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Kocaçay Deltası Longoz Ormanlarının (Karacabey-Bursa) Karayosunu Florası

Year 2019, , 22 - 34, 10.03.2019


Bu çalışmada, 2017 yılları arasında
Kocaçay Deltası (Bursa-Karacabey) longoz ormanlarının karayosunu florası
araştırılmıştır. Kocaçay Deltasından toplanan 383 karayosunu örneğinin
incelenmesi sonucu; 25 familyaya ve 60 cinse ait 112 takson belirlenmiştir. Taksonlar
açısından en zengin altı familya şu şekildedir; Pottiaceae (26), Brachytheciaceae
(15), Bryaceae (10), Hypnaceae (8), Orthotrichaceae (6) ve Polytrichaceae
(5)’dir. Takson sayısı bakımından en zengin beş cins;  Tortula
(7), Hypnum (6), Orthotrichum (6), Weissia
(5) ve Ptychostomum (5). 13 karayosunu
taksonu A1 karesi için yeni kayıttır.


  • Aleffi M. Tacchi R. Cortini Pedrotti C. 2008. Check-list of Hornworts, Liverworts and Mosses of Italy. Bocconea. 22: 5-254.
  • Corbière L. 1905. Musciǹèes des environs de Constantine. Comptes rendus de lássociation Française pour lávancement des sciences. pp. 487.
  • Crum H. 1973. Mosses of the Great Lakes forest.Üniversity of Michigan. Michigan, Amerika. pp. 404.
  • Crum H.A. Anderson L.E. 1981. Mosses of Eastern North America. Vol. 1-2., New York: Columbia University Press.
  • Çetin B. 1999. The Moss Flora of the Uludağ National Park (Bursa/Turkey), Ankara Üniversitesi Biyoloji Anabilim Dalı. Ankara. pp. 193.
  • Çetin B. Uyar G. 1997. The Moss Flora of Sinop and Its Environs (Ayancık, Boyabat and Gerze). Turkish Journal of Botany. 21: 231-244.
  • Eken G. Bozdoğan M. İsfendiyaroğlu S. Kılıç D.T. Lise Y. 2006. Türkiye’nin Önemli Doğa Alanları. Doğa Derneği. Ankara.
  • Greven H.C. 2003. Grimmias of The World. Leiden: Backhuys Publishers. The Netherlands. pp. 250.
  • Henderson D.M. 1961. Contributions to the Bryophyte Flora of Turkey: IV. Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, 23: 263-278.
  • Heyn C.C. Herrnstadt I. 2004. The Bryophyte Flora of Israel and Adjacent Regions. The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Jerusalem. pp. 719.
  • Hodgetts N.G. 2015. Checklist and contry status of European bryophytes towards a new Red List for Europe. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. 84. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.
  • Işın Z. Ursavaş S. 2018. The Moss Flora of İğneada Floodplain Forests National Park (Demirköy, Kırklareli) Turkey. Anatolian Bryology. 4:2, 92-106.
  • Keçeli T. Çetin B. 2006. A Contribution to the Liverwort Flora of Western Black Sea Region, Northern Turkey, and a new record (Cephaloziella dentata, Cephaloziellaceae) to Southwest Asia. Cryptogamie Bryologie. 27:4, 459-470.
  • Kavgaci A. Özalp G. Özhayat N. 2007. Flora of Igneada Fioodplain Forests (Longozes) and Their Surroundings. JFFIU. 57: 60-89.
  • Keçeli T. Ören M. Uyar G. 2012. Türkiye Ciğerotları (Marchantiophyta) Florası için İki Yeni Kayıt: Cephalozia lunulifolia (Cephaloziaceae) ve Lophocolea fragrans (Lophocoleaceae), 21. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, Bildiriler Kitabı. PB 161, ss. 576-577. 3-7 Eylül 2012, İzmir, Özetler Kitabı. pp. 576-577.
  • Lara F. Garilleti R. Goffinet B. Draper I. Medina R. Vigalondo B. Mazimpaka V. 2016. Lewinskya, a New Genus to Accommodate the Phaneroporous and Monoicous Taxa of Orthotrichum (Bryophyta, Orthotrichaceae). Cryptogamie, Bryologie. 37:4, 361-382.
  • Lawton E. 1971. Moss Flora of Pasific Northwest. Journal of Hattori Botanical Garden Laboratory, Nichinan. pp. 760. Lockhart N.D. Hodgetts N.G. Holyoak D.T. 2012. Rare and threatened bryophytes of Ireland. National Museums Northern Ireland, Holywood, Co Down.
