Research Article
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Year 2021, Volume: 24 Issue: 2, 202 - 211, 25.06.2021


Aim: To evaluate the relationship between communication skills and perceived stress of nursing students during the first clinical experience.

Methods: The cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted with 225 nursing students over the period of February 2018 and June 2018. The students compared the following criteria: willing to participate in the study, being in first clinical experience. The Communication Skills Scale, the Perceived Stress Scale, and the Individual Identification Form were used for collecting data.

Findings: It showed that nursing students’ level of communication skills was high and the level of perceived stress was moderate. There was a weak positive correlation between nursing students’ communication skills and perceived stress.

Conclusion: Considering that the stress level of students is moderate and the communication skills level is high, this result can be considered as a positive outcome. Effective communication skills are needed to minimize the high stress experienced in clinical practice.


The authors would like to thank all of students participant who shared their opinion. Conflict of interest has not been declared by the authors. The authors have not received financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.


  • 1. Bayar K, Çadır G, Bayar B. Determination Thought and Anxiety Levels of Nursing Students Intended for Clinical Practice. TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2009;8(1):37–42.
  • 2. Jiang X, Jiang N, Ye Y, Hu R, Ni Z. Effects of perceived stress and professional values on clinical performance in practice nursing students: A structural equation modeling approach. Nurse Education Today. 2018;71:157–62.
  • 3. Karabacak Ü, Uslusoy E, Şenturan L, Alpar ŞE, Yavuz DE. First day in clinical practice: Evaluating stress of nursing students and their ways to cope with it. Health MED. 2012;6:596.
  • 4. Burnard P, Haji Abd Rahim HTBPD, Hayes D, Edwards D. A descriptive study of Bruneian student nurses’ perceptions of stress. Nurse Education Today. 2007;27(7):808–18.
  • 5. Bahadır-Yılmaz E. Academic and clinical stress, stress resources and ways of coping among Turkish first-year nursing students in their first clinical practice. Kontakt. 2016;18(3):e145–51.
  • 6. Karaca A, Yıldırım N, Ankaralı H, Açıkgöz F, Akkuş D. Turkish Adaptation of Perceived Stress Scale, Bio-psycho-social Response, and Coping Behaviours of Stress Scales for Nursing Students. Journal of Psychiatric Nursing [Internet]. 2015;15–25.
  • 7. Kim KH. Baccalaureate nursing students’ experiences of anxiety producing situations in the clinical setting. Contemporary Nurse. 2003;14(2):145–55.
  • 8. Anoosheh M, Zarkhah S, Vaismoradi M. Nurse – patient communication barriers in Iranian nursing. International Council of Nurses. 2009;243–9.
  • 9. Abdrbo A. Assessment of Nursing Students’ Communication Skills. Nurs Educiton Perspective (Wolters Kluwer Heal [Internet]. 2017;38(3):149–51.
  • 10. Meng L, Qi J. The effect of an emotional intelligence intervention on reducing stress and improving communication skills of nursing students. Neuro Quantology. 2018;16(1):37–42.
  • 11. Ferreira M, Silva D, Pires A, Sousa M, Nascimento M, Calheiros N. Clinical Skills and Communication in Nursing Students. The Europan Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences. 2016;51–60.
  • 12. Song HS, Choi JY, Son YJ. The relationship between professional communication competences and nursing performance of critical care nurses in South Korea. International Journal of Nursing Practice. 2017;23(5):1–7.
  • 13. Shafakhah M, Zarshenas L, Sharif F, Sabet Sarvestani R. Evaluation of Nursing Students’ Communication Abilities in Clinical Courses in Hospitals. Global Journal of Health Sciences [Internet]. 2015;7(4):323–8.
  • 14. Claramita M, Tuah R, Riskione P, Prabandari YS, Effendy C. Comparison of communication skills between trained and untrained students using a culturally sensitive nurse-client communication guideline in Indonesia. Nurse Education Today. 2016;36:236-41.
  • 15. Cerit B, Çıtak Bilgin N, Ak B. Relationship between smartphone addiction of nursing department students and their communication skills†. Contemporary Nurse. 2018;6178:1–11.
