Research Article
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Contributions to The Bryophyte Flora of Hayrat District (Trabzon - Turkey)

Year 2019, , 107 - 113, 30.11.2019


As a result of bryological
excursion carried out
in Hayrat district of Trabzon province, a total of 99 bryophyte
taxa, including 18 liverworts and 81 mosses, were
determined from
the samples collected from 6 different localities. All of these taxa were
reported for the first time from Hayrat district.
capillaceum (F.Weber
& D.Mohr) Giacom.
recorded as new record for Trabzon province and the second record for A4


  • Abay G. Batan N. Özdemir T. 2016. Bryophyte checklist of Rize, north-east Turkey. Arctoa. 25: 386–392.
  • Akman Y. 1999. Climate and bioclimate. The methods of bioclimate and climate types of Turkey. Kariyer Matbaacılık. Ankara.
  • Atay S. Güleryüz G. Orhun C. Seçmen Ö. Vural C. 2009. Türkiye’nin 120 alpin bitkisi. Dönence Basım ve Yayın Hizmetleri, İstanbul.
  • Batan N. Özdemir T. 2011. Mersin (C12), Trabzon ve Gümüşhane (A4)’ den bazı karayosunu (musci) kayıtları. SDÜ Orman Fakültesi Dergisi. 12:2, 104–109.
  • Batan N. Özdemir T. 2013. Bryoflora of Dernekpazarı District of Trabzon Province. Biological Diversity and Conservation. 6: 45–49.
  • Batan N. Alataş M. Özdemir T. 2013. Leptoscyphus cuneifolius (Lophocoleaceae, Marchantiophyta) new to Southwest Asia. Cryptogamie, Bryologie. 34: 373–377.
  • Blom H.H. 1996. A Revision of the Schistidium apocarpum Complex in Norway and Sweden, ISBN: 3-443-62021-3. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca.
  • Brugués M. Cros R.M. Guerra J. 2007. Flora Briofitica Ġbérica Volume I, Uniersidad de Murcia, ISBN: 978-84-611-8462-0. Sociedad Espanola de Briyologia Murcia. Murcia. Frey W. Frahm J.P. Fischer E. Lobin W. 2006. The liverworts, mosses and ferns of Europe. Essex. Harley Books.
  • Gökler İ. 1998. Liverworts (Marchantiopsida) of the Altındere Valley National Park. Turkish Journal of Botany. 22: 409–412.
  • Guerra J. Cano M.J. Cros R.M. 2006. Flora Briofitica Ibérica VoIume 3, Uniersidad de Murcia, ISBN: 84-609-9097-4. Sociedad Espanola de Briyologia Murcia. Murcia.
  • Henderson D.M. 1961. Contribution to the Bryophyte Flora of Turkey: IV. Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. 23: 263-278. Kırmacı M. Kürschner H. Erdağ A. 2012. New and noteworthy records to the bryophyte flora of Turkey and Southwest Asia. Cryptogamie, Bryologie. 33: 267–270.
  • Kırmacı M. Kürschner H. 2013. The genus Sphagnum L. in Turkey – with S. contortum, S. fallax, S. magellanicum and S. rubellum new to Turkey and Southwest Asia. Nova Hedwigia. 96: 383–397.
  • Kürschner H. Frey W. 2011. Liverworts, mosses and hornworts of Southwest Asia (Marchantiophyta, Bryophyta, Anthocerotophyta. Nova Hedwigia. 139: 1-240.
  • Lara F. Mazımpaka V. Medina R. Caparros R. Garilleti R. 2010. The northeastern Turkey, an unnoticed but very important area for the Orthotrichaceae (Musci, Bryophyta). Nova Hedwigia. 138: 165–180.
  • Nyholm E. 1986. Illustrated Flora of Nordic Mosses, Fasc. 1. Fissidentaceae-Seligeriaceae. The Nordic Bryological Society. Lund.
  • Nyholm E. 1989. Illustrated Flora of Nordic Mosses, Fasc. 2. Pottiaceae -Splachnaceae- Schistostegaceae, 75-141 pp. The Nordic Bryological Society. Lund. Nyholm E. 1993. Illustrated Flora of Nordic Mosses, Fasc. 3. Bryaceae-Rhodobryaceae Mniaceae-Cinclidiaceae-Plagiomniaceae. 145-244 pp. The Nordic Bryological Society. Lund.
  • Nyholm E. 1998. Illustrated Flora of Nordic Mosses, Fasc. 4. Aulacomniaceae- Meesiaceae-Catocopiaceae-Bartramiaceae-Timmiaceae-Encalyptaceae-Grimmiaceae-Ptychomitriaceae-Hedwigiaceae-Orthotrichaceae. 145-244 pp. The Nordic Bryological Society. Lund.
  • Özdemir T. Batan N. 2017a. The bryophyte checklist of Trabzon Province of Turkey. Arctoa. 26: 58–67.
  • Özdemir T. Batan N. 2017b. Bryophyte Checklist of Giresun, North East Turkey. Anatolian Bryology. 3:1, 1-8.
  • Papp B. 2004. Contributions to the bryoflora of the Pontic Mountains, North Anatolia, Turkey. Studia Botanica Hungarica. 35: 81–89.
  • Paton J. 1999. The Liverworts Flora of the British Isles, ISBN: 0-946589-60-7, 626 pp, Harley Books. England.
  • Pedrotti C.C. 2001. Flora dei muschi d’Italia (Sphagnopsida, Andreaeopsida, Bryopsida, I parte). Antonio delfino Editore medicina-scienze. Roma.
  • Pedrotti C.C. 2006. Flora dei muschi d’Italia. Bryopsida (II parte). Antonia Delfi no Editore medicina-scienze, Roma.
  • Ros R.M. Mazimpaka V. Abou-Salama U. Aleffi M. Blockeel T.L. Brugués M. Cros R.M. Dia M.G. Dirkse G.M. Draper I. et al., 2013. Mosses of the Mediterranean, an annotated checklist. Cryptogamie Bryologie. 34: 99-283.
  • Smith A.J.E. 1996. The Liverworts of Britain and Ireland, ISBN: 0-521-42473-9, 384 pp. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge.
  • Smith A.J.E. 2004. The Moss Flora of Britain and Ireland. Second Edition, ISBN: 0-52181640-8, 1012 pp. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge.
  • Söderström L. Hagborg A. Von Konrat M. Bartholomew-Began S. Bell D. Briscoe L. Brown E. Cargill D.C. Costa D.P. Barbara J. et al. 2016. World Checklist of Hornworts and Liverworts. PhytoKeys. 59: 1–828.
  • Townsend C.C. 2005. Mosses from the Caucasian region and eastern Turkey. Journal of Bryology. 27: 143–152.
  • Vural M. 1996. Rize’nin yüksek dağ vejetasyonu. Turkish Journal of Botany. 20: 83-102.

