Research Article
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The Determination of The Relationship Between The Perception of Surgical Fear and Social Support in Patients Who Undergoing Elective Surgery

Year 2019, Volume: 22 Issue: 4, 284 - 293, 19.12.2019


Aim: The
study was conducted to determinate its relationship with the perception of
social support before the surgery.

Methods: The study population
consisted of all hospitalized patients undergoing elective surgery in that
hospital at the given dates. And the sample of the study consisted of 405
patients who met the inclusion criteria for the study. "Personal
Information Form", "SFQ" and "Multidimensional Scale of
Perceived Social Support (MSPSS)" was used for data collection.

Results: The total SFQ score of patients was found as 37.55±21.11. The mean SFQ
scores of females, those living in nuclear families, and those who haven't
hospitalized and undergone any surgery were found to be significantly higher
(p<0.05). In addition, a negative and significant relationship was found
between the mean total and sub-scale scores of the SFQ and MSPSS scales

Conclusion: In the study, it was
determined that patients undergoing surgery experienced a moderate level of
fear, and it was also found that certain variables and perceived social support
affect the level of fear of surgery.


  • Aykent R, Kocamanoğlu S, Üstün E, Tür A, Şahinoğlu H. Preoperatif anksiyete nedenleri ve değerlendirilmesi: APAIS ve STAI skorlarının karşılaştırılması. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Anesthesiology Reanimation, 2007; 5(1): 7-13.Carr E, Brockbank K, Allen S, Strike P. Patterns and frequency of anxiety in women undergoing gynaecological surgery. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2006; 15(3): 341-352.Caumo W, Schmidt A, Schneider C, Bergmann J, Iwamoto C, Bandeira D, Ferreira M. Risk factors for preoperative anxiety in adults. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, 2001; 45(3): 298-307.Cohen S, Wills T. Stress, social support, and the buffering hypothesis. Psychological Bulletin, 1985; 98(2): 310-317.Cooke M, Chaboyer W, Schluter P, Hiratos M. The effect of music on preoperative anxiety in day surgery. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2005; 52(1): 47-55.Demir A, Akyurt D, Ergün B, Haytural C, Yiğit T, Elhan A. Kalp cerrahisi geçirecek olgularda anksiyete sağaltımı. Türk Göğüs Kalp Damar Cerrahisi Dergisi, 2010; 18(3): 177-182.Duman A, Öğün Ö, Şahin K, Şarkılar G, Ökeşli S. Preoperatif korku ve endişeyi etkileyen faktörlerin değerlendirilmesi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 2003; 19: 21- 26.Eker D, Arkar H. Perceived social support: psychometric properties of the MSPSS in normal and pathological groups in a developing country. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 1995; 30(3): 121-126.Erdem D, Ugiş C, Albayrak MD, Akan B, Aksoy E, Göğüş N. Perianal bölge ameliyatı yapılacak hastalarda uygulanan anestezi yöntemlerinin preoperatif ve postoperatif anksiyete ve ağrı düzeylerine etkisi. Bakırköy Tıp Dergisi, 2011; 7(1): 11-16.Eti Aslan F. Cerrahi Bakım-Vaka Analizleri ile Birlikte, Ankara, Akademisyen Tıp Kitapevi, 2015.Güz H, Doğanay Z, Güz T. Lomber disk hernisi nedeniyle ameliyat olan hastalarda ameliyat öncesi anksiyete. Nöropsikiyatri arşivi, 2003; 40(2): 36-39.Gürsoy AA. To determine the anxiety levels and the factors which may cause anxiety in preoperative surgical patients. Journal of Nursing Research Development (HEMAR-G), 2001; 1(1): 23-29.Gürsoy A, Candaş B, Güner Ş, Yılmaz S. Preoperative stress: An operating room nurse intervention assessment. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing, 2016; 31(6): 1-9.Hogan B, Linden W, Najarian B. Social support interventions: Do they work? Clinical Psychology Review, 2002; 22(3): 381-440.Jawaid M, Mushtaq A, Mukhtar S, Khan Z. Preoperative anxiety before elective surgery. Neurosciences, 2007; 12(2): 145-148.Kalkhoran M, Karimollahi M. Religiousness and preoperative anxiety: A correlational study. Annals of General Psychiatry, 2007; 6(1): 17-25.Karadakovan A, Eti Aslan F. Dahili ve Cerrahi Hastalıklarında Bakım, Adana, Nobel Kitapevi, 2010. Karancı A, Dirik G. Predictors of pre and postoperative anxiety in emergency surgery patients. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 2003; 55(4): 363-369.Koivula M, Paunonen Ilmonen M, Tarkka MT, Tarkka M, Laippala P. Social support and its relation to fear and anxiety in patients awaiting coronary artery bypass grafting. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2002; 11(5): 622-633.Krohne H, Slangen K. Influence of social support on adaptation to surgery. Health Psychology, 2005; 24(1): 101-110.Lincoln K, Chatters L, Taylor R. Social support, traumatic events, and depressive symptoms among African Americans. Journal of Marriage and Family, 2005; 67(3): 754-766.Marcus M. Validation of the surgical fear questionnaire in adult patients waiting for elective surgery. PLOS ONE, 2014; 9(6): 6-19.Munafo M, Stevenson J. Anxiety and surgical recovery: Reinterpreting the literature. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 2001; 51(4): 589-596.Okkonen E, Vanhanen H. Family support, living alone, and subjective health of a patient in connection with a coronary artery bypass surgery. Heart & Lung: The Journal of Acute and Critical Care, 2006; 35(4): 234-244. Perks A, Chakravarti S, Manninen P. Preoperative anxiety in neurosurgical patients. Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology, 2009; 21(2): 127-130.Pierantognetti P, Covelli G, Vario M. Anxiety, stress and preoperative surgical nursing. Professioni İnfermieristiche, 2002; 55(3): 180-191.Shahmansouri N, Koivula M, Ahmadi S, Arjmandi A, Karimi A. Fear, anxiety, and beliefs about surgery in candidates patients for coronary artery bypass grafting. European Journal of Experimental Biology, 2012; 2(5): 1750-1754.Stirling L, Raab G, Alder E, Robertson F. Randomized trial of essential oils to reduce perioperative patient anxiety: feasibility study. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2007; 60(5): 494-501.Tasdemir A, Erakgun A, Deniz MN, Çertug A. Comparison of Preoperative and Postoperative Anxiety Levels with State-Trait Anxiety Inventory Test in Preoperatively Informed Patients. Türk Anestezi ve Reanimayson Dernegi, 2013; 41(2): 44-56.Theunissen M, Peters M, Schouten E, Fiddelers A, Willemsen M, Pinto P, Gramke H, Twiss E, Seaver J, McCaffrey R. The effect of music listening on older adults undergoing cardiovascular surgery. Nursing in Critical Care, 2006; 11(5): 224-231.Vileikyte L. Stress and wound healing. Clinics in Dermatology, 2007; 25(1): 49-55.Yardakçı R, Akyolcu N. The effect of the visits made preoperative period on the patients’anxiety level. Journal of Nursing Research Development (HEMAR-G), 2004; 6: 7-14.Yılmaz M, Sezer H, Gürler H, Bekar M. Predictors of preoperative anxiety in surgical inpatients. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2012; 21(8): 956-964.Zieger M, Schwarz R, König H-H, Härter M, Riedel-Heller S. Depression and anxiety in patients undergoing herniated disc surgery: relevant but underresearched–a systematic review. Journal of Neurological Surgery: Central European Neurosurgery, 2010; 71(1): 26-34.Zimet G, Dahlem N, Zimet S, Farley G. The Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support. Journal of Personality Assessment, 1988; 52(1): 30-41.


Year 2019, Volume: 22 Issue: 4, 284 - 293, 19.12.2019


Amaç: Bu araştırma hastaların ameliyat öncesi korku
düzeylerinin sosyal destek algısı ile ilişkisini belirlemek amacıyla yürütüldü.

Yöntem: Araştırmanın evrenini, cerrahi
kliniklerde yatan elektif cerrahi operasyon geçirecek hastalar, örneklemini ise
belirtilen evrende araştırmaya alınma kriterlerine uyan 405 hasta oluşturdu.
Verilerin toplanmasında “Kişisel Bilgi Formu”, “Cerrahi Korku Ölçeği (CKÖ)” ve
“Çok Boyutlu Algılanan Sosyal Destek Ölçeği (ÇBASDÖ)” kullanıldı.

