Research Article
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Analysis of the Effect of Uncertain Renewable Sources on Static Voltage Stability by Using NR-Based DSOPF Model with Adapted IEEE-30 Bus Test System

Year 2018, , 198 - 206, 31.07.2018


 This study examines
the uncertainty effect of renewable energy resources on the static voltage
stability thanks to modeling a specific area of Turkish electricity network by
using classic IEEE 30-bus test system. For this purpose, the classic IEEE
30-bus test system is adapted to the Turkish electricity network by using new
approach proposed in the study, which is based on the 2015 Turkey real and
reactive load curves. In this way, the classic IEEE 30-bus test system is
considered a part of Turkish electricity network. The analyses are performed on
this model using Newton-Raphson (NR) solution by established three Optimal
Power Flow (OPF) studies: dynamic-OPF study without renewable sources,
dynamic-OPF study with renewable energy sources having constant power output,
Dynamic-Stochastic Optimal Power Flow (DSOPF) study with uncertain renewable
energy sources. To take into account the uncertainty effects, Weibull
Probability Distribution Function (PDF) using Turkey wind and solar data are
used for each month. At the end of the study, it is observed that the
integration of uncertain renewable energy sources into the Turkey electricity
power system largely decreases both the yearly total generation cost and the
reactive power generation.


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Lam, “Optimal Power Flow With Power Flow Routers”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol.32, issue.1, pp.531-543, 2017.[14] S. Frank, I. Steponavice, S. Rebennack, “Optimal Power Flow: A Bibliographic Survey I”, Energy Systems, vol.3, issue.3, pp.221-258, 2012.[15] K.C. Almeida, A. Kocholik, “Solving Ill-Posed Optimal Power Flow Problems Via Fritz-John Optimality Conditions”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol.31, issue.6, pp.4913-4922, 2016.[16] A.D. Chandekar, D. Subroto, “A Review on Optimal Power Flow Solutions under Variable Load”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, vol.4, issue.1, 2015.[17] A.M. Shaheen, R.A. El-Sehiemy, S.M. Farrag, “Solving Multi Objective Optimal Power Flow Problem Via Forced Initialised Differential Evolution Algorithm”, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol.10, issue.7, pp.1634-1647, 2016.[18] T. Niknam, M.R. Narimani, M. 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Feng, A. Le Tuan, L.B. Tjernberg, A. Mannikoff, A. Bergman, “A New Approach For Benefit Evaluation Of Multiterminal VSC–HVDC Using A Proposed Mixed AC/DC Optimal Power Flow”, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol.29, issue.1, pp.432-443, 2014.[33],[34][35] P.P. Biswas, P.N. Suganthan, G.A.J. Amaratunga, “Optimal power flow solutions incorporating stochastic wind and solar Power”, Energy Conversion and Management, vol.148, pp.1994-1207, 2017.[36] F. Süzek, "Türkiye Rüzgâr Enerji Potansiyelinin Belirlenmesi," İstanbul, 2007.
Year 2018, , 198 - 206, 31.07.2018



