Research Article
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Year 2018, Volume: 28 Issue: 2, 169 - 173, 22.04.2018


Aim: We
attempted to determine the incidence of transmigrant maxillary and mandibular
canine teeth, assess
pathological changes and treatment choices.

Material and Methods: We
planned a retrospective study based on panoramic radiographs and clinical re- cords.
canines (TCs) were scanned in the panoramic radiographs. When a TC was determined, age and sex, presence of primary
canines, radiog- raphic data from the adjacent teeth and treatment choice
(extraction, orthodontic treatment or periodical follow-up) were taken from the
patient’s records.

 Results: We found 8 TCs (4 in
maxilla, 4 in mandible) in 8 patients (4 males, 4 females). The rate of
transmigration was 0.08%.
Three of TCs were in the right and 5 were in
the left side. None of the TCs showed pathological signs
such as expansion of the dental follicle around the crown, cysts, or root
resorption of adjacent teeth.

Conclusion: TCs are seen both in upper
and lower
jaws. Early detection of them can improve the prognosis and
treatment outcomes. It also helps preventing the complications that may occur
later on time.

Keywords: Canine tooth, transmigration


Amaç: Transmigrant maksiller ve mandibular
kaninlerin insidansını belirlemek, patolojik değişiklikleri ve tedavi
seçeneklerini değerlendirmektir.

Gereç ve Yöntem:
Panoramik radyograflara ve klinik kayıtlara dayanan retrospektif bir çalışma
planladık. Transmigrant kaninler (TK), panoramik radyografta tarandı. TK
saptandığında, yaş, cinsiyet, süt kaninlerin varlığı, komşu dişin radyografi ve tedavi seçeneği (çekim, ortodontik
tedavi veya periyodik takip) hastaların kayıtlarından alındı.

Bulgular: Sekiz hastada
8 TK (4 maksilla, 4 mandi- bula) bulundu. Transmigrasyon oranı %0.08’di.
TK’lerin 3’ü sağ tarafta ve 5’i sol taraftaydı. Hiçbirinde kuronun etrafındaki
dental folikülde genişleme veya komşu diş kökünde rezorpsiyon görülmedi.

Sonuç: TK’ler hem alt çenede hem de üst çenede görülebilir.
Erken teşhis prognozu ve tedavi sonuçlarını iyileştirebilir.Zamanla
oluşabilecek olan komplikasyonları önlemeye de yardımcı olur.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Kanin diş, transmigrasyon


