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İğneada (Demirköy/Kırklareli) Değirmen Deresi Havzasında Meydana Gelen Selin (5.9.2023) Nedenleri ve Sonuçları Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme

Year 2024, Volume: 29 Issue: 51, 61 - 77, 30.06.2024


5.9.2023 tarihinde Kırklareli ilinin Demirköy ilçesine bağlı İğneada beldesinde ciddi can ve mal kaybına neden olan bir sel meydana gelmiştir. Bu elim olay hidro-meteorolojik karakterli bir doğal afet olduğu için akarsu havzası ölçeğinde meydana gelmiştir. Bu nedenle, bu çalışma doğal afetin meydana geldiği Değirmen dere havzasında sele yol açan olaylar zincirini sistematik olarak ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Çalışma verileri, ofis ve saha çalışmalarından elde edilen bulgular çerçevesinde ilgili literatür ışığında işlenmiş ve yorumlanmıştır. Bu aşamada olayın nasıl ve neden meydana geldiğini saptamak ve benzer problemlerin tekrar yaşanmasının nasıl önlenebileceğini tespit etmek için Kök Neden Analizi (KNA) yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda aniden gelişen sağanak yağışların sebep olduğu sel olayının, topografik özelliklere bağlı olarak yamaç arazilerde yüksek enerjili su akımlarına ve buna bağlı olarak çok değişik boyutlardaki malzemenin taşınmasına sebep olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Akarsuyun üst havzasından debisi çok düzensiz bir şekilde değişen güçlü sel suları ile gelen malzemeler akarsu yatağında eğimin azaldığı yerlerde su baskınlarının yaşanmasını tetiklemiştir. Ancak bu doğal olay, özellikle insanın doğal ortam üzerindeki olumsuz antropojenik etkilerinin yol açtığı yanlış arazi kullanımıyla alt havzada afet karakteri kazanmıştır.


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An Evaluation of the Causes and Consequences of the Flash Floods (5.9.2023) in the Degirmen River Basin in Igneada (Demirkoy/Kırklareli)

Year 2024, Volume: 29 Issue: 51, 61 - 77, 30.06.2024


On 5.9.2023, flash floods occurred in Igneada town of Demirkoy district of Kırklareli province, which caused serious loss of life and property. Since this unfortunate event was a natural hazard with a hydro-meteorological characteristic, it occurred at the river basin scale. Therefore, the present study aims to systematically reveal the chain of events leading to the flash floods in the Degirmen River basin, where the natural hazard occurred. The study data were processed and interpreted in the light of the relevant literature within the framework of the findings obtained from office and field studies. At this stage, the Root Cause Analysis (RCA) method was used to determine how and why the event occurred and how to prevent similar problems from occurring again. As a result of the study, it was determined that flash floods caused by sudden torrential rains led to high-energy water flows on the slope lands depending on topographic features. Consequently, they forced the transportation of materials of various sizes. The materials coming from the river's upper basin with strong flash floods with irregularly changing flow rates triggered flooding in places where the slope of the river bed decreased. However, this natural event has become a natural hazard in the lower basin due to the wrong land use caused by the negative anthropogenic effects of human beings on the natural environment.


