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Kolektif Siyasal Şiddet ve İslami Toplumsal Hareket Analizi: Hamas Örneği

Year 2016, , 565 - 597, 15.06.2016


Kolektif siyasal şiddet analizi için paradigmatik bir yaklaşımın söz konusu olmayışı, mevcut
literatürün sınırlılıklarını geride bırakmaya yardımcı olacak yeni bir yaklaşıma ihtiyaç olduğunu
göstermektedir. Toplumsal Hareket Çalışmaları, geleneksel olarak şiddet araçlarının kullanımını içermeyen
hareketlere odaklanmış olmasına rağmen kolektif siyasal şiddet vakalarının analizine de önemli katkılar
sunabilecek araçları barındırmaktadır. Zira kolektif siyasal şiddet hareketleri, toplumsal hareketler gibi
dayanışmaya dayalı ve içerisinde yer aldığı sistemin sınırlarını zorlayan kolektif hareket biçimleridir. Ayrıca,
toplumsal hareketlere benzer şekilde siyasal fırsat yapılarının değişiminden etkilenmekte ve örgütlenme,
katılım, mobilizasyon ve gerekli kaynakların temini sorunlarıyla karşı karşıya kalmaktadır. Bu çalışma,
Toplumsal Hareket Çalışmaları’nın siyasal fırsat yapıları, kaynak mobilizasyonu, örgütsel hareketlilik
stratejileri, çerçeveleme ve kimlik inşası süreçleri gibi kuramsal ve kavramsal araçlarıyla, kolektif siyasal
şiddet analizi için gerekli olan bütüncül yaklaşıma katkı sunabileceğini savunmaktadır. Böylece Terörizm
Çalışmaları’nın varsaydığından daha karmaşık bir örgütlenmeye sahip olan ve mevcut literatürün analizde
yetersiz kaldığı Hamas örneğinin Filistin siyasetindeki yerinin doğru şekilde belirlenmesi mümkün olacaktır.


  • Abrahms, Max (2008), “What Terrorists Really Want: Terrorist Motives and Counterterrorism Strategy”, International Security, 32 (4): 78-105.
  • Abu-Amr, Ziad (1993), “Hamas: A Historical and Political Background”, Journal of Palestine Studies, 22 (4): 5-19.
  • Abu-Amr, Ziad (1994), Islamic Fundamentalism in the West Bank and Gaza: Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic Jihad (Bloomington: Indiana University Press).
  • Alexander, Yonah (Der.) (2010), Terrorists in Our Midst: Combating Foreign-Affinity Terrorism in America (Santa Barbara: Praeger).
  • Altuntaş, Ekin O. (2009), Terörizme Karşı Savaş Stratejisi (Ankara: İmge Kitabevi).
  • Awad, Mubarak E. (1984), “Non-Violent Resistance: A Strategy for the Occupied Territories”, Journal of Palestine Studies, 13 (4): 22-36.
  • Baumgarten, Helga (2005), “The Three Faces/Phases of Palestinian Nationalism, 1948–2005”, Journal of Palestine Studies, 34 (4): 25-48.
  • Bayat, Asef (2006), Ortadoğu’da Maduniyet: Toplumsal Hareketler ve Siyaset (İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları) (Der. ve Çev. Özgür Gökmen ve Seçil Deren).
  • Beck, Colin J. (2008), “The Contribution of Social Movement Theory to Understanding Terrorism”, Sociology Compass, 2 (5): 1565-1581.
  • Beinin, Joel ve Frédéric Vairel (2011), Social Movements, Mobilization, and Contestation in the Middle East and North Africa (Stanford: Stanford University Press).
  • Bhasin, Tavishi ve Maia C. Hallward (2013), “Hamas as a Political Party: Democratization in the Palestinian Territories”, Terrorism and Political Violence, 25 (1): 75-93.
  • Bozarslan, Hamit (2011), Ortadoğu: Bir Şiddet Tarihi (Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun Sonundan El Kaide'ye) (İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları).
  • Breen Smyth, Marie (2007), “A Critical Research Agenda for the Study of Political Terror”, European Political Science, 6 (3): 260-267.
