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Year 2023, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 205 - 215, 28.11.2023


Çocukluk ve ergenlik dönemleri, bireylerin fiziksel, zihinsel ve duygusal olarak büyüdüğü, kendilerini tanıdığı ve kimliklerini şekillendirdiği hayatın belirleyici evreleridir. Bu dönemlerde, ruhsal sağlık, genç bireylerin yaşam kalitesini etkileyen birçok faktörden biri haline gelir. Ruhsal sorunların erken teşhis edilmesi ve uygun tedavi ve destekle ele alınması, bu dönemlerdeki genç bireylerin gelecekteki yaşamlarını olumlu bir şekilde etkileyebilir. Ancak, gençlikten yetişkinliğe geçiş dönemi, ruhsal sağlık hizmetlerinin yönetiminde karşılaşılan önemli bir meydan okumadır. Çocuk ve ergen ruh sağlığı hizmetleri, çocukların ve ergenlerin özel ihtiyaçlarına uygun olarak tasarlanmıştır. Bununla birlikte, bu genç bireyler zamanla yetişkinliğe adım attıklarında, ruhsal sağlık ihtiyaçları da değişir ve dönüşür. Bu geçiş süreci, genç bireylerin ruhsal sağlık hizmetlerinden yetişkin hizmetlerine sorunsuz ve etkili bir şekilde geçmelerini sağlama açısından hayati bir öneme sahiptir. Bu makale, çocuk ve ergen ruh sağlığı hizmetlerinden yetişkin ruh sağlığı hizmetlerine geçiş sürecini derinlemesine incelemeyi ve bu geçişin neden önemli olduğunu anlatmayı amaçlamaktadır. Ayrıca, bu geçişin karşılaştığı zorlukları, iyileştirme önerilerini ve gelecekteki araştırmaların yönlerini ele alarak, bu önemli konuya daha fazla ışık tutmayı amaçlamaktadır.


