The Effects Of Advertising And Retail Efforts On Decision Making Styles Of Young Consumers
Year 2019,
Volume: 7 Issue: 4, 219 - 229, 27.08.2019
Mehmet Said Köse
Melih Başkol
The aim of this research is to determine the decision-making styles of
young consumers based on consumers' decision-making inventory, and to measure
the impact of the company's advertising and retail efforts on the determined
decision-making styles. A structured questionnaire was applied to 443 selected
university students using the convenience sampling method. Exploratory and
confirmatory factor analysis is used to validate the CSI. Data analysis was
performed by the Structural Equation Model (SEM) and support was found for six
decision- making styles from the original consumer decision making styles inventory
(perfectionist, high quality, confused by over-choice, habitual/brand loyal,
novelty/fashion, and recreation conscious) and one new decision- making style
is developed (celebrity endorsement). Research has shown that advertising and
retail efforts significantly affect consumers' decision-making styles.
- Akturan, U., Tezcan, N., ve Vignolles, A. (2011). Segmenting young adults through their consumption styles: a cross-cultural study. Young Consumers, 12(4), 348–360.
- Anic, I.-D., Rajh, S. P., ve Rajh, E. (2014). Antecedents of food-related consumer decision-making styles. British Food Journal, 116(3), 431–450.
- Anic, I.-D., Suleska, A., ve Rajh, E. (2010). Decision-Making Styles of Young-Adult Consumers in The Republic of Macedonia. Ekonomska Istrazianja, 4, 102–113.
- Bagozzi, R. P. (2010). Structural equation models are modelling tools with many ambiguities: Comments acknowledging the need for caution and humility in their use. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 20(2), 208–214.
- Bagozzi, R. P., ve Yi, Y. (1988). On the evaluation of structural equation models. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 16(1), 74–94.
- Bakewell, C., ve Mitchell, V.-W. (2004). Male Consumer Decision-Making Styles. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 14(2), 223–240.
- Bakewell, C., ve Mitchell, V. W. (2006). Male versus female consumer decision making styles. Journal of Business Research, 59(12), 1297–1300.
- Baoku, L., Cuixia, Z., ve Weimin, B. (2010). An empirical study on the decision‐making styles of the Chinese peasant consumers. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 27(7), 629–637.
- Bauer, H. H., Sauer, N. E., ve Becker, C. (2006). Investigating the relationship between product involvement and consumer decision-making styles. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 5, 342–354.
- Boonlertvanich, K. (2009). Consumer Buying and Decision Making Behavior of a Digital Camera in Thailand. RU. Int. J., 3(1), 57–66.
- Burns, D. J. (2011). Consumer Decision-Making Styles: Relationships with Consumer Alienation. Journal of Business ve Retail Management Research, 6(1), 48–62.
- Byrne, B. M. (2010). Structural Equation Modeling with AMOS:Basic Concepts,Applications,and Programming. Structural Equation Modeling (Second, Vol. 22). New York: Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
- Cathy Bakewell, V.-W. M. (2004). Male Consumer Decision-Making Styles. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 14(2), 223–240.
- Chi, Y., ve Lovett, M. (2010). Consumer Decision-Making Styles of Hispanic American College Students: a Consumer Styles Inventory Approach. American Journal of Business Research (AJBR), 3(2), 5–25.
- Cowart, K. O., ve Goldsmith, R. E. (2007). The influence of consumer decision-making styles on online apparel consumption by college students. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 31, 639–647.
- De Mattos, C., Salciuviene, L., Auruskeviciene, V., ve Juneja, G. (2015). What are Decision Making Styles for International Apparel Brands in a Large Emerging Market? Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 213(0), 683–686.
- Durvasula, S., Lysonski, S., ve Andrews, J. C. (1993). Cross-Cultural Generalizability of a Scale for Profiling Consumers Decision-Making Styles. The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 27(1), 55–65.
- Fan, J., Xiao, J., ve Xu, Y. (1997). Decision-making Styles of Young-adult Chinese Consumers : An International Comparison 1. Consumer Interest Annual, 43(2), 76–81.
- Field, A. (2005). Discovering Statistics Using SPSS. Ism Introducing Statistical Methods (Vol. 2nd).
- Goswami, Shubham, S. K. (2015). Impact of Consumer Decision-making Styles on Online Apparel Consumption in India. Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective.
- Hafstrom, J. L., Chae, J. S., ve Chung, Y. S. (1992). Consumer Decision-Making Styles: Comparison Between United States and Korean Young Consumers. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 26(1), 146–158.
