Referans1 : Akasreku, B. D., Habib, H., Ankomah,A. 2018 . Pregnancy in Disability: Community Perceptions and Personal Experiences in a Rural Setting in Ghana. Journal of Pregnancy ; DOI:10.1155/20188096839.
Referans2 : Begum,N. 1992 . Disabled women and the feminist agenda. Feminist Review ; 40:70-84.
Referans3 : Bernardini, M.G. 2015 . Taking Disability Seriously on the Feminist Disability Studies Critic to the Mainstream Feminism . Genero and Dreito ; 02:148-164.
Referans4 : Brownridge, D.A. 2006 . Partner Violence Against Women With Disabilities: Prevalence, Risk, and Explanations. Violence Against Women ; 12(9):805-822.
Referans5 : Burcu, E. 2017 . Türkiye’de Engelli Bireylerin Dezavantajlı Konumlarına Engellilik Sosyolojisinin Eleştirel Tavrıyla Bakmak . Toplum ve Demokrasi ; 11(24):107-125.
Referans7 : Crawford, D., Ostrove, J.M. 2003. Representations of Disability and the Interpersonal Relationships of Women with Disabilities . Women & Therapy ; 26(3-4):179-194.
Referans8 : Davis, B.H. 1984 . Women, Disability, and Feminism: Notes toward a New Theory . A Journal of Women Studies ; 8(1):1-5.
Referans9 : Duman, N.A., Doğanay, G. 2017 . Toplumsal Dışlanma Pratikleri Üzerinden Trabzon’da Engelli Kadınlar . Journal of Sociological Research ; 20(2),:1-48.
Referans10 : Frederick, A., Leyva, K., Lavin, G. 2018 . The Double Edge of Legitimacy: How Women with Disabilities Interpret Good Mothering . Social Currents ; 6(2):163-176.
Referans 11 : Hall. J., Hundley, V., Collins, B., Ireland, J. 2018 . Dignity and Respect During Pregnancy and Childbirth: a Survey of the Experience of Disabled Women . BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth ; 18:328.
Referans12 : Hanna, W.J., Rogovsky, B. 1991 . Women with Disabilities: Two Handicaps Plus . Disability, Handicap and Society ; 6(1):49-63.
Referans13 : Hasson-Ohayon, I., Hason-Shaked, M., Silberg, T., Shpigelman, C.N. 2018 . Attitudes towards Motherhood of Women with Physical Versus Psychiatric Disabilities. Disability and Health Journal ; 11:612-617.
Referans14 : Karataş, K., Çiftçi, E.G. 2010 . Türkiye’de engelli kadın olmak: Deneyimler ve çözüm önerileri . Uluslararası Sosyal Arastırmalar Dergisi ; 3(13):147-153.
Referans15 : Lezzoni, L.I., Wint, A.J., Smeltzer, S.C., Ecker, J.L. 2015 . “How did that happen?” Public Responses to Women with Mobility Disability during Pregnancy . Disability and Health Journal ; 8:380-387.
Referans16 : Lim, N.G., Lee, J.Y., Park, J.O., Lee, J., Oh, J. 2015 . Pregnancy, Prenatal Care, and Delivery of Mothers with Disabilities in Korea . J Korean Med Sci ; 30:127-132
Referans17 : Lipson, J.G., Rogers, J.G. 2000 . Pregnancy, Bırth, And Dısabılıty: Women's Health Care Experıences . Health Care for Women International ; 21(1):11-26.
Referans18 : Martin, S.L., Ray, N., Sotres-Alvarez, D., Kupper, L.L., Moracco, K.E., Dickens, P.A., Scandlin, D., Gizlice, Z. 2006 . Physical and Sexual Assault of Women With Disabilities . Violence Against Women ;12(9):823-837.
Referans19 : Mcleish, J., Redshaw, M. 2019 . Maternity experiences of mothers with multiple disadvantages in England: A qualitative study . Women and Birth ; 32(2):178-184.
Referans20 : Mitra, M., Clements, K.M., Zhang, J., Lezzoni, L.I., Smeltzer, S.C., Long-Bellil, L.M. 2015 . Maternal characteristics, pregnancy complications and adverse birth outcomes among women with disabilities . Med Care ;53(12):1027–1032.
Referans21 : Mitra, M., Smith, L.D., Smeltzer, S.C., Long-Bellil, L.M., Moring, N.S., Lezzoni, L.I. 2017 . Barriers To Providing Maternity Care to Women With Physical Disabilities: Perspectives from Health Care Practitioners . Disability and Health Journal ; 10:445-450.
Referans22 : Morton, C., Le, J.T., Shahbandar, L., Hammond, C., Murphy, E.A., Kirschner, K.L. 2013 . Pregnancy Outcomes of Women With Physical Disabilities: A Matched Cohort Study . American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation ;5(2):90-98.
