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A 0.6-V 11-uW PVT tolerant DTMOS inverter based OTA

Year 2022, , 224 - 229, 30.04.2022


This paper presents the design of a process-voltage-temperature (PVT) variation tolerant inverter-based operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) employing both a dynamic threshold MOS (DTMOS) technique and a constant voltage biasing (CVB) scheme. The proposed inverter-based OTA offers a higher bandwidth due to implemented DTMOS technique, which realizes higher input transconductance value than a conventional inverter-based OTA design. Simulation results show that the proposed OTA achieves superior slow-slow (SS) corner performance under PVT variations than the conventional inverter-based OTA while consuming only 11-uW and providing a figure of merit (FoM) of 7.0-MHz.pF/uA. As a result, DC gain and unity-gain bandwidth (UGBW) of the proposed OTA improve by 27% and 32% at SS corner under the PVT variations, respectively.


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  • @article{manghisoni2014assessment, title={Assessment of a low-power 65 nm CMOS technology for analog front-end design}, author={Manghisoni, Massimo and Gaioni, Luigi and Ratti, Lodovico and Re, Valerio and Traversi, Gianluca}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science}, volume={61}, number={1}, pages={553--560}, year={2014}, publisher={IEEE} }
  • @article{honarparvar2017smash, title={SMASH $\Sigma$-$\Delta$ modulator with adderless feed-forward loop filter}, author={Honarparvar, M and De La Rosa, JM and Nabki, F and Sawan, M}, journal={Electronics Letters}, volume={53}, number={8}, pages={532--534}, year={2017}, publisher={IET} }
  • @article{saso2017power, title={Power-efficient class AB fully differential amplifier}, author={Saso, JM and Lopez-Martin, AJ and Garde, MP and Ramirez-Angulo, J}, journal={Electronics Letters}, volume={53}, number={19}, pages={1298--1300}, year={2017}, publisher={IET} }
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  • @article{ismail2016process, title={A Process-Tolerant, Low-Voltage, Inverter-Based OTA for Continuous-Time Sigma-Delta ADC}, author={Ismail, Ayman and Mostafa, Islam}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems}, volume={24}, number={9}, pages={2911--2917}, year={2016}, publisher={IEEE} }
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  • @article{de2018pvt, title={PVT compensated inverter-based OTA for low-voltage CT sigma-delta modulators}, author={de Aguirre, PCC and Susin, AA}, journal={Electronics Letters}, volume={54}, number={22}, pages={1264--1266}, year={2018}, publisher={IET} }
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Year 2022, , 224 - 229, 30.04.2022



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  • @article{honarparvar2017smash, title={SMASH $\Sigma$-$\Delta$ modulator with adderless feed-forward loop filter}, author={Honarparvar, M and De La Rosa, JM and Nabki, F and Sawan, M}, journal={Electronics Letters}, volume={53}, number={8}, pages={532--534}, year={2017}, publisher={IET} }
  • @article{saso2017power, title={Power-efficient class AB fully differential amplifier}, author={Saso, JM and Lopez-Martin, AJ and Garde, MP and Ramirez-Angulo, J}, journal={Electronics Letters}, volume={53}, number={19}, pages={1298--1300}, year={2017}, publisher={IET} }
  • @article{zhang2017inverter, title={Inverter-based low-power $ \Sigma$-$ \Delta$ modulator using correlated level shifting technique}, author={Zhang, H and Tan, Z and Nguyen, K}, journal={Electronics Letters}, volume={53}, number={25}, pages={1663--1665}, year={2017}, publisher={IET} }
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  • @article{severo20180, title={0.36 V PGA combining single-stage OTA and input negative transconductor for low energy RF receivers}, author={Severo, L and Van Noije, W}, journal={Electronics Letters}, volume={54}, number={5}, pages={319--320}, year={2018}, publisher={IET} }
  • @article{zhou20180, title={0.18 mW/pole inverter-based Gm-C bandpass filter with automatic frequency tuning}, author={Zhou, Mingzhu and Wang, Keping}, journal={Electronics Letters}, volume={54}, number={15}, pages={943--945}, year={2018}, publisher={IET} }
  • @article{de2018pvt, title={PVT compensated inverter-based OTA for low-voltage CT sigma-delta modulators}, author={de Aguirre, PCC and Susin, AA}, journal={Electronics Letters}, volume={54}, number={22}, pages={1264--1266}, year={2018}, publisher={IET} }
  • @article{kumngern2021nanopower, title={Nanopower multiple-input DTMOS OTA and its applications to high-order filters for biomedical systems}, author={Kumngern, Montree and Kulej, Tomasz and Khateb, Fabian and Stopjakova, Viera and Ranjan, Rajeev K}, journal={AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications}, volume={130}, pages={153576}, year={2021}, publisher={Elsevier} }
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  • @article{lim201820, title={A 20-kHz 16-MHz Programmable-Bandwidth 4th Order Active Filter Using Gain-Boosted Opamp With Negative Resistance in 65-nm CMOS}, author={Lim, Jiye and Kim, Jintae}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs}, volume={66}, number={2}, pages={182--186}, year={2018}, publisher={IEEE} }
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There are 63 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Electrical Engineering
Journal Section Araştırma Articlessi

Mesut Atasoyu 0000-0002-0029-7436

Publication Date April 30, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Atasoyu, M. (2022). A 0.6-V 11-uW PVT tolerant DTMOS inverter based OTA. Balkan Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 10(2), 224-229.

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