Research Article
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Sustainable Heritage Preservation Methodologies Adopted at Al-Baha Region in Saudi Arabia

Year 2025, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 68 - 97, 31.01.2025


Due to the negative impact of civilization on the local community in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the urban heritage sites of the Kingdom have been subjected to numerous demolition and extinction operations. Recently, the concept of urban preservation has evolved beyond simply restoring and improving heritage sites to encompass preserving heritage within the framework of sustainable development. This approach promotes a long-term balance between protecting the environment and achieving economic and social development. This research aims to evaluate the preservation methodologies and policies applied in three significant case studies in the city of Al-Baha in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The criteria will assess their success in recovering their positive aspects. These three local case studies provide compelling evidence that sustainable development aspects are crucial in advancing toward successful heritage preservation goals. The research employs an inductive methodology to evaluate valuable heritage preservation aspects and propose measures that can be implemented in preservation projects across various regions of Saudi Arabia. In conclusion, the research offers several recommendations that consider promising and appropriate conservation management policies that can be applied in similar projects within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


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  • Abou Leila, M. and Al-Barqawi, W., 2020. Methodologies for preserving urban and architectural heritage in Arab countries. International Magazine in Architecture, Engineering and Technology. 2(1), pp. 127-144.
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  • Elddin, I. M. and Fahd, A., 2010. The experience of restoration and preservation of heritage in Italy (in Arabic), "Orvieto Case Study" and the possibility of their application in Palestine. Unpublished MSc Thesis. Al-Najah National University.
  • Jabr, N., 2009. Reviving and restoring the old town in the village of Awarta. Unpublished MSc Thesis. Al-Najah National University.
  • Najdi, N. M., 2010. Evaluating restoration methods and techniques in Palestine, Nablus, a case study. Unpublished MSc Thesis, Al-Najah National University.
  • Saadeh, I. M., 2009. Mechanisms for activating popular participation in architectural and urban preservation projects (a case study of the West Shore). Unpublished MSc Thesis. Al-Najah National University.
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  • UNESCO, 2011. Preparing world heritage nominations (2nd ed.) [online]. Available from:[Accessed 5 July 2024].
  • UNESCO, 2019a. Operational guidelines for the implementation of the World Heritage Centre [online]. Available from: [Accessed 12 April 2024].
  • UNESCO, 2019b. Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape—Report of the second consultation on its implementation by the member states [online]. Available from: [Accessed 17 April 2024].
  • UNESCO, 2021. State of conservation: Historic Jeddah, the Gate to Makkah (Saudi Arabia) [online]. Available from: [Accessed 15 April 2024].
  • VKSA (Vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2030), 2016. National transformation program 2020 Riyadh: Vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2030. [online]. Available from: [Accessed 17 April 2024].
Year 2025, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 68 - 97, 31.01.2025