  • 1.Chu FC, Li TK, Lui VK, Newsome PR, Chow RL, Cheung LK. Prevalence of impacted teeth and associated pathologies-a radiographic study of the Hong Kong Chinese population. Hong Kong Med J 2003;9:158-63.
  • 2. Hattab FN, Rawashdeh MA, Fahmy MS. Impaction status of third molars in Jordanian students. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 1995;79:24.
  • 3. Peltola JS. A panoramatomographic study of the teeth and jaws of Finnish university students. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 1993;21:36-9.
  • 4. Yamaoka M, Furusawa K, Yamamoto M. Influence of adjacent teeth on impacted third molars in the upper and lower jaws. Aust Dent J 1995;40:233-5.
  • 5. Torres-Lagares D, Flores-Ruiz R, Infante-Cossio P, Garcia-Calderon M, Gutierrez-Perez JL. Transmigration of impacted lower canine. Case report and review of literature. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 2006;11:171-4.
  • 6. Shah RM, Boyd MA, Vakil TF. Studies of permanent tooth anomalies in 7,886 Canadian individuals. I: impacted teeth. Dent J 1978;44:262-4.
  • 7. Murray P, Brown NL. The conservative approach to managing unerupted lower premolars - two case reports. Int J Paediatr Dent 2003;13:198-203.
  • 8. Lee PP. Impacted premolars. Dent Update 2005;32:152-4.
  • 9. Karapanou V. Endodontic management of an impacted premolar. J Clin Pediatr Dent 2005;29:293-8.
  • 10. Bishara SE. Impacted maxillary canines: a review. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1992;101:159-71.
  • 11. Mupparapu M. Patterns of intra-osseous transmigration and ectopic eruption of mandibular canines: review of literature and report of nine additional cases. Dentomaxillofac Radiol 2002;31:355-60.
  • 12. Shapira Y, Kuftinec MM. Unusual intraosseous transmigration of a palatally impacted canine. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2005;127:360-3.
  • 13. Ryan FS, Batra P, Witherow H, Calvert M. Transmigration of a maxillary canine. A case report. Prim Dent Care 2005;12:70-2.
  • 14. Joshi MR. Transmigrant mandibular canines: a record of 28 cases and a retrospective review of the literature. Angle Orthod 2001;71:12-22.
  • 15. Milano M, Barrett L, 2nd, Marshall E. Extraction of a horizontally impacted mandibular canine through a genioplasty approach: report of a case. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1996;54:1240-2.
  • 16. Aydin U, Yilmaz HH. Transmigration of impacted canines. Dentomaxillofac Radiol 2003;32:198-200.
  • 17. Ozan F, Yeler H, Yeler D. Mandibular Gömülü Daimi Kanin Dişle İlişkili Süpernümerer Diş Ve Kompaund Odontoma: Vaka Raporu. Atatürk Üniv. Diş Hek. Fak. Derg 2005;15:61-4.
  • 18. Ando S, Aizawa K, Nakashima T, Sanka Y, Shimbo K, Kiyokawa K. Transmigration process of the impacted mandibular cuspid. J Nihon Univ Sch Dent 1964;6:66-71.
  • 19. Okada H, Miyake S, Toyama K, Yamamoto H. Intraosseous tooth migration of impacted mandibular premolar: computed tomography observation of 2 cases of migration into the mandibular neck and the coronoid process. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2002;60:686-9.
  • 20. Auluck A, Nagpal A, Setty S, Pai KM, Sunny J. Transmigration of impacted mandibular canines– Report of 4 cases. J Can Dent Assoc 2006;72:249–52.
  • 21. Aydin U, Yilmaz HH, Yildirim D. Incidence of canine impaction and transmigration in a patient population. Dentomaxillofac Radiol 2004;33:164-9.
  • 22. Broadway RT. A misplaced mandibular permanent canine. Br Dent J 1987;163:357-8.
  • 23. Auluck A, Mupparapu. Transmigration of impacted and displaced maxillary canines: orientation of canine to the midpalatine suture. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2006;129:6-7.
  • 24. Mitchell L. Displacement of a mandibular canine following fracture of the mandible. Br Dent J 1993;174:417-8.
  • 25. Buyukkurt MC, Aras MH, Caglaroglu M, Gungormus M. Transmigrant mandibular canines. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2007;65:2025-9.
  • 26. Aras MH, Buyukkurt MC, Yolcu U, Ertas U, Dayi E. Transmigrant maxillary canines. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2008;105:48-52.
  • 27. Mazinis E, Zafeiriadis A, Karathanasis A, Lambrianidis T. Transmigration of impacted canines: prevalence, management and implications on tooth structure and pulp vitality of adjacent teeth. Clin Oral Investig 2012;16:625-32.
  • 28. Kamiloglu B, Kelahmet U. Prevalence of impacted and transmigrated canine teeth in a Cypriote orthodontic population in the Northern Cyprus area. BMC Res Notes 2014;7:346-51.
  • 29. Aktan AM, Kara S, Akgunlu F, Malkoc S. The incidence of canine transmigration and tooth impaction in a Turkish subpopulation. Eur J Orthod 2010;32:575-81.
  • 30. Kumar S, Jayaswal P, Pentapati KC, Valiathan A, Kotak N. Investigation of the transmigrated canine in an orthodontic patient population. J Orthod 2012;39:89-94.
  • 31. Díaz-Sáncheza RM, Castillo-de-Oyagüea R, Serrera-Figalloa MA, Hita-Iglesiasb P, Gutiérrez-Péreza JL, Torres-Lagaresa D. Transmigration of mandibular cuspids: review of publishedreports and description of nine new cases. Br J of Oral and Maxillofac Surg 2016;54:241–7.
  • 32. Ezirganlı Ş, Köşger HH, Kırtay M, Özer K. Alt çenedeki kaninlerin gömülülük ve transmigrasyon insidansı: retrospektif bir çalışma. GÜ Diş Fak Derg 2011;28: 159–67.
  • 33. Kumar S, Urala AS, Kamath AT, Jayaswal P, Valiathan A. Unusual intraosseous transmigration of impacted tooth. Imaging Sci Dent 2012; 42:47-54.
  • 34. Camilleri S, Scerri E. Transmigration of mandibular canines-a review of the literature and a report of five cases. Angle Orthod 2003;73:753-62.
  • 35. Umashree N, Kumar A, Nagaraj T. Transmigration of Mandibular Canines. Case Rep Dent 2013;13:69-71.
  • 36. Ün E, Ezirganlı Ş, Özer K, Kırtay M, Hasdemir D. Alt Çene de Gömülü Transmigre Kaninler: 5 Olgu Nedeniyle. ADO Klinik Bilimler Dergisi 2011; 5: 968-72.
Year 2018, Volume: 28 Issue: 2, 169 - 173, 22.04.2018



