Year 2023,
Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 43 - 48, 27.06.2023
Şerife Akküçük
İpek Erdem
Aykut Zerek
Mehmet Ferit Can
Mustafa Karagöz
Sibel Elmacıoğlu Cura
Özlem Makbule Aycan Kaya
Mehmet Yaman
Cansu Önlen Güneri
Bu çalışma ile Hatay ilindeki kedilerde leishmania türlerinin prevalansını hesaplamak ve bazı bireysel özelliklerle hastalık arasındaki ilişkiyi açıklığa kavuşturmak amaçlandı. Araştırmada Hatay ilinin farklı bölgelerinden Hatay Büyükşehir Belediyesi Sahipsiz Hayvan Bakım ve Rehabilitasyon Merkezi'ne ve Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Veteriner Sağlık, Uygulama ve Araştırma Hastanesi’ne teşhis amacıyla getirilen 100 kedi incelendi. Tüm hayvanlardan kan örneği alındı. Ayrıca lenf büyümesi tespit edilenlerden lenf sıvısı alındı. Kan örneklerinden ince yayma preparatlar hazırlandı, Roswell Park Memorial Institute 1640 besi yerine ekimi yapıldı ve Polimeraz Zincir Reaksiyonu uygulandı. Kedilerde klinik bulguların yaş ile ilişkisinde veriler normal dağılım koşulunu sağlamadığı için parametrik olmayan ve iki değişken arasındaki ilişkinin yön ve derecesini ortaya koyan Spearman korelasyon katsayısı kullanıldı. Cinsiyetle klinik bulgular arasındaki ilişki analizi kategorik değişkenler arasındaki bağımlılığı test eden Ki Kare yöntemiyle değerlendirildi. Analizler Windows SPSS 22.0 yardımıyla gerçekleştirildi ve P < 0.05 çıkan test sonuçları anlamlı kabul edildi. Çalışma kapsamında örneklenen kedilerin %59’u dişiyken, %41’i erkekti. Kedilerin yaş ortalaması (X) ve standart sapması (SD) sırasıyla 3.32 ± 1.5 olarak tespit edildi (min: 0.5; max:7). Farklı yaş ve cinsiyetlerden örneklenen 100 kediden alınan numunelerin farklı tanı yöntemleri ile yapılan analizleri sonucu Hatay ilinde kedilerde Leishmania prevalansının %0 olduğu bulundu. Her ne kadar cinsiyet ile klinik bulguların ortaya çıkışı arasında bir ilişki olmasa da (P> 0.05) yaş arttıkça klinik bulgularda da anlamlı biçimde artış olduğu (P < 0.01) saptandı. Çalışmamızda Leishmania spp., pozitif kedi saptanmasa da, özellikle endemik bölgelerde kedilerin de rezervuar olabileceği göz ardı edilmemelidir. Son dönemlerde özellikle endemik bölgelerden bildirilen kedi leishmaniasis vakaları halk sağlığı açısından önemlidir. Bu bölgelerde yaşayan evcil veya sokak kedilerinin değerlendirilmesi kedi enfeksiyonlarında bulaşma, immünopatogenez, yönetim ve tedavi hakkında literatüre katkı sağlayacaktır. Bu hayvanların leishmaniasis döngüsünde oynayabilecekleri rol küçümsenmemelidir. Kedilerin rezervuar olarak rolü daha fazla araştırılmalıdır.
Supporting Institution
Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırmalar Proje Koordinatörlüğü
- Aksulu, A., Bilgiç, H. B., Karagenç, T., & Bakırcı, S. (2021). Seroprevalence
and molecular detection of Leishmania spp. in cats of West Aegean
Region, Turkey. Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports, 24,
100573. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vprsr.2021.100573
- Ayllon, T., Tesouro, M. A., Amusategui, I., Villaescusa, A., Rodriguez‐
Franco, F., & Sainz, Á. (2008). Serologic and molecular evaluation of
Leishmania infantum in cats from Central Spain. Annals of the New York
Academy of Sciences, 1149(1), 361-364. https://doi.org/10.1196/
- Baneth, G., Nachum-Biala, Y., Zuberi, A., Zipori-Barki, N., Orshan, L.,
Kleinerman, G., Shmuli-Goldin, A., Bellaiche, M., Leszkowicz-Mazuz M.,
Salant, H., & Yasur-Landau, D. (2020). Leishmania infection in cats and
dogs housed together in an animal shelter reveals a higher parasite load in
infected dogs despite a greater seroprevalence among cats. Parasites &
vectors, 13, 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13071-020-3989-3
- Can, H., Döşkaya, M., Özdemir, H. G., Şahar, E. A., Karakavuk, M., Pektaş, B.,
Karakuş, M., Töz, S., Caner, A., Değirmenci Döşkaya, A., Gülce İz, S., Özbel,
Y., & Gürüz, Y. (2016). Seroprevalence of Leishmania infection and
molecular detection of Leishmania tropica and Leishmania infantum in stray
cats of İzmir, Turkey. Experimental parasitology, 167, 109-114. https://
- Cardoso, L., Lopes, A. P., Sherry, K., Schallig, H., & Solano-Gallego, L. (2010).
