— Linear time invariant (LTI) systems are widely used for modeling of dynamics systems in science and engineering problems. Harmonic oscillation of LTI systems is an outstanding case of LTI system behavior and it is employed for modeling of many periodic physical phenomenon in nature. This study investigates sufficient conditions to obtain harmonic oscillation by using high-order LTI systems. A design procedure for controlling harmonic oscillation of single-input single-output high-order LTI systems is presented. LTI system coefficients are calculated by solving equation sets, which imposes a stable sinusoidal oscillation solution for the characteristic polynomials of LTI systems. Moreover, these analyses are extended to fractional order LTI systems. Simulation examples are demonstrated for high-order LTI systems and the control of harmonic oscillations are discussed by using Hilbert transform and spectrogram of oscillation signals
Primary Language | English |
Journal Section | Reviews |
Authors | |
Publication Date | September 1, 2014 |
Published in Issue | Year 2014 |
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