Research Article
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Determining Healthcare Professionals And Nutrition&Dietetics Students’ Opinions About Breast Milk Banking

Year 2019, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 46 - 54, 13.12.2019


Objective: The aim of this study is determining the opinions of health professionals (HP) and nutrition and dietetics student’ (NDS) about BMB. Method: The study was conducted on 400 women working as HP at hospital, private clinic or pharmacy and NDS 262 women in Ankara, Başkent or Hacettepe University. Questionnaire forms were completed by volunteers. The data were evaluated with SPSS statistics program. Results: 52,7% of the HP know about BMB. 71,9% of the knowledgeable HP and %82,6 of the knowledgeable NDS find the BMB useful. As the education level of the HP participating in the study increased, the number of HP who wanted to benefit from BMB increased (p<0,05). Conclusion: Breast milk is crucial for babies. BMB is one of the best alternatives when breast milk is absent or unavailable. Thus, BMB should be easily accessible for all babies in need of BMB. It should be remembered that BMB has benefits in reducing formula use.


  • Akçiçek, E. 2011. Wet-nursing in Turkish, Breast Milk and Wet-Nursing. Ed. Ceber, E., Akçiçek, E. pp.109-115, İzmir: Dilan Matbaası.
  • Aykut, M., Yılmaz, M., Balcı, E., Sağıroğlu, M., Öztürk, A. Annelerin sütannelik ve anne sütü bankası konusunda bilgi tutum ve davranışları. 15. Ulusal Halk Sağlığı Kongresi: 2012. Bursa: Uludağ Üniversitesi.
  • Eidelman, AI., Schanler, RJ. 2012. Breastfeeding and the use of human milk. Pediatr; 129(3): 827-841.
  • Ekşioğlu, A., Yeşil, Y., Çeber Turfan, E. 2015. Mother’s views of milk banking: sample of İzmir. Turk Arch Pediatr; 50:83-89.
  • El-Khuffash, AL., Unger, S. 2012. The concept of milk kinship in Islam: Issues raised when offering preterm infants of muslim families donor human milk. J Human Lac; 28: 125-127.
  • Gürol, A., Özkan, H., Çelebioğlu, A. 2013. Turkish women’s knowledge and views regarding mothers milk banking. Col; 21: 239-244.
  • Hsu, HT., Fong. TV., Hassan, NM., Wong, HL. 2012. Human milk donation is an alternative to human milk bank. Breastfeeding Med; 7(2): 118-122.
  • Human Milk Banking Association of North America (HMBANA). Guidelines for the establishment and operation of donor human milk banks. Fort Worth, TX, 2011.
  • Kadıoğlu, M., Avcıalpar, D., Hotun Şahin, N. 2018. Turkish women’s attitudes and views regarding human milk banking. Clin Pract; 16(2): 1069-1077.
  • Mackenzie, C., Javanparas, T., Newman, L. 2013. Mothers’ knowledge of and aittitudes toward human milk banking in South Australia: a qualitative study. J Human Lact; 29: 222-229.
  • Obladen, M. 2012. Regulated wet-nursing: Managed care or organized crime. Neonatol; 102: 222-228.
  • Osborn, MS. 1979. The rent breasts: a brief history of wet-nursing. Midwife Health Visitor&Community Nurse; 15(9): 347-348.
  • Ramlı, N., İbrahim, NR., Hans, VR. 2012. Human milk banks: The benefits and issues in an Islamic setting. Eastern J Med; 15: 163-167.
  • Rueda, R., Ramirez, M., Garcia-Salmeron, JL., Maldonado, J., Gil, A. 1998. Gestational age and origin of human milk influence total lipid and fatty acid contents. Annals Nutr&Met; 42: 12-22.
  • Samur, G. 2008. ‘’Anne sütü’’. Sağlık Bakanlığı Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Sellen, DW. 2002. Antropological approaches to understanding the causes of variation in breastfeedinf and promotion of ‘’baby friendly’’ communuties. Nutr Antropol; 25(1): 19-29.
  • Updegrove, K. 2013. Nonprofit human milk banking in The United States. J Midwifery-Women’s Health; 58: 502-508.
  • Uyar E. Yeni Doğum Yapmış Annelerin Emzirme Durumları. Mezuniyet tezi, Marmara Üniversitesi, Sağlık Eğitim Fakültesi, İstanbul, 2000.
  • World Health Organisation Staff, World Health Organization & UNICEF. 2003. Global strategy for infant and young child feding. World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva.


