Kirâatü’s-Sebʿa (yedi kırâat) adı altında tasnif edilen kırâatler her ne kadar senet bakımından doğru kırâatler arasında yer alsa da zaman zaman bazı dilci ve müfessirler tarafından tenkit edilmiştir. Bunun temel nedeni dilcilerin ictihad bakımından ortaya koydukları dil kurallarıdır. Bu çalışmada öncelikle kırâat kelimesinin sözlük ve istilah anlamları verilmiştir. Daha sonra kırâat ve dil âlimlerinin kırâatlere yaklaşımları ile dil âlimlerinin kıraatlerle ilgili benimsedikleri eleştirel üslup ve bunun muhtemel sebepleri irdelenmeye çalışılmıştır. Sonrasında ise Sîbeveyh’in kırâate karşı yaklaşımı ele alınmıştır. Basra mektebinin en önemli dilcilerden biri olan Sîbeveyh, el-Kitâb adlı eserinde Arapça kurallarını inşa ederken çok sayıda kırâate değinmiştir. Sîbeveyh, kırâatler hakkında gerekli gördüğü yerlerde dille ilgili açıklamalara da yer vermiştir. Kırâatlerin senetlerine yer vermeyen ve onları bu açıdan değerlendirmeyen Sîbeveyh, kırâatlerin kârilerini genellikle zikretmiş, bazen zikrettiği kırâatin kârisi hakkında ihtilaf olduğuna işaret etmiştir. Kırâatlerin tabi olunması gereken bir sünnet olduğunu belirten Sîbeveyh, kendi gibi dilcilere nazaran kırâatlere karşı gayet nazik ve mutedil bir üslup kullanmıştır.
Arap Dili ve Belagati Kırâat Dilbilimciler Sîbeveyh Arabic Language and Rhetoric Qirâat Linguists Sîbeveyh.
Teşekkür eder, kolaylıklar dilerim.
Although the recitations classified under the name of Kiraa's-Sebʿa (seven recitations) are among the correct recitations in terms of deed, from time to time, they have been dealt with by some linguists and commentators with the view of criticism and criticism, the main reason for this is the language rules that linguists have established through ijtiha. In this study, firstly, the dictionary and invasive meanings of the word qira'at are stated, the different approaches of recitation and language scholars to recitation are mentioned, and the reasons for the linguistic scholars to use a critical style that they have adopted against qira'ah are given, and then Sîbeveyh's approach to qira'ah is discussed. Sîbeveyh, who is one of the most important linguists who founded the Basra school, mentioned many recitations while constructing the Arabic rules in his book al-Kitâb and included linguistic explanations he deems necessary about those recitations. Sîbeveyh, who did not include the documents of the recitations and did not evaluate them from this point of view, generally mentioned the profits of the recitations, sometimes pointing out that there was a disagreement about the profit of the recitation he mentioned. Sîbeveyh, who stated that recitations are a sunnah to be followed, used a very gentle and moderate style compared to linguists like himself. Sîbeveyh, one of the most important names of the Basra school, displayed a very moderate and balanced approach between language and recitation. In addition, he adopted a respectful stance compared to other Basra linguists at the point of being a proof of recitation. It is difficult to say that the linguists who came after him continued this respectable attitude. Although there are terms of criticism such as weak, rotten, kubuh in Sîbeveyh's work al-Kitâb, he has never used these concepts neither against the qira'ah nor against the karis. However, the recitations made similar sentences and made an assessment that this language is weak or kabih. Although Sîbeveyh saw qiyas and sema as criteria in the construction of language rules, he did not reject any recitation because it did not fit the language. Likewise, like other linguists, he did not find it appropriate to criticize aspects of recitation that do not comply with the Arabic rules of qira'ah, with negative qualities such as kabih or rotten, he just said that it is a language dialect that could not be identified or forgotten. With this soft attitude, Sîbeveyh played a moderate role between language and recitation, and succeeded in establishing a solid balance between them. As a result, the feature that distinguishes Sîbeveyh from other language scholars is that he took a positive stance in favor of recitations. If there is an abnormal situation in recitation, he evaluated the situation not on the recitation but on the dialects and fluency of the language. After giving examples from the dialects on this subject, he judged that these examples were few, kabih or weak in Arabic. In the century when Sîbeveyh lived, there was not yet any division of recitation such as mutawatir, ahâd, famous or shaz. As mentioned above, the classification related to qurra and recitation came to the fore in the early fourth century with the book Kitâbu's-Seb'a written by Ibn Mujahid. In any case, like other Basra school linguists, Sibewayh did not characterize any recitation as weak or wrong. He recited the recitation, and then made various interpretations about it based on Arabic theology. Because when Sîbewayh heard a word or a sentence spoken by Arabs, he accepted it as correct. Provided that such a word or sentence comes from the Arabs, it is compared to that sentence and considered it a clear and benign sentence. As a matter of fact, Sîbeveyh says the following on the subject: “If an Arab read a word, another Arab read it differently, both of them read it correctly.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Subjects | Religious Studies |
Journal Section | Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | December 24, 2022 |
Published in Issue | Year 2022 Volume: 5 Issue: 2 |