  • Breen Smyth, Marie, Jeroen Gunning, Richard Jackson, George Kassimeris ve Piers Robinson (2008), “Critical Terrorism Studies–an Introduction”, Critical Studies on Terrorism, 1 (1): 1-4.
  • Castells, Manuel (2008), Enformasyon Çağı: Ekonomi, Toplum ve Kültür (Cilt 2: Kimliğin Gücü) (İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları).
  • CFR (2009, January 8), “Backgrounder: Hamas”, (26.07.2015).
  • Cohen, Jean (1999), “Strateji ya da Kimlik: Yeni Teorik Paradigmalar ve Sosyal Hareketler”, Kenan Çayır (Yay. Haz.), Yeni Sosyal Hareketler: Teorik Açılımlar (İstanbul: Kaknüs Yayınları): 109-129.
  • Council Decision (2015, March 26), “(CFSP) 2015/521”, Official Journal of the European Union, L82.
  • Cox, Robert W. (1981), “Social Forces, States and World Orders: Beyond International Relations Theory”, Millennium-Journal of International Studies, 10 (2): 126-155.
  • Dalar, Mehmet (2009), Gazze Savaşı: Filistin Direnişi, İsrail Yayılmacılığı ve Uluslararası Hukuk (Bursa: Dora Yayınları).
  • della Porta, Donatella (2008), “Research on Social Movements and Political Violence”, Qualitative Sociology, 31 (3): 221-230.
  • della Porta, Donatella (2009), “Social Movement Studies and Political Violence”, Transcript of the Lecture at the Centre for Studies in Islamism and Radicalisation (CIR) (Denmark: Aarhus University).
  • della Porta, Donatella (2013), Clandestine Political Violence (USA: Cambridge University Press).
  • Eco, Umberto (2014), Düşman Yaratmak ve Rastgele Yazılar (İstanbul: Doğan Kitap) (Çev. Leyla Tonguç).
  • Eisinger, Peter K. (1973), “The Conditions of Political Behavior in American Cities”, The American Political Science Review, 67 (1): 11-28.
  • Esposito, Michele K. (2005), “The Al-Aqsa Intifada: Military Operations, Suicide Attacks, Assassinations, and Losses in the First Four Years”, Journal of Palestine Studies, 34 (2): 85-122.
  • Filiu, Jean-Pierre (2012), “The Origins of Hamas: Militant Legacy or Israeli Tool?”, Journal of Palestine Studies, 41 (3): 54-70.
  • General Court of the European Union (2014, December 17), “Judgment in Case T-400/10, Hamas v. the Council”, Press Release No. 178/14.
  • Goffman, Erving (1974), Frame Analysis (Boston: Northeastern University Press).
  • Goodwin, Jeff (2004), “Review Essay: What Must We Explain to Explain Terrorism?”, Social Movement Studies, 3 (2): 259-262.
  • Göle, Nilüfer (2011), İslam ve Modernlik Üzerine Modern Desenler, 4. Baskı, (İstanbul: Metis Yayınları).
  • Gunning, Jeroen (2007a), “A Case for Critical Terrorism Studies?”, Government and Opposition, 42 (3): 363-393.
  • Gunning, Jeroen (2007b), Hamas in Politics: Democracy, Religion, Violence (London: Hurst & Company).
  • Gunning, Jeroen ve Richard Jackson (2011), “What‟s so „Religious‟ about „Religious Terrorism‟?”, Critical Studies on Terrorism, 4 (3): 369-388.
  • Haas, Peter M. (1992), “Introduction: Epistemic Communities and International Policy Coordination”, International Organization, 46 (1): 1-35.
  • Habermas, Jürgen (1981), “New Social Movements”, Telos, 49: 33-37.
  • Hadi, Mahdi A. (2007), Documents on Palestine, Volume II: 1948-1973 (Jerusalem: PASSIA).
  • Hamas (2006, March 19), “National Unity Government Program”, Journal of Palestine Studies, 35 (4): 163-164.
  • Haniyeh, Ismail (2006, March 31), “A Just Peace or No Peace”, The Guardian. (25.07.2015).
