Research Article
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Year 2024, Volume: 15 Issue: 3, 1227 - 1249, 31.12.2024


1980’lerin sonunda ortaya atılan ‘niş inşası kuramı’, mimari üretimin, sosyo-kültürel kodlar dışında biyolojik veriler ve evrimsel niteliklerin gölgesinde geliştiğini ima eder. Niş inşası kuramı, mimari eylemi, insan ve çevre ilişkisi merkezinde gelişen, çift taraflı etkin bir eylem olarak kavramsallaştırır. Çalışmanın metodu, barınma birimleri olan yerel konut tasarımında kullanılan plan morfolojisine, malzeme kullanımına, niş inşası kuramı çerçevesinde yaklaşır. Kutup altı bölgesel morfolojisinde, Laponlar’daki ‘lavvu’ ve ‘goahti’ler; Nenetsler’deki ‘mya’lar, Çukçiler’deki ‘yaranga’lar, İtelmenler’deki ‘pehmy’ler ele alınmıştır. Çalışma, Kutup altı iklimde, yerel barınma ünitelerinin ekolojik nişler olarak ele alınıp alınamayacağını ele alır. Bulgular, ren geyiği derisi, huş ağacı kabuğu ve turbanın temel yapı malzemesi olarak kullanıldığı göstermektedir. Yuvarlak plan tipine sahip, birleşip sökülmesi kolay yapı elemanlarından oluşan konik formda çadır ya da kulübeler, ısıl konfor ve rüzgâr korunumu için uygun niteliktedir. Tartışma, sürdürülebilir, az iş gücü gerektiren, uygulanabilir, hafif, taşınabilir doğal malzeme ile üretilmiş ve yuvarlak planlı yerel mimari örneklerinin, ekolojik nişler olarak ele alınabileceğini vurgular. Makalede incelenen yerel konut tasarımda kullanılan malzemeler ve inşa teknikleri, yerel halkların mimari tasarım aracılığı ile özgün ve aktif bir çevre ekonomisi yarattığı savını destekler. Niş inşası kuramı perspektifinde mimarlık ürünleri; iklim, tasarım, peyzaj karakteri ve bölgesel morfoloji aracılığı ile yaratılan ekolojik mirastır. Çadır ve kulübelerin özgün tasarım düşüncesi ve yöntemleri sayesinde, yerel insan, çevre, peyzaj ve bölgesel morfolojisi ile rasyonel bir bağ kurabilmektedir. Makale, Türkçe dilinde yazılmış Kutup altı bölgesel morfolojisinde yerel konut örneklerinin tasarım ilkelerini ele alan ilk çalışmadır ve biyolojik evrimleşme temelli ‘niş inşası kuramı’na dair literatür eksikliğinin aşılması için katkı sağlamaktadır.