  • [1] The Economist, “European Utilities, How to Lose Half A Trillion Euros”,October15th2013,[2] IEA Renewables 2017, London, October 4th 2017,[3] REN21 Renewable 2017 Global Status Report,, January 2013, pp.1-11.[4] Electromagnetic Yenilenebilir Enerji Genel Müdürlüğü (General Directorate Of Renewable Energy), http://www.eie.[5] J. Liang, G.K. Venayagamoorthy, R.G. Harley, “Wide-area measurement based dynamic stochastic optimal power flow control for smart grids with high variability and uncertainty,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol.3, no.1, pp.59–69, 2012.[6] S. Gill, I. Kockar, G.W. Ault, “Dynamic Optimal Power Flow For Active Distribution Networks”, IEEE Transactions On Power Apparatus And Systems, vol.29P, issue.1, pp.121-131, 2014.[7] C. Wei, Y. Fu, Z. Li, Y. Jiang, “Optimal DG Penetration Rate Planning Based On S-OPF In Active Distribution Network,” Neurocomputing, vol.174, pp.514–521, 2016.[8] G. Sun, Y. Li, S. Chen, Z. Wei, S. Chen, H. Zang, “Dynamic Stochastic Optimal Power Flow Of Wind Power And The Electric Vehicle Integrated Power System Considering Temporal Spatial Characteristics”, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, vol.8, issue.5, 2016.[9] W. Bai, D. Lee, K. Lee, “Stochastic Dynamic Optimal Power Flow Integrated with Wind Energy Using Generalized Dynamic Factor Model”, IFAC-Papers On-Line, vol.49, issue.27, pp.129-134, 2016. [10] W. Bai, “Stochastic Dynamic Optimal Power Flow Under The Variability Of Renewable Energy With Modern Heuristic Optimization Techniques”, PhD. Thesis, Baylor University, Waco, Texas, 2017.[11] J. Carpentier, “Contribution a l’etude du dispatching economique”, Bulletin de la Societe Francaise des Electriciens, vol.3, iss.1, pp.431-447, 1962.[12] B. Ghaddar, J. Marecek, M. Mevissen, “Optimal Power Flow As A Polynomial Optimization Problem”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol.31, issue.1, pp.539-546, 2016.[13] J. Lin, V.O. Li, K.C. Leung, A.Y. Lam, “Optimal Power Flow With Power Flow Routers”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol.32, issue.1, pp.531-543, 2017.[14] S. Frank, I. Steponavice, S. Rebennack, “Optimal Power Flow: A Bibliographic Survey I”, Energy Systems, vol.3, issue.3, pp.221-258, 2012.[15] K.C. Almeida, A. Kocholik, “Solving Ill-Posed Optimal Power Flow Problems Via Fritz-John Optimality Conditions”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol.31, issue.6, pp.4913-4922, 2016.[16] A.D. Chandekar, D. Subroto, “A Review on Optimal Power Flow Solutions under Variable Load”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, vol.4, issue.1, 2015.[17] A.M. Shaheen, R.A. El-Sehiemy, S.M. Farrag, “Solving Multi Objective Optimal Power Flow Problem Via Forced Initialised Differential Evolution Algorithm”, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol.10, issue.7, pp.1634-1647, 2016.[18] T. Niknam, M.R. Narimani, M. Jabbari, “Dynamic Optimal Power Flow Using Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization And Simulated Annealing”, International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, vol.23, issue.7, pp.975-1001, 2013.[19] Y. Xu, J. Ma, Z.Y. Dong, D.J. Hill, “Robust Transient Stability-Constrained Optimal Power Flow With Uncertain Dynamic Loads”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol.8, issue.4, pp.1911-1921, 2017.[20] Y. Xu, Z.Y. Dong, Z. Xu, R. Zhang, K.P. Wong, “Power System Transient Stability-Constrained Optimal Power Flow: A Comprehensive Review”, In IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, pp.1-7, 2012.[21] M.M. Bhaskar, M. Srinivas, M. Sydulu, “Security Constraint Optimal Power Flow (SCOPF)-A Comprehensive Survey”, International Journal of Computer Applications, vol.11, issue.6, pp.42-52, 2010.[22] M. Lubin, Y. Dvorkin, “A Robust Approach to Chance Constrained Optimal Power Flow with Renewable Generation”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol.31, issue.5, pp.3840-3849, 2016.[23] A. Vaccaro, C.A. Cañizares, “An Affine Arithmetic-Based Framework For Uncertain Power Flow And Optimal Power Flow Studies”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol.32, issue.1, pp.274-288, 2017.[24] M. Bazrafshan, N. Gatsis, “Decentralized Stochastic Optimal Power Flow In Radial Networks With Distributed Generation”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol.8, issue.2, pp.787-801, 2017.[25] J. Gong, D. Xie, C. Jiang, Y. Zhang, “A New Solution For Stochastic Optimal Power Flow: Combining Limit Relaxation With Iterative Learning Control”, Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology, vol.9, issue.1, pp.80-89, 2014.[26] H. Zhang, P. Li, “Probabilistic Analysis For Optimal Power Flow Under Uncertainty”, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol.4, issue.5, pp.553-561, 2010.[27] A. Schellenberg, W. Rosehart, J. Aguado, “Cumulant-Based Probabilistic Optimal Power Flow (P-OPF) With Gaussian And Gamma Distributions”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol.20, issue.2, pp.773-781, 2005.[28] G. Verbic, C.A. Canizares, “Probabilistic Optimal Power Flow In Electricity Markets Based On A Two-Point Estimate Method”, IEEE transactions on Power Systems, vol.21, issue.4, pp.1883-1893, 2006.[29] D. Ke, C.Y. Chung, Y. Sun, “A Novel Probabilistic Optimal Power Flow Model With Uncertain Wind Power Generation Described By Customized Gaussian Mixture Model”, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol.7, issue.1, pp.200-212, 2016.[30] M. Ou, Y. Xue, X.P. Zhang, “Iterative DC Optimal Power Flow Considering Transmission Network Loss”, Electric Power Components and Systems, vol.44, issue.9, pp.955-965, 2016.[31] T. Akbari, M.T. Bina, “Linear Approximated Formulation Of AC Optimal Power Flow Using Binary Discretisation”, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol.10, issue.5, pp.1117-1123, 2016.[32] W. Feng, A. Le Tuan, L.B. Tjernberg, A. Mannikoff, A. Bergman, “A New Approach For Benefit Evaluation Of Multiterminal VSC–HVDC Using A Proposed Mixed AC/DC Optimal Power Flow”, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol.29, issue.1, pp.432-443, 2014.[33],[34][35] P.P. Biswas, P.N. Suganthan, G.A.J. Amaratunga, “Optimal power flow solutions incorporating stochastic wind and solar Power”, Energy Conversion and Management, vol.148, pp.1994-1207, 2017.[36] F. Süzek, "Türkiye Rüzgâr Enerji Potansiyelinin Belirlenmesi," İstanbul, 2007.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Araştırma Articlessi

Haluk Gözde

Basar Baydar This is me

M.cengiz Taplamacioglu

Publication Date July 31, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Gözde, H., Baydar, B., & Taplamacioglu, M. (2018). Analysis of the Effect of Uncertain Renewable Sources on Static Voltage Stability by Using NR-Based DSOPF Model with Adapted IEEE-30 Bus Test System. Balkan Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 6(3), 198-206.

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