  • Hoffman, Bruce (2006), Inside Terrorism (New York: Columbia University Press).
  • Hroub, Khaled (2004), “Hamas after Shaykh Yasin and Rantisi”, Journal of Palestine Studies, 33 (4): 21-38.
  • Hroub, Khaled (2006a), “A „New‟ Hamas through Its New Documents”, Journal of Palestine Studies, 35 (4): 6-27.
  • Hroub, Khaled (2006b), Hamas: A Beginner’s Guide (London: Pluto Press).
  • İnat, Kemal (2015), “Avrupa Birliği Adalet Divanı‟nın Hamas Kararını Nasıl Okumalı?”, Ortadoğu Analiz, 7 (66): 28-29.
  • Jackson, Richard (2007), “The Core Commitments of Critical Terrorism Studies”, European Political Science, 6 (3): 244-251.
  • Jackson, Richard (2009a), “Critical Terrorism Studies: An Explanation, a Defence and a Way Forward”, BISA Annual Conference, 14-16 December (UK: University of Leicester).
  • Jackson, Richard (2009b), “Knowledge, Power and Politics in the Study of Political Terrorism”,
  • Jackson, Richard, Marie Breen Smyth ve Jeroen Gunning (Der.), Critical Terrorism Studies: A New Research Agenda (Abingdon: Routledge): 66-83.
  • Jackson, Richard, Lee Jarvis, Jeroen Gunning ve Marie Breen Smyth (2011), Terrorism: A Critical Introduction (Great Britain: Palgrave Macmillan).
  • Kelman, Herbert C. (1987), “The Political Psychology of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: How Can We Overcome the Barriers to a Negotiated Solution?”, Political Psychology, 8 (3): 347- 363.
  • Khalidi, Rashid I. (2001), “Resolution 242 (United Nations)”, J. Krieger (Der.), The Oxford Companion to Politics of the World (2nd Ed.) (New York: Oxford University Press): 728- 729.
  • Klandermans, Bert (1986), “New Social Movements and Resource Mobilization: The European and the American Approach”, International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, 4 (2): 13-37.
  • Laqueur, Walter (1999), The New Terrorism: Fanaticism and the Arms of Mass Destruction (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
  • Laqueur, Walter (2002), “Terörizmin Yorumlanması”, Güzel, Cemal (Der.), Silinen Yüzler Karşısında Terör (Ankara: Ayraç Yayınevi): 95-141.
  • Ma‟an News Agency (2009, April 27), “Mash‟al Reelected Leader of Hamas Politburo”, (30.07.2015).
  • Maqdsi, Muhammad (1993), “Charter of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) of Palestine”, Journal of Palestine Studies, 22 (4): 122-134.
  • Mark, Clyde (2005, April 26), “Palestinians and Middle East Peace: Issues for the United States”, CRS Issue Brief for Congress, IB92052, (21.07.2015).
  • McAdam, Doug ve Dieter Rucht (1993), “The Cross-National Diffusion of Movement Ideas”, The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 528: 56-74.
  • McCarthy, John D. ve Mayer N. Zald (1977), “Resource Mobilization and Social Movements: A Partial Theory”, American Journal of Sociology, 82 (6): 1212-1241.
  • Melucci, Alberto (1980), “The New Social Movements: A Theoretical Approach”, Social Science Information, 19 (2): 199-226.
  • Melucci, Alberto (1996), Challenging Codes: Collective Action in the Information Age (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
  • Mishal, Khalid (2006), “Commentary on the Hamas Victory”, Journal of Palestine Studies, 35 (3): 205-206.
  • Mishal, Khalid (2009), “Remarks on Hamas Charter, President Obama, Comparisons with Hizballah, and Other Matters”, Journal of Palestine Studies, 38 (4): 215-217.
  • Mishal, Khalid (2010), “Remarks on Hamas‟s Policies”, Journal of Palestine Studies, 40 (1): 186- 191.
  • Mohamad, Hussam (1997), “PLO Strategy: From Total Liberation to Coexistence”, The PalestineIsrael Journal, 4 (2), (21.07.2015).
