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The Teachings of Islam and the exaggeration of phobia: Answer to the Islamophobic and Recovering the Muslim Identity

Year 2018, Volume: 5 Issue: 10, 1 - 12, 07.04.2018


The main objective of this article a discussion on behalf of Islam
worldwide known word ‘Islamophobia’, a Western term and thought and also a
disputed issue for the Muslim world. Particularly in the aftermath of 9/11,
Muslims are often stereo typically portrayed in media reports as a devoutly religious
and undifferentiated group sharing a fundamentalist version of Islam. So, in this
article it will discuss with some major offshoots and basically depended on the
qualitative method from the previous research analysis and recently collected
data. Especially on Europe’s ignorance in the medieval period about the Islam
and Muhammad, as they imagined that our worship to Christ and their worship to
Muhammad are same and although they have known to Muhammad as an anti-Christ. The
explanation against the Islam and reverse meaning of the Quran’s verses from
its basic meaning in the Western world are common. After 9/11, why new-Muslim
numbers are increasing in the Western world as like as in America, United
Kingdom, and in others? Finally, some answers to the Islamophobic according to
the Islam as Islam does not react with the illegal activities by the name of


  • Ahmed, A. Shahid, (2017), “Islamophobia Thriving In Europe, New Report Says”, (Date of Access: 09.12.2017)
  • Akkoc, R. (2015), “Mapped: What the world's religious landscape will look like in 2050”, (Date of Access: 08.12.2017)
  • Aktaş, M. (2014), “Avrupa’da Yükselen İslamofobi ve Medeniyetler Çatışması Tezi.” Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi, 13(1): 31-54.
  • Barlas, A. (2000). “Jihad, Holy War, and Terrorism: The Politics of Conflation and Denial.” The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, 20(1): 46-62.
  • Ciftci, S. (2012). “Islamophobia and Threat Perceptions: Explaining Anti-Muslim Sentiment in the West.” Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 32(3): 293–309.
  • Erbaş, A. (1998). “Müslüman-Hıristiyan Münasebetleri Sürecinde Hıristiyanlann İslam'a ve Müslümanlara Bakışı.” ILAM Araştırma Dergisi, 3(1): 117-153.
  • Fuad, A. R. (2015). “The Teachings of Islam for the Prevention of Terrorism.” Monthly Perspective Magazine, 12(8): 30-36.
  • Gardner, R., Karakaşoğlu, Y., Luchtanberg, S. (2008). “Islamophobia in the Media: a response from multicultural education.” Intercultural Education, 19 (2): 119-136.
  • Hoyland, R. G. (2000). “The earliest christian writings on Muhammad: an appraisal” In H. Motzki (Ed.), The Biography of Muhammad Brill. pp. 277-286.
  • Kalin, I. (2007). İslam ve Batı, Istanbul: İsam Yayınları
  • Korkut, S. (2008). “Batı Düşüncesinde İslam ve Hz. Muhammed İmajı.” M.Ü. ilahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 34(1): 5-54.
  • Latif, A., Munir, H.S. (2014). “Terrorism and Jihad, An Islamic Perspective” Journal of Islamic Studies and Culture, 2(1): 69-80.
  • Mc Cambridge, J. B. (2016). Dante And Islam: A Study of The Eastern Influences in The Divine Comedy, Master’s Thesis, Indiana University, India.
  • Meyendorff, J. (1964). “Byzantine Views of Islam.” Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol-18, pp. 113-132.
  • PEW RESEARCH CENTER, (2017), “U.S. Muslims Concerned About Their Place in Society, but Continue to Believe in the American Dream”,, (Date of Access: 07.12. 2017)
  • Safi, L. M. (1988). “War and Peace in Islam.” The American Journal of Social Science, 5(1): 29-57.
  • Sheridan, L.P. (2006). “Islamophobia Pre– and Post–September 11th, 2001.” Journal of inter personal Violance, 21(3): 317-336.