  • Lüth M. 2006. Bildatlas der Moose Deutschlands, Faszikel 1. Grimmiaceae. Freiburg. Deutschland.
  • Lüth M. 2006. Bildatlas der Moose Deutschlands, Faszikel 2. Dicranaceae - Miniaceae - Politrichaceae. Freiburg. Deutschland.
  • Lüth M. 2006. Bildatlas der Moose Deutschlands, Faszikel 3. Pottiaceae. Freiburg. Deutschland.
  • Lüth M. 2007. Bildatlas der Moose Deutschlands, Faszikel 4. Bryaceae - Disceliaceae - Ephemeraceae - Funariaceae - Splachnaceae. Freiburg. Deutschland.
  • Lüth M. 2008. Bildatlas der Moose Deutschlands, Faszikel 5. Timmiaceae. Freiburg. Deutschland.
  • Lüth M. 2009. Bildatlas der Moose Deutschlands, Faszikel 6. Amblystegiaceae - Thuidiaceae. Freiburg. Deutschland.
  • Lüth M. 2010. Bildatlas der Moose Deutschlands, Faszikel 7. Brachytheciaceae - Entodontaceae - Hypnaceae - Plagiotheciaceae - Sematophyllaceae. Freiburg. Deutschland. Ören M. Uyar G. Keçeli T. 2010. Anomodon longifolius (Anomodontaceae, Bryopsida) New To The Bryophyte Flora of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany. 34: 141-145.
  • Ören M. Uyar G. Keçeli T. 2012. The bryophyte flora of the western part of the Küre Mountains (Bartın, Kastamonu), Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany. 36: 538-557.
  • Pedrotti C.C. 2001. Flora dei muschi d’Italia, Sphagnopsida, Andreaopsida, Bryopsida (I parte). Antonio Delfino Editore Medicina-Scienze. pp. 817.
  • Pedrotti C.C. 2006. Flora dei muschi d’Italia, Bryopsida (II parte). Roma: Antonia Delfino Editore. Antonio Delfino Editore Medicina-Scienze. pp. 817-1235.
  • Plášek V. Sawicki J. Ochyra R. Szczeciñska M. Kulik T. 2015. New taxonomical arrangement of the traditionally conceived genera Orthotrichum and Ulota (Orthotrichaceae, Bryophyta). Acta Musei Silesiae, Scientiae Naturales. 64: 169-174.
  • Porley R. 2013. England’s rare mosses and liverworts. Princeton (NJ), Woodstock (UK): Princeton University Press.
  • Ros R.M. Mazimpaka V. Abou-Salama U. Aleffi M. Blockeel T.L. Brugués M. Cros R.M. Dia M.G. Dirkse G.M. Draper I. et al., 2013. Mosses of the Mediterranean, an annotated checklist. Cryptogamie Bryolgie. 34: 99-283.
  • Saçın Y. 2010. Kocaçay Deltası ve Uluabat Gölünün Uzaktan Algılama Metodları Kullanılarak İncelenmesi. s. 92. Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
  • Schuck A. Parviainen J. Bücking W. 1994. A review of approaches to forestry research on structure, succession and biodiversity of a disturbed and semi-natural forests and woodland in Europe. European Forest Institute Working Paper 3, Joensuu, pp. 64.
  • Smith A.J.E. 1980. The Moss Flora of Britain and Ireland.Cambridge University Press. pp. 706.
  • Smith A.J.E. 2004. The Moss Flora of Britain an Ireland.Cambridge University Press. pp. 1012.
  • URL1. Bursa-Karacabey Ovakorusu Celal Acar Yaban Hayvanları Kurtarma ve Rehabilitasyon Merkezi. 2019. [Accessed: 23 January 2019].
  • URL2. Karacabey Longoz Ormanları. 2019. [Accessed: 22 January 2019].
  • Ursavaş S. Keçeli T. 2018. Weissia multicapsularis, a rare moss species new to Turkey and Asia. Plant Biosystems. 1-4. Doi: 10.1080/11263504.2018.1536086.
  • Uyar G. Çetin B. 2006. Contribution to the moss flora of Turkey: Western Black Sea Region (Bolu, Katamonu, Karabük, Bartın and Zonguldak). International Journal of Botany. 2:3, 229-241.
  • Watson E. V. 1981. British Mosses and Liverworts. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Wenger E. Zinke A. Gutzweiler K.A. 1990. Present Situation of the European Floodplain Forests. For Ecology and Management. 33:34, 5-12.