Referans23 : Mwachofi, Ari K. 2017 . A Comparative Analysis of Pregnancy Outcomes for Women With and Without Disabilities . Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice ; 10(1).
Referans24 : Parnes, P., Cameron, D., Christie, N., Cockburn, L., Hashemi, G., Yoshida, K. 2009 . Disability in low-income countries: Issues and implications . Disability and Rehabilitation ; 31(14):1170-1180.
Referans25 : Plummer, S.B., Findley, P.A. 2012 . Women With Disabilities’ Experience With Physical and Sexual Abuse: A Review of the Literature and Implications for the Field . Trauma, violence, abuse ; 13(1):15-29.
Referans26 : Powel, R.M., Smeltzer, S.C., Smith, L.D. 2017 . Family Attitudes and Reactions toward Pregnancy among Women with Physical Disabilities . Women's Health ; 27(3):345–350.
Referans27 : Redshaw, M., Malouf, R., Gao, H., Gray, R. 2013 . Women with Disability: the Experience of Maternity care During Pregnancy, Labour and Birth and the Postnatal period . BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth ; 13:174.
Referans28 : Rousso, H. 2003 . Education for All: a gender and disability perspective . Education for All Global Monitoring Report ; 2003(4).Sato, H. 1997 . ICIDH, New ICIDH and Asian / Pacific Decade . Asia and Pacific Journal on Disability ; 1(1).
Referans29 : Signore, C., Spong, C.Y., Krotoski, D., Shinowara, N.L., Blackwell, S.C. 2011 . Pregnancy in Women with Physical Disabilities . Obstetrics and Gynecology ; 117(4):935-947.
Referans30 : Smeltzer, S., Mitra, M., Lezzoni, L.I., Long-Belil, L., Smith, L.D. 2016 . Perinatal Experiences of Women With Physical Disabilities and Their Recommendations for Clinicians . J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs ; 45(6):781–789.
Referans31 : Şişman, Y. 2012 . Özürlülük Alanında Kullanılan Kavramlar Üzerine Genel Bir Değerlendirme . Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları ;7(28):69-85.
Referans32 : T.C. Aile ve Sosyal Politikalar Bakanlığı Engelli ve Yaşlı Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü. Engelli ve Yaşlı Bireylere İlişkin İstatistiki Bilgiler . İstatistik Bülteni. Nisan 2018.
Referans33 : Tarasoff, L.A. 2017 . Barriers to Perinatal Care for Women with Physical Disabilities . Disability and Health Journal ; 10:426-433.
Referans34 : Thorne, S., McCormick, J., Carty, E. 1997. Deconstructing the Gender Neutrality of Chronic İllness and Disability . Health Care for Women İnternational ; 18(1):1-16.
Referans35 : Tilley, C.M. 1998 . Health Care for Women with Physical Disabilities: Literature Review and Theory . Sexuality and Disability ; 16(2):87-102.
Referans36 : Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (TÜİK) Nüfus ve konut araştırması 2011. Ankara: Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu Matbaası.
Referans37 : Walsh-Gallagher, D., Sinclair, M., Mc Conkey, R. 2012 . The ambiguity of disabled women’s experiences of pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood: A phenomenological understanding . Midwifery ; 28:156-162.
Referans38 : Wendell, S. 1982 . Toward a Feminist Theory of Disability . Hypatia ; 4(2).
Referans39 : Engelliler Hakkında Kanun (6462 Sayılı Kanun ile Değişiklik hali) . [Online] , 2005 . (Erişim Tarihi: 07.02.2019).
Referans40 : World Health Organization (WHO) . [Online] International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, 2001. (Erişim Tarihi: 07.02.2019).
Referans41 : World Health Organization (WHO) . [Online] World Report on Disability, 2011. (Erişim Tarihi: 07.02.2019).
Referans42 : World Health Organization (WHO) . [Online] Erişim Tarihi: 08.02.2019).
Year 2019,
Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 64 - 71, 13.12.2019
Engelli bireyler ile yapılan çalışmalar sıklıkla bu kişilerin sağlık, konut, eğitim gibi alanlarda pek çok sorun yaşadıklarına odaklanmaktadır ve bu sorunlar kadın erkek ayrımı yapılmaksızın ele alınmaktadır. Oysa engelli kadınlar eril bir toplumda hem kadın olmaları nedeni ile hem de engelli olmaları nedeni ile daha fazla sorun yaşamaktadırlar.Toplum tarafından mağdur, bakıma muhtaç olan, güçsüz, çocuksu görülen engelli kadınların, gebe kaldıklarında yaşadıkları sorunlar artmaktadır. Ebeler, engelli kadınlara karşı geliştirilen önyargıların aşılabilmesinde ve gebelik döneminde karşılaşabilecekleri sağlık sorunlarının üstesinden gelinmesinde önemli bir role sahiptir. Bu derleme engelli kadınların, gebeliklerinde karşılaşabileceği sorunlar ve ortaya çıkan sorunlara çözüm üretmede ebelerin rol ve sorumlulukları ile ilgili 1991-2019 tarihleri arasında yayınlanmış literatürü gözden geçirmektedir.
