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The Moss (Bryophyta) Flora of Karasu District (Sakarya/Turkey)

Year 2017, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 68 - 74, 15.12.2017


In this study, 180 moss specimens collected from
the Karasu (Sakarya) district,
were identified and a total of 36 taxa belonging to 12
families and 24 genera were determined.

While, Pottiaceae is the richest family in terms
of the number of taxa (11-%30,5), Brachytheciaceae has the second order (7
-%19,4)  and Polytrichaceae has the third
order (4-%11,3).


  • Abay, G. and Çetin, B. 2003. The moss flora (musci) of Ilgaz Mountain National Park.Turkish Journal of Botany, 27:321–332.
  • Abay, G. [2005] 2006. Contributions to the moss flora (Musci) of Çankırı Province (Eldivan-Karadere). Ot Sistematik Botanik Dergisi. 12:175–186.
  • Abay, G., Uyar, G., Çetin, B. and Keçeli, T. 2007a. Kaçkar Dagıları Bryofit Florası. TBAG 2404 (104T014) nolu proje, 229 s, Ankara.
  • Atherton I. Bosanquet S. Lawley M. 2010. Mosses and Liverworts of Britain and Ireland a field guide. British Bryological Society. United Kingdom.
  • Alataş, M., Uyar,G. 2015. The Bryophyte flora of Abant Mountains (Bolu/Turkey). Biological Diversity and Conservation, 8(1):35-43.
  • Chien G. 2003. Moss Flora of China, English version, Volume 3: Grimmiaceae-Tetraphidaceae. Missouri Botanical Garden, USA.
  • Crandall-Stotler, B. and Stotler, R. E. 2000. Morphology and classification of the Marchantiophyta. In Bryophyte Biology, ed. A.J. Shaw and B. Goffinet, pp. 21-70. Chambridge: Chambridge Univerity Press.
  • Davis, P.H., Mill, R. R., Tan, K. 1965-1988. Flora of Turkey and The East Aegean Islands. Vol:I-X. Edinburg Univ. Press. Edinburgh, England.
  • Glime J.M. 2013. Bryophyte Ecology. Ebook sponsored by Michigan Technological University and the International Association of Bryologists.
  • Güner, A., Özhatay, N., Ekim, T., Başer, K. H. C., 2000. Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. vol 11, Edinburgh University Press, 2001.
  • Henderson, D.M. 1961. Contribution to bryophyte flora of Turkey IV. Notes RoyalBotanical Garden Edinburgh, 23:263–278.
  • Herrnstadt, I. and Heyn, C.C. 2004. The Bryophyte Flora of Israel and Adjacent Regions. The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Jerusalem, 719 s.
  • Hill MO. Bell N. Buruggeman-Nannenga MA. Brugues M. Cano MJ. Enroth Flatberg KI. Fraham J-P. Gallego MT. Garilleti R. Guerra J. Hedenäs L. Holyoak DT. Hyvönen J. Ignatov MS. Lara F. Mazimpaka V. Munoz J. Söderström L. 2006. An nnotated checklist of the mosses of Europe and Macronesia. Journal of Bryology. 28: 198–267.
  • Keçeli, T., Çetin, B. 2000. The Moss Flora of Çankırı-Eldivan Mountain. Turk J Bot. 24: 249–258.
  • Kürschner, H., Frey, W. 2011. Liverworts, Mosses and Hornworts of Southwest Asia 240, in der Gebr. Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung. Stutgart.
  • Nyholm, E. And Wigh, K. (1973). Cytotaxonomical Studies in Some Turkish Mosses. Lindbergia, 2:105-113.
  • Nyholm, E. 1987. Illustrated Flora of Nordic Mosses Fasc. 1. Swedish Oikos Editorial Office, 72 s, Copenhagen.
  • Nyholm, E. 1990. Illustrated Flora of Nordic Mosses Fasc. 2. Swedish Oikos Editorial Office, 68 s, Copenhagen.
  • Nyholm, E. 1993. Illustrated Flora of Nordic Mosses Fasc. 3. Swedish Oikos Editorial Office, 101 s, Copenhagen.
  • Nyholm, E. 1998. Illustrated Flora of Nordic Mosses Fasc. 4. Swedish Oikos Editorial Office, 160 s, Copenhagen.
  • Ros R. M. Mazimpaka V. Abou-Salama U. Aleffi M. Blockeel T. L. Brugués M. Cros R. M. Dia M. G. Dirkse G. M. Draper I. et al.. 2013. Mosses of the Mediterranean, an annotated checklist. Cryptogamie Bryologie. 34: 99-283.
  • Smith, A.J.E. 1980. The Moss Flora of Britain and Ireland. Cambridge University Press, 706 s.
  • Smith, A.J.E. 2004. The Moss Flora of Britain an Ireland. Cambridge University Press, 1012 s.
  • Ursavaş, S., Abay, G. 2009. Türkiye’nin A2 karesinin karayosunları (Musci) kontrol listesi. Bartın Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(2): 33-43.
  • Ursavaş, S., Öztürk E. 2016. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi, Orman Fakültesi, Araştırma ve Uygulama Ormanında Ölü Ağaçlar üzerinde Tespit edilen Karayosunlar. Anatolian Bryology. 2:1-2, 2016.
  • Uyar, G., Çetin, B. 2001. The Moss Flora of Ankara-Kızılcahamam Soğuksu National Park. Turk J Bot. 25, 261–273.
  • T.C. İçişleri Bakanlığı Karasu Kaymakamlığı. Karasu İlçesi Coğrafi Konumu. Erişim Adresi: Erişim tarihi: (12.09.2017)
  • Google Earth. Erişim tarihi: (15.09.2017).