  • Mueller, John (2006), Overblown: How Politicians and the Terrorism Industry Inflate National Security Threats, and Why We Believe Them (New York: Free Press).
  • Muslih, Muhammad (1990), “Towards Coexistence: An Analysis of the Resolutions of the Palestine National Council”, Journal of Palestine Studies, 19 (4): 3-29.
  • Pape, Robert A. (2005), Dying to Win: The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism (New York: Random House).
  • Paz, Reuven (2001, July 19), “Islamic Palestine or Liberated Palestine? The Relationship between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas”, (25.07.2015)
  • Rabbani, Mouin (2008a), “The Making of a Palestinian Islamist Leader: An Interview with Khalid Mishal: Part I”, Journal of Palestine Studies, 37 (3): 59-73.
  • Rabbani, Mouin (2008b), “A Hamas Perspective on the Movement‟s Evolving Role: An Interview with Khalid Mishal: Part II”, Journal of Palestine Studies, 37 (4): 59-81.
  • Raphael, Sam (2009), “In the Service of Power: Terrorism Studies and US Intervention in the Global South”, Jackson, Richard, Marie Breen Smyth ve Jeroen Gunning (Der.), Critical Terrorism Studies: A New Research Agenda (Abingdon: Routledge): 49-65.
  • Rapoport, David C. ve Yonah Alexander (Der.) (1982), The Morality of Terrorism: Religious and Secular Justifications (New York: Pergamon Press).
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Collective Political Violence and Analysis of Islamist Social Movements: The Case of Hamas

Year 2016, , 565 - 597, 15.06.2016


A survey of the literature on political violence reveals that there is no paradigmatic approach with which to study different forms of collective political violence. Thus, there is a need for a new framework which overcomes the shortcomings of the existing literature. While the study of social movements has generally focused on non-violent collective action in democratic settings and neglected violence in social movements, it still provides the necessary tools to examine cases of collective political violence. Just like non-violent social movements, movements that adopt political violence experience problems related to organization, mobilization of resources, recruitment and construction of collective action frames. They are also affected by the changing political opportunities. Thus, this study argues that Social Movement Studies can contribute to the development of a more comprehensive approach with which to analyze collective political violence as it offers the necessary theoretical and conceptual tools such as political opportunity structures, resource mobilization, organizational mobilization strategies and processes of framing and identity
construction. Such tools would help us better situate a complex organization such as Hamas, which is often inadequately analyzed within the literature on collective political violence dominated by Terrorism Studies. 


  • Abrahms, Max (2008), “What Terrorists Really Want: Terrorist Motives and Counterterrorism Strategy”, International Security, 32 (4): 78-105.
  • Abu-Amr, Ziad (1993), “Hamas: A Historical and Political Background”, Journal of Palestine Studies, 22 (4): 5-19.
  • Abu-Amr, Ziad (1994), Islamic Fundamentalism in the West Bank and Gaza: Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic Jihad (Bloomington: Indiana University Press).
  • Alexander, Yonah (Der.) (2010), Terrorists in Our Midst: Combating Foreign-Affinity Terrorism in America (Santa Barbara: Praeger).
  • Altuntaş, Ekin O. (2009), Terörizme Karşı Savaş Stratejisi (Ankara: İmge Kitabevi).
  • Awad, Mubarak E. (1984), “Non-Violent Resistance: A Strategy for the Occupied Territories”, Journal of Palestine Studies, 13 (4): 22-36.
  • Baumgarten, Helga (2005), “The Three Faces/Phases of Palestinian Nationalism, 1948–2005”, Journal of Palestine Studies, 34 (4): 25-48.
  • Bayat, Asef (2006), Ortadoğu’da Maduniyet: Toplumsal Hareketler ve Siyaset (İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları) (Der. ve Çev. Özgür Gökmen ve Seçil Deren).
  • Beck, Colin J. (2008), “The Contribution of Social Movement Theory to Understanding Terrorism”, Sociology Compass, 2 (5): 1565-1581.
  • Beinin, Joel ve Frédéric Vairel (2011), Social Movements, Mobilization, and Contestation in the Middle East and North Africa (Stanford: Stanford University Press).