  • 1.Chu FC, Li TK, Lui VK, Newsome PR, Chow RL, Cheung LK. Prevalence of impacted teeth and associated pathologies-a radiographic study of the Hong Kong Chinese population. Hong Kong Med J 2003;9:158-63.
  • 2. Hattab FN, Rawashdeh MA, Fahmy MS. Impaction status of third molars in Jordanian students. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 1995;79:24.
  • 3. Peltola JS. A panoramatomographic study of the teeth and jaws of Finnish university students. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 1993;21:36-9.
  • 4. Yamaoka M, Furusawa K, Yamamoto M. Influence of adjacent teeth on impacted third molars in the upper and lower jaws. Aust Dent J 1995;40:233-5.
  • 5. Torres-Lagares D, Flores-Ruiz R, Infante-Cossio P, Garcia-Calderon M, Gutierrez-Perez JL. Transmigration of impacted lower canine. Case report and review of literature. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 2006;11:171-4.
  • 6. Shah RM, Boyd MA, Vakil TF. Studies of permanent tooth anomalies in 7,886 Canadian individuals. I: impacted teeth. Dent J 1978;44:262-4.
  • 7. Murray P, Brown NL. The conservative approach to managing unerupted lower premolars - two case reports. Int J Paediatr Dent 2003;13:198-203.
  • 8. Lee PP. Impacted premolars. Dent Update 2005;32:152-4.
  • 9. Karapanou V. Endodontic management of an impacted premolar. J Clin Pediatr Dent 2005;29:293-8.
  • 10. Bishara SE. Impacted maxillary canines: a review. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1992;101:159-71.
  • 11. Mupparapu M. Patterns of intra-osseous transmigration and ectopic eruption of mandibular canines: review of literature and report of nine additional cases. Dentomaxillofac Radiol 2002;31:355-60.
  • 12. Shapira Y, Kuftinec MM. Unusual intraosseous transmigration of a palatally impacted canine. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2005;127:360-3.
  • 13. Ryan FS, Batra P, Witherow H, Calvert M. Transmigration of a maxillary canine. A case report. Prim Dent Care 2005;12:70-2.
  • 14. Joshi MR. Transmigrant mandibular canines: a record of 28 cases and a retrospective review of the literature. Angle Orthod 2001;71:12-22.
  • 15. Milano M, Barrett L, 2nd, Marshall E. Extraction of a horizontally impacted mandibular canine through a genioplasty approach: report of a case. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1996;54:1240-2.
  • 16. Aydin U, Yilmaz HH. Transmigration of impacted canines. Dentomaxillofac Radiol 2003;32:198-200.
  • 17. Ozan F, Yeler H, Yeler D. Mandibular Gömülü Daimi Kanin Dişle İlişkili Süpernümerer Diş Ve Kompaund Odontoma: Vaka Raporu. Atatürk Üniv. Diş Hek. Fak. Derg 2005;15:61-4.
  • 18. Ando S, Aizawa K, Nakashima T, Sanka Y, Shimbo K, Kiyokawa K. Transmigration process of the impacted mandibular cuspid. J Nihon Univ Sch Dent 1964;6:66-71.
  • 19. Okada H, Miyake S, Toyama K, Yamamoto H. Intraosseous tooth migration of impacted mandibular premolar: computed tomography observation of 2 cases of migration into the mandibular neck and the coronoid process. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2002;60:686-9.
  • 20. Auluck A, Nagpal A, Setty S, Pai KM, Sunny J. Transmigration of impacted mandibular canines– Report of 4 cases. J Can Dent Assoc 2006;72:249–52.
  • 21. Aydin U, Yilmaz HH, Yildirim D. Incidence of canine impaction and transmigration in a patient population. Dentomaxillofac Radiol 2004;33:164-9.
  • 22. Broadway RT. A misplaced mandibular permanent canine. Br Dent J 1987;163:357-8.
  • 23. Auluck A, Mupparapu. Transmigration of impacted and displaced maxillary canines: orientation of canine to the midpalatine suture. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2006;129:6-7.
  • 24. Mitchell L. Displacement of a mandibular canine following fracture of the mandible. Br Dent J 1993;174:417-8.
  • 25. Buyukkurt MC, Aras MH, Caglaroglu M, Gungormus M. Transmigrant mandibular canines. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2007;65:2025-9.
  • 26. Aras MH, Buyukkurt MC, Yolcu U, Ertas U, Dayi E. Transmigrant maxillary canines. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2008;105:48-52.
  • 27. Mazinis E, Zafeiriadis A, Karathanasis A, Lambrianidis T. Transmigration of impacted canines: prevalence, management and implications on tooth structure and pulp vitality of adjacent teeth. Clin Oral Investig 2012;16:625-32.
  • 28. Kamiloglu B, Kelahmet U. Prevalence of impacted and transmigrated canine teeth in a Cypriote orthodontic population in the Northern Cyprus area. BMC Res Notes 2014;7:346-51.
  • 29. Aktan AM, Kara S, Akgunlu F, Malkoc S. The incidence of canine transmigration and tooth impaction in a Turkish subpopulation. Eur J Orthod 2010;32:575-81.
  • 30. Kumar S, Jayaswal P, Pentapati KC, Valiathan A, Kotak N. Investigation of the transmigrated canine in an orthodontic patient population. J Orthod 2012;39:89-94.
  • 31. Díaz-Sáncheza RM, Castillo-de-Oyagüea R, Serrera-Figalloa MA, Hita-Iglesiasb P, Gutiérrez-Péreza JL, Torres-Lagaresa D. Transmigration of mandibular cuspids: review of publishedreports and description of nine new cases. Br J of Oral and Maxillofac Surg 2016;54:241–7.
  • 32. Ezirganlı Ş, Köşger HH, Kırtay M, Özer K. Alt çenedeki kaninlerin gömülülük ve transmigrasyon insidansı: retrospektif bir çalışma. GÜ Diş Fak Derg 2011;28: 159–67.
  • 33. Kumar S, Urala AS, Kamath AT, Jayaswal P, Valiathan A. Unusual intraosseous transmigration of impacted tooth. Imaging Sci Dent 2012; 42:47-54.
  • 34. Camilleri S, Scerri E. Transmigration of mandibular canines-a review of the literature and a report of five cases. Angle Orthod 2003;73:753-62.
  • 35. Umashree N, Kumar A, Nagaraj T. Transmigration of Mandibular Canines. Case Rep Dent 2013;13:69-71.
  • 36. Ün E, Ezirganlı Ş, Özer K, Kırtay M, Hasdemir D. Alt Çene de Gömülü Transmigre Kaninler: 5 Olgu Nedeniyle. ADO Klinik Bilimler Dergisi 2011; 5: 968-72.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Araştırma Makalesi