  • Endere, M. L., Cantar, N. M. and Zulaica, M. L., 2024. Heritage and sustainability. In Encyclopedia of archaeology.
  • Hmood, K., 2019. Urban and architectural heritage conservation within sustainability. IntechOpen.
  • Hmood, K., 2023. Conservation of urban and architectural heritage – Past, present, and future. IntechOpen.
  • Leontyev, A., Huerta, S. and Sementsov, S., 2021. Reconstruction and restoration of architectural heritage. CRC Press.
  • Abdo, S., 1999. The problem of preserving heritage in the face of urban development. In Permanent Conference of Egyptian Architects, Union of Egyptian Architects, Ninth Conference, Architectural Heritage and Urban Development. Cairo. pp. 48-61.
  • Abou Leila, M. and Al-Barqawi, W., 2017. Green investment of heritage environments: A doorway to improving quality of life. In The 1st International Conference on Towards a Better Quality of Life, El Gouna, Red Sea Region, Egypt. pp. 18-20.
  • Atallah, W. L. and Al-Fakhry, A., 2019. Urban upgrading to develop slum areas into a sustainable urban environment (Al-Hawari, a case study). In The Second Engineering Conference of the Syndicate of Engineering Professions in Zawiya, University of Tripoli. pp. 105-113.
  • Abebe, A. H. and Gatisso, M. M., 2023. The conservation and preservation challenges and threats in the development of cultural heritage: The case of the Kawo Amado Kella Defensive Wall (KAKDW) in Wolaita Southern Ethiopia. Heliyon, 9(9), pp. 97-114.
  • Abou Leila, M. and Al-Barqawi, W., 2020. Methodologies for preserving urban and architectural heritage in Arab countries. International Magazine in Architecture, Engineering and Technology. 2(1), pp. 127-144.
  • Abu Bakr, H. M., Amer, A. A. and Al-Musawi, H. A., 2018. International experiences in evaluating architectural heritage sources and determining the values associated with them. Department of Architecture. 5(14), pp. 36-48.
  • Al-Essawi, M. A., 2020. Upgrading valuable heritage areas: A comparative study of policies for preserving urban heritage. Faculty of Engineering.11(15), pp. 47- 69.
  • Al-Rafi, Y. M., 2010. Preserving buildings of heritage value with the help of the people: Developing heritage areas as an incentive for investment and development in historic Cairo and Khedivial Cairo. Scientific Examination Committee at Al-Azhar University. 8(12), pp. 24-38.
  • Badawy, S. and Shehata, A. M., 2018. Sustainable urban heritage conservation strategies: Case study of historic Jeddah districts. In Catalani et al. (Eds.), Cities’ Identity Through Architecture and Arts. Taylor & Francis Group. pp. 83-97.
  • Elbahy, A., Shta, S. and Fouda, M., 2024. World heritage sites management as an approach to improving quality of life: Memphis and its Necropolis as a case study. Alexandria Engineering Journal. 95, pp. 333-351.
  • Feancescs, N., 2017. The role of cultural heritage in sustainable development: Multidimensional indicators as a decision-making tool. Sustainability. 5(6), pp.69-75.
  • Lai, L. W. C. and Lorne, F. T., 2019. Sustainable urban renewal and built heritage conservation in a global real estate revolution. Sustainability. 11, 850, pp. 59-78.
  • Lerario, A., 2022. The role of built heritage for sustainable development goals: From statement to action. Heritage. 5, pp. 2444-2463.
  • Mazzetto, S., 2022. Sustainable heritage preservation to improve the tourism offer in Saudi Arabia. Urban Planning. 7(4), pp. 56-69.
  • Rami, A., Mwfeq, A., Al-Fugara, A. K., Arar, M., Alhammad, R., Alshraah, M. and Alhamouri, M., 2023. Toward sustainable urban growth: Spatial modeling for the impact of cultural and natural heritage on city growth and their role in developing sustainable tourism. Alexandria Engineering Journal. 69, pp. 639-676.
  • Shehata, A. M., 2022. Current trends in urban heritage conservation: Medieval historic Arab city centers. Sustainability. 14, pp. 1-30.
  • Tarek, M., 2012. Strategies for preserving architectural heritage in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through rehabilitation experience and development in Aliyn traditional village. Journal of Al Azhar University Engineering Sector. 7(36), pp. 67–74.
  • Tarek, M., 2020. Preserving the architectural heritage within an academic framework. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE). 8(5), pp. 75-81.
  • Yawer, A. S., Bakr, A. F. and Fathi, A. A., 2022. Sustainable urban development of historical cities: Historical Mosul City, Iraq. Faculty of Engineering Alexandria University. 67, pp. 257–270.
  • Zhao, X., Ehsan, F., Wang, F., Xing, H. and Khalid, Z., 2024. Sustainable tourism development for traditional Chinese drama's intangible cultural heritage. Heliyon. 10(3), pp.134–138.
  • Elddin, I. M. and Fahd, A., 2010. The experience of restoration and preservation of heritage in Italy (in Arabic), "Orvieto Case Study" and the possibility of their application in Palestine. Unpublished MSc Thesis. Al-Najah National University.
  • Jabr, N., 2009. Reviving and restoring the old town in the village of Awarta. Unpublished MSc Thesis. Al-Najah National University.
  • Najdi, N. M., 2010. Evaluating restoration methods and techniques in Palestine, Nablus, a case study. Unpublished MSc Thesis, Al-Najah National University.
  • Saadeh, I. M., 2009. Mechanisms for activating popular participation in architectural and urban preservation projects (a case study of the West Shore). Unpublished MSc Thesis. Al-Najah National University.
  • ICOMOS, 2021. Heritage and the sustainable development goals: Policy guidance for heritage and development actors[online]. Available from: [Accessed 15 March 2024]].
  • Ministry of Tourism, 2009a. Restoration work mud and stone buildings guide (in Arabic) [online]. Available from: [Accessed 12 April 2024].
  • Ministry of Tourism, 2009b. The General Authority for Tourism and Antiquities initiatives towards architectural heritage (in Arabic) [online]. Available from: [Accessed 12 April 2024].
  • Ministry of Tourism, 2010. Report of rehabilitation & development project of Zei El Ain heritage village [online]. Riyadh: General Authority for Tourism and National Heritage. Available from: [Accessed 10 April 2024].
  • Saudi Heritage Commission, 2020. Executive summary of state of conservation report—Kingdom of Saudi Arabia World Heritage Sites [online]. UNESCO: Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Available from: [Accessed 18 May 2024].
  • The Venice Charter, 1964. International Charter for the Conservation and Restoration of Monuments and Sites [online]. Available from: [Accessed 22 June 2024].
  • UNESCO, 2011. Preparing world heritage nominations (2nd ed.) [online]. Available from:[Accessed 5 July 2024].
  • UNESCO, 2019a. Operational guidelines for the implementation of the World Heritage Centre [online]. Available from: [Accessed 12 April 2024].
  • UNESCO, 2019b. Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape—Report of the second consultation on its implementation by the member states [online]. Available from: [Accessed 17 April 2024].
  • UNESCO, 2021. State of conservation: Historic Jeddah, the Gate to Makkah (Saudi Arabia) [online]. Available from: [Accessed 15 April 2024].
  • VKSA (Vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2030), 2016. National transformation program 2020 Riyadh: Vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2030. [online]. Available from: [Accessed 17 April 2024].
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Architectural Heritage and Conservation
Journal Section Research Articles

