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Detection of Atrial Septal Defect by Heart Sound Signal Analysis and its Relation with Tricuspid Failure

Year 2015, , 0 - 0, 01.09.2015


Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) takes an important place in pediatric heart diseases. In ASD there is an opening in the wall between left and right atriums. This study addresses three heart sound signals obtained from two patients by the implementation of time amplitude analysis.

In the said examination, a murmur that developed due to fixed pairing at S2 and tricuspid failure was observed in diastole, and in addition, its significance in detecting the disease in the auscultation region was established.


  • Park M.K.: Pediatric Cardiology Handbook. Mosby, New York, 2002.
  • Allen H.D., Driscoll D.J., Shaddy R.E. and Feltes T.F., Heart Disease in Infants, Children, and Adolescents. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, London, 2007.
  • Brown E.M., Collis W., Leung T. and Salmon A.P., Heart Sounds Made Easy. Elsevier Health Sciences, Burlington, 2002.
  • Oppenheim A.V., Schafer R.W.and Buck J.R., Discrete-Time Signal Processing 2nd Edition. Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1999.
  • Eugene N.B., Biomedical Signal Processing and Signal Modeling. Wiley-Interscience, Madlen, 2000.
  • Reyes B.A., Charleston-Villalobos S., Gonzalez-Camarena R. and Aljama-Corrales T., Time-Frequency Representations for second heart sound analysis. 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS 2008), Mexico City, 20-25 Aug. 2008, pp. 3616-3619.
  • Leung T.S., White P.R., Cook J., Collis W.B., Brown E. and Salmon A.P., Analysis of the second heart sound for diagnosis of pediatric heart disease. Science, Measurement and Technology, IEE Proceedings, 145, 6 (1998), 285- 290.
  • Yang X., Pan J., Zhang Z., Fang L., Ji Y., Fan Y. and Wang W., Analyzing the Phonocardiogram of ASD-Patient Based on Independent Component Analysis. Signal Processing, 8th International Conference on 2006. 1, pp.16-20.

Detection of Atrial Septal Defect by Heart Sound Signal Analysis and its Relation with Tricuspid Failure

Year 2015, , 0 - 0, 01.09.2015


Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) takes an important place in pediatric heart diseases. In ASD there is an opening in the wall between left and right atriums. This study addresses three heart sound signals obtained from two patients by the implementation of time amplitude analysis.

In the said examination, a murmur that developed due to fixed pairing at S2 and tricuspid failure was observed in diastole, and in addition, its significance in detecting the disease in the auscultation region was established.


  • Park M.K.: Pediatric Cardiology Handbook. Mosby, New York, 2002.
  • Allen H.D., Driscoll D.J., Shaddy R.E. and Feltes T.F., Heart Disease in Infants, Children, and Adolescents. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, London, 2007.
  • Brown E.M., Collis W., Leung T. and Salmon A.P., Heart Sounds Made Easy. Elsevier Health Sciences, Burlington, 2002.
  • Oppenheim A.V., Schafer R.W.and Buck J.R., Discrete-Time Signal Processing 2nd Edition. Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1999.
  • Eugene N.B., Biomedical Signal Processing and Signal Modeling. Wiley-Interscience, Madlen, 2000.
  • Reyes B.A., Charleston-Villalobos S., Gonzalez-Camarena R. and Aljama-Corrales T., Time-Frequency Representations for second heart sound analysis. 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS 2008), Mexico City, 20-25 Aug. 2008, pp. 3616-3619.
  • Leung T.S., White P.R., Cook J., Collis W.B., Brown E. and Salmon A.P., Analysis of the second heart sound for diagnosis of pediatric heart disease. Science, Measurement and Technology, IEE Proceedings, 145, 6 (1998), 285- 290.
  • Yang X., Pan J., Zhang Z., Fang L., Ji Y., Fan Y. and Wang W., Analyzing the Phonocardiogram of ASD-Patient Based on Independent Component Analysis. Signal Processing, 8th International Conference on 2006. 1, pp.16-20.
There are 8 citations in total.


Journal Section Reviews

Omer Akgun

Hüseyin Selçuk Varol

Publication Date September 1, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015


APA Akgun, O., & Varol, H. S. (2015). Detection of Atrial Septal Defect by Heart Sound Signal Analysis and its Relation with Tricuspid Failure. Balkan Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 3(2).

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