Referans1 : Akasreku, B. D., Habib, H., Ankomah,A. 2018 . Pregnancy in Disability: Community Perceptions and Personal Experiences in a Rural Setting in Ghana. Journal of Pregnancy ; DOI:10.1155/20188096839.
Referans2 : Begum,N. 1992 . Disabled women and the feminist agenda. Feminist Review ; 40:70-84.
Referans3 : Bernardini, M.G. 2015 . Taking Disability Seriously on the Feminist Disability Studies Critic to the Mainstream Feminism . Genero and Dreito ; 02:148-164.
Referans4 : Brownridge, D.A. 2006 . Partner Violence Against Women With Disabilities: Prevalence, Risk, and Explanations. Violence Against Women ; 12(9):805-822.
Referans5 : Burcu, E. 2017 . Türkiye’de Engelli Bireylerin Dezavantajlı Konumlarına Engellilik Sosyolojisinin Eleştirel Tavrıyla Bakmak . Toplum ve Demokrasi ; 11(24):107-125.
Referans7 : Crawford, D., Ostrove, J.M. 2003. Representations of Disability and the Interpersonal Relationships of Women with Disabilities . Women & Therapy ; 26(3-4):179-194.
Referans8 : Davis, B.H. 1984 . Women, Disability, and Feminism: Notes toward a New Theory . A Journal of Women Studies ; 8(1):1-5.
Referans9 : Duman, N.A., Doğanay, G. 2017 . Toplumsal Dışlanma Pratikleri Üzerinden Trabzon’da Engelli Kadınlar . Journal of Sociological Research ; 20(2),:1-48.
Referans10 : Frederick, A., Leyva, K., Lavin, G. 2018 . The Double Edge of Legitimacy: How Women with Disabilities Interpret Good Mothering . Social Currents ; 6(2):163-176.
Referans 11 : Hall. J., Hundley, V., Collins, B., Ireland, J. 2018 . Dignity and Respect During Pregnancy and Childbirth: a Survey of the Experience of Disabled Women . BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth ; 18:328.
Referans12 : Hanna, W.J., Rogovsky, B. 1991 . Women with Disabilities: Two Handicaps Plus . Disability, Handicap and Society ; 6(1):49-63.
Referans13 : Hasson-Ohayon, I., Hason-Shaked, M., Silberg, T., Shpigelman, C.N. 2018 . Attitudes towards Motherhood of Women with Physical Versus Psychiatric Disabilities. Disability and Health Journal ; 11:612-617.
Referans14 : Karataş, K., Çiftçi, E.G. 2010 . Türkiye’de engelli kadın olmak: Deneyimler ve çözüm önerileri . Uluslararası Sosyal Arastırmalar Dergisi ; 3(13):147-153.
Referans15 : Lezzoni, L.I., Wint, A.J., Smeltzer, S.C., Ecker, J.L. 2015 . “How did that happen?” Public Responses to Women with Mobility Disability during Pregnancy . Disability and Health Journal ; 8:380-387.
Referans16 : Lim, N.G., Lee, J.Y., Park, J.O., Lee, J., Oh, J. 2015 . Pregnancy, Prenatal Care, and Delivery of Mothers with Disabilities in Korea . J Korean Med Sci ; 30:127-132
Referans17 : Lipson, J.G., Rogers, J.G. 2000 . Pregnancy, Bırth, And Dısabılıty: Women's Health Care Experıences . Health Care for Women International ; 21(1):11-26.
Referans18 : Martin, S.L., Ray, N., Sotres-Alvarez, D., Kupper, L.L., Moracco, K.E., Dickens, P.A., Scandlin, D., Gizlice, Z. 2006 . Physical and Sexual Assault of Women With Disabilities . Violence Against Women ;12(9):823-837.
Referans19 : Mcleish, J., Redshaw, M. 2019 . Maternity experiences of mothers with multiple disadvantages in England: A qualitative study . Women and Birth ; 32(2):178-184.
Referans20 : Mitra, M., Clements, K.M., Zhang, J., Lezzoni, L.I., Smeltzer, S.C., Long-Bellil, L.M. 2015 . Maternal characteristics, pregnancy complications and adverse birth outcomes among women with disabilities . Med Care ;53(12):1027–1032.