Bu çalışmada CKÖ toplam puan ortalaması 37.55±21.11 olarak bulundu. Yaş
ortalaması yüksek grubun, kadınların, çekirdek ailede yaşayanların, daha önce
cerrahi operasyon geçirmemiş ve hastaneye yatmamış olan hastaların CKÖ toplam
puan ortalamasının daha yüksek olduğu ve aradaki farkın istatistiksel olarak
anlamlı olduğu saptandı (p<0.05). Ayrıca CKÖ ve ÇBASDÖ ölçek toplam puan
ortalamaları arasında negatif yönde bir ilişki olduğu belirlendi (p<0.001).

Sonuç: Araştırmada ameliyat bekleyen
hastaların orta düzeyde korku yaşadıkları, bazı değişkenlerin ve algılanan
sosyal destek düzeyinin, cerrahi korku düzeyini etkilediği saptandı.


  • Aykent R, Kocamanoğlu S, Üstün E, Tür A, Şahinoğlu H. Preoperatif anksiyete nedenleri ve değerlendirilmesi: APAIS ve STAI skorlarının karşılaştırılması. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Anesthesiology Reanimation, 2007; 5(1): 7-13.Carr E, Brockbank K, Allen S, Strike P. Patterns and frequency of anxiety in women undergoing gynaecological surgery. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2006; 15(3): 341-352.Caumo W, Schmidt A, Schneider C, Bergmann J, Iwamoto C, Bandeira D, Ferreira M. Risk factors for preoperative anxiety in adults. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, 2001; 45(3): 298-307.Cohen S, Wills T. Stress, social support, and the buffering hypothesis. Psychological Bulletin, 1985; 98(2): 310-317.Cooke M, Chaboyer W, Schluter P, Hiratos M. The effect of music on preoperative anxiety in day surgery. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2005; 52(1): 47-55.Demir A, Akyurt D, Ergün B, Haytural C, Yiğit T, Elhan A. Kalp cerrahisi geçirecek olgularda anksiyete sağaltımı. Türk Göğüs Kalp Damar Cerrahisi Dergisi, 2010; 18(3): 177-182.Duman A, Öğün Ö, Şahin K, Şarkılar G, Ökeşli S. Preoperatif korku ve endişeyi etkileyen faktörlerin değerlendirilmesi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 2003; 19: 21- 26.Eker D, Arkar H. Perceived social support: psychometric properties of the MSPSS in normal and pathological groups in a developing country. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 1995; 30(3): 121-126.Erdem D, Ugiş C, Albayrak MD, Akan B, Aksoy E, Göğüş N. Perianal bölge ameliyatı yapılacak hastalarda uygulanan anestezi yöntemlerinin preoperatif ve postoperatif anksiyete ve ağrı düzeylerine etkisi. Bakırköy Tıp Dergisi, 2011; 7(1): 11-16.Eti Aslan F. Cerrahi Bakım-Vaka Analizleri ile Birlikte, Ankara, Akademisyen Tıp Kitapevi, 2015.Güz H, Doğanay Z, Güz T. Lomber disk hernisi nedeniyle ameliyat olan hastalarda ameliyat öncesi anksiyete. Nöropsikiyatri arşivi, 2003; 40(2): 36-39.Gürsoy AA. To determine the anxiety levels and the factors which may cause anxiety in preoperative surgical patients. Journal of Nursing Research Development (HEMAR-G), 2001; 1(1): 23-29.Gürsoy A, Candaş B, Güner Ş, Yılmaz S. Preoperative stress: An operating room nurse intervention assessment. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing, 2016; 31(6): 1-9.Hogan B, Linden W, Najarian B. Social support interventions: Do they work? Clinical Psychology Review, 2002; 22(3): 381-440.Jawaid M, Mushtaq A, Mukhtar S, Khan Z. Preoperative anxiety before elective surgery. Neurosciences, 2007; 12(2): 145-148.Kalkhoran M, Karimollahi M. Religiousness and preoperative anxiety: A correlational study. Annals of General Psychiatry, 2007; 6(1): 17-25.Karadakovan A, Eti Aslan F. Dahili ve Cerrahi Hastalıklarında Bakım, Adana, Nobel Kitapevi, 2010. Karancı A, Dirik G. Predictors of pre and postoperative anxiety in emergency surgery patients. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 2003; 55(4): 363-369.Koivula M, Paunonen Ilmonen M, Tarkka MT, Tarkka M, Laippala P. Social support and its relation to fear and anxiety in patients awaiting coronary artery bypass grafting. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2002; 11(5): 622-633.Krohne H, Slangen K. Influence of social support on adaptation to surgery. Health Psychology, 2005; 24(1): 101-110.Lincoln K, Chatters L, Taylor R. Social support, traumatic events, and depressive symptoms among African Americans. Journal of Marriage and Family, 2005; 67(3): 754-766.Marcus M. Validation of the surgical fear questionnaire in adult patients waiting for elective surgery. PLOS ONE, 2014; 9(6): 6-19.Munafo M, Stevenson J. Anxiety and surgical recovery: Reinterpreting the literature. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 2001; 51(4): 589-596.Okkonen E, Vanhanen H. Family support, living alone, and subjective health of a patient in connection with a coronary artery bypass surgery. Heart & Lung: The Journal of Acute and Critical Care, 2006; 35(4): 234-244. Perks A, Chakravarti S, Manninen P. Preoperative anxiety in neurosurgical patients. Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology, 2009; 21(2): 127-130.Pierantognetti P, Covelli G, Vario M. Anxiety, stress and preoperative surgical nursing. Professioni İnfermieristiche, 2002; 55(3): 180-191.Shahmansouri N, Koivula M, Ahmadi S, Arjmandi A, Karimi A. Fear, anxiety, and beliefs about surgery in candidates patients for coronary artery bypass grafting. European Journal of Experimental Biology, 2012; 2(5): 1750-1754.Stirling L, Raab G, Alder E, Robertson F. Randomized trial of essential oils to reduce perioperative patient anxiety: feasibility study. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2007; 60(5): 494-501.Tasdemir A, Erakgun A, Deniz MN, Çertug A. Comparison of Preoperative and Postoperative Anxiety Levels with State-Trait Anxiety Inventory Test in Preoperatively Informed Patients. Türk Anestezi ve Reanimayson Dernegi, 2013; 41(2): 44-56.Theunissen M, Peters M, Schouten E, Fiddelers A, Willemsen M, Pinto P, Gramke H, Twiss E, Seaver J, McCaffrey R. The effect of music listening on older adults undergoing cardiovascular surgery. Nursing in Critical Care, 2006; 11(5): 224-231.Vileikyte L. Stress and wound healing. Clinics in Dermatology, 2007; 25(1): 49-55.Yardakçı R, Akyolcu N. The effect of the visits made preoperative period on the patients’anxiety level. Journal of Nursing Research Development (HEMAR-G), 2004; 6: 7-14.Yılmaz M, Sezer H, Gürler H, Bekar M. Predictors of preoperative anxiety in surgical inpatients. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2012; 21(8): 956-964.Zieger M, Schwarz R, König H-H, Härter M, Riedel-Heller S. Depression and anxiety in patients undergoing herniated disc surgery: relevant but underresearched–a systematic review. Journal of Neurological Surgery: Central European Neurosurgery, 2010; 71(1): 26-34.Zimet G, Dahlem N, Zimet S, Farley G. The Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support. Journal of Personality Assessment, 1988; 52(1): 30-41.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Research Article

Merve Kaya 0000-0002-1442-5638

Zeynep Karaman Özlü 0000-0001-8896-5461

Publication Date December 19, 2019
Submission Date April 5, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 22 Issue: 4


Vancouver Kaya M, Karaman Özlü Z. ELEKTİF CERRAHİ BEKLEYEN HASTALARDA CERRAHİ KORKUNUN SOSYAL DESTEK ALGISI İLE İLİŞKİSİNİN BELİRLENMESİ. Journal of Anatolia Nursing and Health Sciences. 2019;22(4):284-93.

Cited By

Sezaryen Hastalarının Cerrahi Korku Düzeyini Etkileyen Faktörler
Bandırma Onyedi Eylül Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri ve Araştırmaları Dergisi

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