Karasu (Sakarya/Türkiye) ve Civarının Karayosunu (Briyofit) Florası

Year 2017, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 68 - 74, 15.12.2017


çalışmada, Karasu (Sakarya) İlçesi’nden toplanan 180 karayosunu örneğinin
teşhis çalışmaları sonucunda, bu çalışmada 12 familya ve 24 cinse ait toplam 36
takson saptanmıştır.

içerdiği takson sayısı bakımından en zengin familya olurken (11-%30,5),
Brachytheciaceae ikinci sırayı (7 -%19,4) ve Polytrichaceae (4-%11,3) üçüncü
sırayı almıştır.


  • Abay, G. and Çetin, B. 2003. The moss flora (musci) of Ilgaz Mountain National Park.Turkish Journal of Botany, 27:321–332.
  • Abay, G. [2005] 2006. Contributions to the moss flora (Musci) of Çankırı Province (Eldivan-Karadere). Ot Sistematik Botanik Dergisi. 12:175–186.
  • Abay, G., Uyar, G., Çetin, B. and Keçeli, T. 2007a. Kaçkar Dagıları Bryofit Florası. TBAG 2404 (104T014) nolu proje, 229 s, Ankara.
  • Atherton I. Bosanquet S. Lawley M. 2010. Mosses and Liverworts of Britain and Ireland a field guide. British Bryological Society. United Kingdom.
  • Alataş, M., Uyar,G. 2015. The Bryophyte flora of Abant Mountains (Bolu/Turkey). Biological Diversity and Conservation, 8(1):35-43.
  • Chien G. 2003. Moss Flora of China, English version, Volume 3: Grimmiaceae-Tetraphidaceae. Missouri Botanical Garden, USA.
  • Crandall-Stotler, B. and Stotler, R. E. 2000. Morphology and classification of the Marchantiophyta. In Bryophyte Biology, ed. A.J. Shaw and B. Goffinet, pp. 21-70. Chambridge: Chambridge Univerity Press.
  • Davis, P.H., Mill, R. R., Tan, K. 1965-1988. Flora of Turkey and The East Aegean Islands. Vol:I-X. Edinburg Univ. Press. Edinburgh, England.
  • Glime J.M. 2013. Bryophyte Ecology. Ebook sponsored by Michigan Technological University and the International Association of Bryologists.
  • Güner, A., Özhatay, N., Ekim, T., Başer, K. H. C., 2000. Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. vol 11, Edinburgh University Press, 2001.
  • Henderson, D.M. 1961. Contribution to bryophyte flora of Turkey IV. Notes RoyalBotanical Garden Edinburgh, 23:263–278.
  • Herrnstadt, I. and Heyn, C.C. 2004. The Bryophyte Flora of Israel and Adjacent Regions. The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Jerusalem, 719 s.
  • Hill MO. Bell N. Buruggeman-Nannenga MA. Brugues M. Cano MJ. Enroth Flatberg KI. Fraham J-P. Gallego MT. Garilleti R. Guerra J. Hedenäs L. Holyoak DT. Hyvönen J. Ignatov MS. Lara F. Mazimpaka V. Munoz J. Söderström L. 2006. An nnotated checklist of the mosses of Europe and Macronesia. Journal of Bryology. 28: 198–267.
