüşhane (A4)’ den bazı karayosunu (Musci) kayıtları. SDÜ Orman Fakültesi Dergisi. 12:2, 104-109.
  • Batan N. Özdemir T. 2016. The Bryophyte Flora of Burdur province (Turkey). Arctoa. 25: 160-170.
  • Davis P.H. Hedge I.C. 1975. The flora of Turkey: Past, present an future. Candollea. 30: 331- 351.
  • Eken G. Bozdoğan M. İsfendiyaroğlu S. Kılıç D.T. Lise Y. 2006. Türkiye’nin önemli doğa alanları. Doğa Koruma Derneği. Ankara.
  • Erata H. 2022. Three remarkable Bryophyte species new to Turkey and South–west Asia. Biologia.
  • Erdağ A. Kürschner H. 2017. Türkiye bitkileri listesi (karayosunları). Ali Nihat Gökyiğit Vakfı yayını. İstanbul.
  • Everest A. Ellis, L. 1999. A Contribution to the Bryophyte Flora of Southern Turkey. Crytogamie, Bryologie, 20:1, 43-48.
  • Everest A. Ellis L. 2003. A contribution to the bryophyte flora of The Taurus Mountain, southern Turkey, Cryptogamie, Bryologie. 24:1, 33-42.
  • Greven H.C. 2003. Grimmias of the world. Backhuys Publishers. Leiden, The Netherlands.
  • Henderson D.M. 1961. Contributions to the bryophyte flora of Turkey V: Summary of present knowledge. Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. 23: 279-301.
  • Hill M.O. Preston C.D. Bosanquet S.D.S. Roy D.B. 2007. Bryoatt, attributes of British and Irish mosses, liverworts and hornworts with information on native status, size, lifeform, life history, geography and habitat. NERC Copyright. Norwich, United Kingdom.
  • Hodgetts N. G. Söderström L. Blockeel T. L. Caspari S. Ignatov M. S. Konstantinova N. A. Lockhart N. Papp B. Schröck C. Sim-Sim M. ve ark. 2020. An annotated checklist of bryophytes of Europe, Macaronesia and Cyprus. Journal of Bryology. 42:1, 1-116.
  • Ignatova E. Moñoz J. 2004. The Genus Grimmia Hedw. (Grimmiaceae, Musci) in Russia. Arctoa. 13: 101-182.
  • Keskin A. Ezer T. Alataş M. Erkul S. 2021. New national and regional bryophyte records, 67, 20. Schistidium poeltii H.H. Blom. Journal of Bryology. 43:3, 301-311.
  • Kırmacı M. Özçelik H. 2010. Köprülü Kanyon Milli Parkı (Antalya) Karayosunu Florasına Katkılar. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi. A:2, 59-73.
  • Kırmacı M. Erdağ A. 2014. Acaulon fontiquerianum (Pottiaceae), a new species to the bryophyte flora of Turkey and Sw Asia. Polish Botanical Journal. 59:2, 229-233.
  • Kırmacı M. Aslan G. Çatak U. 2021. New national and regional bryophyte records, 65, 40. Orthotrichum cupulatum var. fuscum (Venturi) Boulay. Journal of Bryology. 43:1, 67-91.
  • Kırmacı M. Aslan G. Özenoğlu H. 2022. New national and regional bryophyte records, 69, 13. Grimmia torquata Drumm. Journal of Bryology. 44:1, 87-102.
  • Kürschner H. Tonguç Ö. Yayıntaş A. 1998. Life Strategies in Epiphytic Bryophyte Communities of the Southwest Anatolian Liquidambar orientalis forest. Nova Hedwigia. 66: 435-450.
  • Kürschner H. Frey W. 2020. Liverworts, mosses and hornworts of Southwest Asia (Marchantiophyta, Bryophyta, Anthocerotophyta) second enlarged and revised edition. J. Cramer. Stutgard, Germany.
  • Kürschner H. Erdağ A. 2021. Bryophyte locality data from the Near and Middle East 1775-2019 (Afghanistan, Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sinai Peninsula, Syria, Turkey, United Arab Emirates and Yemen (incl. Socotra)) Vol. 1-6. Hiperlink Yayınları. İstanbul.