The Moss Flora of Kocaçay Delta (Karacabey-Bursa) Floodplain Forests in Turkey

Year 2019, , 22 - 34, 10.03.2019


this study, the moss flora of Kocaçay Delta (Bursa-Karacabey) floodplain forest
in Turkey were investigated in 2017. Three hundred eighty three moss samples, were
collected and identified from Kocaçay-Delta. A total of 112 taxa belonging to
25 families and 60 genera were determined. In terms of taxa number, the riches
six families are; Pottiaceae (26), Brachytheciaceae (15), Bryaceae (10),
Hypnaceae (8), Orthotrichaceae (6), Polytrichaceae (5). In terms of genera
number, the riches five genera are;
Hypnum (6), Orthotrichum (6), Weissia
Ptychostomum (5). 13 moss taxa
are new record for (A1) square.


  • Aleffi M. Tacchi R. Cortini Pedrotti C. 2008. Check-list of Hornworts, Liverworts and Mosses of Italy. Bocconea. 22: 5-254.
  • Corbière L. 1905. Musciǹèes des environs de Constantine. Comptes rendus de lássociation Française pour lávancement des sciences. pp. 487.
  • Crum H. 1973. Mosses of the Great Lakes forest.Üniversity of Michigan. Michigan, Amerika. pp. 404.
  • Crum H.A. Anderson L.E. 1981. Mosses of Eastern North America. Vol. 1-2., New York: Columbia University Press.
  • Çetin B. 1999. The Moss Flora of the Uludağ National Park (Bursa/Turkey), Ankara Üniversitesi Biyoloji Anabilim Dalı. Ankara. pp. 193.
  • Çetin B. Uyar G. 1997. The Moss Flora of Sinop and Its Environs (Ayancık, Boyabat and Gerze). Turkish Journal of Botany. 21: 231-244.
  • Eken G. Bozdoğan M. İsfendiyaroğlu S. Kılıç D.T. Lise Y. 2006. Türkiye’nin Önemli Doğa Alanları. Doğa Derneği. Ankara.
  • Greven H.C. 2003. Grimmias of The World. Leiden: Backhuys Publishers. The Netherlands. pp. 250.
  • Henderson D.M. 1961. Contributions to the Bryophyte Flora of Turkey: IV. Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, 23: 263-278.
  • Heyn C.C. Herrnstadt I. 2004. The Bryophyte Flora of Israel and Adjacent Regions. The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Jerusalem. pp. 719.
  • Hodgetts N.G. 2015. Checklist and contry status of European bryophytes towards a new Red List for Europe. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. 84. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.
  • Işın Z. Ursavaş S. 2018. The Moss Flora of İğneada Floodplain Forests National Park (Demirköy, Kırklareli) Turkey. Anatolian Bryology. 4:2, 92-106.
  • Keçeli T. Çetin B. 2006. A Contribution to the Liverwort Flora of Western Black Sea Region, Northern Turkey, and a new record (Cephaloziella dentata, Cephaloziellaceae) to Southwest Asia. Cryptogamie Bryologie. 27:4, 459-470.
  • Kavgaci A. Özalp G. Özhayat N. 2007. Flora of Igneada Fioodplain Forests (Longozes) and Their Surroundings. JFFIU. 57: 60-89.
  • Keçeli T. Ören M. Uyar G. 2012. Türkiye Ciğerotları (Marchantiophyta) Florası için İki Yeni Kayıt: Cephalozia lunulifolia (Cephaloziaceae) ve Lophocolea fragrans (Lophocoleaceae), 21. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, Bildiriler Kitabı. PB 161, ss. 576-577. 3-7 Eylül 2012, İzmir, Özetler Kitabı. pp. 576-577.
  • Lara F. Garilleti R. Goffinet B. Draper I. Medina R. Vigalondo B. Mazimpaka V. 2016. Lewinskya, a New Genus to Accommodate the Phaneroporous and Monoicous Taxa of Orthotrichum (Bryophyta, Orthotrichaceae). Cryptogamie, Bryologie. 37:4, 361-382.
  • Lawton E. 1971. Moss Flora of Pasific Northwest. Journal of Hattori Botanical Garden Laboratory, Nichinan. pp. 760. Lockhart N.D. Hodgetts N.G. Holyoak D.T. 2012. Rare and threatened bryophytes of Ireland. National Museums Northern Ireland, Holywood, Co Down.
  • Lüth M. 2006. Bildatlas der Moose Deutschlands, Faszikel 1. Grimmiaceae. Freiburg. Deutschland.
  • Lüth M. 2006. Bildatlas der Moose Deutschlands, Faszikel 2. Dicranaceae - Miniaceae - Politrichaceae. Freiburg. Deutschland.
