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Year 2023, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 95 - 102, 09.06.2023


Ortoreksiya nervoza ‘sağlıklı beslenme’ ve ‘uygun’ beslenme takıntısı ile karakterize olan zaman içerisinde günlük yaşamı olumsuz etkileyen bir kişilik ve davranış bozukluğu olarak tanımlanmaktadır. İlk olarak ‘1997 yılında Steven Bratman tarafından sağlığın korunması veya iyileştirilmesi amacıyla uygun yeme davranışları ile ortaya çıkan patolojik bir takıntı olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Özellikle kitlesel medyanın konuyla ilgili dikkat çekmesine rağmen, diğer yeme bozukluklarının aksine Ortoreksiya Nervoza için henüz evrensel bir tanımlama terim, sınıflandırma mevcut değildir ve dolayısıyla geçerli teşhis özelliği bulunmamaktadır. Ortoreksiya Nervoza temel olarak; başta kişinin diyetini veya yeme alışkanlıklarını, genel sağlığı iyileştirmek amacıyla ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bununla birlikte, zamanla bu sağlıklı beslenme davranışları bireyler için saplantı haline gelebilmektedir. Bu derlemede amaç; sınıflandırılmayan yeme davranış bozukluğu olan Ortoreksiya Nervoza’nın tanımı, belirtileri, prevalansı, risk faktörleri ve tedavi yöntemlerini ele alarak nedenlerine dikkat çekmek amaçlanmıştır.