  • Bhasin, Tavishi ve Maia C. Hallward (2013), “Hamas as a Political Party: Democratization in the Palestinian Territories”, Terrorism and Political Violence, 25 (1): 75-93.
  • Bozarslan, Hamit (2011), Ortadoğu: Bir Şiddet Tarihi (Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun Sonundan El Kaide'ye) (İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları).
  • Breen Smyth, Marie (2007), “A Critical Research Agenda for the Study of Political Terror”, European Political Science, 6 (3): 260-267.
  • Breen Smyth, Marie, Jeroen Gunning, Richard Jackson, George Kassimeris ve Piers Robinson (2008), “Critical Terrorism Studies–an Introduction”, Critical Studies on Terrorism, 1 (1): 1-4.
  • Castells, Manuel (2008), Enformasyon Çağı: Ekonomi, Toplum ve Kültür (Cilt 2: Kimliğin Gücü) (İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları).
  • CFR (2009, January 8), “Backgrounder: Hamas”, (26.07.2015).
  • Cohen, Jean (1999), “Strateji ya da Kimlik: Yeni Teorik Paradigmalar ve Sosyal Hareketler”, Kenan Çayır (Yay. Haz.), Yeni Sosyal Hareketler: Teorik Açılımlar (İstanbul: Kaknüs Yayınları): 109-129.
  • Council Decision (2015, March 26), “(CFSP) 2015/521”, Official Journal of the European Union, L82.
  • Cox, Robert W. (1981), “Social Forces, States and World Orders: Beyond International Relations Theory”, Millennium-Journal of International Studies, 10 (2): 126-155.
  • Dalar, Mehmet (2009), Gazze Savaşı: Filistin Direnişi, İsrail Yayılmacılığı ve Uluslararası Hukuk (Bursa: Dora Yayınları).
  • della Porta, Donatella (2008), “Research on Social Movements and Political Violence”, Qualitative Sociology, 31 (3): 221-230.
  • della Porta, Donatella (2009), “Social Movement Studies and Political Violence”, Transcript of the Lecture at the Centre for Studies in Islamism and Radicalisation (CIR) (Denmark: Aarhus University).
  • della Porta, Donatella (2013), Clandestine Political Violence (USA: Cambridge University Press).
  • Eco, Umberto (2014), Düşman Yaratmak ve Rastgele Yazılar (İstanbul: Doğan Kitap) (Çev. Leyla Tonguç).
  • Eisinger, Peter K. (1973), “The Conditions of Political Behavior in American Cities”, The American Political Science Review, 67 (1): 11-28.
  • Esposito, Michele K. (2005), “The Al-Aqsa Intifada: Military Operations, Suicide Attacks, Assassinations, and Losses in the First Four Years”, Journal of Palestine Studies, 34 (2): 85-122.
  • Filiu, Jean-Pierre (2012), “The Origins of Hamas: Militant Legacy or Israeli Tool?”, Journal of Palestine Studies, 41 (3): 54-70.
  • General Court of the European Union (2014, December 17), “Judgment in Case T-400/10, Hamas v. the Council”, Press Release No. 178/14.
  • Goffman, Erving (1974), Frame Analysis (Boston: Northeastern University Press).
  • Goodwin, Jeff (2004), “Review Essay: What Must We Explain to Explain Terrorism?”, Social Movement Studies, 3 (2): 259-262.
  • Göle, Nilüfer (2011), İslam ve Modernlik Üzerine Modern Desenler, 4. Baskı, (İstanbul: Metis Yayınları).
  • Gunning, Jeroen (2007a), “A Case for Critical Terrorism Studies?”, Government and Opposition, 42 (3): 363-393.
  • Gunning, Jeroen (2007b), Hamas in Politics: Democracy, Religion, Violence (London: Hurst & Company).
  • Gunning, Jeroen ve Richard Jackson (2011), “What‟s so „Religious‟ about „Religious Terrorism‟?”, Critical Studies on Terrorism, 4 (3): 369-388.
  • Haas, Peter M. (1992), “Introduction: Epistemic Communities and International Policy Coordination”, International Organization, 46 (1): 1-35.