- Hanzaee, K. H., ve Aghasibeig, S. (2008). Generation Y female and male decision-making styles in Iran: are they different? International Review of Retail, Distribution ve Consumer Research, 18(5), 521–537.
- Hiu, A., Siu, N., Wang, C., ve Chang, L. (2001). An Investigation of Decision-Making Styles of Consumers in China. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 35(2), 326–345.
- Hooper, D., Coughlan, J., ve Mullen, M. (2008). Structural Equation Modelling : Guidelines for Determining Model Fit Structural equation modelling : guidelines for determining model fit. Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods, 6(1), 53–60.
- Hu, L., ve Bentler, P. M. (1999). Cutoff criteria for fit indexes in covariance structure analysis: Conventional criteria versus new alternatives. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 6(1), 1–55.
- Ilicic, J., ve Webster, C. M. (2011). Effects of multiple endorsements and consumer-celebrity attachment on attitude and purchase intention. Australasian Marketing Journal, 19(4), 230–237.
- İnci, D., Ümit, A., ve Ebru, T. K. (2013). Tüketici Karar Verme Tarzları Ölçeği̇ Yapısı ve Boyutları. Uluslararası Yönetim İktisat ve İşletme Dergisi, 9(19), 293–304.
- Jackson, D., Gillaspy, A., ve Purc-Stephenson, R. (2009). Reporting practices in confirmatory factor analysis: an overview and some recommendations. Psychological Methods, 14(1), 6–23.
- Jackson, V., Stoel, L., ve Brantley, A. (2011). Mall attributes and shopping value: Differences by gender and generational cohort. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 18(1), 1-9.
- Kamaruddin, A. R., ve Mokhlis, S. (2003). Consumer Socialization, Social Structural Factors and Decision-Making Styles : A Case Study of Adolescents in Malaysia. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 2(March), 145–156.
- Kin Meng Sam, C. C. (2015). Online consumer decision-making styles for enhanced understanding of Macau online consumer behavior. Asia Pacific Management Review, 20, 100–107.
- Lam, E. T. C., ve Bae, J. (2014). Confirmatory factor analysis of the Purchaser Style Inventory for Sport Products (PSISP). Sport Management Review, 17(3), 254–264.
- Leo, C., Bennett, R., ve Härtel, C. E. J. (2005). Cross-cultural differences in consumer decision-making styles. Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, 12(3), 32–62.
- Lysonski, S., Durvasula, Srinivas, ve Zotos, Y. (1996). Consumer decision-making styles : a multi-country investigation. European Journal of Marketing, 30(12), 10–21.
- Lysonski, S., ve Durvasula, S. (2013). Consumer decision making styles in retailing: evolution of mindsets and psychological impacts. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 30, 75–87.
- Mafini, C., ve Dhurup, M. (2014). Assessing Consumer Purchasing Decision Styles : An Empirical Investigation From South Africa. International Business ve Economics Research Journal, 13(4), 679–688.
- Malhotra, N. K., ve Birks, D. F. (2007). Marketing Research: An Applied Approach. Pearson Education Limited (Vol. 3).
- Mitchell, V., ve Walsh, G. (2001). Gender differences in German consumer decision-making styles. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 3(4), 331–346.
- Mokhlis, S. (2009). An Investigation of Consumer Decision-Making Styles of Young-Adults in Malaysia. International Journal of Business and Management, 4(4), 140–148.
- Nayeem, T., ve Casidy, R. (2015). Australian consumers’ decision-making styles for everyday products. Australasian Marketing Journal, 23(1), 67–74.
- Radam, A., Ali, M., ve Leng, Y. (2008). Decision-Making Style of Chinese Consumer on Clothing. Journal of Global Business Management, 7(2), 1–8.
- Rezaei, S. (2015). Segmenting consumer decision-making styles (CDMS) toward marketing practice: A partial least squares (PLS) path modeling approach. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 22, 1–15.
- Sam, K. M., ve Chatwin, C. (2015). Online consumer decision-making styles for enhanced understanding of Macau online consumer behavior. Asia Pacific Management Review, 20(2), 100–107.
- Silvera, D. H., ve Austad, B. (2004). Factors predicting the effectiveness of celebrity endorsement advertisements. European Journal of Marketing, 38(11/12), 1509–1526.
- Siu, N. Y. M., Wang, C. C. L., Chang, L. M. K., ve Hui, A. S. Y. (2001). Adapting Consumer Style Inventory to Chinese Consumers. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 13(2), 37–41.