Low seroprevalence of Leishmania infantum infection in cats from northern
Portugal based on DAT and ELISA. Veterinary parasitology, 174(1-2), 37-42.
- Coelho, W.M.D., Lima, V.M.F., Amarante, A.F.T., Langoni, H., Pereira,
V.B.R.,Abdelnour, A., Denise, K., Bresciani, S., (2010). Occurrence of
Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi in a domestic cat (Felis catus) in
Andradina, S˜ao Paulo, Brazil: case report. Rev. Bras. Parasitol. Vet. 19, 256
–258. https://doi.org/10.1590/S1984-29612010000400013.
- da Silva, S. M., Rabelo, P. F. B., de Figueiredo Gontijo, N., Ribeiro, R. R.,
Melo, M. N., Ribeiro, V. M., & Michalick, M. S. M. (2010). First report of
infection of Lutzomyia longipalpis by Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum
from a naturally infected cat of Brazil. Veterinary parasitology, 174(1-2),
150-154. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vetpar.2010.08.005
- Diakou, A., Papadopoulos, E., & Lazarides, K. (2009). Specific antiLeishmania spp. antibodies in stray cats in Greece. Journal of feline
medicine and surgery, 11(8), 728-730. https://doi.org/10.1016/
- Grevot A, Jaussaud Hugues P, Marty P, Pratlong F, Ozon C, Haas P (2005).
Leishmaniosis due to Leishmania infantum in a FIV and FeLV positive cat
with a squamous cell carcinoma diagnosed with histological, serological and
isoenzymatic methods. Parasite, 12, 271–275.
- Gültekin, M., Karakuş, M., Seray, T. Ö. Z., & Voyvoda, H. (2020). First clinical
case of leishmaniosis due to Leishmania infantum in a domestic cat from
Turkey. Animal Health Production and Hygiene, 9(2), 734-737.
- Hatam, G. R., Adnani, S. J., Asgari, Q., Fallah, E., Motazedian, M. H., Sadjjadi,
S. M., & Sarkari, B. (2010). First report of natural infection in cats with
Leishmania infantum in Iran. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases, 10(3),
313-316. https://doi.org/10.1089/vbz.2009.0023
- Iatta, R., Furlanello, T., Colella, V., Tarallo, V. D., Latrofa, M. S., Brianti, E.,
Trerotoli, P., Decaro, N., Lorusso, E., Schunack, B., Mirò, G., Dantas-Torres,
F., & Otranto, D. (2019). A nationwide survey of Leishmania infantum
infection in cats and associated risk factors in Italy. PLoS Neglected Tropical
Diseases, 13(7), e0007594. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pntd.0007594
- Ihalamulla, R. L., Rajapaksa, U. S., & Karunaweera, N. D. (2005).
Microculture for the isolation of Leishmania parasites from cutaneous
lesions—Sri Lankan experience. Annals of Tropical Medicine &
Parasitology, 99(6), 571-575. https://doi.org/10.1179/136485905X51364
- Karakuş, M., Arserim, S. K., Kasap, Ö. E., Pekağırbaş, M., Aküzüm, D., Alten,
B., Töz, S., & Özbel, Y. (2019). Vector and reservoir surveillance study in a
canine and human leishmaniasis endemic area in most western part of
Turkey, Karaburun. Acta tropica, 190, 177-182. https://doi.org/10.1016/
- Kohli, S., Atheya, U. K., & Thapliyal, A. (2014). Prevalence of theileriosis in
cross-bred cattle: its detection through blood smear examination and
polymerase chain reaction in Dehradun district, Uttarakhand,
India. Veterinary World 7(3), 168-171. https://doi.org/10.14202/
- Leonel, J. A. F., Vioti, G., Alves, M. L., Benassi, J. C., Silva, D. T. D., Spada, J.