Hayrat İlçesi (Trabzon-Türkiye) Briyofit Florasına Katkılar

Year 2019, , 107 - 113, 30.11.2019


ilinin Hayrat ilçesi
’nde yapılan arazi çalışmaları
sonucunda, 6 farklı lokaliteden toplanan örneklerden 18 Ciğerotu ve 81 Yapraklı
karayosunu olmak üzere toplam 99 briyofit taksonu tespit edil
miştir. Bu
taksonların hepsi Hayrat ilçesi için ilk kez kaydedilmiştir.
capillaceum (F.Weber & D.Mohr) Giacom. Trabzon ili için yeni kayıt, A4 karesi için ikinci kayıt olarak rapor


  • Abay G. Batan N. Özdemir T. 2016. Bryophyte checklist of Rize, north-east Turkey. Arctoa. 25: 386–392.
  • Akman Y. 1999. Climate and bioclimate. The methods of bioclimate and climate types of Turkey. Kariyer Matbaacılık. Ankara.
  • Atay S. Güleryüz G. Orhun C. Seçmen Ö. Vural C. 2009. Türkiye’nin 120 alpin bitkisi. Dönence Basım ve Yayın Hizmetleri, İstanbul.
  • Batan N. Özdemir T. 2011. Mersin (C12), Trabzon ve Gümüşhane (A4)’ den bazı karayosunu (musci) kayıtları. SDÜ Orman Fakültesi Dergisi. 12:2, 104–109.
  • Batan N. Özdemir T. 2013. Bryoflora of Dernekpazarı District of Trabzon Province. Biological Diversity and Conservation. 6: 45–49.
  • Batan N. Alataş M. Özdemir T. 2013. Leptoscyphus cuneifolius (Lophocoleaceae, Marchantiophyta) new to Southwest Asia. Cryptogamie, Bryologie. 34: 373–377.
  • Blom H.H. 1996. A Revision of the Schistidium apocarpum Complex in Norway and Sweden, ISBN: 3-443-62021-3. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca.
  • Brugués M. Cros R.M. Guerra J. 2007. Flora Briofitica Ġbérica Volume I, Uniersidad de Murcia, ISBN: 978-84-611-8462-0. Sociedad Espanola de Briyologia Murcia. Murcia. Frey W. Frahm J.P. Fischer E. Lobin W. 2006. The liverworts, mosses and ferns of Europe. Essex. Harley Books.
  • Gökler İ. 1998. Liverworts (Marchantiopsida) of the Altındere Valley National Park. Turkish Journal of Botany. 22: 409–412.
  • Guerra J. Cano M.J. Cros R.M. 2006. Flora Briofitica Ibérica VoIume 3, Uniersidad de Murcia, ISBN: 84-609-9097-4. Sociedad Espanola de Briyologia Murcia. Murcia.
  • Henderson D.M. 1961. Contribution to the Bryophyte Flora of Turkey: IV. Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. 23: 263-278. Kırmacı M. Kürschner H. Erdağ A. 2012. New and noteworthy records to the bryophyte flora of Turkey and Southwest Asia. Cryptogamie, Bryologie. 33: 267–270.
  • Kırmacı M. Kürschner H. 2013. The genus Sphagnum L. in Turkey – with S. contortum, S. fallax, S. magellanicum and S. rubellum new to Turkey and Southwest Asia. Nova Hedwigia. 96: 383–397.
  • Kürschner H. Frey W. 2011. Liverworts, mosses and hornworts of Southwest Asia (Marchantiophyta, Bryophyta, Anthocerotophyta. Nova Hedwigia. 139: 1-240.
  • Lara F. Mazımpaka V. Medina R. Caparros R. Garilleti R. 2010. The northeastern Turkey, an unnoticed but very important area for the Orthotrichaceae (Musci, Bryophyta). Nova Hedwigia. 138: 165–180.