Supporting Institution


Project Number





  • Strahler J., Stark R. Perspective: Classifying orthorexia nervosa as a new mental illness-Much discussion, little evidence. Advances in Nutrition 2020; 11(4):784-789.
  • Vos MB, Kaar JL, Welsh JA et al. Added sugars and cardiovascular disease risk in children: A scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation 2017; 135(19): 1017–1034.
  • Patel K, Tchanturia K, Harrison A. An Exploration of Social Functioning in Young People with Eating Disorders: A Qualitative Study. PLoS One 2016; 11(7): 1-23.
  • Mac Neil BA, Leung P, Nadkarni P, et al. A pilot evaluation of group-based programming offered at a Canadian outpatient adult eating disorders clinic. Evaluation and program planning 2016; 58:35-41.
  • Davison G, Neale J, Kring MA, et al. Eating Disorders. Abnormal Psychology. Twelfth edition. John Wiley and Sons, İnc. United States of America. 2021; p.333-361.
  • Lewis B, Nicholls D. Behavioural eating disorders. Paediatrics and Child Health 2016; 26(12):519-526.
  • Usta E, Sağlam E, Şen S, et al. Hemşirelik Öğrencilerinin Yeme Tutumları ve Obsesif- Kompulsif Belirtileri. HSP 2015; 2(2):187- 197.
  • Brytek-Matera A, Donini LM, Krupa M, et al. Orthorexia nervosa and self-attitudinal aspects of body image in female and male university students. Int J Eat Disord 2015; 3(1):1-8.
  • Oğur S, Aksoy A. Üniversite öğrencilerinde Ortoreksiya Nervoza eğiliminin belirlenmesi. Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 2015;4(2):93-102.
  • Gortat M, Samardakiewicz M, Perzyński, A. Orthorexia nervosa-a distorted approach to healthy eating. Psychiatr Pol 2021; 55(2):421-433.
  • Kalra S, Kapoor N, Jacob J. Orthorexia nervosa. J Pak Med Assoc 2020; 70(7):1282-1284.
  • Aksoydan E, Camcı N. Prevalence of orthorexia nervosa among Turkish performance artists. Eat Weight Disord 2009; 14(1):33-37.
  • Niedzielski A, Kaźmierczak-Wojtaś N. Prevalence of orthorexia nervosa and its diagnostic tools-A literature review. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021; 18(10): 5488.
  • Pontillo M, Zanna V, Demaria F, et al. Orthorexia Nervosa, Eating Disorders, and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Selective Review of the Last Seven Years. J Clin Med 2022; 11(20):6134.
  • Segura-Garcia C, Ramacciotti C, Rania M, et al. The prevalence of orthorexia nervosa among eating disorder patients after treatment. Eat Weight Disord 2015; 20(2):161-166.
  • Hyrnik J, Zasada I, Wilczyński KM, et al. Orthorexia-current approach. A review. . J Pak Med Assoc 2021; 55(2):405-420.
  • Haman L, Barker-Ruchti N, Patriksso, G, et al. Orthorexia nervosa: An integrative literature review of a lifestyle syndrome. Int J Qual Stud Health Well-being 2015; 10:1-15.
  • Oberle CD, Samaghabadi RO, Hughes EM. Orthorexia nervosa: Assessment and correlates with gender, BMI, and personality. Appetite 2017; 108:303-310.
  • Gkiouleka M, Stavraki C, Sergentanis TN, et al. Orthorexia nervosa in adolescents and young adults: a literature review. Children 2022; 9(3):365.
  • Karaca E. Sağlıklı Beslenme Takıntısı Ortoreksiya Nervoza: Obsesif Kompulsif Bozukluk Mu? Yeme Bozukluğu Mu? 4. Ulusal Sağlıklı Yaşam Sempozyumu Anoresiyadan Obeziteye Yeme Bozuklukları. 12-15 Şubat 2015. Acıbadem Üniversitesi. İstanbul. s. 50-51.
  • McComb SE, Mills JS. Orthorexia nervosa: A review of psychosocial risk factors. Appetite 2019; 140:50-75.
  • Keller MF, Konradsen H. Ortoreksi blandt unge fitness-medlemmer. Klin. Sygepleje 2013; 27:63–71.
  • Hyrnik J, Janas-Kozik M, Stochel M, et al. The assessment of orthorexia nervosa among 1899 Polish adolescents using the ORTO-15 questionnaire. Int. J. Psychiatry Clin. Pract 2016; 20:199-203.
  • Chaniotis D, Soultatou P, Letsios A, et al. Assessing Nutritional Habits and Self- Perception Factors to Develop a Standard Questionnaire for Diagnosing “Orthorexic” Behavior: ORTO 7E. J. Sci. Technol 2011; 6:53-67.
  • Dell’Osso L, Abelli M, Carpita B, et al. Historical evolution of the concept of anorexia nervosa and relationships with orthorexia nervosa, autism, and obsessivecompulsive spectrum. Neuropsychiatr. Dis. Treat. 2016; 12:1651–1660.
  • Fidan T, Ertekin V, I¸sikay S, et al. Prevalence of orthorexia among medical students in Erzurum, Turkey. Compr. Psychiatry 2010; 51:49-54.
  • Strahler J, Haddad C, Salameh P, et al. Cross-cultural differences in orthorexic eating behaviors: Associations with personality traits. Nutrition 2020:77:110811.
  • Kass AE, Kolko RP, Wilfley DE. Psychological treatments for eating disorders. Curr. Opin. Psychiatry 2013; 26:549-555.
  • Cerniglia L, Cimino S, Tafa M, et al. Family profiles in eating disorders: Family functioning and psychopathology. Psychol. Res. Behav. Manag. 2017; 10:305-312.
  • Darling KE, Ranzenhofer LM, Hadley W, et al. Negative childhood experiences and disordered eating in adolescents in a weight management program: The role of depressive symptoms. Eat. Behav 2020; 38:101402.
  • Barthels F, Meyer F, Pietrowsky R. Orthorexic and restrained eating behaviour in vegans, vegetarians, and individuals on a diet. Eat. Weight Disord. Stud. Anorex. Bulim. Obes. 2018; 23:159-166.
  • Luck-Sikorski C, Jung F, Schlosser K, et al. Is orthorexic behavior common in the general public? A large representative study in Germany. Eat. Weight Disord. Stud. Anorex. Bulim. Obes 2019; 24:267- 273.
  • Dunn TM, Gibbs J, Whitney N, et al. Prevalence of orthorexia nervosa is less than 1%: Data from a US sample. Eat. Weight Disord. Stud. Anorex. Bulim. Obes 2017; 22:185-192.
  • Çiçekoğlu P, Tunçay GYA. Comparison of Eating Attitudes between Vegans/Vegetarians and Nonvegans/ Nonvegetarians in Terms of Orthorexia Nervosa. Arch. Psychiatr. Nurs 2018; 32:200-205.
  • Bartel S, Sherry S, Farthing G, et al. Classification of Orthorexia Nervosa: Further evidence for placement within the eating disorders spectrum. Eat. Behav 2020; 38: 101406.
  • Grammatikopoulou MG, Gkiouras K, Markaki A, et al. Food addiction, orthorexia, and food-related stress among dietetics students. Eat. Weight Disord. Stud. Anorex. Bulim. Obes 2018; 23:459- 467.
  • Lopes R, Melo R, Pereira BD. Orthorexia nervosa and comorbid depression successfully treated with mirtazapine: A case report. Eat. Weight Disord. Stud. Anorex. Bulim. Obes 2020; 25:163-167.
  • Misra M, Klibanski A. Anorexia Nervosa and Its Associated Endocrinopathy in Young People. Horm. Res. Paediatr 2016; 85:147–157.
  • Koven N, Abry A. The clinical basis of orthorexia nervosa: Emerging perspectives. Neuropsychiatr. Dis. Treat 2015; 11:385- 394.
  • Zickgraf HF. Treatment of Pathologic Healthy Eating (Orthorexia Nervosa). In Advanced Casebook of Obsessive- Compulsive and Related Disorders: Conceptualizations and Treatment; Elsevier Academic Press: San Diego, CA, USA, 2020; p. 21-40.
Year 2023, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 95 - 102, 09.06.2023