  • Moñoz J. Pando F. 2000. A world synopsis of the genus Grimmia (Musci, Grimmiaceae). Missuori Botanical Garden Press. St. Louis, Missuori, USA.
  • Özçelik A.D. Uyar G. Ören M. 2016. Bryophyte flora of Gevne and Dim çayı valleys (Antalya:Konya/Turkey). Biological Diversity and Conservation. 9: 25-34.
  • Özenoğlu Kiremit H. Sukatar A. Gökler İ. 2007. Studies on the hornworts and liverworts flora of Antalya. Turkish Journal of Botany. 31: 529-537.
  • Özenoğlu-Kiremit H. Keçeli T. 2009. An annotated check-list of the Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of Turkey. Cryptogamie, Bryologie. 30:3, 343-356.
  • Paton J. 1999. The Liverworts flora of the British Isles. E J Brill. Leiden, The Netherlands.
  • Ros R.M. Mazimpaka V. Abou-Salama U. Aleffi M. Blockeel T.L. Brugués M. Cros R.M. Dia M.G. Dirkse G. Draper I. et al. 2013. Mosses of the Mediterranean, anannotated checklist. Cryptogamie Bryologie. 34: 99-283. Smith A.J.E. 2004. The moss flora of Britain and Ireland, Second Edition. Cambridge Univ. Press. Cambridge, England.
  • Unan A.D. Potemkin A. Ursavaş S. Çalışkan S. Ören M. 2020. New records of two Scapania species (Scapaniaceae, Marchantiophyta) from north of Turkey. Plant Biosystems. 155:4, 679-684.
  • URL1. Harita Genel Müdürlüğü. 2022. Website: [Erişim: 20 Eylül 2022].
  • Ursavaş, S. Çetin, B. 2013. Contribution to the Moss Flora of Kizildağ (Isparta) National Park in Turkey. in M. Silva-Opps (ed.), Current Progress in Biological Research, IntechOpen, London.
  • Ursavaş S. Keçeli T. 2020. Kovada Gölü Milli Parkı (Isparta) briyofit florası. Anatolian Bryology. 6:1, 41-54.
  • Ursavaş S. Keçeli T. Uyar G. Ören M. 2021. Dicranella staphylina (Dicranaceae), a new moss record from Turkey and South West Asia. Plant Biosystems. 155:3, 483-486.
  • Uyar G. Ören M. Ezer T. Gözcü M.C. 2018. The genus Pseudephemerum and Schistidium confusum newly reported from Turkey and Southwestern Asia. Cryptogamie, Bryologie. 39:1, 55-60.
  • Uygur A. Ezer T. Karaman Erkul S. Alataş M. 2020. New national and regional bryophyte records, 63, 12. Fissidens celticus Paton. Journal of Bryology. 42:3, 284.
  • Uygur A. Ezer T. Karaman Erkul S. Alataş M. 2021. New national and regional bryophyte records, 66, 20. Ptychostomum marratii (Hook & Wilson) J.R.Spence. Journal of Bryology. 43:2, 199.
  • Uygur A. Ezer T. Karaman Erkul S. Alataş M. 2022a. The Bryophyte Flora of Ermenek Valley (Karaman, Mersin-Turkey). Anatolian Bryology. 8:1, 37-49.
  • Uygur A. Ezer T. Karaman Erkul S. Alataş M. 2022b. The Bryophyte flora of Taşeli Plateau (Antalya- Karaman-Mersin/Turkey). Acta Biologica Turcica. 35:4, D8:1-14.
  • Zander R.H. 1993. Genera of The Pottiaceae: mosses of harsh environments (Vol. 32). Buffalo, Bulletin of the Buffalo Society. New York, USA.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Ahmet Uygur 0000-0002-3934-8851

Tülay Ezer 0000-0002-6485-5505

Mevlüt Alataş 0000-0003-0862-0258

Publication Date November 30, 2022
Submission Date August 10, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Uygur, A., Ezer, T., & Alataş, M. (2022). Toros Dağları Briyofit Florasına Katkılar. Anatolian Bryology, 8(2), 96-105.

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