Year 2019, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 46 - 54, 13.12.2019


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı sağlık personelleri ile Beslenme ve Diyetetik öğrencilerinin (BDÖ) ASB ile ilgili görüşlerini saptamaktır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışma, Ankara’da hastane, özel klinik, eczane gibi çeşitli sağlık kurumlarında çalışan 400 kadın sağlık personeli (SP) ve Ankara, Hacettepe ve Başkent Üniversiteleri Beslenme ve Diyetetik Bölümleri’nde öğrenci (BDÖ) olan 262 kadın üzerinde yürütülmüştür. Anket formları katılımcılar tarafından doldurulmuştur. Elde edilen veriler SPSS istatistik programıyla değerlendirilmiştir. Bulgular: Sağlık personelinin %50,8’i, BDÖ’nün %52,7’si ASB hakkında fikir sahibidir. Anne sütü bankacılığı hakkında bilgisi olan SP’nin %71,9’u ve BDÖ’nün %82,6’sı ASB uygulamasını yararlı bulmaktadır. Sağlık personelinin eğitim seviyesinin artması ile ASB’den yararlanmak isteyenlerin durumunda artış saptanmıştır (p<0,05). Sonuç: Anne sütü bebek beslenmesi için hayatî önem taşımaktadır. Anne sütü olmadığında ya da kullanılamadığında ASB en önemli alternatiflerden biridir. Bunun nedenle, ASB ihtiyacı olan tüm bebekler için kolay ulaşılabilir olmalı ve ASB’nin mama kullanımını azaltmada faydaları olduğu unutulmamalıdır.


  • Akçiçek, E. 2011. Wet-nursing in Turkish, Breast Milk and Wet-Nursing. Ed. Ceber, E., Akçiçek, E. pp.109-115, İzmir: Dilan Matbaası.
  • Aykut, M., Yılmaz, M., Balcı, E., Sağıroğlu, M., Öztürk, A. Annelerin sütannelik ve anne sütü bankası konusunda bilgi tutum ve davranışları. 15. Ulusal Halk Sağlığı Kongresi: 2012. Bursa: Uludağ Üniversitesi.
  • Eidelman, AI., Schanler, RJ. 2012. Breastfeeding and the use of human milk. Pediatr; 129(3): 827-841.
  • Ekşioğlu, A., Yeşil, Y., Çeber Turfan, E. 2015. Mother’s views of milk banking: sample of İzmir. Turk Arch Pediatr; 50:83-89.
  • El-Khuffash, AL., Unger, S. 2012. The concept of milk kinship in Islam: Issues raised when offering preterm infants of muslim families donor human milk. J Human Lac; 28: 125-127.
  • Gürol, A., Özkan, H., Çelebioğlu, A. 2013. Turkish women’s knowledge and views regarding mothers milk banking. Col; 21: 239-244.
  • Hsu, HT., Fong. TV., Hassan, NM., Wong, HL. 2012. Human milk donation is an alternative to human milk bank. Breastfeeding Med; 7(2): 118-122.
  • Human Milk Banking Association of North America (HMBANA). Guidelines for the establishment and operation of donor human milk banks. Fort Worth, TX, 2011.
  • Kadıoğlu, M., Avcıalpar, D., Hotun Şahin, N. 2018. Turkish women’s attitudes and views regarding human milk banking. Clin Pract; 16(2): 1069-1077.
  • Mackenzie, C., Javanparas, T., Newman, L. 2013. Mothers’ knowledge of and aittitudes toward human milk banking in South Australia: a qualitative study. J Human Lact; 29: 222-229.
  • Obladen, M. 2012. Regulated wet-nursing: Managed care or organized crime. Neonatol; 102: 222-228.
  • Osborn, MS. 1979. The rent breasts: a brief history of wet-nursing. Midwife Health Visitor&Community Nurse; 15(9): 347-348.
  • Ramlı, N., İbrahim, NR., Hans, VR. 2012. Human milk banks: The benefits and issues in an Islamic setting. Eastern J Med; 15: 163-167.
  • Rueda, R., Ramirez, M., Garcia-Salmeron, JL., Maldonado, J., Gil, A. 1998. Gestational age and origin of human milk influence total lipid and fatty acid contents. Annals Nutr&Met; 42: 12-22.
  • Samur, G. 2008. ‘’Anne sütü’’. Sağlık Bakanlığı Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Sellen, DW. 2002. Antropological approaches to understanding the causes of variation in breastfeedinf and promotion of ‘’baby friendly’’ communuties. Nutr Antropol; 25(1): 19-29.
  • Updegrove, K. 2013. Nonprofit human milk banking in The United States. J Midwifery-Women’s Health; 58: 502-508.
  • Uyar E. Yeni Doğum Yapmış Annelerin Emzirme Durumları. Mezuniyet tezi, Marmara Üniversitesi, Sağlık Eğitim Fakültesi, İstanbul, 2000.
  • World Health Organisation Staff, World Health Organization & UNICEF. 2003. Global strategy for infant and young child feding. World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva.
There are 19 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Research Articles

Aslı Onur This is me 0000-0002-3099-8479

Nida Tokaç Er 0000-0001-8681-2429

Nurcan Yabancı Ayhan 0000-0003-1233-246X

Publication Date December 13, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 8 Issue: 2




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