C. P., de Azevedo Ruiz, V.L., Starke-Buzetti, W.A., Soares, R.M., & Oliveira, T.
M. F. D. S. (2020). Leishmaniasis in cat shelters: A serological, molecular and
entomological study. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 67(5), 2013-
2019. https://doi.org/10.1111/tbed.13544
- Lima, C., Colella, V., Latrofa, M. S., Cardoso, L., Otranto, D., & Alho, A. M.
(2019). Molecular detection of Leishmania spp. in dogs and a cat from
Doha, Qatar. Parasites & vectors, 12 (25), 1-4. https://doi.org/10.1186/
- Maia, C., Gomes, J., Cristovao, J., (2010). Feline Leishmania infection in a
canine leishmaniosis endemic region, Portugal. Vet. Parasitol. 174, 336–
340. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vetpar.2010.08.030.
- Marfurt, J., Nasereddin, A., Niederwieser, I., Jaffe, C. L., Beck, H. P., &
Felger, I. (2003). Identification and differentiation of Leishmania species in
clinical samples by PCR amplification of the miniexon sequence and
subsequent restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. Journal of
clinical microbiology, 41(7), 3147-3153. https://doi.org/10.1128/
- Maroli, M., Pennisi, M.G., Di muccio, T., Khoury, C., Gradoni, L., Gramiccia,
M., (2007). Infection of sandflies by a cat naturally infected with
Leishmania infantum. Vet. Parasitol. 145, 357–363. https://
- Martín-Sánchez, J., Acedo, C., Muñoz-Pérez, M., Pesson, B., Marchal, O., &
Morillas-Márquez, F. (2007). Infection by Leishmania infantum in cats:
epidemiological study in Spain. Veterinary parasitology, 145(3-4), 267-273.
- Mir´o, G., Rup´erez, C., Checa, R., G´alvez, R., Hern´andez, L., García, M.,
Canorea, I., Marino, V., Montoya, A., (2014). Current status of L. infantum
infection in stray cats in the Madrid region (Spain): implications for the
recent outbreak of human leishmaniosis? Parasite Vector 7. https://
doi.org/10.1186/1756-3305-7-112, 112.
- Morelli, S., Colombo, M., Dimzas, D., Barlaam, A., Traversa, D., Di Cesare,
A., Russi, I., Spoletini, R., Paoletti, B., & Diakou, A. (2020). Leishmania
infantum seroprevalence in cats from touristic areas of Italy and
Greece. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 7, 616566. https://
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aspects of feline leishmaniasis with emphasis on Brazil: a narrative review.
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(2010). Histopathological lesions in 15 cats with leishmaniosis. Journal of
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- Nemati, T., Khanmohammadi, M., Bazmani, A., Mirsamadi, N., Koshki, M.
H. K., Mohebali, M., Fatollahzadeh, M., & Fallah, E. (2015). Study on
Leishmania infection in cats from Ahar, East Azerbaijan Province and North
West Iran by parasitological, serological and molecular methods. Asian
Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, 5(1), 40-43. https://
- No´e, P., Domingos, S.L., Oshiro, E., Lima, R.B., Pirmez, C., Pedroso, T.,
Babo-Terra, V., (2015). Detection of Leishmania chagasi in cats (Felis catus)
from viscera leishmaniasisi endemic area in Brazil. Cienc. Anim. 5 (4), 3–14.
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İ.C., Emek Tuna, G., Ermiş, Ö.V., Ertabaklar, H., & Özbel, Y. (2015).Detection of Leishmania major and Leishmania tropica in domestic cats in the Ege Region of Turkey. Veterinary Parasitology, 212(3-4), 389-392.
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visceral leishmaniosis in Brazil. Veterinary parasitology, 178(1-2), 22-28.
