Energy Efficiency Analysis: Aslanhane (Ahi Şerafettin) Mosque
Year 2024,
Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 309 - 320, 30.09.2024
Duygu Savur
Şeyda Emekci
Cemile Feyzan Şimşek
Humanity has experienced many changes and developments throughout history. These developments have emerged to increase the comfort of people in social life. With each development, new requirements emerged, and the necessity to continue them was the natural result. One of these is the Industrial Revolution which is the crucial trigger and the results affecting our day of technological developments. With this, the concept of energy and its sustainability has been discussed. Although energy has always been the most important need of people, with this revolution, there has been concern about the continuity of the living environment. Although the concept of environmental sustainability was introduced to the literature in the 1980s, the examples, where the idea has been applied are seen throughout history. Ankara Aslanhane (Ahi Şerafettin) mosque is one of them and was built in the 13th century. It has important features that come from the structural material and architectural details for the period it was built in terms of energy efficiency and management. This article aims to analyze the structural features of the Aslanhane (Ahi Şerafettin) mosque and to discuss what can be done to integrate contemporary technologies according to its requirements.
- Akşi̇t, A. (2018). Arslanhane Camii’nin İnşa Tarihine Dair Notlar. Selçuk Üniversitesi Selçuklu Araştırmaları Dergisi, 9, 172–180.
- Atılgan, L., & Enarun, D. (2018). A Case Study of Lighting Turkish Historic Mosques Using Leds: Semsi Ahmet Pasha Mosque. Lighting Research & Technology, 50(6), 894–910.
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- Bolorforoush, M. (2014). Sustainable Energy Strategy for Historic Churches and Cathedrals in the UK. University of Birmingham.
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Google. Google Maps. Access June 09 2024.
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- Kitapci, K., & Çelik Başok, (2021). The Acoustic Characterization of Worship Ambiance and Speech Intelligibility in Wooden Hypostyle Structures: The Case of The Aslanhane Mosque. Acoustics Australia, 49(3), 425–440.
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- López, C. S. P., & Frontini, F. (2014). Energy Efficiency and Renewable Solar Energy Integration in Heritage Historic Buildings. Energy Procedia, 48, 1493–1502.
- Makrodimitri, M., Campbell, J. W. P., & Steemers, K. (2012). Sustainability And Heritage Conservation: Assessment of Environmental Performance and Energy Management for Historic Churches. Sustainability in Energy and Buildings (Vol. 12, Pp. 353–364). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- Orchard, D. J. (1935). Man-Power in China I. Political Science Quarterly, 50(4), 561–583.
- Santamouris, M., & Vasilakopoulou, K. (2021). Present And Future Energy Consumption of Buildings: Challenges and Opportunities Towards Decarbonisation. E-Prime - Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy, 1, 100002.
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Semenyuk, O., Beloussova, E., Nechay, N., Listkov, V., Kurbatova, V., Niyazbekova, S., & Abdrashitova, T. (2018). The Influence of Ecology and Economic Factors on Eco-Architecture and The Design of Energy Efficient Buildings.
- Sugár, V., Talamon, A., Horkai, A., & Kita, M. (2020). Energy Saving Retrofit in A Heritage District: The Case of The Budapest. Journal Of Building Engineering, 27, 100982.
TR. Governorship of Ankara (2016). Ankara Vakıf Eserleri.,documents/bb9bd43af0e81257a5d156a5411ebce7.pdf
- Tokarčík, A., & Rovňák, M. (2017). Energy Management of Historic Buildings. Iop Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 92, 012068.
- United Nation. (1987). Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future. Accessed February 2024. 10, 1–300.
Enerji Verimliliği Analizi: Aslanhane (Ahi Şerafettin) Camii
Year 2024,
Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 309 - 320, 30.09.2024
Duygu Savur
Şeyda Emekci
Cemile Feyzan Şimşek
İnsanlık tarih boyunca birçok değişim ve gelişme yaşamıştır. Bu gelişmeler insanların yaşam, alışveriş, eğitim ve ibadet alanlarındaki konforunu artırmak için ortaya çıkmıştır. Her gelişme ile birlikte yeni ihtiyaçlar ortaya çıkmış ve bunları sürdürme kaygısı oluşmuştur. Günümüzü etkileyen en önemli değişimlerden biri olan sanayi devrimi ile birlikte enerji kavramı ve sürdürülebilirliği tartışılmaya başlanmıştır. Enerji her zaman insanların en önemli ihtiyacı olmasına rağmen yaşanan bu devrimle birlikte yaşanılan çevrenin devamlılığı konusunda kaygılar oluşmaya başlamıştır. Çevresel sürdürülebilirlik kavramı literatüre 1980'lerde girmiştir. Ancak kavramın uygulandığı örnekler tarih boyunca görülmektedir. Ankara Aslanhane (Ahi Şerafettin) camii de bunlardan biridir ve 13. yüzyılda yapılmıştır. Enerji verimliliği ve yönetimi açısından yapıldığı dönem için önemli özelliklere sahiptir. Bu makale, Aslanhane (Ahi Şerafettin) camisinin özelliklerini incelemeyi ve çağdaş teknolojileri entegre etmek için neler yapılabileceğini tartışmayı amaçlamaktadır.