- Sproles, G. B., ve Kendall, E. L. (1986). A methodology for profiling consumers decision-making styles.pdf. The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 20(2), 267–279.
- Spry, A., Pappu, R., ve Cornwell, T. B. (2011). Celebrity endorsement , brand credibility and brand equity. European Journal of Marketing, 45(September 2015), 882–909.
- Sun, C., Su, S., ve Huang, J. (2013). Cultural value, perceived value, and consumer decision-making style in China: A comparison based on an urbanization dimension. Nankai Business Review International, 4(3), 248–262.
- Tai, S. H. C. (2005). Shopping styles of working Chinese females. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 12(3), 191–203.
- Tanksale, D., Neelam, N., ve Venkatachalam, R. (2014). Consumer Decision Making Styles of Young Adult Consumers in India. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 133, 211–218.
- Tarnanidis, T., Owusu-Frimpong, N., Nwankwo, S., ve Omar, M. (2015). A confirmatory factor analysis of consumer styles inventory: Evidence from Greece. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 22, 164–177.
- Wanninayake, B. W. M. C. (2014). Consumer Decision-Making Styles and Local Brand Biasness: Exploration in the Czech Republic. Journal of Competitiveness.
- Wickliffe, V. P. (2004). Refinement and re-assessment of the consumer decision-making style instrument. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 11(1), 9–17.
- Yasin, B. (2009). The Role of Gender on Turkish Consumers’ Decision-Making Styles. Advances in Consumer Research, 8, 301–308.
- Yeşilada, F., ve Kavas, A. (2008). Understanding the Female Consumers’ Decision Making Styles. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi.
- Zhou, J. X., Arnold, M. J., Pereira, A., ve Yu, J. (2010). Chinese consumer decision-making styles: A comparison between the coastal and inland regions. Journal of Business Research, 63(1), 45–51.
Reklam ve Perakende Çabalarının Genç Tüketicilerin Karar Alma Tarzları Üzerindeki Etkisi
Year 2019,
Volume: 7 Issue: 4, 219 - 229, 27.08.2019
Mehmet Said Köse
Melih Başkol
araştırmanın amacı, tüketicilerin karar alma tarzları envanterine dayalı olarak
genç tüketicilerin karar alma tarzlarını belirlemek ve şirketlerin reklam ve
perakende çabalarının belirlenen karar alma tarzları üzerindeki etkilerini
ölçmektir. Kolayda örnekleme yöntemi kullanılarak seçilen 443 üniversite
öğrencisine yapılandırılmış bir anket uygulanmıştır. Tüketici karar alma tarzı
envanterini doğrulamak için açıklayıcı ve doğrulayıcı faktör analizi
kullanılmıştır. Verilerin analizi Yapısal Eşitlik Modeli (YEM) ile
gerçekleştirilmiş ve orijinal tüketici karar verme tarzları envanterinde yer
alan (mükemmeliyetçi/yüksek kalite odaklı, seçenek karmaşası, alışkanlık/marka
bağımlısı odaklı, marka odaklı, yenilikçi/moda odaklı ve fiyat odaklı) altı
karar alma tarzı sonuçlarla desteklenmiştir ve yeni bir karar alma tarzı (ünlü kabulüne dayanan karar alma tarzı)
belirlenmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre reklam ve perakende çabalarının
tüketicilerin karar alma tarzlarını anlamlı şekilde etkilediği belirlenmiştir.
- Akturan, U., Tezcan, N., ve Vignolles, A. (2011). Segmenting young adults through their consumption styles: a cross-cultural study. Young Consumers, 12(4), 348–360.
- Anic, I.-D., Rajh, S. P., ve Rajh, E. (2014). Antecedents of food-related consumer decision-making styles. British Food Journal, 116(3), 431–450.
- Anic, I.-D., Suleska, A., ve Rajh, E. (2010). Decision-Making Styles of Young-Adult Consumers in The Republic of Macedonia. Ekonomska Istrazianja, 4, 102–113.
- Bagozzi, R. P. (2010). Structural equation models are modelling tools with many ambiguities: Comments acknowledging the need for caution and humility in their use. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 20(2), 208–214.
- Bagozzi, R. P., ve Yi, Y. (1988). On the evaluation of structural equation models. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 16(1), 74–94.
- Bakewell, C., ve Mitchell, V.-W. (2004). Male Consumer Decision-Making Styles. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 14(2), 223–240.