  • Habermas, Jürgen (1981), “New Social Movements”, Telos, 49: 33-37.
  • Hadi, Mahdi A. (2007), Documents on Palestine, Volume II: 1948-1973 (Jerusalem: PASSIA).
  • Hamas (2006, March 19), “National Unity Government Program”, Journal of Palestine Studies, 35 (4): 163-164.
  • Haniyeh, Ismail (2006, March 31), “A Just Peace or No Peace”, The Guardian. (25.07.2015).
  • Hoffman, Bruce (2006), Inside Terrorism (New York: Columbia University Press).
  • Hroub, Khaled (2004), “Hamas after Shaykh Yasin and Rantisi”, Journal of Palestine Studies, 33 (4): 21-38.
  • Hroub, Khaled (2006a), “A „New‟ Hamas through Its New Documents”, Journal of Palestine Studies, 35 (4): 6-27.
  • Hroub, Khaled (2006b), Hamas: A Beginner’s Guide (London: Pluto Press).
  • İnat, Kemal (2015), “Avrupa Birliği Adalet Divanı‟nın Hamas Kararını Nasıl Okumalı?”, Ortadoğu Analiz, 7 (66): 28-29.
  • Jackson, Richard (2007), “The Core Commitments of Critical Terrorism Studies”, European Political Science, 6 (3): 244-251.
  • Jackson, Richard (2009a), “Critical Terrorism Studies: An Explanation, a Defence and a Way Forward”, BISA Annual Conference, 14-16 December (UK: University of Leicester).
  • Jackson, Richard (2009b), “Knowledge, Power and Politics in the Study of Political Terrorism”,
  • Jackson, Richard, Marie Breen Smyth ve Jeroen Gunning (Der.), Critical Terrorism Studies: A New Research Agenda (Abingdon: Routledge): 66-83.
  • Jackson, Richard, Lee Jarvis, Jeroen Gunning ve Marie Breen Smyth (2011), Terrorism: A Critical Introduction (Great Britain: Palgrave Macmillan).
  • Kelman, Herbert C. (1987), “The Political Psychology of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: How Can We Overcome the Barriers to a Negotiated Solution?”, Political Psychology, 8 (3): 347- 363.
  • Khalidi, Rashid I. (2001), “Resolution 242 (United Nations)”, J. Krieger (Der.), The Oxford Companion to Politics of the World (2nd Ed.) (New York: Oxford University Press): 728- 729.
  • Klandermans, Bert (1986), “New Social Movements and Resource Mobilization: The European and the American Approach”, International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, 4 (2): 13-37.
  • Laqueur, Walter (1999), The New Terrorism: Fanaticism and the Arms of Mass Destruction (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
  • Laqueur, Walter (2002), “Terörizmin Yorumlanması”, Güzel, Cemal (Der.), Silinen Yüzler Karşısında Terör (Ankara: Ayraç Yayınevi): 95-141.
  • Ma‟an News Agency (2009, April 27), “Mash‟al Reelected Leader of Hamas Politburo”, (30.07.2015).
  • Maqdsi, Muhammad (1993), “Charter of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) of Palestine”, Journal of Palestine Studies, 22 (4): 122-134.
  • Mark, Clyde (2005, April 26), “Palestinians and Middle East Peace: Issues for the United States”, CRS Issue Brief for Congress, IB92052, (21.07.2015).
  • McAdam, Doug ve Dieter Rucht (1993), “The Cross-National Diffusion of Movement Ideas”, The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 528: 56-74.
  • McCarthy, John D. ve Mayer N. Zald (1977), “Resource Mobilization and Social Movements: A Partial Theory”, American Journal of Sociology, 82 (6): 1212-1241.
  • Melucci, Alberto (1980), “The New Social Movements: A Theoretical Approach”, Social Science Information, 19 (2): 199-226.
  • Melucci, Alberto (1996), Challenging Codes: Collective Action in the Information Age (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
  • Mishal, Khalid (2006), “Commentary on the Hamas Victory”, Journal of Palestine Studies, 35 (3): 205-206.