Year 2018, Volume: 5 Issue: 10, 1 - 12, 07.04.2018


The main objective of this article a discussion on behalf of Islam
worldwide known word ‘Islamophobia’, a Western term and thought and a disputed
issue for the Muslim world. Particularly in the aftermath of 9/11, Muslims are
often stereotypically portrayed in media reports as a devoutly religious and
undifferentiated group sharing a fundamentalist version of Islam. So, in this
article it will discuss with some major offshoots and basically depended on the
qualitative method from the previous research analysis and recently collected
data. Especially on Europe’s ignorance in the medieval period about the Islam
and Muhammad, as they imagined that our worship to Christ and their worship to
Muhammad are same and although they have known to Muhammad as an anti-Christ. The
explanation against the Islam and reverse meaning of the Quran’s verses from
its basic meaning in the Western world are common. After 9/11, why new-Muslim
numbers are increasing in the Western world as like as in America, United
Kingdom, and in others? Finally, some answers to the Islamophobics according to
the Islam as Islam does not react with the illegal activities by the name of


  • Ahmed, A. Shahid, (2017), “Islamophobia Thriving In Europe, New Report Says”, (Date of Access: 09.12.2017)
  • Akkoc, R. (2015), “Mapped: What the world's religious landscape will look like in 2050”, (Date of Access: 08.12.2017)
  • Aktaş, M. (2014), “Avrupa’da Yükselen İslamofobi ve Medeniyetler Çatışması Tezi.” Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi, 13(1): 31-54.
  • Barlas, A. (2000). “Jihad, Holy War, and Terrorism: The Politics of Conflation and Denial.” The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, 20(1): 46-62.
  • Ciftci, S. (2012). “Islamophobia and Threat Perceptions: Explaining Anti-Muslim Sentiment in the West.” Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 32(3): 293–309.
  • Erbaş, A. (1998). “Müslüman-Hıristiyan Münasebetleri Sürecinde Hıristiyanlann İslam'a ve Müslümanlara Bakışı.” ILAM Araştırma Dergisi, 3(1): 117-153.
  • Fuad, A. R. (2015). “The Teachings of Islam for the Prevention of Terrorism.” Monthly Perspective Magazine, 12(8): 30-36.
  • Gardner, R., Karakaşoğlu, Y., Luchtanberg, S. (2008). “Islamophobia in the Media: a response from multicultural education.” Intercultural Education, 19 (2): 119-136.
  • Hoyland, R. G. (2000). “The earliest christian writings on Muhammad: an appraisal” In H. Motzki (Ed.), The Biography of Muhammad Brill. pp. 277-286.
  • Kalin, I. (2007). İslam ve Batı, Istanbul: İsam Yayınları
  • Korkut, S. (2008). “Batı Düşüncesinde İslam ve Hz. Muhammed İmajı.” M.Ü. ilahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 34(1): 5-54.
  • Latif, A., Munir, H.S. (2014). “Terrorism and Jihad, An Islamic Perspective” Journal of Islamic Studies and Culture, 2(1): 69-80.
  • Mc Cambridge, J. B. (2016). Dante And Islam: A Study of The Eastern Influences in The Divine Comedy, Master’s Thesis, Indiana University, India.
  • Meyendorff, J. (1964). “Byzantine Views of Islam.” Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol-18, pp. 113-132.
  • PEW RESEARCH CENTER, (2017), “U.S. Muslims Concerned About Their Place in Society, but Continue to Believe in the American Dream”,, (Date of Access: 07.12. 2017)
  • Safi, L. M. (1988). “War and Peace in Islam.” The American Journal of Social Science, 5(1): 29-57.
  • Sheridan, L.P. (2006). “Islamophobia Pre– and Post–September 11th, 2001.” Journal of inter personal Violance, 21(3): 317-336.
There are 17 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Article

Abdur Rahman Fuad

Publication Date April 7, 2018
Submission Date December 10, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 5 Issue: 10


APA Fuad, A. R. (2018). The Teachings of Islam and the exaggeration of phobia: Answer to the Islamophobic and Recovering the Muslim Identity. ASSAM Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi, 5(10), 1-12.

ASSAM-UHAD is an internationally indexed peer-reviewed journal published in April and November.