Referans21 : Mitra, M., Smith, L.D., Smeltzer, S.C., Long-Bellil, L.M., Moring, N.S., Lezzoni, L.I. 2017 . Barriers To Providing Maternity Care to Women With Physical Disabilities: Perspectives from Health Care Practitioners . Disability and Health Journal ; 10:445-450.
Referans22 : Morton, C., Le, J.T., Shahbandar, L., Hammond, C., Murphy, E.A., Kirschner, K.L. 2013 . Pregnancy Outcomes of Women With Physical Disabilities: A Matched Cohort Study . American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation ;5(2):90-98.
Referans23 : Mwachofi, Ari K. 2017 . A Comparative Analysis of Pregnancy Outcomes for Women With and Without Disabilities . Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice ; 10(1).
Referans24 : Parnes, P., Cameron, D., Christie, N., Cockburn, L., Hashemi, G., Yoshida, K. 2009 . Disability in low-income countries: Issues and implications . Disability and Rehabilitation ; 31(14):1170-1180.
Referans25 : Plummer, S.B., Findley, P.A. 2012 . Women With Disabilities’ Experience With Physical and Sexual Abuse: A Review of the Literature and Implications for the Field . Trauma, violence, abuse ; 13(1):15-29.
Referans26 : Powel, R.M., Smeltzer, S.C., Smith, L.D. 2017 . Family Attitudes and Reactions toward Pregnancy among Women with Physical Disabilities . Women's Health ; 27(3):345–350.
Referans27 : Redshaw, M., Malouf, R., Gao, H., Gray, R. 2013 . Women with Disability: the Experience of Maternity care During Pregnancy, Labour and Birth and the Postnatal period . BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth ; 13:174.
Referans28 : Rousso, H. 2003 . Education for All: a gender and disability perspective . Education for All Global Monitoring Report ; 2003(4).Sato, H. 1997 . ICIDH, New ICIDH and Asian / Pacific Decade . Asia and Pacific Journal on Disability ; 1(1).
Referans29 : Signore, C., Spong, C.Y., Krotoski, D., Shinowara, N.L., Blackwell, S.C. 2011 . Pregnancy in Women with Physical Disabilities . Obstetrics and Gynecology ; 117(4):935-947.
Referans30 : Smeltzer, S., Mitra, M., Lezzoni, L.I., Long-Belil, L., Smith, L.D. 2016 . Perinatal Experiences of Women With Physical Disabilities and Their Recommendations for Clinicians . J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs ; 45(6):781–789.
Referans31 : Şişman, Y. 2012 . Özürlülük Alanında Kullanılan Kavramlar Üzerine Genel Bir Değerlendirme . Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları ;7(28):69-85.
Referans32 : T.C. Aile ve Sosyal Politikalar Bakanlığı Engelli ve Yaşlı Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü. Engelli ve Yaşlı Bireylere İlişkin İstatistiki Bilgiler . İstatistik Bülteni. Nisan 2018.
Referans33 : Tarasoff, L.A. 2017 . Barriers to Perinatal Care for Women with Physical Disabilities . Disability and Health Journal ; 10:426-433.
Referans34 : Thorne, S., McCormick, J., Carty, E. 1997. Deconstructing the Gender Neutrality of Chronic İllness and Disability . Health Care for Women İnternational ; 18(1):1-16.
Referans35 : Tilley, C.M. 1998 . Health Care for Women with Physical Disabilities: Literature Review and Theory . Sexuality and Disability ; 16(2):87-102.
Referans36 : Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (TÜİK) Nüfus ve konut araştırması 2011. Ankara: Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu Matbaası.
Referans37 : Walsh-Gallagher, D., Sinclair, M., Mc Conkey, R. 2012 . The ambiguity of disabled women’s experiences of pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood: A phenomenological understanding . Midwifery ; 28:156-162.
Referans38 : Wendell, S. 1982 . Toward a Feminist Theory of Disability . Hypatia ; 4(2).
Referans39 : Engelliler Hakkında Kanun (6462 Sayılı Kanun ile Değişiklik hali) . [Online] , 2005 . (Erişim Tarihi: 07.02.2019).
Referans40 : World Health Organization (WHO) . [Online] International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, 2001. (Erişim Tarihi: 07.02.2019).
Referans41 : World Health Organization (WHO) . [Online] World Report on Disability, 2011. (Erişim Tarihi: 07.02.2019).
Referans42 : World Health Organization (WHO) . [Online] Erişim Tarihi: 08.02.2019).
Kapan, B. K., & Boyacıoğlu, N. E. (2019). ENGELLİ GEBELERİN KARŞILAŞTIKLARI ZORLUKLAR VE EBELİK YAKLAŞIMI. Ankara Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 8(2), 64-71.
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