  • 16. Kumcağız H, Yılmaz M, Balcı Çelik S, Avcı Aydın İ. Hemşirelerin iletişim becerileri: Samsun ili örneği. Dicle Tıp Dergisi 2011;38(1):49-56.
  • 17. Owen FK, Bugay A. Developing a Communication Skills Scale: Validity and Reliability Studies. Mersin University Journal of the Faculty of Education. 2014;10(2):51-64.
  • 18. Karaca A, Yıldırım N, Ankaralı H, Açıkgöz F, Akkuş D. Perceived level of clinical stress, stress responses and coping behaviors among nursing students. Journal of Psychiatric Nursing. 2017;8(1):32-9.
  • 19. Kirshbaum MN, Klainin-Yobas P, Phillips B, Turnbull B, He FX. Assessing stress, protective factors and psychological well-being among undergraduate nursing students. Nurse Education Today. 2018;68:4-12.
  • 20. Shalaby SAM, AlDilh SMS. Exploring the Relationship between Perceived Stress and Academic Achievement among Critical Care Nursing Students. Athens Journal of Health. 2015;2:283–96.
  • 21. Luo Y, Meng R, Li J, Liu B, Cao X, Ge W. Self-compassion may reduce anxiety and depression in nursing students: a pathway through perceived stress. Public Health 2019;174:1-10.
  • 22. Mohamed BM, Ahmed ES. Perception of Nursing Students towards Clinical Stressors in the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences. Journal of American Scicences. 2012;8(12):608-17.
  • 23. Moridi G, Khaledi S, Valiee S. Clinical training stress-inducing factors from the students’ viewpoint: A questionnaire-based study. Nurse Education Practice. 2014;14(2):160-3.
  • 24. Sanad HM. Stress and Anxiety among Junior Nursing Students during the Initial Clinical Training: A Descriptive Study. American Journal of Nursing Research 2019;7(6):995-9.
  • 25. Liu M, Gu K. Perceived stress among Macao nursing students in the clinical learning environment. International Journal of Nursing Sciences. 2015;2:128-33.
  • 26. Hamaideh SH, Al-Omari H, Al-Modallal H. Nursing students’ perceived stress and coping behaviors in clinical training in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Mental Health. 2017;26(3):197-203.
  • 27. Norouzinia R, Aghabarari M, Shiri M, Karimi M, Samami E. Communication Barriers Perceived by Nurses and Patients. Global Journal of Health Sciences. 2015;8(6):65-74.
  • 28. Ozdemir G, Kaya H. Midwifery and nursing students’ communication skills and life orientation: correlation with stress coping approaches. Nursing and midwifery Studies. 2013;2(2):198-205.
  • 29. Taşkın AK, Taşğın Ö, Başbaran MH, Taşkın C. Examine Of Emotional Intelligence Levels on Physical Education Students According To Some Variables. Selçuk University Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science. 2010;12(2):98-103.
  • 30. Kaya M. Evaluatıon Of The Communıcatıon Skılls Of Nursıng And Physıcal Educatıon And Sports Students’ And The Its Affectıng Factors abstract. ACU Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 2016;3:134-41.
  • 31. Bragard I, Etienne AM, Merckaert I, Libert Y, Razavi D. Efficacy of a communication and stress management training on medical residents’ self-efficacy, stress to communicate and burnout: A randomized controlled study. Journal of Health Psychology. 2010;15(7):1075-81.
  • 32. Chan CKLL, So WKWW, Fong DYTT. Hong Kong Baccalaureate Nursing Students’ Stress and Their Coping Strategies in Clinical Practice. Journal of Professional Nursing. 2009;25(5):307-13.
  • 33. Rafati F, Nouhi E, Sabzehvari S, Dehghan-Nayyeri N. Iranian Nursing Students’ Experience Of Stressors In Their First Clinical Experience. Neurosurgery. 2008;63(3):516-26.
  • 34. Sarıkaya O, Civaner M, Kalaca S. The anxieties of medical students related to clinical training. International Journal of Clinical Practice 2006;60(11):1414-8.
  • 35. Mırzayı O, Vaghei S, Koushan M. The Effect Of Communicative Skills On The Perceived Stress Of Nursing Students. Journal of Sabzevar University of Medical Science. 2010;17(2):88–95.


Year 2021, Volume: 24 Issue: 2, 202 - 211, 25.06.2021


Amaç: İlk klinik deneyimde hemşirelik öğrencilerinin iletişim becerileri ile algılanan stresleri arasındaki ilişkiyi değerlendirmek.

Yöntem: Kesitsel tanımlayıcı çalışma, Şubat 2018 ve Haziran 2018 tarihleri arasında 225 hemşirelik öğrencisi ile yapılmıştır. Öğrenciler aşağıdaki kriterleri karşıladı: çalışmaya katılmaya gönüllülük, ilk klinik deneyiminde olma. Veri toplamada İletişim Becerileri Ölçeği, Algılanan Stres Ölçeği ve Birey Tanılama Formu kullanılmıştır.