  • Anderson, D. (2006). Dwellings, storage and summer site structure among Siberian Orochen Evenkis: hunter-gatherer vernacular architecture under post-socialist conditions. Norwegian Archaeological Review. 39. 10.1080/00293650600703894.
  • Anderson, D. G. (2007). Mobile architecture and social life: the case of the conical skin lodge in the Putoran Plateau region. In V. Vate, S. Beyries (Eds.), Les civilisations du renne d’hier et d’aujourd’hui.: Approches ethnohistoriques, archéologiques et anthropologiques (pp. 43-63). Editions APDCA.
  • Anderson, M. (1983). The Saami People of Lapland: Four Recent Works on the Interplay of History, Ethnicity, and Reindeer Pastoralism.
  • Barr, W. (1991). Aleksandr Lavrent'yevich Chekanovskiy, pioneer geologist and explorer of north central Siberia, 1873-76. Earth Sciences History, 10(2), 106–129.
  • Broadbent, N. (2010). Lapps and labyrinths: Saami prehistory, colonization, and cultural resilience. Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press.
  • Caldwell, L. K. (1992). Between two worlds: science, the environmental movement and policy choice (No. 1). Cambridge University Press.
  • Claassen, S. (2020). A 1909 collection of string figures from Chukotka Peninsula. from the Haddon string figure manuscripts at Cambridge, File 5141. 24. 23-92.
  • Coolidge, F.L., Wynn, T., Overmann, K.A., Hicks, J.M. (2015). Cognitive archaeology the cognitive sciences. In: Bruner E. (eds). Human Paleoneurology. Springer Series in Bio-/Neuroinformatics, vol 3. Springer.
  • Crowe, N. (1997). Nature and the idea of a man-made world: an investigation into the evolutionary roots of form and order in the built environment. MIT press.
  • Das, A. A. (2024). Thermal Performance of Yaranga Style Vernacular Architecture in Chukotka. Available at SSRN 4758505.
  • Davis, W., Harrison, K. D., Howell, C. H. (2007). Book of peoples of the world: a guide to cultures. National Geographic Books.
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  • De Young, R. (2013). Environmental psychology overview. In Ann H. Huffman Stephanie Klein (Eds.). Green Organizations: Driving Change with IO Psychology (p. 17-33). Routledge.
  • Doherty, B. (2018). Environmental Movements 1. In Politics of the Environment (pp. 71-86). Routledge.
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  • Elias, S. (2012). Origins of human ınnovation creativity. breaking old paradigms. Developments in Quaternary Science. 16. 1-13. 10.1016/B978-0-444-53821-5.00001-4.
  • Emmons, R. (2004). An investigation of sami building structures. Sami Culture, University of Texas, Online https://www. laits. utexas. edu/sami/dieda/anthro/architecture. htm# Thermal. Erişim Tarihi (01.01.2024).
  • Forbes, B. C., Stammler, F., Kumpula, T., Meschtyb, N., Pajunen, A., Kaarlejärvi, E. (2009). High resilience in the Yamal-Nenets social-ecological system, West Siberian Arctic, Russia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106(52), 22041–22048.
  • Forsyth, J. (1994). A history of the peoples of Siberia: Russia's north Asian colony 1581-1990. Cambridge University Press.
  • Gadal, S., Degteva, Z., Danilov, Y. (2017). Spatial organisation of the traditional cultural landscape of the Evenks (Example of South Yakutia). 4th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts SGEM 2017, Varna, Bulgaria. pp.89-96.
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  • Gerlach, L. P. (2001). The structure of social movements: Environmental activism and its opponents. Networks and netwars: The future of terror, crime, and militancy, 296.
  • Golovnev, A. V. (2020). Arctic nomadic design (the Nenets case). Nomadic Peoples, 24(1), 111-142.
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  • Jahreskog, B. (1982). The Sami national minority in Sweden. Almqvist & Wiksell.
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  • Johnson, E. W., & Greenberg, P. (2017). The US environmental movement of the 1960s and 1970s: Building frameworks of sustainability. In Routledge handbook of the history of sustainability (pp. 137-150). Routledge.
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  • Laland, K., Matthews, B., Feldman, M.W. (2016). An introduction to niche construction theory. Evol Ecol 30, 191–202.
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  • Laland, K., Odling-Smee, J., Endler, J. (2017). Niche construction, sources of selection and trait coevolution. Interface Focus, 7(5), 20160147.
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  • Larsson, N., Dalheimer, F., del Marmol, G., Diémé, K., Excell, A., Hollmén, S., ... & Uusi-Kilponen, I. (2021). Interplay of Cultures Studio: Sámi. Contemplating Northern Indigenous Cultures in Present Global Challenges.
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  • Matthews, B., De Meester, L., Jones, C. G., Ibelings, B. W., Bouma, T. J., Nuutinen, V., ... Odling-Smee, J. (2014). Under niche construction: an operational bridge between ecology, evolution, and ecosystem science. Ecological Monographs. 84(2), 245-263.
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Year 2024, Volume: 15 Issue: 3, 1227 - 1249, 31.12.2024


The 'niche construction theory' in the late 1980s implies that architectural production develops in the shadow of biological data and evolutionary qualities, apart from socio-cultural codes. Niche construction theory considers architectural action as a two-way active action that develops at the centre of the relationship between humans and the environment. The method examined the plan morphologies and materials used in local housing with shelter units under the framework of niche construction theory. In the Sub-Arctic regional morphology, the house 'lavvu' and 'goahti' of the Lapps; 'mya' of the Nenets; 'yaranga' of the Chukchi; and 'pehmy' of the Itelmens were investigated. The study examined whether local shelter units are considered ecological niches in the subpolar climate. The findings showed that reindeer hide, birch bark and peat were used as basic building materials. Residences in conical form, with a round plan type and consisting of building elements that were easy to assemble and disassemble, were suitable for thermal comfort and wind protection. The discussion emphasized that sustainable, round-planned local architecture produced with viable, light, portable natural materials that required little labour can be considered ecological niches. The materials and construction techniques used in local housing design examined in the article supported the argument that local people create a unique and active environmental economy through architectural design. From the perspective of niche construction theory, architectural products are ecological heritage created through climate, design, landscape character and regional morphology. The local people can establish a rational bond with the environment, landscape and regional morphology thanks to the unique design thinking and methods used in tents and huts. This article was the first in Turkish literature to address the design principles of local housing examples in the Subarctic regional morphology. The study contributed to overcoming the lack of literature in Turkish on biological evolution-based 'niche construction theory'.