  • Singh SP, Paul M, Ford T, et al. Transitions of care from Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services to Adult Mental Health Services (TRACK Study): a study of protocols in Greater London. BMC health services research. 2008;8:135.
  • Blum RW, Garell D, Hodgman CH, et al. Transition from child-centered to adult health-care systems for adolescents with chronic conditions. A position paper of the Society for Adolescent Medicine. The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine. 1993;14(7):570-6.
  • Martel A. Transition-Age Youth: Who Are They? What Are Their Unique Developmental Needs? How Can Mental Health Practitioners Support Them? In: Chan V, Derenne J, editors. Transition-Age Youth Mental Health Care: Bridging the Gap Between Pediatric and Adult Psychiatric Care. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2021. p. 3-42.
  • Davis M, Vander Stoep A. The transition to adulthood for youth who have serious emotional disturbance: Developmental transition and young adult outcomes. The journal of mental health administration. 1997;24:400-27.
  • Erikson EH. Identity youth and crisis: WW Norton & company; 1968.
  • Bowlby J. Attachment and loss. Volume II. Separation, anxiety and anger. Attachment and loss volume II Separation, anxiety and anger1973. p. 429-p.
  • Adshead G. Psychiatric staff as attachment figures. Understanding management problems in psychiatric services in the light of attachment theory. The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental science. 1998;172:64-9.
  • Bucci S, Roberts NH, Danquah AN, et al. Using attachment theory to inform the design and delivery of mental health services: a systematic review of the literature. Psychology and psychotherapy. 2015;88(1):1- 20.
  • Jivanjee P, Kruzich JM, Gordon LJ. The age of uncertainty: Parent perspectives on the transitions of young people with mental health difficulties to adulthood. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 2009;18:435-46. 1 Willis ER, McDonagh JE. Transition from children’s to adults’ services for young people using health or social care services (NICE Guideline NG43). Archives of disease in childhood Education and practice edition. 2018;103(5):253-6.
  • Reef J, Diamantopoulou S, van Meurs I, et al. Predicting adult emotional and behavioral problems from externalizing problem trajectories in a 24-year longitudinal study. European child & adolescent psychiatry. 2010;19(7):577-85.
  • De Girolamo G, McGorry PD, Sartorius N. Age of onset of mental disorders: Etiopathogenetic and treatment implications: Springer; 2019.
  • Kessler RC, Chiu WT, Demler O, et al. Prevalence, severity, and comorbidity of 12-month DSM-IV disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication. Archives of general psychiatry. 2005;62(6):617-27.
  • Signorini G, Singh SP, Marsanic VB, et al. The interface between child/adolescent and adult mental health services: results from a European 28-country survey. European child & adolescent psychiatry. 2018;27(4):501-11.
  • Hendrickx G, De Roeck V, Maras A, et al. Challenges during the transition from child and adolescent mental health services to adult mental health services. BJPsych bulletin. 2020;44(4):163-8.
  • Osgood DW, Foster EM, Flanagan C, et al. On your own without a net: The transition to adulthood for vulnerable populations: University of Chicago Press; 2019.
  • Tuomainen H, Schulze U, Warwick J, et al. Managing the link and strengthening transition from child to adult mental health Care in Europe (MILESTONE): background, rationale and methodology. BMC Psychiatry. 2018;18(1):167.
  • Signorini G, Singh SP, Marsanic VB, et al. The interface between child/adolescent and adult mental health services: results from a European 28-country survey. European child & adolescent psychiatry. 2018;27(4):501-11.
  • Lamb C, Murphy M. The divide between child and adult mental health services: points for debate. The British journal of psychiatry Supplement. 2013;54:s41-4.
  • McLaren S, Belling R, Paul M, et al. ‘Talking a different language’: an exploration of the influence of organizational cultures and working practices on transition from child to adult mental health services. BMC health services research. 2013;13:254.
  • Paul M, Ford T, Kramer T, et al. Transfers and transitions between child and adult mental health services. The British journal of psychiatry Supplement. 2013;54:s36-40.
  • Street C, Walker L, Tuffrey A. Transition between different UK mental health services– young people’s experiences on what makes a difference. J Clin Psychiatry Cog Psychol 2018; 2 (1): 1. 2018;5.
  • Reale L, Bonati M. Mental disorders and transition to adult mental health services: A scoping review. European psychiatry : the journal of the Association of European Psychiatrists. 2015;30(8):932-42.
  • Paul M, Street C, Wheeler N, et al. Transition to adult services for young people with mental health needs: A systematic review. Clin Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2015;20(3):436-57.
  • McNicholas F, Adamson M, McNamara N, et al. Who is in the transition gap? Transition from CAMHS to AMHS in the Republic of Ireland. Irish journal of psychological medicine. 2015;32(1):61-9.
  • Leavey G, McGrellis S, Forbes T, et al. Improving mental health pathways and care for adolescents in transition to adult services (IMPACT): a retrospective case note review of social and clinical determinants of transition. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology. 2019;54(8):955-63.
  • Perera RH, Rogers SL, Edwards S, et al. Determinants of transition from child and adolescent to adult mental health services: a Western Australian pilot study. Australian Psychologist. 2017;52(3):184-90.
  • Breland DJ, McCarty CA, Zhou C, et al. Determinants of mental health service use among depressed adolescents. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2014;36(3):296-301.
  • McNamara N, Coyne I, Ford T, et al. Exploring social identity change during mental healthcare transition. European Journal of Social Psychology. 2017;47(7):889-903.
  • Gulliver A, Griffiths KM, Christensen H. Perceived barriers and facilitators to mental health help-seeking in young people: a systematic review. BMC Psychiatry. 2010;10:113.
  • Hiles D, Moss D, Wright J, et al. Young people’s experience of social support during the process of leaving care: A review of the literature. Children and Youth Services Review. 2013;35(12):2059-71.
  • Singh SP, Evans N, Sireling L, et al. Mind the gap: the interface between child and adult mental health services. Psychiatric Bulletin. 2005;29(8):292-4.
  • Coyne I, McNamara N, Healy M, et al. Adolescents’ and parents’ views of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) in Ireland. Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing. 2015;22(8):561-9.
  • McDonagh JE. Transition of care: how should we do it? Paediatrics and Child Health. 2007;17(12):480-4.
  • Suris JC, Rutishauser C, Akré C. [Does talking about it make a difference? Opinions of chronically ill young adults after being transferred to adult care]. Archives de pediatrie : organe officiel de la Societe francaise de pediatrie. 2015;22(3):267-71.
  • McGorry PD, Goldstone SD, Parker AG, et al. Cultures for mental health care of young people: an Australian blueprint for reform. The lancet Psychiatry. 2014;1(7):559-68.
  • Halsall T, Manion I, Iyer SN, et al. Trends in mental health system transformation: Integrating youth services within the Canadian context. Healthcare management forum. 2019;32(2):51-5.
  • Rickwood DJ, Mazzer KR, Telford NR, et al. Changes in psychological distress and psychosocial functioning in young people visiting headspace centres for mental health problems. The Medical journal of Australia. 2015;202(10):537-42.
  • Broad KL, Sandhu VK, Sunderji N, et al. Youth experiences of transition from child mental health services to adult mental health services: a qualitative thematic synthesis. BMC Psychiatry. 2017;17(1):380.
  • Henderson JL, Cheung A, Cleverley K, et al. Integrated collaborative care teams to enhance service delivery to youth with mental health and substance use challenges: protocol for a pragmatic randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open. 2017;7(2):e014080.
Year 2023, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 205 - 215, 28.11.2023



