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Hazar Kağanlığının Kutsal-İkili Yönetiminin Judaik Şifreleri

Year 2023, Volume: 11 Issue: 34, 325 - 336, 20.03.2023


Üç yüz yılı aşkın kurumsal yapısı ve Güney Rusya–Kafkasya kuşağındaki güçlü varlığıyla Hazar Kağanlığı,tarihteki en önemli Türk devletlerinden biridir. Avrasya bozkır göçebelerinin “evrensel” dinleri benimsemesi meselesi sıradan bir durum olmakla beraber İslam dininin hızla yayıldığı ve Müslüman–Hristiyan çatışmasının tohumlarının yoğun bir şekilde yeşerdiği bir dönemde, Hazar elitlerinin Yahudiğili benimsemesi onların tarihini daha da dikkat çekici bir hale getirmektedir. Biz burada Hazarlar’ın neden-nasıl-ne zaman Yahudiliği benimsediği sorularına cevap aramaktan ziyade, Hazar siyasi yapısının en çarpıcı hususiyetlerinden biri olan ve araştırmacılar tarafından “İkili Krallık ya da İlahi Krallık” adı verilen yönetim sistemleriyle ilgili meseleleri açıklığa kavuşturmaya çalışacağız. Eski Türk bozkır geleneğindeki Kağanlık müessesesinde rastlamadığımız bu hususi yapı, bilim çevrelerince genellikle Gök Türklerdeki “äb/eb (ev) Kağan ve/veya Yabgu Kağan” modeliyle benzeştirilmiş; buna rağmen söz konusu bu İkili Krallık (Kutsal Krallık) geleneksel ve aynı zamanda “nevi şahsına münhasır” bir model olarak yorumlanmıştır. Bu makalede, yazılı kaynaklardaki ipuçlarından yola çıkılarak bu “benzersiz” modelin, kadim Altay-Türk bozkır devlet motiflerinden yanlızca sembolik bazı öğeler barındıran, muhtemelen TaNaKh temelli bir yönetim formu olduğu hipotize edilmektedir.


  • Ağırakça. Ahmet. 2000. “İhşîd”. ss. 550-551 içinde Diyanet İslam Ansiklopedisi (DİA). C. 21. Ankara: TDV Yayınları. Dunlop, D. M. 1954. The Jewish Khazars, New jersey: Princeton University Press.
  • Easton, M. G. 1897. “barefoot”, Eastons Bible Dictionary, 3th. ed. (1897): 138. Accessed February 22, 2022. Easton's Bible Dictionary (;
  • _________________ “Fire”, Eastons Bible Dictionary, 3th. ed. (1897): 435-436. Accessed February 22, 2022. Easton's Bible Dictionary (; .
  • Frazer, J. G. 1917. “The Killing of The Khazar Kings”. Folklore. 28 (4): 382-407.
  • Golden, Peter B. 2007a. “The conversion of khazars to Judaism” içinde The World of the Khazars, ed. P. Golden, H. Ben-Shammai, András Roná-Tas, HdO studies. 8 (17): 123-162.
  • ______________ 2007b. “Irano-Turcica: The Khazar Sacral Kingship Revisited” Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hung., 60 (2): 161-194.
  • _______________ 1980. Khazar Studies. C. 1. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.
  • Ha-Yashar, Sefer (Midrash). 1876. (Çev. Edward B.M. Browne). New York: accessed July 20, 2022.
  • Hirsch, Emil G. ve Ryssel, Victor. 1901. “Judges, Period of”. ss. 381-384 içinde The Jewish Encyclopedia. C. 7. New York–London: Funk&Wagnalls.
  • Jacobs, Joseph vd. 1901. “Moses”. ss. 44-57 içinde The Jewish Encyclopedia. C. 9. New York–London: Funk&Wagnalls.
Year 2023, Volume: 11 Issue: 34, 325 - 336, 20.03.2023