Investigation of Leishmania species in cats of Hatay province by PCR method
Year 2023,
Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 43 - 48, 27.06.2023
Şerife Akküçük
İpek Erdem
Aykut Zerek
Mehmet Ferit Can
Mustafa Karagöz
Sibel Elmacıoğlu Cura
Özlem Makbule Aycan Kaya
Mehmet Yaman
Cansu Önlen Güneri
With this study, it was aimed to determine the prevalence of leishmania species in cats in Hatay province and also to illuminate relationship between some individual characteristics and the disease. In the research, 100 cats were examined, which brought to Hatay Metropolitan Municipality Stray Animal Care and Rehabilitation Center and Hatay Mustafa Kemal University Veterinary Health, Practice and Research Hospital from different regions of Hatay province for diagnosis. Blood samples were taken from all animals. In addition, lymphatic fluid was taken from those who were found to have lymph enlargement. Smears were drawn from blood samples, inoculated on Roswell Park Memorial Institute 1640 medium, and Polymerase Chain Reaction was performed. Of the cats sampled in the study, 59% were female, while 41% were male. The mean age (X) and standard deviation (SD) of the cats were found to be 3.32 ± 1.5, respectively (min: 0.5; max: 7). As a result of the analysis of the samples obtained from 100 cats examined of different ages and genders with different diagnostic methods, the prevalence of Leishmania spp. in cats in Hatay province was found that 0%. Although gender was not associated with the appearance of clinical findings (P> 0.05), clinical findings in cats increased significantly with increasing their age (P < 0.01). Although positive cats with Leishmania spp. were not detected in our study, it should not be ignored that cats may also be reservoirs, especially in endemic regions. Recently, feline leishmaniasis cases reported from endemic areas are important for public health. Evaluation of domestic or stray cats living in these regions will contribute to the literature on transmission, immunopathogenesis, management and treatment of cat infections. The role, these animals can play in the leishmaniasis cycle, should not be underestimated. The role of cats as a reservoirs should be further explored.
- Aksulu, A., Bilgiç, H. B., Karagenç, T., & Bakırcı, S. (2021). Seroprevalence
and molecular detection of Leishmania spp. in cats of West Aegean
Region, Turkey. Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports, 24,
100573. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vprsr.2021.100573
- Ayllon, T., Tesouro, M. A., Amusategui, I., Villaescusa, A., Rodriguez‐
Franco, F., & Sainz, Á. (2008). Serologic and molecular evaluation of
Leishmania infantum in cats from Central Spain. Annals of the New York
Academy of Sciences, 1149(1), 361-364. https://doi.org/10.1196/
- Baneth, G., Nachum-Biala, Y., Zuberi, A., Zipori-Barki, N., Orshan, L.,
Kleinerman, G., Shmuli-Goldin, A., Bellaiche, M., Leszkowicz-Mazuz M.,
Salant, H., & Yasur-Landau, D. (2020). Leishmania infection in cats and
dogs housed together in an animal shelter reveals a higher parasite load in
infected dogs despite a greater seroprevalence among cats. Parasites &
vectors, 13, 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13071-020-3989-3
- Can, H., Döşkaya, M., Özdemir, H. G., Şahar, E. A., Karakavuk, M., Pektaş, B.,
Karakuş, M., Töz, S., Caner, A., Değirmenci Döşkaya, A., Gülce İz, S., Özbel,
Y., & Gürüz, Y. (2016). Seroprevalence of Leishmania infection and
molecular detection of Leishmania tropica and Leishmania infantum in stray
cats of İzmir, Turkey. Experimental parasitology, 167, 109-114. https://
- Cardoso, L., Lopes, A. P., Sherry, K., Schallig, H., & Solano-Gallego, L. (2010).
Low seroprevalence of Leishmania infantum infection in cats from northern
Portugal based on DAT and ELISA. Veterinary parasitology, 174(1-2), 37-42.
- Coelho, W.M.D., Lima, V.M.F., Amarante, A.F.T., Langoni, H., Pereira,
V.B.R.,Abdelnour, A., Denise, K., Bresciani, S., (2010). Occurrence of
Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi in a domestic cat (Felis catus) in
Andradina, S˜ao Paulo, Brazil: case report. Rev. Bras. Parasitol. Vet. 19, 256
–258. https://doi.org/10.1590/S1984-29612010000400013.
- da Silva, S. M., Rabelo, P. F. B., de Figueiredo Gontijo, N., Ribeiro, R. R.,
Melo, M. N., Ribeiro, V. M., & Michalick, M. S. M. (2010). First report of
infection of Lutzomyia longipalpis by Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum
from a naturally infected cat of Brazil. Veterinary parasitology, 174(1-2),
150-154. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vetpar.2010.08.005
- Diakou, A., Papadopoulos, E., & Lazarides, K. (2009). Specific antiLeishmania spp. antibodies in stray cats in Greece. Journal of feline
medicine and surgery, 11(8), 728-730. https://doi.org/10.1016/
- Grevot A, Jaussaud Hugues P, Marty P, Pratlong F, Ozon C, Haas P (2005).
