Research Article
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Modelling and control of permanent magnet synchronous generator based on three level NPC using fuzzy PI

Year 2018, , 172 - 177, 31.07.2018


Recently, the permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) has been gained attention by wind turbine (WT) manufactures due to advance of control system and power electronics. The permanent magnet synchronous generator based on three level neutral point control (NPC) system using fuzzy logic control proportional integral (FLC PI) is proposed in this study. The NPC systems of DC link are implemented more easily than two level systems. The NPC systems provide better harmonic reduction than conventional two level voltage source converters. The control strategies of the NPC systems reduce semiconductor losses. The proposed system can be implemented to the multi-level converters above three-level. The proposed system is developed using the steady state technique. The performance of the PMSG system under variation operation condition is investigated in this study and the performances of the PMSG based on three level NPC using FLC PI are analyzed. The validity of the proposed system is implemented and verified in the MATLAB/Simulink using three-level insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) converter.



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  • [2] E. Kabalci, “Design and analysis of a hybrid renewable energy plant with solar and wind power”, Energy Conversion and Management, Volume 72, August 2013, Pages 51-59,
Year 2018, , 172 - 177, 31.07.2018



  • [1] C.-M. Hong, C.-H. Chen, C.S. Tu, “Maximum power point tracking-based control algorithm for PMSG wind generation system without mechanical sensors”, Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 69, p.p.58–67, 2013.[2] E. Kabalci, “Design and analysis of a hybrid renewable energy plant with solar and wind power”, Energy Conversion and Management, Volume 72, August 2013, Pages 51-59,[3] M. Alizadeh, S. S. Kojori “Augmenting effectiveness of control loops of a PMSG (permanent magnet synchronous generator) based wind energy conversion system by a virtually adaptive PI (proportional integral) controller”, Energy, vol. 91, p.p. 610-629, 2015[4] A. M. Eltamaly, H. M. Farh “Maximum power extraction from wind energy system based on fuzzy logic control”, Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 97, p.p. 144–150, 2013.[5] F. I. Bakhsh, D. K. Khatod “Application of variable frequency transformer (VFT) for grid interconnection of PMSG based wind energy generation system”, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, vol. 8 p.p. 172–180, 2014.[6] A. Dahbi, M. Hachemi, N. N. Said, M.-S. N.-Said “Realization and control of a wind turbine connected to the grid by using PMSG”, Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 84 p.p. 346–353, 2014.[7] A. Urtasun, P. Sanchis, I. S. Martín, J. Lopez, L. Marroyo “Modeling of small wind turbines based on PMSG with diode bridge for sensorless maximum power tracking”, Renewable Energy, vol. 55, p.p. 138-149, 2013.[8] P. Liua, W. T. Yangb, C.E. Yanga, C. L. Hsu “Sensorless wind energy conversion system maximum power point tracking using Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy cerebellar model articulation control”, Applied Soft Computing, vol. 29, p.p. 450–460, 2015.[9] A. Gencer, "Modelling and analysis of operation PMSG based WECS under different load conditions", 2016 8th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), 2016.[10] A.G. Sanchez, M.G. Molina, A.M. Rizzato Lede, “Dynamic model of wind energy conversion systems with PMSG-based variable-speed wind turbines for power system studies”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 37, Issue 13, July 2012.[11] L. Wang, D.N. Truong, “Stability enhancement of a power system with a PMSG-based and a DFIG-based offshore wind farm using a SVC with an adaptive-network-based fuzzy inference system”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 60, p.p. 2799-2807, 2013.[12] E. Tremblay, A. Chandra, P.J. Lagacé, “Grid-Side Converter Control of DFIG Wind Turbines to Enhance Power Quality of Distribution Network” Power Engineering Society General Meeting, IEEE, Montreal, Que, 2006.[13] A. Gencer, "Modelling of operation PMSG based on fuzzy logic control under different load conditions," 2017 10th International Symposium on Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering (ATEE), Bucharest, 2017, pp. 736-739.
  • [2] E. Kabalci, “Design and analysis of a hybrid renewable energy plant with solar and wind power”, Energy Conversion and Management, Volume 72, August 2013, Pages 51-59,
There are 2 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Araştırma Articlessi

Altan Gencer

Publication Date July 31, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Gencer, A. (2018). Modelling and control of permanent magnet synchronous generator based on three level NPC using fuzzy PI. Balkan Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 6(3), 172-177.

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