- Bakewell, C., ve Mitchell, V. W. (2006). Male versus female consumer decision making styles. Journal of Business Research, 59(12), 1297–1300.
- Baoku, L., Cuixia, Z., ve Weimin, B. (2010). An empirical study on the decision‐making styles of the Chinese peasant consumers. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 27(7), 629–637.
- Bauer, H. H., Sauer, N. E., ve Becker, C. (2006). Investigating the relationship between product involvement and consumer decision-making styles. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 5, 342–354.
- Boonlertvanich, K. (2009). Consumer Buying and Decision Making Behavior of a Digital Camera in Thailand. RU. Int. J., 3(1), 57–66.
- Burns, D. J. (2011). Consumer Decision-Making Styles: Relationships with Consumer Alienation. Journal of Business ve Retail Management Research, 6(1), 48–62.
- Byrne, B. M. (2010). Structural Equation Modeling with AMOS:Basic Concepts,Applications,and Programming. Structural Equation Modeling (Second, Vol. 22). New York: Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
- Cathy Bakewell, V.-W. M. (2004). Male Consumer Decision-Making Styles. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 14(2), 223–240.
- Chi, Y., ve Lovett, M. (2010). Consumer Decision-Making Styles of Hispanic American College Students: a Consumer Styles Inventory Approach. American Journal of Business Research (AJBR), 3(2), 5–25.
- Cowart, K. O., ve Goldsmith, R. E. (2007). The influence of consumer decision-making styles on online apparel consumption by college students. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 31, 639–647.
- De Mattos, C., Salciuviene, L., Auruskeviciene, V., ve Juneja, G. (2015). What are Decision Making Styles for International Apparel Brands in a Large Emerging Market? Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 213(0), 683–686.
- Durvasula, S., Lysonski, S., ve Andrews, J. C. (1993). Cross-Cultural Generalizability of a Scale for Profiling Consumers Decision-Making Styles. The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 27(1), 55–65.
- Fan, J., Xiao, J., ve Xu, Y. (1997). Decision-making Styles of Young-adult Chinese Consumers : An International Comparison 1. Consumer Interest Annual, 43(2), 76–81.
- Field, A. (2005). Discovering Statistics Using SPSS. Ism Introducing Statistical Methods (Vol. 2nd).
- Goswami, Shubham, S. K. (2015). Impact of Consumer Decision-making Styles on Online Apparel Consumption in India. Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective.
- Hafstrom, J. L., Chae, J. S., ve Chung, Y. S. (1992). Consumer Decision-Making Styles: Comparison Between United States and Korean Young Consumers. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 26(1), 146–158.
- Hanzaee, K. H., ve Aghasibeig, S. (2008). Generation Y female and male decision-making styles in Iran: are they different? International Review of Retail, Distribution ve Consumer Research, 18(5), 521–537.
- Hiu, A., Siu, N., Wang, C., ve Chang, L. (2001). An Investigation of Decision-Making Styles of Consumers in China. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 35(2), 326–345.
- Hooper, D., Coughlan, J., ve Mullen, M. (2008). Structural Equation Modelling : Guidelines for Determining Model Fit Structural equation modelling : guidelines for determining model fit. Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods, 6(1), 53–60.
- Hu, L., ve Bentler, P. M. (1999). Cutoff criteria for fit indexes in covariance structure analysis: Conventional criteria versus new alternatives. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 6(1), 1–55.
- Ilicic, J., ve Webster, C. M. (2011). Effects of multiple endorsements and consumer-celebrity attachment on attitude and purchase intention. Australasian Marketing Journal, 19(4), 230–237.
- İnci, D., Ümit, A., ve Ebru, T. K. (2013). Tüketici Karar Verme Tarzları Ölçeği̇ Yapısı ve Boyutları. Uluslararası Yönetim İktisat ve İşletme Dergisi, 9(19), 293–304.
- Jackson, D., Gillaspy, A., ve Purc-Stephenson, R. (2009). Reporting practices in confirmatory factor analysis: an overview and some recommendations. Psychological Methods, 14(1), 6–23.
- Jackson, V., Stoel, L., ve Brantley, A. (2011). Mall attributes and shopping value: Differences by gender and generational cohort. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 18(1), 1-9.
- Kamaruddin, A. R., ve Mokhlis, S. (2003). Consumer Socialization, Social Structural Factors and Decision-Making Styles : A Case Study of Adolescents in Malaysia. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 2(March), 145–156.