Bulgular: Hemşirelik öğrencilerinin iletişim becerileri düzeyinin yüksek, algılanan stres düzeyinin orta düzeyde olduğunu göstermiştir. Hemşirelik öğrencilerinin iletişim becerileri ile algılanan stresleri arasında bir zayıf pozitif korelasyon vardı.

Sonuçlar: Öğrencilerin stres düzeyinin orta ve iletişim becerileri düzeyinin yüksek olduğu göz önüne bulundurulduğunda, bu sonuç olumlu bir çıktı olarak düşünülebilir. Klinik uygulamalarda yaşanan yüksek stresi en aza indirmek için etkili iletişim becerilerine ihtiyaç vardır. 


  • 1. Bayar K, Çadır G, Bayar B. Determination Thought and Anxiety Levels of Nursing Students Intended for Clinical Practice. TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2009;8(1):37–42.
  • 2. Jiang X, Jiang N, Ye Y, Hu R, Ni Z. Effects of perceived stress and professional values on clinical performance in practice nursing students: A structural equation modeling approach. Nurse Education Today. 2018;71:157–62.
  • 3. Karabacak Ü, Uslusoy E, Şenturan L, Alpar ŞE, Yavuz DE. First day in clinical practice: Evaluating stress of nursing students and their ways to cope with it. Health MED. 2012;6:596.
  • 4. Burnard P, Haji Abd Rahim HTBPD, Hayes D, Edwards D. A descriptive study of Bruneian student nurses’ perceptions of stress. Nurse Education Today. 2007;27(7):808–18.
  • 5. Bahadır-Yılmaz E. Academic and clinical stress, stress resources and ways of coping among Turkish first-year nursing students in their first clinical practice. Kontakt. 2016;18(3):e145–51.
  • 6. Karaca A, Yıldırım N, Ankaralı H, Açıkgöz F, Akkuş D. Turkish Adaptation of Perceived Stress Scale, Bio-psycho-social Response, and Coping Behaviours of Stress Scales for Nursing Students. Journal of Psychiatric Nursing [Internet]. 2015;15–25.
  • 7. Kim KH. Baccalaureate nursing students’ experiences of anxiety producing situations in the clinical setting. Contemporary Nurse. 2003;14(2):145–55.
  • 8. Anoosheh M, Zarkhah S, Vaismoradi M. Nurse – patient communication barriers in Iranian nursing. International Council of Nurses. 2009;243–9.
  • 9. Abdrbo A. Assessment of Nursing Students’ Communication Skills. Nurs Educiton Perspective (Wolters Kluwer Heal [Internet]. 2017;38(3):149–51.
  • 10. Meng L, Qi J. The effect of an emotional intelligence intervention on reducing stress and improving communication skills of nursing students. Neuro Quantology. 2018;16(1):37–42.
  • 11. Ferreira M, Silva D, Pires A, Sousa M, Nascimento M, Calheiros N. Clinical Skills and Communication in Nursing Students. The Europan Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences. 2016;51–60.
  • 12. Song HS, Choi JY, Son YJ. The relationship between professional communication competences and nursing performance of critical care nurses in South Korea. International Journal of Nursing Practice. 2017;23(5):1–7.
  • 13. Shafakhah M, Zarshenas L, Sharif F, Sabet Sarvestani R. Evaluation of Nursing Students’ Communication Abilities in Clinical Courses in Hospitals. Global Journal of Health Sciences [Internet]. 2015;7(4):323–8.
  • 14. Claramita M, Tuah R, Riskione P, Prabandari YS, Effendy C. Comparison of communication skills between trained and untrained students using a culturally sensitive nurse-client communication guideline in Indonesia. Nurse Education Today. 2016;36:236-41.
  • 15. Cerit B, Çıtak Bilgin N, Ak B. Relationship between smartphone addiction of nursing department students and their communication skills†. Contemporary Nurse. 2018;6178:1–11.
  • 16. Kumcağız H, Yılmaz M, Balcı Çelik S, Avcı Aydın İ. Hemşirelerin iletişim becerileri: Samsun ili örneği. Dicle Tıp Dergisi 2011;38(1):49-56.
  • 17. Owen FK, Bugay A. Developing a Communication Skills Scale: Validity and Reliability Studies. Mersin University Journal of the Faculty of Education. 2014;10(2):51-64.
  • 18. Karaca A, Yıldırım N, Ankaralı H, Açıkgöz F, Akkuş D. Perceived level of clinical stress, stress responses and coping behaviors among nursing students. Journal of Psychiatric Nursing. 2017;8(1):32-9.