  • Anderson, D. (2006). Dwellings, storage and summer site structure among Siberian Orochen Evenkis: hunter-gatherer vernacular architecture under post-socialist conditions. Norwegian Archaeological Review. 39. 10.1080/00293650600703894.
  • Anderson, D. G. (2007). Mobile architecture and social life: the case of the conical skin lodge in the Putoran Plateau region. In V. Vate, S. Beyries (Eds.), Les civilisations du renne d’hier et d’aujourd’hui.: Approches ethnohistoriques, archéologiques et anthropologiques (pp. 43-63). Editions APDCA.
  • Anderson, M. (1983). The Saami People of Lapland: Four Recent Works on the Interplay of History, Ethnicity, and Reindeer Pastoralism.
  • Barr, W. (1991). Aleksandr Lavrent'yevich Chekanovskiy, pioneer geologist and explorer of north central Siberia, 1873-76. Earth Sciences History, 10(2), 106–129.
  • Broadbent, N. (2010). Lapps and labyrinths: Saami prehistory, colonization, and cultural resilience. Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press.
  • Caldwell, L. K. (1992). Between two worlds: science, the environmental movement and policy choice (No. 1). Cambridge University Press.
  • Claassen, S. (2020). A 1909 collection of string figures from Chukotka Peninsula. from the Haddon string figure manuscripts at Cambridge, File 5141. 24. 23-92.
  • Coolidge, F.L., Wynn, T., Overmann, K.A., Hicks, J.M. (2015). Cognitive archaeology the cognitive sciences. In: Bruner E. (eds). Human Paleoneurology. Springer Series in Bio-/Neuroinformatics, vol 3. Springer.
  • Crowe, N. (1997). Nature and the idea of a man-made world: an investigation into the evolutionary roots of form and order in the built environment. MIT press.
  • Das, A. A. (2024). Thermal Performance of Yaranga Style Vernacular Architecture in Chukotka. Available at SSRN 4758505.
  • Davis, W., Harrison, K. D., Howell, C. H. (2007). Book of peoples of the world: a guide to cultures. National Geographic Books.
  • Dawkins, R. (1976). The selfish gene. Oxford university press.
  • Dawkins, R. (1982). The extended phenotype (Vol. 8). Oxford university press.
  • De Young, R. (2013). Environmental psychology overview. In Ann H. Huffman Stephanie Klein (Eds.). Green Organizations: Driving Change with IO Psychology (p. 17-33). Routledge.
  • Doherty, B. (2018). Environmental Movements 1. In Politics of the Environment (pp. 71-86). Routledge.
  • Donald, M. (1993). Origins of the modern mind: three stages in the evolution of culture cognition. Harvard University Press.
  • Durant, J. R. (1989). Human origins. Clarendon Press.
  • Egenter, N. (2001). The deep structure of architecture: Constructivity and human evolution. Architectural anthropology, 43-81.
  • Elias, S. (2012). Origins of human ınnovation creativity. breaking old paradigms. Developments in Quaternary Science. 16. 1-13. 10.1016/B978-0-444-53821-5.00001-4.
  • Emmons, R. (2004). An investigation of sami building structures. Sami Culture, University of Texas, Online https://www. laits. utexas. edu/sami/dieda/anthro/architecture. htm# Thermal. Erişim Tarihi (01.01.2024).
  • Forbes, B. C., Stammler, F., Kumpula, T., Meschtyb, N., Pajunen, A., Kaarlejärvi, E. (2009). High resilience in the Yamal-Nenets social-ecological system, West Siberian Arctic, Russia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106(52), 22041–22048.
  • Forsyth, J. (1994). A history of the peoples of Siberia: Russia's north Asian colony 1581-1990. Cambridge University Press.
  • Gadal, S., Degteva, Z., Danilov, Y. (2017). Spatial organisation of the traditional cultural landscape of the Evenks (Example of South Yakutia). 4th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts SGEM 2017, Varna, Bulgaria. pp.89-96.
  • Gall, T. L., & Hobby, J. (1998). Worldmark encyclopedia of cultures and daily life. Gale Research Inc,
  • Gerlach, L. P. (2001). The structure of social movements: Environmental activism and its opponents. Networks and netwars: The future of terror, crime, and militancy, 296.
  • Golovnev, A. V. (2020). Arctic nomadic design (the Nenets case). Nomadic Peoples, 24(1), 111-142.
  • Gorbacheva, V. M., Federova, M., Le, B.-S. M. (2000). The peoples of the Great North: art and civilisation of Siberia. Parkstone Press.
  • Groves, C. P. (1989). A theory of human primate evolution. Oxford University Press.