Leishmaniosis due to Leishmania infantum in a FIV and FeLV positive cat
with a squamous cell carcinoma diagnosed with histological, serological and
isoenzymatic methods. Parasite, 12, 271–275.
- Gültekin, M., Karakuş, M., Seray, T. Ö. Z., & Voyvoda, H. (2020). First clinical
case of leishmaniosis due to Leishmania infantum in a domestic cat from
Turkey. Animal Health Production and Hygiene, 9(2), 734-737.
- Hatam, G. R., Adnani, S. J., Asgari, Q., Fallah, E., Motazedian, M. H., Sadjjadi,
S. M., & Sarkari, B. (2010). First report of natural infection in cats with
Leishmania infantum in Iran. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases, 10(3),
313-316. https://doi.org/10.1089/vbz.2009.0023
- Iatta, R., Furlanello, T., Colella, V., Tarallo, V. D., Latrofa, M. S., Brianti, E.,
Trerotoli, P., Decaro, N., Lorusso, E., Schunack, B., Mirò, G., Dantas-Torres,
F., & Otranto, D. (2019). A nationwide survey of Leishmania infantum
infection in cats and associated risk factors in Italy. PLoS Neglected Tropical
Diseases, 13(7), e0007594. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pntd.0007594
- Ihalamulla, R. L., Rajapaksa, U. S., & Karunaweera, N. D. (2005).
Microculture for the isolation of Leishmania parasites from cutaneous
lesions—Sri Lankan experience. Annals of Tropical Medicine &
Parasitology, 99(6), 571-575. https://doi.org/10.1179/136485905X51364
- Karakuş, M., Arserim, S. K., Kasap, Ö. E., Pekağırbaş, M., Aküzüm, D., Alten,
B., Töz, S., & Özbel, Y. (2019). Vector and reservoir surveillance study in a
canine and human leishmaniasis endemic area in most western part of
Turkey, Karaburun. Acta tropica, 190, 177-182. https://doi.org/10.1016/
- Kohli, S., Atheya, U. K., & Thapliyal, A. (2014). Prevalence of theileriosis in
cross-bred cattle: its detection through blood smear examination and
polymerase chain reaction in Dehradun district, Uttarakhand,
India. Veterinary World 7(3), 168-171. https://doi.org/10.14202/
- Leonel, J. A. F., Vioti, G., Alves, M. L., Benassi, J. C., Silva, D. T. D., Spada, J.
C. P., de Azevedo Ruiz, V.L., Starke-Buzetti, W.A., Soares, R.M., & Oliveira, T.
M. F. D. S. (2020). Leishmaniasis in cat shelters: A serological, molecular and
entomological study. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 67(5), 2013-
2019. https://doi.org/10.1111/tbed.13544
- Lima, C., Colella, V., Latrofa, M. S., Cardoso, L., Otranto, D., & Alho, A. M.
(2019). Molecular detection of Leishmania spp. in dogs and a cat from
Doha, Qatar. Parasites & vectors, 12 (25), 1-4. https://doi.org/10.1186/
- Maia, C., Gomes, J., Cristovao, J., (2010). Feline Leishmania infection in a
canine leishmaniosis endemic region, Portugal. Vet. Parasitol. 174, 336–
340. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vetpar.2010.08.030.
- Marfurt, J., Nasereddin, A., Niederwieser, I., Jaffe, C. L., Beck, H. P., &
Felger, I. (2003). Identification and differentiation of Leishmania species in
clinical samples by PCR amplification of the miniexon sequence and
subsequent restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. Journal of
clinical microbiology, 41(7), 3147-3153. https://doi.org/10.1128/
- Maroli, M., Pennisi, M.G., Di muccio, T., Khoury, C., Gradoni, L., Gramiccia,
M., (2007). Infection of sandflies by a cat naturally infected with
Leishmania infantum. Vet. Parasitol. 145, 357–363. https://
- Martín-Sánchez, J., Acedo, C., Muñoz-Pérez, M., Pesson, B., Marchal, O., &
Morillas-Márquez, F. (2007). Infection by Leishmania infantum in cats:
epidemiological study in Spain. Veterinary parasitology, 145(3-4), 267-273.
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