Project Number



  • Strahler J., Stark R. Perspective: Classifying orthorexia nervosa as a new mental illness-Much discussion, little evidence. Advances in Nutrition 2020; 11(4):784-789.
  • Vos MB, Kaar JL, Welsh JA et al. Added sugars and cardiovascular disease risk in children: A scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation 2017; 135(19): 1017–1034.
  • Patel K, Tchanturia K, Harrison A. An Exploration of Social Functioning in Young People with Eating Disorders: A Qualitative Study. PLoS One 2016; 11(7): 1-23.
  • Mac Neil BA, Leung P, Nadkarni P, et al. A pilot evaluation of group-based programming offered at a Canadian outpatient adult eating disorders clinic. Evaluation and program planning 2016; 58:35-41.
  • Davison G, Neale J, Kring MA, et al. Eating Disorders. Abnormal Psychology. Twelfth edition. John Wiley and Sons, İnc. United States of America. 2021; p.333-361.
  • Lewis B, Nicholls D. Behavioural eating disorders. Paediatrics and Child Health 2016; 26(12):519-526.
  • Usta E, Sağlam E, Şen S, et al. Hemşirelik Öğrencilerinin Yeme Tutumları ve Obsesif- Kompulsif Belirtileri. HSP 2015; 2(2):187- 197.
  • Brytek-Matera A, Donini LM, Krupa M, et al. Orthorexia nervosa and self-attitudinal aspects of body image in female and male university students. Int J Eat Disord 2015; 3(1):1-8.
  • Oğur S, Aksoy A. Üniversite öğrencilerinde Ortoreksiya Nervoza eğiliminin belirlenmesi. Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 2015;4(2):93-102.
  • Gortat M, Samardakiewicz M, Perzyński, A. Orthorexia nervosa-a distorted approach to healthy eating. Psychiatr Pol 2021; 55(2):421-433.
  • Kalra S, Kapoor N, Jacob J. Orthorexia nervosa. J Pak Med Assoc 2020; 70(7):1282-1284.
  • Aksoydan E, Camcı N. Prevalence of orthorexia nervosa among Turkish performance artists. Eat Weight Disord 2009; 14(1):33-37.
  • Niedzielski A, Kaźmierczak-Wojtaś N. Prevalence of orthorexia nervosa and its diagnostic tools-A literature review. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021; 18(10): 5488.
  • Pontillo M, Zanna V, Demaria F, et al. Orthorexia Nervosa, Eating Disorders, and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Selective Review of the Last Seven Years. J Clin Med 2022; 11(20):6134.
  • Segura-Garcia C, Ramacciotti C, Rania M, et al. The prevalence of orthorexia nervosa among eating disorder patients after treatment. Eat Weight Disord 2015; 20(2):161-166.
  • Hyrnik J, Zasada I, Wilczyński KM, et al. Orthorexia-current approach. A review. . J Pak Med Assoc 2021; 55(2):405-420.
  • Haman L, Barker-Ruchti N, Patriksso, G, et al. Orthorexia nervosa: An integrative literature review of a lifestyle syndrome. Int J Qual Stud Health Well-being 2015; 10:1-15.
  • Oberle CD, Samaghabadi RO, Hughes EM. Orthorexia nervosa: Assessment and correlates with gender, BMI, and personality. Appetite 2017; 108:303-310.
  • Gkiouleka M, Stavraki C, Sergentanis TN, et al. Orthorexia nervosa in adolescents and young adults: a literature review. Children 2022; 9(3):365.
  • Karaca E. Sağlıklı Beslenme Takıntısı Ortoreksiya Nervoza: Obsesif Kompulsif Bozukluk Mu? Yeme Bozukluğu Mu? 4. Ulusal Sağlıklı Yaşam Sempozyumu Anoresiyadan Obeziteye Yeme Bozuklukları. 12-15 Şubat 2015. Acıbadem Üniversitesi. İstanbul. s. 50-51.
  • McComb SE, Mills JS. Orthorexia nervosa: A review of psychosocial risk factors. Appetite 2019; 140:50-75.
  • Keller MF, Konradsen H. Ortoreksi blandt unge fitness-medlemmer. Klin. Sygepleje 2013; 27:63–71.