Mahmoud Mohamed 0000-0001-7597-3171

Publication Date January 31, 2025
Submission Date December 2, 2023
Acceptance Date July 3, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 6 Issue: 1


APA Mohamed, M. (2025). Sustainable Heritage Preservation Methodologies Adopted at Al-Baha Region in Saudi Arabia. Bab Journal of FSMVU Faculty of Architecture and Design, 6(1), 68-97.
AMA Mohamed M. Sustainable Heritage Preservation Methodologies Adopted at Al-Baha Region in Saudi Arabia. bāb Architecture and Design Journal. January 2025;6(1):68-97. doi:10.61807/babdergisi.1399356
Chicago Mohamed, Mahmoud. “Sustainable Heritage Preservation Methodologies Adopted at Al-Baha Region in Saudi Arabia”. Bab Journal of FSMVU Faculty of Architecture and Design 6, no. 1 (January 2025): 68-97.
EndNote Mohamed M (January 1, 2025) Sustainable Heritage Preservation Methodologies Adopted at Al-Baha Region in Saudi Arabia. bab Journal of FSMVU Faculty of Architecture and Design 6 1 68–97.
IEEE M. Mohamed, “Sustainable Heritage Preservation Methodologies Adopted at Al-Baha Region in Saudi Arabia”, bāb Architecture and Design Journal, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 68–97, 2025, doi: 10.61807/babdergisi.1399356.
ISNAD Mohamed, Mahmoud. “Sustainable Heritage Preservation Methodologies Adopted at Al-Baha Region in Saudi Arabia”. bab Journal of FSMVU Faculty of Architecture and Design 6/1 (January 2025), 68-97.
JAMA Mohamed M. Sustainable Heritage Preservation Methodologies Adopted at Al-Baha Region in Saudi Arabia. bāb Architecture and Design Journal. 2025;6:68–97.
MLA Mohamed, Mahmoud. “Sustainable Heritage Preservation Methodologies Adopted at Al-Baha Region in Saudi Arabia”. Bab Journal of FSMVU Faculty of Architecture and Design, vol. 6, no. 1, 2025, pp. 68-97, doi:10.61807/babdergisi.1399356.
Vancouver Mohamed M. Sustainable Heritage Preservation Methodologies Adopted at Al-Baha Region in Saudi Arabia. bāb Architecture and Design Journal. 2025;6(1):68-97.