- Kin Meng Sam, C. C. (2015). Online consumer decision-making styles for enhanced understanding of Macau online consumer behavior. Asia Pacific Management Review, 20, 100–107.
- Lam, E. T. C., ve Bae, J. (2014). Confirmatory factor analysis of the Purchaser Style Inventory for Sport Products (PSISP). Sport Management Review, 17(3), 254–264.
- Leo, C., Bennett, R., ve Härtel, C. E. J. (2005). Cross-cultural differences in consumer decision-making styles. Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, 12(3), 32–62.
- Lysonski, S., Durvasula, Srinivas, ve Zotos, Y. (1996). Consumer decision-making styles : a multi-country investigation. European Journal of Marketing, 30(12), 10–21.
- Lysonski, S., ve Durvasula, S. (2013). Consumer decision making styles in retailing: evolution of mindsets and psychological impacts. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 30, 75–87.
- Mafini, C., ve Dhurup, M. (2014). Assessing Consumer Purchasing Decision Styles : An Empirical Investigation From South Africa. International Business ve Economics Research Journal, 13(4), 679–688.
- Malhotra, N. K., ve Birks, D. F. (2007). Marketing Research: An Applied Approach. Pearson Education Limited (Vol. 3).
- Mitchell, V., ve Walsh, G. (2001). Gender differences in German consumer decision-making styles. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 3(4), 331–346.
- Mokhlis, S. (2009). An Investigation of Consumer Decision-Making Styles of Young-Adults in Malaysia. International Journal of Business and Management, 4(4), 140–148.
- Nayeem, T., ve Casidy, R. (2015). Australian consumers’ decision-making styles for everyday products. Australasian Marketing Journal, 23(1), 67–74.
- Radam, A., Ali, M., ve Leng, Y. (2008). Decision-Making Style of Chinese Consumer on Clothing. Journal of Global Business Management, 7(2), 1–8.
- Rezaei, S. (2015). Segmenting consumer decision-making styles (CDMS) toward marketing practice: A partial least squares (PLS) path modeling approach. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 22, 1–15.
- Sam, K. M., ve Chatwin, C. (2015). Online consumer decision-making styles for enhanced understanding of Macau online consumer behavior. Asia Pacific Management Review, 20(2), 100–107.
- Silvera, D. H., ve Austad, B. (2004). Factors predicting the effectiveness of celebrity endorsement advertisements. European Journal of Marketing, 38(11/12), 1509–1526.
- Siu, N. Y. M., Wang, C. C. L., Chang, L. M. K., ve Hui, A. S. Y. (2001). Adapting Consumer Style Inventory to Chinese Consumers. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 13(2), 37–41.
- Sproles, G. B., ve Kendall, E. L. (1986). A methodology for profiling consumers decision-making styles.pdf. The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 20(2), 267–279.
- Spry, A., Pappu, R., ve Cornwell, T. B. (2011). Celebrity endorsement , brand credibility and brand equity. European Journal of Marketing, 45(September 2015), 882–909.
- Sun, C., Su, S., ve Huang, J. (2013). Cultural value, perceived value, and consumer decision-making style in China: A comparison based on an urbanization dimension. Nankai Business Review International, 4(3), 248–262.
- Tai, S. H. C. (2005). Shopping styles of working Chinese females. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 12(3), 191–203.
- Tanksale, D., Neelam, N., ve Venkatachalam, R. (2014). Consumer Decision Making Styles of Young Adult Consumers in India. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 133, 211–218.
- Tarnanidis, T., Owusu-Frimpong, N., Nwankwo, S., ve Omar, M. (2015). A confirmatory factor analysis of consumer styles inventory: Evidence from Greece. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 22, 164–177.
- Wanninayake, B. W. M. C. (2014). Consumer Decision-Making Styles and Local Brand Biasness: Exploration in the Czech Republic. Journal of Competitiveness.
- Wickliffe, V. P. (2004). Refinement and re-assessment of the consumer decision-making style instrument. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 11(1), 9–17.
- Yasin, B. (2009). The Role of Gender on Turkish Consumers’ Decision-Making Styles. Advances in Consumer Research, 8, 301–308.
- Yeşilada, F., ve Kavas, A. (2008). Understanding the Female Consumers’ Decision Making Styles. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi.
- Zhou, J. X., Arnold, M. J., Pereira, A., ve Yu, J. (2010). Chinese consumer decision-making styles: A comparison between the coastal and inland regions. Journal of Business Research, 63(1), 45–51.