  • Singh SP, Paul M, Ford T, et al. Transitions of care from Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services to Adult Mental Health Services (TRACK Study): a study of protocols in Greater London. BMC health services research. 2008;8:135.
  • Blum RW, Garell D, Hodgman CH, et al. Transition from child-centered to adult health-care systems for adolescents with chronic conditions. A position paper of the Society for Adolescent Medicine. The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine. 1993;14(7):570-6.
  • Martel A. Transition-Age Youth: Who Are They? What Are Their Unique Developmental Needs? How Can Mental Health Practitioners Support Them? In: Chan V, Derenne J, editors. Transition-Age Youth Mental Health Care: Bridging the Gap Between Pediatric and Adult Psychiatric Care. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2021. p. 3-42.
  • Davis M, Vander Stoep A. The transition to adulthood for youth who have serious emotional disturbance: Developmental transition and young adult outcomes. The journal of mental health administration. 1997;24:400-27.
  • Erikson EH. Identity youth and crisis: WW Norton & company; 1968.
  • Bowlby J. Attachment and loss. Volume II. Separation, anxiety and anger. Attachment and loss volume II Separation, anxiety and anger1973. p. 429-p.
  • Adshead G. Psychiatric staff as attachment figures. Understanding management problems in psychiatric services in the light of attachment theory. The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental science. 1998;172:64-9.
  • Bucci S, Roberts NH, Danquah AN, et al. Using attachment theory to inform the design and delivery of mental health services: a systematic review of the literature. Psychology and psychotherapy. 2015;88(1):1- 20.
  • Jivanjee P, Kruzich JM, Gordon LJ. The age of uncertainty: Parent perspectives on the transitions of young people with mental health difficulties to adulthood. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 2009;18:435-46. 1 Willis ER, McDonagh JE. Transition from children’s to adults’ services for young people using health or social care services (NICE Guideline NG43). Archives of disease in childhood Education and practice edition. 2018;103(5):253-6.
  • Reef J, Diamantopoulou S, van Meurs I, et al. Predicting adult emotional and behavioral problems from externalizing problem trajectories in a 24-year longitudinal study. European child & adolescent psychiatry. 2010;19(7):577-85.
  • De Girolamo G, McGorry PD, Sartorius N. Age of onset of mental disorders: Etiopathogenetic and treatment implications: Springer; 2019.
  • Kessler RC, Chiu WT, Demler O, et al. Prevalence, severity, and comorbidity of 12-month DSM-IV disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication. Archives of general psychiatry. 2005;62(6):617-27.
  • Signorini G, Singh SP, Marsanic VB, et al. The interface between child/adolescent and adult mental health services: results from a European 28-country survey. European child & adolescent psychiatry. 2018;27(4):501-11.
  • Hendrickx G, De Roeck V, Maras A, et al. Challenges during the transition from child and adolescent mental health services to adult mental health services. BJPsych bulletin. 2020;44(4):163-8.
  • Osgood DW, Foster EM, Flanagan C, et al. On your own without a net: The transition to adulthood for vulnerable populations: University of Chicago Press; 2019.
  • Tuomainen H, Schulze U, Warwick J, et al. Managing the link and strengthening transition from child to adult mental health Care in Europe (MILESTONE): background, rationale and methodology. BMC Psychiatry. 2018;18(1):167.
  • Signorini G, Singh SP, Marsanic VB, et al. The interface between child/adolescent and adult mental health services: results from a European 28-country survey. European child & adolescent psychiatry. 2018;27(4):501-11.
  • Lamb C, Murphy M. The divide between child and adult mental health services: points for debate. The British journal of psychiatry Supplement. 2013;54:s41-4.
  • McLaren S, Belling R, Paul M, et al. ‘Talking a different language’: an exploration of the influence of organizational cultures and working practices on transition from child to adult mental health services. BMC health services research. 2013;13:254.
  • Paul M, Ford T, Kramer T, et al. Transfers and transitions between child and adult mental health services. The British journal of psychiatry Supplement. 2013;54:s36-40.