  • 19. Kirshbaum MN, Klainin-Yobas P, Phillips B, Turnbull B, He FX. Assessing stress, protective factors and psychological well-being among undergraduate nursing students. Nurse Education Today. 2018;68:4-12.
  • 20. Shalaby SAM, AlDilh SMS. Exploring the Relationship between Perceived Stress and Academic Achievement among Critical Care Nursing Students. Athens Journal of Health. 2015;2:283–96.
  • 21. Luo Y, Meng R, Li J, Liu B, Cao X, Ge W. Self-compassion may reduce anxiety and depression in nursing students: a pathway through perceived stress. Public Health 2019;174:1-10.
  • 22. Mohamed BM, Ahmed ES. Perception of Nursing Students towards Clinical Stressors in the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences. Journal of American Scicences. 2012;8(12):608-17.
  • 23. Moridi G, Khaledi S, Valiee S. Clinical training stress-inducing factors from the students’ viewpoint: A questionnaire-based study. Nurse Education Practice. 2014;14(2):160-3.
  • 24. Sanad HM. Stress and Anxiety among Junior Nursing Students during the Initial Clinical Training: A Descriptive Study. American Journal of Nursing Research 2019;7(6):995-9.
  • 25. Liu M, Gu K. Perceived stress among Macao nursing students in the clinical learning environment. International Journal of Nursing Sciences. 2015;2:128-33.
  • 26. Hamaideh SH, Al-Omari H, Al-Modallal H. Nursing students’ perceived stress and coping behaviors in clinical training in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Mental Health. 2017;26(3):197-203.
  • 27. Norouzinia R, Aghabarari M, Shiri M, Karimi M, Samami E. Communication Barriers Perceived by Nurses and Patients. Global Journal of Health Sciences. 2015;8(6):65-74.
  • 28. Ozdemir G, Kaya H. Midwifery and nursing students’ communication skills and life orientation: correlation with stress coping approaches. Nursing and midwifery Studies. 2013;2(2):198-205.
  • 29. Taşkın AK, Taşğın Ö, Başbaran MH, Taşkın C. Examine Of Emotional Intelligence Levels on Physical Education Students According To Some Variables. Selçuk University Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science. 2010;12(2):98-103.
  • 30. Kaya M. Evaluatıon Of The Communıcatıon Skılls Of Nursıng And Physıcal Educatıon And Sports Students’ And The Its Affectıng Factors abstract. ACU Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 2016;3:134-41.
  • 31. Bragard I, Etienne AM, Merckaert I, Libert Y, Razavi D. Efficacy of a communication and stress management training on medical residents’ self-efficacy, stress to communicate and burnout: A randomized controlled study. Journal of Health Psychology. 2010;15(7):1075-81.
  • 32. Chan CKLL, So WKWW, Fong DYTT. Hong Kong Baccalaureate Nursing Students’ Stress and Their Coping Strategies in Clinical Practice. Journal of Professional Nursing. 2009;25(5):307-13.
  • 33. Rafati F, Nouhi E, Sabzehvari S, Dehghan-Nayyeri N. Iranian Nursing Students’ Experience Of Stressors In Their First Clinical Experience. Neurosurgery. 2008;63(3):516-26.
  • 34. Sarıkaya O, Civaner M, Kalaca S. The anxieties of medical students related to clinical training. International Journal of Clinical Practice 2006;60(11):1414-8.
  • 35. Mırzayı O, Vaghei S, Koushan M. The Effect Of Communicative Skills On The Perceived Stress Of Nursing Students. Journal of Sabzevar University of Medical Science. 2010;17(2):88–95.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Research Article

Gül Güneş Aktan 0000-0002-4761-5809

Leyla Khorshid 0000-0001-7101-9014

Publication Date June 25, 2021
Submission Date November 19, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 24 Issue: 2


Vancouver Aktan GG, Khorshid L. COMMUNICATION SKILLS AND PERCEIVED STRESS OF NURSING STUDENTS DURING FIRST CLINICAL EXPERIENCE. Journal of Anatolia Nursing and Health Sciences. 2021;24(2):202-11.

Journal is listed in the EBSCO CINAHL Database since 2019.

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