  • Archer, D., & Fowler, H. A. (2021). Historical flash flood chronology for Britain. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 2021; 14:e12721.
  • Asare-Kyei, D., Forkuor, G., & Venus, V. (2015). Modeling flood hazard zones at the sub-district level with the rational model integrated with GIS and remote sensing approaches. Water, 7, 3531-3564.
  • Avci, V., & Sunkar, M. (2015). Morphometric analyses of Aksu stream and Batlama creek watersheds that caused floods and overflows in Giresun. Istanbul University Faculty of Literature Department of Geography Journal of Geography, 30, 91-119.
  • Avci, V., & Sunkar, M. (2018). Morphometric analysis of Pazarsuyu, İncüvez, Kara and Bulancak streams which cause flood and overflow events in Bulancak (Giresun). Firat University Journal of Social Sciences, 28(2), 15,41.
  • Avci, V., & Ünsal, Ö. (2023). A morphometric approach to Bozkurt (Kastamonu-Türkiye) flood. Journal of Natural Hazards and Environment, 9(2), 216-239.
  • Avci, V. (2023). Morphometric features of Esmahanım creek basin (Akcakoca-Duzce) and its effects on overflow. Journal of Bartın Faculty of Forestry, 25(1), 96-118.
  • Avci, V., Dölek, İ. & Uzelli, T. (2023). Determination of overflow susceptibility of the streams causing flood overflow in Araklı District and its surroundings (Trabzon) by morphometric analyses. The Black Sea Journal of Sciences, 13(3), 1024-1054.
  • Bahadır, M. (2014). A climatic analysis of the floods of 4th July and 6th August 2012 in Samsun. Journal of Geography, 29, 28-50.
  • Bathrellos, G.D., & Skilodimou, H.D. (2019). Land use planning for natural hazards. Land, 8(9):128.
  • Cürebal, İ., Efe, R., Özdemir, H., Soykan, A., & Sönmez, S. (2016). GIS-based approach for flood analysis: case study of Keçidere flash flood event (Turkey). Geocarto International, 31(4), 355-366. ttps://
  • Dönmez, Y. (1990). Thrace plant geography, Istanbul University Faculty of Literature Publishers.
  • Du, Y., Clemenzi, I., & Pechlivanidis, I.G. (2023). Hydrological regimes explain the seasonal predictability of streamflow extremes. Environmental Research Letters, 18(9): 094060.
  • Dursun, İ., & Babalık, A.A. (2023). Evaluation of morphometric parameters and erosion status in Burdur Lake watershed. Turkish Journal of Forestry, 24(1), 25-38.
  • Ekmekcioğlu, Ö. (2023). Incorporating the GIS-based hybrid machine learning applications into the flash flood susceptibility mapping. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 13(2), 1067-1084.
  • Elbaşı, E., & Özdemir, H. (2018). Morphometric analysis of the marmara sea river basins. Journal of Geography, 36, 63-84.
  • Ergün, A., & Ülker, K. (1970). Hydrogeology map of thrace-Istanbul paftasi. Directorate of Energy and Natural Resources, DSI Department of Ground Waters.
  • Eriş, E., & Ağıralioğlu, N. (2017). Determination of Spatial distribution of precipitation on poorly gauged coastal regions: Eastern Black Sea region. IMO Teknik Dergi, 28(1), 7685-7702.
  • ESRI (2022). Sentinel-2 10m land use/land cover timeseries downloader (2017-2021).
  • Feng, X., Porporato, A., & Rodriguez-Iturbe, I. (2013). Changes in rainfall seasonality in the tropics. Nature Climate Change, 3, 811-815.
  • Fural, Ş., Cürebal, İ., & İnan, F. (2019). Geomorphological analysis of torrent, flood and mud flow disasters triggered by rainfall in Elmalı (Antalya-TURKEY). Journal of Geomorphological Researches,3, 49-61.
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  • GDMRE (2002). Edirne-Kırklareli 1/250.000 scale geological map of Turkey. General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration.
  • GDRS (1991). Land asset of Kırklareli province. General Directorate of Rural Services Publications, Provincial Report No: 39, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Affairs.
  • GDSHW (2015). Annals of flow monitoring stations. General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works,
  • GDSHW (2023). Flood determination and calculation of Kırklareli-Demirköy-Degirmen River and Bulanık River (05-06/September/2023). State Hydraulic Works 11th Regional Directorate, Edirne.
  • Glenny, A. (2023). Storm Daniel turns deadly as it ravages Greece, Turkey with flooding rain. Governorship of Kırklareli (2023). Geçmiş olsun Kırklareli. 07.09.2023.
  • Horton, R.E. (1932). Drainage-basin characteristics, EOS, Transactions. American Geophysical Union, 13(1), 350-361.
  • Horton, R.E. (1945). Erosional development of streams and their drainage basins, hydrophysical approach to quantitative morphology. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 56, 275-370.
  • JBA Risk Management (2023). Storm daniel: September 2023. The flood people.
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There are 99 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Türkiye Physical Geography

Emre Özşahin 0000-0001-8169-6908

Mikayil Öztürk 0009-0009-6482-108X

Publication Date June 30, 2024
Submission Date October 6, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 29 Issue: 51


APA Özşahin, E., & Öztürk, M. (2024). An Evaluation of the Causes and Consequences of the Flash Floods (5.9.2023) in the Degirmen River Basin in Igneada (Demirkoy/Kırklareli). Doğu Coğrafya Dergisi, 29(51), 61-77.

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