- Akşi̇t, A. (2018). Arslanhane Camii’nin İnşa Tarihine Dair Notlar. Selçuk Üniversitesi Selçuklu Araştırmaları Dergisi, 9, 172–180.
- Atılgan, L., & Enarun, D. (2018). A Case Study of Lighting Turkish Historic Mosques Using Leds: Semsi Ahmet Pasha Mosque. Lighting Research & Technology, 50(6), 894–910.
- Balaji, B., Bhattacharya, A., Fierro, G., Gao, J., Gluck, J., Hong, D., Johansen, A., Koh, J., Ploennigs, J., Agarwal, Y., Bergés, M., Culler, D., Gupta, R. K., Kjærgaard, M. B., Srivastava, M., & Whitehouse, K. (2018). Brick: Metadata Schema for Portable Smart Building Applications. Applied Energy, 226, 1273–1292.
- Bolorforoush, M. (2014). Sustainable Energy Strategy for Historic Churches and Cathedrals in the UK. University of Birmingham.
- Cooley, T. M. (2014). Sustainability Profile. Society of Environmentally Responsible Facilities.
- Doğan, T. (2013). Osmanlı Cami Mimarisi’nde Aydınlatma Düzenleri Açısından Gelişim (XIV. – XVII Yüzyil). YYU Journal of Education Faculty, 10(1295), 295–320.
- Erdoğan, A., Günel, G., & Kılcı, A. (2007). Osmanlıda Ankara. Ankara Tarihi Ve Kültürü Dizisi, 2.
- Eyice, S. (1988). Ahî Şerafeddin Camii. Tdv İslâm Ansiklopedisi.
- Glassie, H. (2000). Vernacular Architecture. Indiana University Press. (Indiana University).
Google. Google Maps. Access June 09 2024.
- İşçen, İ. Y. (2019). Cumhuriyet Öncesi Ankara’da Cami Ve Mescitler. Cadde Anafartalar Kuyumcuları.
- Kandemir-Yücel, A., Tavukcuoglu, A., & Caner-Saltik, E. N. (2007). In Situ Assessment of Structural Timber Elements of a Historic Building by Infrared Thermography and Ultrasonic Velocity. Infrared Physics & Technology, 49(3), 243–248.
- Karaseki, Z. (2007). Ankara Aslanhane - Ağaç Ayak Camilerinin Ahşap Süsleme Özellikleri. Gazi Üniversitesi.
- Kitapci, K., & Çelik Başok, (2021). The Acoustic Characterization of Worship Ambiance and Speech Intelligibility in Wooden Hypostyle Structures: The Case of The Aslanhane Mosque. Acoustics Australia, 49(3), 425–440.
- Lai̇kgi̇l, S. (2015). Ahi Şerafettin (Arslanhane) Camii, Selçuk Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Sanat Tarihi Anabilim Dalı.
- López, C. S. P., & Frontini, F. (2014). Energy Efficiency and Renewable Solar Energy Integration in Heritage Historic Buildings. Energy Procedia, 48, 1493–1502.
- Makrodimitri, M., Campbell, J. W. P., & Steemers, K. (2012). Sustainability And Heritage Conservation: Assessment of Environmental Performance and Energy Management for Historic Churches. Sustainability in Energy and Buildings (Vol. 12, Pp. 353–364). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- Orchard, D. J. (1935). Man-Power in China I. Political Science Quarterly, 50(4), 561–583.
- Santamouris, M., & Vasilakopoulou, K. (2021). Present And Future Energy Consumption of Buildings: Challenges and Opportunities Towards Decarbonisation. E-Prime - Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy, 1, 100002.
- Savin, A. (2021).
Semenyuk, O., Beloussova, E., Nechay, N., Listkov, V., Kurbatova, V., Niyazbekova, S., & Abdrashitova, T. (2018). The Influence of Ecology and Economic Factors on Eco-Architecture and The Design of Energy Efficient Buildings.
- Sugár, V., Talamon, A., Horkai, A., & Kita, M. (2020). Energy Saving Retrofit in A Heritage District: The Case of The Budapest. Journal Of Building Engineering, 27, 100982.
TR. Governorship of Ankara (2016). Ankara Vakıf Eserleri.,documents/bb9bd43af0e81257a5d156a5411ebce7.pdf
- Tokarčík, A., & Rovňák, M. (2017). Energy Management of Historic Buildings. Iop Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 92, 012068.
- United Nation. (1987). Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future. Accessed February 2024. 10, 1–300.