  • Lüth M. 2006. Bildatlas der Moose Deutschlands, Faszikel 3. Pottiaceae. Freiburg. Deutschland.
  • Lüth M. 2007. Bildatlas der Moose Deutschlands, Faszikel 4. Bryaceae - Disceliaceae - Ephemeraceae - Funariaceae - Splachnaceae. Freiburg. Deutschland.
  • Lüth M. 2008. Bildatlas der Moose Deutschlands, Faszikel 5. Timmiaceae. Freiburg. Deutschland.
  • Lüth M. 2009. Bildatlas der Moose Deutschlands, Faszikel 6. Amblystegiaceae - Thuidiaceae. Freiburg. Deutschland.
  • Lüth M. 2010. Bildatlas der Moose Deutschlands, Faszikel 7. Brachytheciaceae - Entodontaceae - Hypnaceae - Plagiotheciaceae - Sematophyllaceae. Freiburg. Deutschland. Ören M. Uyar G. Keçeli T. 2010. Anomodon longifolius (Anomodontaceae, Bryopsida) New To The Bryophyte Flora of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany. 34: 141-145.
  • Ören M. Uyar G. Keçeli T. 2012. The bryophyte flora of the western part of the Küre Mountains (Bartın, Kastamonu), Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany. 36: 538-557.
  • Pedrotti C.C. 2001. Flora dei muschi d’Italia, Sphagnopsida, Andreaopsida, Bryopsida (I parte). Antonio Delfino Editore Medicina-Scienze. pp. 817.
  • Pedrotti C.C. 2006. Flora dei muschi d’Italia, Bryopsida (II parte). Roma: Antonia Delfino Editore. Antonio Delfino Editore Medicina-Scienze. pp. 817-1235.
  • Plášek V. Sawicki J. Ochyra R. Szczeciñska M. Kulik T. 2015. New taxonomical arrangement of the traditionally conceived genera Orthotrichum and Ulota (Orthotrichaceae, Bryophyta). Acta Musei Silesiae, Scientiae Naturales. 64: 169-174.
  • Porley R. 2013. England’s rare mosses and liverworts. Princeton (NJ), Woodstock (UK): Princeton University Press.
  • Ros R.M. Mazimpaka V. Abou-Salama U. Aleffi M. Blockeel T.L. Brugués M. Cros R.M. Dia M.G. Dirkse G.M. Draper I. et al., 2013. Mosses of the Mediterranean, an annotated checklist. Cryptogamie Bryolgie. 34: 99-283.
  • Saçın Y. 2010. Kocaçay Deltası ve Uluabat Gölünün Uzaktan Algılama Metodları Kullanılarak İncelenmesi. s. 92. Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
  • Schuck A. Parviainen J. Bücking W. 1994. A review of approaches to forestry research on structure, succession and biodiversity of a disturbed and semi-natural forests and woodland in Europe. European Forest Institute Working Paper 3, Joensuu, pp. 64.
  • Smith A.J.E. 1980. The Moss Flora of Britain and Ireland.Cambridge University Press. pp. 706.
  • Smith A.J.E. 2004. The Moss Flora of Britain an Ireland.Cambridge University Press. pp. 1012.
  • URL1. Bursa-Karacabey Ovakorusu Celal Acar Yaban Hayvanları Kurtarma ve Rehabilitasyon Merkezi. 2019. [Accessed: 23 January 2019].
  • URL2. Karacabey Longoz Ormanları. 2019. [Accessed: 22 January 2019].
  • Ursavaş S. Keçeli T. 2018. Weissia multicapsularis, a rare moss species new to Turkey and Asia. Plant Biosystems. 1-4. Doi: 10.1080/11263504.2018.1536086.
  • Uyar G. Çetin B. 2006. Contribution to the moss flora of Turkey: Western Black Sea Region (Bolu, Katamonu, Karabük, Bartın and Zonguldak). International Journal of Botany. 2:3, 229-241.
  • Watson E. V. 1981. British Mosses and Liverworts. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Wenger E. Zinke A. Gutzweiler K.A. 1990. Present Situation of the European Floodplain Forests. For Ecology and Management. 33:34, 5-12.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

Serhat Ursavaş 0000-0001-5480-5590

Tamer Keçeli 0000-0001-7958-072X

Publication Date March 10, 2019
Submission Date January 24, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Ursavaş, S., & Keçeli, T. (2019). The Moss Flora of Kocaçay Delta (Karacabey-Bursa) Floodplain Forests in Turkey. Anatolian Bryology, 5(1), 22-34.

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