  • Ağırakça. Ahmet. 2000. “İhşîd”. ss. 550-551 içinde Diyanet İslam Ansiklopedisi (DİA). C. 21. Ankara: TDV Yayınları. Dunlop, D. M. 1954. The Jewish Khazars, New jersey: Princeton University Press.
  • Easton, M. G. 1897. “barefoot”, Eastons Bible Dictionary, 3th. ed. (1897): 138. Accessed February 22, 2022. Easton's Bible Dictionary (;
  • _________________ “Fire”, Eastons Bible Dictionary, 3th. ed. (1897): 435-436. Accessed February 22, 2022. Easton's Bible Dictionary (; .
  • Frazer, J. G. 1917. “The Killing of The Khazar Kings”. Folklore. 28 (4): 382-407.
  • Golden, Peter B. 2007a. “The conversion of khazars to Judaism” içinde The World of the Khazars, ed. P. Golden, H. Ben-Shammai, András Roná-Tas, HdO studies. 8 (17): 123-162.
  • ______________ 2007b. “Irano-Turcica: The Khazar Sacral Kingship Revisited” Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hung., 60 (2): 161-194.
  • _______________ 1980. Khazar Studies. C. 1. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.
  • Ha-Yashar, Sefer (Midrash). 1876. (Çev. Edward B.M. Browne). New York: accessed July 20, 2022.
  • Hirsch, Emil G. ve Ryssel, Victor. 1901. “Judges, Period of”. ss. 381-384 içinde The Jewish Encyclopedia. C. 7. New York–London: Funk&Wagnalls.
  • Jacobs, Joseph vd. 1901. “Moses”. ss. 44-57 içinde The Jewish Encyclopedia. C. 9. New York–London: Funk&Wagnalls.

The Judaıc Codes of The Khazar Qaganate’s Sacred-Dıarchy

Year 2023, Volume: 11 Issue: 34, 325 - 336, 20.03.2023


As its institutional structure and powerful presence of more than three hundred years in Southern Russia – Caucasia zone, the Khazar Qaganate was one of the most prominent Turkic state in history. The issue of the adoption of new “universal” religions by the Eurasian steppe nomads was a common situation. But in a time period when the Islam spread of rapidly and the Muslim – Christian conflict had begun to be flourished intensely, the conversion of Khazar royal elites to Judaism made their history much more remarkable. Here, we would not to examine the questions on why-how-when did the Khazars embrace the Judaism; but to try to illuminate the issues about their ruling system, so-called “Dual Kingship/Royal Diarchy or Sacral Kingship” by researchers, which is one of the most striking feature of the political structure of the Khazar Judaism. Although this model does not match the functional structure of the Qaganal office observed in the old Turkic steppe tradition which scholars generally relate to the "äb/eb Qagan and/or Yabgu Qagan" models–in particular Gök Türk administrative structure – the dual kingship/royal diarchy (sacral kingship) of Khazar Qaganate has been interpreted as a traditional but also a unique system. In this article, by the way on the clues obtained from written sources it has been hypothesized that this “unique” model of the Khazar’s Royal Diarchy (Sacral Kingship) was probably a TaNaKh-based Judaic form, inheriting only some symbolic essences from old Altaic-Turkic origin steppe-state motifs.


  • Ağırakça. Ahmet. 2000. “İhşîd”. ss. 550-551 içinde Diyanet İslam Ansiklopedisi (DİA). C. 21. Ankara: TDV Yayınları. Dunlop, D. M. 1954. The Jewish Khazars, New jersey: Princeton University Press.
  • Easton, M. G. 1897. “barefoot”, Eastons Bible Dictionary, 3th. ed. (1897): 138. Accessed February 22, 2022. Easton's Bible Dictionary (;
  • _________________ “Fire”, Eastons Bible Dictionary, 3th. ed. (1897): 435-436. Accessed February 22, 2022. Easton's Bible Dictionary (; .
  • Frazer, J. G. 1917. “The Killing of The Khazar Kings”. Folklore. 28 (4): 382-407.
  • Golden, Peter B. 2007a. “The conversion of khazars to Judaism” içinde The World of the Khazars, ed. P. Golden, H. Ben-Shammai, András Roná-Tas, HdO studies. 8 (17): 123-162.
  • ______________ 2007b. “Irano-Turcica: The Khazar Sacral Kingship Revisited” Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hung., 60 (2): 161-194.
  • _______________ 1980. Khazar Studies. C. 1. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.
  • Ha-Yashar, Sefer (Midrash). 1876. (Çev. Edward B.M. Browne). New York: accessed July 20, 2022.
  • Hirsch, Emil G. ve Ryssel, Victor. 1901. “Judges, Period of”. ss. 381-384 içinde The Jewish Encyclopedia. C. 7. New York–London: Funk&Wagnalls.
  • Jacobs, Joseph vd. 1901. “Moses”. ss. 44-57 içinde The Jewish Encyclopedia. C. 9. New York–London: Funk&Wagnalls.
There are 10 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Egemen Çağrı Mızrak 0000-0002-9876-9971

Early Pub Date March 15, 2023
Publication Date March 20, 2023
Submission Date December 16, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 11 Issue: 34


APA Mızrak, E. Ç. (2023). The Judaıc Codes of The Khazar Qaganate’s Sacred-Dıarchy. Avrasya Uluslararası Araştırmalar Dergisi, 11(34), 325-336.

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