  • Mishal, Khalid (2009), “Remarks on Hamas Charter, President Obama, Comparisons with Hizballah, and Other Matters”, Journal of Palestine Studies, 38 (4): 215-217.
  • Mishal, Khalid (2010), “Remarks on Hamas‟s Policies”, Journal of Palestine Studies, 40 (1): 186- 191.
  • Mohamad, Hussam (1997), “PLO Strategy: From Total Liberation to Coexistence”, The PalestineIsrael Journal, 4 (2), (21.07.2015).
  • Mueller, John (2006), Overblown: How Politicians and the Terrorism Industry Inflate National Security Threats, and Why We Believe Them (New York: Free Press).
  • Muslih, Muhammad (1990), “Towards Coexistence: An Analysis of the Resolutions of the Palestine National Council”, Journal of Palestine Studies, 19 (4): 3-29.
  • Pape, Robert A. (2005), Dying to Win: The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism (New York: Random House).
  • Paz, Reuven (2001, July 19), “Islamic Palestine or Liberated Palestine? The Relationship between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas”, (25.07.2015)
  • Rabbani, Mouin (2008a), “The Making of a Palestinian Islamist Leader: An Interview with Khalid Mishal: Part I”, Journal of Palestine Studies, 37 (3): 59-73.
  • Rabbani, Mouin (2008b), “A Hamas Perspective on the Movement‟s Evolving Role: An Interview with Khalid Mishal: Part II”, Journal of Palestine Studies, 37 (4): 59-81.
  • Raphael, Sam (2009), “In the Service of Power: Terrorism Studies and US Intervention in the Global South”, Jackson, Richard, Marie Breen Smyth ve Jeroen Gunning (Der.), Critical Terrorism Studies: A New Research Agenda (Abingdon: Routledge): 49-65.
  • Rapoport, David C. ve Yonah Alexander (Der.) (1982), The Morality of Terrorism: Religious and Secular Justifications (New York: Pergamon Press).
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There are 92 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Kasım Timur

Marella Bodur Ün

Publication Date June 15, 2016
Submission Date March 31, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016


APA Timur, K., & Bodur Ün, M. (2016). Kolektif Siyasal Şiddet ve İslami Toplumsal Hareket Analizi: Hamas Örneği. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 71(2), 565-597.
AMA Timur K, Bodur Ün M. Kolektif Siyasal Şiddet ve İslami Toplumsal Hareket Analizi: Hamas Örneği. SBF Dergisi. June 2016;71(2):565-597. doi:10.1501/SBFder_0000002403
Chicago Timur, Kasım, and Marella Bodur Ün. “Kolektif Siyasal Şiddet Ve İslami Toplumsal Hareket Analizi: Hamas Örneği”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 71, no. 2 (June 2016): 565-97.
EndNote Timur K, Bodur Ün M (June 1, 2016) Kolektif Siyasal Şiddet ve İslami Toplumsal Hareket Analizi: Hamas Örneği. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 71 2 565–597.
IEEE K. Timur and M. Bodur Ün, “Kolektif Siyasal Şiddet ve İslami Toplumsal Hareket Analizi: Hamas Örneği”, SBF Dergisi, vol. 71, no. 2, pp. 565–597, 2016, doi: 10.1501/SBFder_0000002403.
ISNAD Timur, Kasım - Bodur Ün, Marella. “Kolektif Siyasal Şiddet Ve İslami Toplumsal Hareket Analizi: Hamas Örneği”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 71/2 (June 2016), 565-597.
JAMA Timur K, Bodur Ün M. Kolektif Siyasal Şiddet ve İslami Toplumsal Hareket Analizi: Hamas Örneği. SBF Dergisi. 2016;71:565–597.
MLA Timur, Kasım and Marella Bodur Ün. “Kolektif Siyasal Şiddet Ve İslami Toplumsal Hareket Analizi: Hamas Örneği”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, vol. 71, no. 2, 2016, pp. 565-97, doi:10.1501/SBFder_0000002403.
Vancouver Timur K, Bodur Ün M. Kolektif Siyasal Şiddet ve İslami Toplumsal Hareket Analizi: Hamas Örneği. SBF Dergisi. 2016;71(2):565-97.