Dilek Menziletoğlu

Bozkurt Kubilay Işık This is me

Alparslan Esen This is me

Publication Date April 22, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 28 Issue: 2


APA Menziletoğlu, D., Işık, B. K., & Esen, A. (2018). INCIDENCE OF MANDIBULAR AND MAXILLARY IMPACTED CANINES TRANSMIGRATION:A RETROSPECTIVE STUDY. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, 28(2), 169-173.
AMA Menziletoğlu D, Işık BK, Esen A. INCIDENCE OF MANDIBULAR AND MAXILLARY IMPACTED CANINES TRANSMIGRATION:A RETROSPECTIVE STUDY. Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg. April 2018;28(2):169-173. doi:10.17567/ataunidfd.418836
Chicago Menziletoğlu, Dilek, Bozkurt Kubilay Işık, and Alparslan Esen. “INCIDENCE OF MANDIBULAR AND MAXILLARY IMPACTED CANINES TRANSMIGRATION:A RETROSPECTIVE STUDY”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 28, no. 2 (April 2018): 169-73.
EndNote Menziletoğlu D, Işık BK, Esen A (April 1, 2018) INCIDENCE OF MANDIBULAR AND MAXILLARY IMPACTED CANINES TRANSMIGRATION:A RETROSPECTIVE STUDY. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 28 2 169–173.
IEEE D. Menziletoğlu, B. K. Işık, and A. Esen, “INCIDENCE OF MANDIBULAR AND MAXILLARY IMPACTED CANINES TRANSMIGRATION:A RETROSPECTIVE STUDY”, Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 169–173, 2018, doi: 10.17567/ataunidfd.418836.
ISNAD Menziletoğlu, Dilek et al. “INCIDENCE OF MANDIBULAR AND MAXILLARY IMPACTED CANINES TRANSMIGRATION:A RETROSPECTIVE STUDY”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 28/2 (April 2018), 169-173.
MLA Menziletoğlu, Dilek et al. “INCIDENCE OF MANDIBULAR AND MAXILLARY IMPACTED CANINES TRANSMIGRATION:A RETROSPECTIVE STUDY”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 28, no. 2, 2018, pp. 169-73, doi:10.17567/ataunidfd.418836.

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