  • Keçeli, T., Çetin, B. 2000. The Moss Flora of Çankırı-Eldivan Mountain. Turk J Bot. 24: 249–258.
  • Kürschner, H., Frey, W. 2011. Liverworts, Mosses and Hornworts of Southwest Asia 240, in der Gebr. Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung. Stutgart.
  • Nyholm, E. And Wigh, K. (1973). Cytotaxonomical Studies in Some Turkish Mosses. Lindbergia, 2:105-113.
  • Nyholm, E. 1987. Illustrated Flora of Nordic Mosses Fasc. 1. Swedish Oikos Editorial Office, 72 s, Copenhagen.
  • Nyholm, E. 1990. Illustrated Flora of Nordic Mosses Fasc. 2. Swedish Oikos Editorial Office, 68 s, Copenhagen.
  • Nyholm, E. 1993. Illustrated Flora of Nordic Mosses Fasc. 3. Swedish Oikos Editorial Office, 101 s, Copenhagen.
  • Nyholm, E. 1998. Illustrated Flora of Nordic Mosses Fasc. 4. Swedish Oikos Editorial Office, 160 s, Copenhagen.
  • Ros R. M. Mazimpaka V. Abou-Salama U. Aleffi M. Blockeel T. L. Brugués M. Cros R. M. Dia M. G. Dirkse G. M. Draper I. et al.. 2013. Mosses of the Mediterranean, an annotated checklist. Cryptogamie Bryologie. 34: 99-283.
  • Smith, A.J.E. 1980. The Moss Flora of Britain and Ireland. Cambridge University Press, 706 s.
  • Smith, A.J.E. 2004. The Moss Flora of Britain an Ireland. Cambridge University Press, 1012 s.
  • Ursavaş, S., Abay, G. 2009. Türkiye’nin A2 karesinin karayosunları (Musci) kontrol listesi. Bartın Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(2): 33-43.
  • Ursavaş, S., Öztürk E. 2016. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi, Orman Fakültesi, Araştırma ve Uygulama Ormanında Ölü Ağaçlar üzerinde Tespit edilen Karayosunlar. Anatolian Bryology. 2:1-2, 2016.
  • Uyar, G., Çetin, B. 2001. The Moss Flora of Ankara-Kızılcahamam Soğuksu National Park. Turk J Bot. 25, 261–273.
  • T.C. İçişleri Bakanlığı Karasu Kaymakamlığı. Karasu İlçesi Coğrafi Konumu. Erişim Adresi: Erişim tarihi: (12.09.2017)
  • Google Earth. Erişim tarihi: (15.09.2017).
There are 28 citations in total.


Journal Section Research Articles

Gamze Gürsu

Barbaros Çetin

Publication Date December 15, 2017
Submission Date October 30, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 3 Issue: 2


APA Gürsu, G., & Çetin, B. (2017). The Moss (Bryophyta) Flora of Karasu District (Sakarya/Turkey). Anatolian Bryology, 3(2), 68-74.

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