  • Hyrnik J, Janas-Kozik M, Stochel M, et al. The assessment of orthorexia nervosa among 1899 Polish adolescents using the ORTO-15 questionnaire. Int. J. Psychiatry Clin. Pract 2016; 20:199-203.
  • Chaniotis D, Soultatou P, Letsios A, et al. Assessing Nutritional Habits and Self- Perception Factors to Develop a Standard Questionnaire for Diagnosing “Orthorexic” Behavior: ORTO 7E. J. Sci. Technol 2011; 6:53-67.
  • Dell’Osso L, Abelli M, Carpita B, et al. Historical evolution of the concept of anorexia nervosa and relationships with orthorexia nervosa, autism, and obsessivecompulsive spectrum. Neuropsychiatr. Dis. Treat. 2016; 12:1651–1660.
  • Fidan T, Ertekin V, I¸sikay S, et al. Prevalence of orthorexia among medical students in Erzurum, Turkey. Compr. Psychiatry 2010; 51:49-54.
  • Strahler J, Haddad C, Salameh P, et al. Cross-cultural differences in orthorexic eating behaviors: Associations with personality traits. Nutrition 2020:77:110811.
  • Kass AE, Kolko RP, Wilfley DE. Psychological treatments for eating disorders. Curr. Opin. Psychiatry 2013; 26:549-555.
  • Cerniglia L, Cimino S, Tafa M, et al. Family profiles in eating disorders: Family functioning and psychopathology. Psychol. Res. Behav. Manag. 2017; 10:305-312.
  • Darling KE, Ranzenhofer LM, Hadley W, et al. Negative childhood experiences and disordered eating in adolescents in a weight management program: The role of depressive symptoms. Eat. Behav 2020; 38:101402.
  • Barthels F, Meyer F, Pietrowsky R. Orthorexic and restrained eating behaviour in vegans, vegetarians, and individuals on a diet. Eat. Weight Disord. Stud. Anorex. Bulim. Obes. 2018; 23:159-166.
  • Luck-Sikorski C, Jung F, Schlosser K, et al. Is orthorexic behavior common in the general public? A large representative study in Germany. Eat. Weight Disord. Stud. Anorex. Bulim. Obes 2019; 24:267- 273.
  • Dunn TM, Gibbs J, Whitney N, et al. Prevalence of orthorexia nervosa is less than 1%: Data from a US sample. Eat. Weight Disord. Stud. Anorex. Bulim. Obes 2017; 22:185-192.
  • Çiçekoğlu P, Tunçay GYA. Comparison of Eating Attitudes between Vegans/Vegetarians and Nonvegans/ Nonvegetarians in Terms of Orthorexia Nervosa. Arch. Psychiatr. Nurs 2018; 32:200-205.
  • Bartel S, Sherry S, Farthing G, et al. Classification of Orthorexia Nervosa: Further evidence for placement within the eating disorders spectrum. Eat. Behav 2020; 38: 101406.
  • Grammatikopoulou MG, Gkiouras K, Markaki A, et al. Food addiction, orthorexia, and food-related stress among dietetics students. Eat. Weight Disord. Stud. Anorex. Bulim. Obes 2018; 23:459- 467.
  • Lopes R, Melo R, Pereira BD. Orthorexia nervosa and comorbid depression successfully treated with mirtazapine: A case report. Eat. Weight Disord. Stud. Anorex. Bulim. Obes 2020; 25:163-167.
  • Misra M, Klibanski A. Anorexia Nervosa and Its Associated Endocrinopathy in Young People. Horm. Res. Paediatr 2016; 85:147–157.
  • Koven N, Abry A. The clinical basis of orthorexia nervosa: Emerging perspectives. Neuropsychiatr. Dis. Treat 2015; 11:385- 394.
  • Zickgraf HF. Treatment of Pathologic Healthy Eating (Orthorexia Nervosa). In Advanced Casebook of Obsessive- Compulsive and Related Disorders: Conceptualizations and Treatment; Elsevier Academic Press: San Diego, CA, USA, 2020; p. 21-40.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Original Research

Ceyda Durmaz 0000-0002-3588-1798

Project Number -
Publication Date June 9, 2023
Acceptance Date March 30, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 6 Issue: 1



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