  • Street C, Walker L, Tuffrey A. Transition between different UK mental health services– young people’s experiences on what makes a difference. J Clin Psychiatry Cog Psychol 2018; 2 (1): 1. 2018;5.
  • Reale L, Bonati M. Mental disorders and transition to adult mental health services: A scoping review. European psychiatry : the journal of the Association of European Psychiatrists. 2015;30(8):932-42.
  • Paul M, Street C, Wheeler N, et al. Transition to adult services for young people with mental health needs: A systematic review. Clin Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2015;20(3):436-57.
  • McNicholas F, Adamson M, McNamara N, et al. Who is in the transition gap? Transition from CAMHS to AMHS in the Republic of Ireland. Irish journal of psychological medicine. 2015;32(1):61-9.
  • Leavey G, McGrellis S, Forbes T, et al. Improving mental health pathways and care for adolescents in transition to adult services (IMPACT): a retrospective case note review of social and clinical determinants of transition. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology. 2019;54(8):955-63.
  • Perera RH, Rogers SL, Edwards S, et al. Determinants of transition from child and adolescent to adult mental health services: a Western Australian pilot study. Australian Psychologist. 2017;52(3):184-90.
  • Breland DJ, McCarty CA, Zhou C, et al. Determinants of mental health service use among depressed adolescents. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2014;36(3):296-301.
  • McNamara N, Coyne I, Ford T, et al. Exploring social identity change during mental healthcare transition. European Journal of Social Psychology. 2017;47(7):889-903.
  • Gulliver A, Griffiths KM, Christensen H. Perceived barriers and facilitators to mental health help-seeking in young people: a systematic review. BMC Psychiatry. 2010;10:113.
  • Hiles D, Moss D, Wright J, et al. Young people’s experience of social support during the process of leaving care: A review of the literature. Children and Youth Services Review. 2013;35(12):2059-71.
  • Singh SP, Evans N, Sireling L, et al. Mind the gap: the interface between child and adult mental health services. Psychiatric Bulletin. 2005;29(8):292-4.
  • Coyne I, McNamara N, Healy M, et al. Adolescents’ and parents’ views of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) in Ireland. Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing. 2015;22(8):561-9.
  • McDonagh JE. Transition of care: how should we do it? Paediatrics and Child Health. 2007;17(12):480-4.
  • Suris JC, Rutishauser C, Akré C. [Does talking about it make a difference? Opinions of chronically ill young adults after being transferred to adult care]. Archives de pediatrie : organe officiel de la Societe francaise de pediatrie. 2015;22(3):267-71.
  • McGorry PD, Goldstone SD, Parker AG, et al. Cultures for mental health care of young people: an Australian blueprint for reform. The lancet Psychiatry. 2014;1(7):559-68.
  • Halsall T, Manion I, Iyer SN, et al. Trends in mental health system transformation: Integrating youth services within the Canadian context. Healthcare management forum. 2019;32(2):51-5.
  • Rickwood DJ, Mazzer KR, Telford NR, et al. Changes in psychological distress and psychosocial functioning in young people visiting headspace centres for mental health problems. The Medical journal of Australia. 2015;202(10):537-42.
  • Broad KL, Sandhu VK, Sunderji N, et al. Youth experiences of transition from child mental health services to adult mental health services: a qualitative thematic synthesis. BMC Psychiatry. 2017;17(1):380.
  • Henderson JL, Cheung A, Cleverley K, et al. Integrated collaborative care teams to enhance service delivery to youth with mental health and substance use challenges: protocol for a pragmatic randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open. 2017;7(2):e014080.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Central Nervous System
Journal Section Review

Doğancan Sönmez 0000-0003-0937-8264

Cicek Hocaoglu 0000-0001-6613-4317

Publication Date November 28, 2023
Acceptance Date October 18, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 6 Issue: 3


APA Sönmez, D., & Hocaoglu, C. (2023). RUH SAĞLIĞI HİZMETLERİNDE GEÇİŞ KLİNİĞİ. Tıp Fakültesi Klinikleri Dergisi, 6(3), 205-215.

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