  • Groves, C., Pi, J. (1985). From ape's nest to human fix-point. Man, 20(1), new series, 22-47. doi:10.2307/2802220
  • Hannigan, J. (2022). Environmental sociology. Routledge.
  • Hart, D., Sussman, R. W. (2009). Man the hunted: primates, predators, and human evolution. Westview Press,
  • Heras-Escribano, M., Pinedo-García, D. (2018). Affordances and landscapes: overcoming the nature–culture dichotomy through niche construction theory. Frontiers in psychology, 8, 2294.
  • Jahreskog, B. (1982). The Sami national minority in Sweden. Almqvist & Wiksell.
  • Jancar-Webster, B. (2015). Environmental movement and social change in the transition countries. In Dilemmas of Transition (pp. 69-90). Routledge.
  • Johnson, E. W., & Greenberg, P. (2017). The US environmental movement of the 1960s and 1970s: Building frameworks of sustainability. In Routledge handbook of the history of sustainability (pp. 137-150). Routledge.
  • Jones, C. G., Lawton, J. H., Shachak, M. (1994). Organisms as ecosystem engineers. Oikos. 69 (3): 373–86.
  • Kendal, J., Tehrani, J. J., Odling-Smee, J. (2011). Human niche construction in interdisciplinary focus. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 366(1566), 785–792.
  • Kerttula, A. M. (2000). Antler on the sea: the Yup'ik and Chukchi of the Russian far east. Cornell University Press.
  • King, A. D. (2011). Living with Koryak traditions: playing with culture in Siberia. University of Nebraska Press.
  • Klein, R.G. (2009). The human career: human biological cultural origins. The University of Chicago Press.
  • Laland, K. N., Galef, B. G. (eds) (2009). The question of animal culture. Harvard University Press. Cambridge.
  • Laland, K. N., Sterelny, K. (2006). Perspective: seven reasons (not) to neglect niche construction, Evolution, 60(9), 1751-1762.
  • Laland, K., Matthews, B., Feldman, M.W. (2016). An introduction to niche construction theory. Evol Ecol 30, 191–202.
  • Laland, K., O’Brien, M. (2012). Cultural niche construction: an ıntroductionintroduction. Biological Theory. 6. 10.1007/s13752-012-0026-6.
  • Laland, K., Odling-Smee, J., Endler, J. (2017). Niche construction, sources of selection and trait coevolution. Interface Focus, 7(5), 20160147.
  • Laland, K.N., O’Brien, M.J. (2010). Niche construction theory archaeology. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory. 17, 303–322.
  • Larsson, N., Dalheimer, F., del Marmol, G., Diémé, K., Excell, A., Hollmén, S., ... & Uusi-Kilponen, I. (2021). Interplay of Cultures Studio: Sámi. Contemplating Northern Indigenous Cultures in Present Global Challenges.
  • Lear, L. J. (1993). Rachel Carson's Silent Spring. Environmental history review, 17(2), 23-48.
  • Leonard, Y. (1997). The Baka: A people between two worlds. M.A. Providence Theological Seminary. National Library of Canada, Ottawa.
  • Malafouris, L. (2013). How things shape the mind: a theory of material engagement. MIT Press.
  • Manker, E., Vorren, Ø. (1962). Lapp life and customs: a survey, Trans. Kathleen McFarlane. Oxford University Press.
  • Matthews, B., De Meester, L., Jones, C. G., Ibelings, B. W., Bouma, T. J., Nuutinen, V., ... Odling-Smee, J. (2014). Under niche construction: an operational bridge between ecology, evolution, and ecosystem science. Ecological Monographs. 84(2), 245-263.
  • May, J. (Ed.) (2010). Handmade houses other buildings: the world of vernacular architecture. Thames & Hudson.
  • McCloskey, M. (2014). Twenty years of change in the environmental movement: An insider's view. In American environmentalism (pp. 77-88). Taylor & Francis.
  • Molodin, A. V. (2016). The contribution of multi-level heating strategies in thermal performance of vernacular architecture in Chukotka. Architectural Science Review, 59(2), 71-80.
  • Naess, A. (2003). The Shallow and the Deep, Long-Range Ecology Movement. Scharff, R. y Val Dusek, Philosophy of technology: The technological condition, Londres, Wiley-Blackwell, 467-470.
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There are 93 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Economic Theory (Other)
Journal Section Makaleler

Hasan Basri Kartal 0000-0003-1586-9596

Asiye Nisa Kartal 0000-0002-6805-6778

Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date February 1, 2024
Acceptance Date August 28, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 15 Issue: 3