  • Nyholm E. 1986. Illustrated Flora of Nordic Mosses, Fasc. 1. Fissidentaceae-Seligeriaceae. The Nordic Bryological Society. Lund.
  • Nyholm E. 1989. Illustrated Flora of Nordic Mosses, Fasc. 2. Pottiaceae -Splachnaceae- Schistostegaceae, 75-141 pp. The Nordic Bryological Society. Lund. Nyholm E. 1993. Illustrated Flora of Nordic Mosses, Fasc. 3. Bryaceae-Rhodobryaceae Mniaceae-Cinclidiaceae-Plagiomniaceae. 145-244 pp. The Nordic Bryological Society. Lund.
  • Nyholm E. 1998. Illustrated Flora of Nordic Mosses, Fasc. 4. Aulacomniaceae- Meesiaceae-Catocopiaceae-Bartramiaceae-Timmiaceae-Encalyptaceae-Grimmiaceae-Ptychomitriaceae-Hedwigiaceae-Orthotrichaceae. 145-244 pp. The Nordic Bryological Society. Lund.
  • Özdemir T. Batan N. 2017a. The bryophyte checklist of Trabzon Province of Turkey. Arctoa. 26: 58–67.
  • Özdemir T. Batan N. 2017b. Bryophyte Checklist of Giresun, North East Turkey. Anatolian Bryology. 3:1, 1-8.
  • Papp B. 2004. Contributions to the bryoflora of the Pontic Mountains, North Anatolia, Turkey. Studia Botanica Hungarica. 35: 81–89.
  • Paton J. 1999. The Liverworts Flora of the British Isles, ISBN: 0-946589-60-7, 626 pp, Harley Books. England.
  • Pedrotti C.C. 2001. Flora dei muschi d’Italia (Sphagnopsida, Andreaeopsida, Bryopsida, I parte). Antonio delfino Editore medicina-scienze. Roma.
  • Pedrotti C.C. 2006. Flora dei muschi d’Italia. Bryopsida (II parte). Antonia Delfi no Editore medicina-scienze, Roma.
  • Ros R.M. Mazimpaka V. Abou-Salama U. Aleffi M. Blockeel T.L. Brugués M. Cros R.M. Dia M.G. Dirkse G.M. Draper I. et al., 2013. Mosses of the Mediterranean, an annotated checklist. Cryptogamie Bryologie. 34: 99-283.
  • Smith A.J.E. 1996. The Liverworts of Britain and Ireland, ISBN: 0-521-42473-9, 384 pp. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge.
  • Smith A.J.E. 2004. The Moss Flora of Britain and Ireland. Second Edition, ISBN: 0-52181640-8, 1012 pp. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge.
  • Söderström L. Hagborg A. Von Konrat M. Bartholomew-Began S. Bell D. Briscoe L. Brown E. Cargill D.C. Costa D.P. Barbara J. et al. 2016. World Checklist of Hornworts and Liverworts. PhytoKeys. 59: 1–828.
  • Townsend C.C. 2005. Mosses from the Caucasian region and eastern Turkey. Journal of Bryology. 27: 143–152.
  • Vural M. 1996. Rize’nin yüksek dağ vejetasyonu. Turkish Journal of Botany. 20: 83-102.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

Öznur Özen 0000-0002-6437-7355

Hüseyin Erata 0000-0001-6085-4663

Nevzat Batan 0000-0001-8456-5719

Mevlüt Alataş 0000-0003-0862-0258

Publication Date November 30, 2019
Submission Date May 3, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Özen, Ö., Erata, H., Batan, N., Alataş, M. (2019). Contributions to The Bryophyte Flora of Hayrat District (Trabzon - Turkey). Anatolian Bryology, 5(2), 107-113.

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